from typing import Optional, List from enum import Enum from PIL.Image import Image from pydantic import BaseModel, computed_field from lama_cleaner.const import ( SDXL_CONTROLNET_CHOICES, SD2_CONTROLNET_CHOICES, SD_CONTROLNET_CHOICES, ) DIFFUSERS_SD_CLASS_NAME = "StableDiffusionPipeline" DIFFUSERS_SD_INPAINT_CLASS_NAME = "StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline" DIFFUSERS_SDXL_CLASS_NAME = "StableDiffusionXLPipeline" DIFFUSERS_SDXL_INPAINT_CLASS_NAME = "StableDiffusionXLInpaintPipeline" class ModelType(str, Enum): INPAINT = "inpaint" # LaMa, MAT... DIFFUSERS_SD = "diffusers_sd" DIFFUSERS_SD_INPAINT = "diffusers_sd_inpaint" DIFFUSERS_SDXL = "diffusers_sdxl" DIFFUSERS_SDXL_INPAINT = "diffusers_sdxl_inpaint" DIFFUSERS_OTHER = "diffusers_other" FREEU_DEFAULT_CONFIGS = { ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD: dict(s1=0.9, s2=0.2, b1=1.2, b2=1.4), ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL: dict(s1=0.6, s2=0.4, b1=1.1, b2=1.2), } class ModelInfo(BaseModel): name: str path: str model_type: ModelType is_single_file_diffusers: bool = False @computed_field @property def need_prompt(self) -> bool: return self.model_type in [ ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD_INPAINT, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL_INPAINT, ] or in [ "timbrooks/instruct-pix2pix", "kandinsky-community/kandinsky-2-2-decoder-inpaint", ] @computed_field @property def controlnets(self) -> List[str]: if self.model_type in [ ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL_INPAINT, ]: return SDXL_CONTROLNET_CHOICES if self.model_type in [ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD_INPAINT]: if in ["stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-inpainting"]: return SD2_CONTROLNET_CHOICES else: return SD_CONTROLNET_CHOICES return [] @computed_field @property def support_strength(self) -> bool: return self.model_type in [ ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD_INPAINT, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL_INPAINT, ] @computed_field @property def support_outpainting(self) -> bool: return self.model_type in [ ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD_INPAINT, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL_INPAINT, ] or in [ "kandinsky-community/kandinsky-2-2-decoder-inpaint", ] @computed_field @property def support_lcm_lora(self) -> bool: return self.model_type in [ ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD_INPAINT, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL_INPAINT, ] @computed_field @property def support_controlnet(self) -> bool: return self.model_type in [ ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD_INPAINT, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL_INPAINT, ] @computed_field @property def support_freeu(self) -> bool: return ( self.model_type in [ ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SD_INPAINT, ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL_INPAINT, ] or "timbrooks/instruct-pix2pix" in ) class HDStrategy(str, Enum): # Use original image size ORIGINAL = "Original" # Resize the longer side of the image to a specific size(hd_strategy_resize_limit), # then do inpainting on the resized image. Finally, resize the inpainting result to the original size. # The area outside the mask will not lose quality. RESIZE = "Resize" # Crop masking area(with a margin controlled by hd_strategy_crop_margin) from the original image to do inpainting CROP = "Crop" class LDMSampler(str, Enum): ddim = "ddim" plms = "plms" class SDSampler(str, Enum): ddim = "ddim" pndm = "pndm" k_lms = "k_lms" k_euler = "k_euler" k_euler_a = "k_euler_a" dpm_plus_plus = "dpm++" uni_pc = "uni_pc" lcm = "lcm" class FREEUConfig(BaseModel): s1: float = 0.9 s2: float = 0.2 b1: float = 1.2 b2: float = 1.4 class Config(BaseModel): class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True # Configs for ldm model ldm_steps: int = 20 ldm_sampler: str = LDMSampler.plms # Configs for zits model zits_wireframe: bool = True # Configs for High Resolution Strategy(different way to preprocess image) hd_strategy: str = HDStrategy.CROP # See HDStrategy Enum hd_strategy_crop_margin: int = 128 # If the longer side of the image is larger than this value, use crop strategy hd_strategy_crop_trigger_size: int = 800 hd_strategy_resize_limit: int = 1280 # Configs for Stable Diffusion 1.5 prompt: str = "" negative_prompt: str = "" # Crop image to this size before doing sd inpainting # The value is always on the original image scale use_croper: bool = False croper_x: int = None croper_y: int = None croper_height: int = None croper_width: int = None use_extender: bool = False extender_x: int = None extender_y: int = None extender_height: int = None extender_width: int = None # Resize the image before doing sd inpainting, the area outside the mask will not lose quality. # Used by sd models and paint_by_example model sd_scale: float = 1.0 # Blur the edge of mask area. The higher the number the smoother blend with the original image sd_mask_blur: int = 0 # Indicates extent to transform the reference `image`. Must be between 0 and 1. `image` is used as a # starting point and more noise is added the higher the `strength`. The number of denoising steps depends # on the amount of noise initially added. When `strength` is 1, added noise is maximum and the denoising # process runs for the full number of iterations specified in `num_inference_steps`. A value of 1 # essentially ignores `image`. sd_strength: float = 1.0 # The number of denoising steps. More denoising steps usually lead to a # higher quality image at the expense of slower inference. sd_steps: int = 50 # Higher guidance scale encourages to generate images that are closely linked # to the text prompt, usually at the expense of lower image quality. sd_guidance_scale: float = 7.5 sd_sampler: str = SDSampler.uni_pc # -1 mean random seed sd_seed: int = 42 sd_match_histograms: bool = False # out-painting sd_outpainting_softness: float = 20.0 sd_outpainting_space: float = 20.0 # freeu sd_freeu: bool = False sd_freeu_config: FREEUConfig = FREEUConfig() # lcm-lora sd_lcm_lora: bool = False # preserving the unmasked area at the expense of some more unnatural transitions between the masked and unmasked areas. sd_prevent_unmasked_area: bool = True # Configs for opencv inpainting # opencv document cv2_flag: str = "INPAINT_NS" cv2_radius: int = 4 # Paint by Example paint_by_example_example_image: Optional[Image] = None # InstructPix2Pix p2p_image_guidance_scale: float = 1.5 # ControlNet controlnet_enabled: bool = False controlnet_conditioning_scale: float = 0.4 controlnet_method: str = "control_v11p_sd15_canny"