import webbrowser from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Optional import typer from fastapi import FastAPI from loguru import logger from typer import Option from typer_config import use_json_config from iopaint.const import * from iopaint.runtime import setup_model_dir, dump_environment_info, check_device from iopaint.schema import InteractiveSegModel, Device, RealESRGANModel, RemoveBGModel typer_app = typer.Typer(pretty_exceptions_show_locals=False, add_completion=False) @typer_app.command(help="Install all plugins dependencies") def install_plugins_packages(): from iopaint.installer import install_plugins_package install_plugins_package() @typer_app.command(help="Download SD/SDXL normal/inpainting model from HuggingFace") def download( model: str = Option( ..., help="Model id on HuggingFace e.g: runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting" ), model_dir: Path = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR, help=MODEL_DIR_HELP, file_okay=False, callback=setup_model_dir, ), ): from import cli_download_model cli_download_model(model) @typer_app.command(name="list", help="List downloaded models") def list_model( model_dir: Path = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR, help=MODEL_DIR_HELP, file_okay=False, callback=setup_model_dir, ), ): from import scan_models scanned_models = scan_models() for it in scanned_models: print( @typer_app.command(help="Batch processing images") def run( model: str = Option("lama"), device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), image: Path = Option(..., help="Image folders or file path"), mask: Path = Option( ..., help="Mask folders or file path. " "If it is a directory, the mask images in the directory should have the same name as the original image." "If it is a file, all images will use this mask." "Mask will automatically resize to the same size as the original image.", ), output: Path = Option(..., help="Output directory or file path"), config: Path = Option( None, help="Config file path. You can use dump command to create a base config." ), concat: bool = Option( False, help="Concat original image, mask and output images into one image" ), model_dir: Path = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR, help=MODEL_DIR_HELP, file_okay=False, callback=setup_model_dir, ), ): from import cli_download_model, scan_models scanned_models = scan_models() if model not in [ for it in scanned_models]:"{model} not found in {model_dir}, try to downloading") cli_download_model(model) from iopaint.batch_processing import batch_inpaint batch_inpaint(model, device, image, mask, output, config, concat) @typer_app.command(help="Start IOPaint server") @use_json_config() def start( host: str = Option(""), port: int = Option(8080), inbrowser: bool = Option(False, help=INBROWSER_HELP), model: str = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL, help=f"Erase models: [{', '.join(AVAILABLE_MODELS)}].\n" f"Diffusion models: [{', '.join(DIFFUSION_MODELS)}] or any SD/SDXL normal/inpainting models on HuggingFace.", ), model_dir: Path = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR, help=MODEL_DIR_HELP, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False, callback=setup_model_dir, ), low_mem: bool = Option(False, help=LOW_MEM_HELP), no_half: bool = Option(False, help=NO_HALF_HELP), cpu_offload: bool = Option(False, help=CPU_OFFLOAD_HELP), disable_nsfw_checker: bool = Option(False, help=DISABLE_NSFW_HELP), cpu_textencoder: bool = Option(False, help=CPU_TEXTENCODER_HELP), local_files_only: bool = Option(False, help=LOCAL_FILES_ONLY_HELP), device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), input: Optional[Path] = Option(None, help=INPUT_HELP), output_dir: Optional[Path] = Option( None, help=OUTPUT_DIR_HELP, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False ), quality: int = Option(95, help=QUALITY_HELP), enable_interactive_seg: bool = Option(False, help=INTERACTIVE_SEG_HELP), interactive_seg_model: InteractiveSegModel = Option( InteractiveSegModel.vit_b, help=INTERACTIVE_SEG_MODEL_HELP ), interactive_seg_device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), enable_remove_bg: bool = Option(False, help=REMOVE_BG_HELP), remove_bg_model: RemoveBGModel = Option(RemoveBGModel.briaai_rmbg_1_4), enable_anime_seg: bool = Option(False, help=ANIMESEG_HELP), enable_realesrgan: bool = Option(False), realesrgan_device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), realesrgan_model: RealESRGANModel = Option(RealESRGANModel.realesr_general_x4v3), enable_gfpgan: bool = Option(False), gfpgan_device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), enable_restoreformer: bool = Option(False), restoreformer_device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), ): dump_environment_info() device = check_device(device) if input and not input.exists(): logger.error(f"invalid --input: {input} not exists") exit() if output_dir: output_dir = output_dir.expanduser().absolute()"Image will be saved to {output_dir}") if not output_dir.exists():"Create output directory {output_dir}") output_dir.mkdir(parents=True) model_dir = model_dir.expanduser().absolute() if local_files_only: os.environ["TRANSFORMERS_OFFLINE"] = "1" os.environ["HF_HUB_OFFLINE"] = "1" from import cli_download_model, scan_models scanned_models = scan_models() if model not in [ for it in scanned_models]:"{model} not found in {model_dir}, try to downloading") cli_download_model(model) from iopaint.api import Api from iopaint.schema import ApiConfig @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(app: FastAPI): if inbrowser:"http://localhost:{port}", new=0, autoraise=True) yield app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan) api_config = ApiConfig( host=host, port=port, inbrowser=inbrowser, model=model, no_half=no_half, low_mem=low_mem, cpu_offload=cpu_offload, disable_nsfw_checker=disable_nsfw_checker, local_files_only=local_files_only, cpu_textencoder=cpu_textencoder if device == Device.cuda else False, device=device, input=input, output_dir=output_dir, quality=quality, enable_interactive_seg=enable_interactive_seg, interactive_seg_model=interactive_seg_model, interactive_seg_device=interactive_seg_device, enable_remove_bg=enable_remove_bg, remove_bg_model=remove_bg_model, enable_anime_seg=enable_anime_seg, enable_realesrgan=enable_realesrgan, realesrgan_device=realesrgan_device, realesrgan_model=realesrgan_model, enable_gfpgan=enable_gfpgan, gfpgan_device=gfpgan_device, enable_restoreformer=enable_restoreformer, restoreformer_device=restoreformer_device, ) print(api_config.model_dump_json(indent=4)) api = Api(app, api_config) api.launch() @typer_app.command(help="Start IOPaint web config page") def start_web_config( config_file: Path = Option("config.json"), ): dump_environment_info() from iopaint.web_config import main main(config_file)