import json from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Optional import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from loguru import logger from rich.console import Console from rich.progress import ( Progress, SpinnerColumn, TimeElapsedColumn, MofNCompleteColumn, TextColumn, BarColumn, TaskProgressColumn, ) from iopaint.helper import pil_to_bytes from iopaint.model.utils import torch_gc from iopaint.model_manager import ModelManager from iopaint.schema import InpaintRequest def glob_images(path: Path) -> Dict[str, Path]: # png/jpg/jpeg if path.is_file(): return {path.stem: path} elif path.is_dir(): res = {} for it in path.glob("*.*"): if it.suffix.lower() in [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"]: res[it.stem] = it return res def batch_inpaint( model: str, device, image: Path, mask: Path, output: Path, config: Optional[Path] = None, concat: bool = False, ): if image.is_dir() and output.is_file(): logger.error( "invalid --output: when image is a directory, output should be a directory" ) exit(-1) output.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) image_paths = glob_images(image) mask_paths = glob_images(mask) if len(image_paths) == 0: logger.error("invalid --image: empty image folder") exit(-1) if len(mask_paths) == 0: logger.error("invalid --mask: empty mask folder") exit(-1) if config is None: inpaint_request = InpaintRequest()"Using default config: {inpaint_request}") else: with open(config, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: inpaint_request = InpaintRequest(**json.load(f))"Using config: {inpaint_request}") model_manager = ModelManager(name=model, device=device) first_mask = list(mask_paths.values())[0] console = Console() with Progress( SpinnerColumn(), TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), BarColumn(), TaskProgressColumn(), MofNCompleteColumn(), TimeElapsedColumn(), console=console, transient=False, ) as progress: task = progress.add_task("Batch processing...", total=len(image_paths)) for stem, image_p in image_paths.items(): if stem not in mask_paths and mask.is_dir(): progress.log(f"mask for {image_p} not found") progress.update(task, advance=1) continue mask_p = mask_paths.get(stem, first_mask) infos = img = np.array("RGB")) mask_img = np.array("L")) if mask_img.shape[:2] != img.shape[:2]: progress.log( f"resize mask {} to image {} size: {img.shape[:2]}" ) mask_img = cv2.resize( mask_img, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, ) mask_img[mask_img >= 127] = 255 mask_img[mask_img < 127] = 0 # bgr inpaint_result = model_manager(img, mask_img, inpaint_request) inpaint_result = cv2.cvtColor(inpaint_result, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if concat: mask_img = cv2.cvtColor(mask_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) inpaint_result = cv2.hconcat([img, mask_img, inpaint_result]) img_bytes = pil_to_bytes(Image.fromarray(inpaint_result), "png", 100, infos) save_p = output / f"{stem}.png" with open(save_p, "wb") as fw: fw.write(img_bytes) progress.update(task, advance=1) torch_gc() # pid = psutil.Process().pid # memory_info = psutil.Process(pid).memory_info() # memory_in_mb = memory_info.rss / (1024 * 1024) # print(f"原图大小:{img.shape},当前进程的内存占用:{memory_in_mb}MB")