import { DownloadIcon, EyeIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import React, { SyntheticEvent, useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState, } from 'react' import { ReactZoomPanPinchRef, TransformComponent, TransformWrapper, } from 'react-zoom-pan-pinch' import { useWindowSize, useLocalStorage, useKey, useKeyPressEvent, } from 'react-use' import inpaint from './adapters/inpainting' import Button from './components/Button' import Slider from './components/Slider' import SizeSelector from './components/SizeSelector' import { downloadImage, loadImage, useImage } from './utils' const TOOLBAR_SIZE = 200 const BRUSH_COLOR = 'rgba(189, 255, 1, 0.75)' // const NO_COLOR = 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' interface EditorProps { file: File } interface Line { size?: number pts: { x: number; y: number }[] } function drawLines( ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, lines: Line[], color = BRUSH_COLOR ) { ctx.strokeStyle = color ctx.lineCap = 'round' ctx.lineJoin = 'round' lines.forEach(line => { if (!line?.pts.length || !line.size) { return } ctx.lineWidth = line.size ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(line.pts[0].x, line.pts[0].y) line.pts.forEach(pt => ctx.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y)) ctx.stroke() }) } export default function Editor(props: EditorProps) { const { file } = props const [brushSize, setBrushSize] = useState(40) const [original, isOriginalLoaded] = useImage(file) const [renders, setRenders] = useState([]) const [context, setContext] = useState() const [maskCanvas] = useState(() => { return document.createElement('canvas') }) const [lines, setLines] = useState([{ pts: [] }]) const [lines4Show, setLines4Show] = useState([{ pts: [] }]) const [historyLineCount, setHistoryLineCount] = useState([]) const [{ x, y }, setCoords] = useState({ x: -1, y: -1 }) const [showBrush, setShowBrush] = useState(false) const [isPanning, setIsPanning] = useState(false) const [showOriginal, setShowOriginal] = useState(false) const [isInpaintingLoading, setIsInpaintingLoading] = useState(false) const [showSeparator, setShowSeparator] = useState(false) const [scale, setScale] = useState(1) const [minScale, setMinScale] = useState() // ['1080', '2000', 'Original'] const [sizeLimit, setSizeLimit] = useLocalStorage('sizeLimit', '1080') const windowSize = useWindowSize() const viewportRef = useRef() const [isDraging, setIsDraging] = useState(false) const [isMultiStrokeKeyPressed, setIsMultiStrokeKeyPressed] = useState(false) const draw = useCallback(() => { if (!context) { return } context.clearRect(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height) const currRender = renders[renders.length - 1] if (currRender?.src) { context.drawImage(currRender, 0, 0) } else { context.drawImage(original, 0, 0) } drawLines(context, lines4Show) }, [context, lines4Show, original, renders]) const refreshCanvasMask = useCallback(() => { if (!context?.canvas.width || !context?.canvas.height) { throw new Error('canvas has invalid size') } maskCanvas.width = context?.canvas.width maskCanvas.height = context?.canvas.height const ctx = maskCanvas.getContext('2d') if (!ctx) { throw new Error('could not retrieve mask canvas') } drawLines(ctx, lines, 'white') }, [context?.canvas.height, context?.canvas.width, lines, maskCanvas]) const runInpainting = useCallback(async () => { setIsInpaintingLoading(true) refreshCanvasMask() try { const res = await inpaint(file, maskCanvas.toDataURL(), sizeLimit) if (!res) { throw new Error('empty response') } // TODO: fix the render if it failed loading const newRender = new Image() await loadImage(newRender, res) renders.push(newRender) lines.push({ pts: [] } as Line) setRenders([...renders]) setLines([...lines]) historyLineCount.push(lines4Show.length) setHistoryLineCount(historyLineCount) lines4Show.length = 0 setLines4Show([{ pts: [] } as Line]) } catch (e: any) { // eslint-disable-next-line alert(e.message ? e.message : e.toString()) } setIsInpaintingLoading(false) draw() }, [ draw, file, lines, lines4Show, maskCanvas, refreshCanvasMask, renders, sizeLimit, historyLineCount, ]) const hadDrawSomething = () => { return lines4Show.length !== 0 && lines4Show[0].pts.length !== 0 } const hadRunInpainting = () => { return renders.length !== 0 } const clearDrawing = () => { setIsDraging(false) lines4Show.length = 0 setLines4Show([{ pts: [] } as Line]) } const handleMultiStrokeKeyDown = () => { if (isInpaintingLoading) { return } setIsMultiStrokeKeyPressed(true) } const handleMultiStrokeKeyup = () => { if (!isMultiStrokeKeyPressed) { return } if (isInpaintingLoading) { return } setIsMultiStrokeKeyPressed(false) if (hadDrawSomething()) { runInpainting() } } const predicate = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { return event.key === 'Control' || event.key === 'Meta' } useKey(predicate, handleMultiStrokeKeyup, { event: 'keyup' }, [ isInpaintingLoading, isMultiStrokeKeyPressed, hadDrawSomething, ]) useKey( predicate, handleMultiStrokeKeyDown, { event: 'keydown', }, [isInpaintingLoading] ) // Draw once the original image is loaded useEffect(() => { if (!original) { return } if (isOriginalLoaded) { const rW = windowSize.width / original.naturalWidth const rH = (windowSize.height - TOOLBAR_SIZE) / original.naturalHeight if (rW < 1 || rH < 1) { const s = Math.min(rW, rH) setMinScale(s) setScale(s) } else { setMinScale(1) } if (context?.canvas) { context.canvas.width = original.naturalWidth context.canvas.height = original.naturalHeight } draw() } }, [context?.canvas, draw, original, isOriginalLoaded, windowSize]) // Zoom reset const resetZoom = useCallback(() => { if (!minScale || !original || !windowSize) { return } const viewport = viewportRef.current if (!viewport) { throw new Error('no viewport') } const offsetX = (windowSize.width - original.width * minScale) / 2 const offsetY = (windowSize.height - original.height * minScale) / 2 viewport.setTransform(offsetX, offsetY, minScale, 200, 'easeOutQuad') setScale(minScale) }, [minScale, original, windowSize]) const handleEscPressed = () => { if (isInpaintingLoading) { return } if (isDraging || isMultiStrokeKeyPressed) { clearDrawing() } else { resetZoom() } } useKey( 'Escape', handleEscPressed, { event: 'keydown', }, [isDraging, isMultiStrokeKeyPressed] ) const onPaint = (px: number, py: number) => { const currShowLine = lines4Show[lines4Show.length - 1] currShowLine.pts.push({ x: px, y: py }) const currLine = lines[lines.length - 1] currLine.pts.push({ x: px, y: py }) draw() } const onMouseMove = (ev: SyntheticEvent) => { const mouseEvent = ev.nativeEvent as MouseEvent setCoords({ x: mouseEvent.pageX, y: mouseEvent.pageY }) } const onMouseDrag = (ev: SyntheticEvent) => { if (isPanning) { return } if (!isDraging) { return } const mouseEvent = ev.nativeEvent as MouseEvent const px = mouseEvent.offsetX const py = mouseEvent.offsetY onPaint(px, py) } const onPointerUp = () => { if (isPanning) { return } if (!original.src) { return } const canvas = context?.canvas if (!canvas) { return } if (isInpaintingLoading) { return } if (!isDraging) { return } setIsDraging(false) if (isMultiStrokeKeyPressed) { lines.push({ pts: [] } as Line) setLines([...lines]) lines4Show.push({ pts: [] } as Line) setLines4Show([...lines4Show]) return } if (lines4Show.length !== 0 && lines4Show[0].pts.length !== 0) { runInpainting() } } const onMouseDown = (ev: SyntheticEvent) => { if (isPanning) { return } if (!original.src) { return } const canvas = context?.canvas if (!canvas) { return } if (isInpaintingLoading) { return } setIsDraging(true) const currLine4Show = lines4Show[lines4Show.length - 1] currLine4Show.size = brushSize const currLine = lines[lines.length - 1] currLine.size = brushSize const mouseEvent = ev.nativeEvent as MouseEvent onPaint(mouseEvent.offsetX, mouseEvent.offsetY) } const undo = () => { if (!renders.length) { return } if (!historyLineCount.length) { return } const l = lines const count = historyLineCount[historyLineCount.length - 1] for (let i = 0; i <= count; i += 1) { l.pop() } setLines([...l, { pts: [] }]) historyLineCount.pop() setHistoryLineCount(historyLineCount) const r = renders r.pop() setRenders([...r]) } // Handle Cmd+Z const undoPredicate = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { const isCmdZ = (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && event.key === 'z' // Handle tab switch if (event.key === 'Tab') { event.preventDefault() } if (isCmdZ) { event.preventDefault() return true } return false } useKey(undoPredicate, undo) useKeyPressEvent( 'Tab', ev => { ev?.preventDefault() ev?.stopPropagation() if (hadRunInpainting()) { setShowSeparator(true) setShowOriginal(true) } }, ev => { ev?.preventDefault() ev?.stopPropagation() if (hadRunInpainting()) { setShowOriginal(false) setTimeout(() => setShowSeparator(false), 300) } } ) function download() { const name =\.[\w\d_-]+)$/i, '_cleanup$1') const currRender = renders[renders.length - 1] downloadImage(currRender.currentSrc, name) } const onSizeLimitChange = (_sizeLimit: string) => { setSizeLimit(_sizeLimit) } const toggleShowBrush = (newState: boolean) => { if (newState !== showBrush && !isPanning) { setShowBrush(newState) } } const getCursor = useCallback(() => { if (isPanning) { return 'grab' } if (showBrush) { return 'none' } return undefined }, [showBrush, isPanning]) // Toggle clean/zoom tool on spacebar. useKey( ' ', ev => { ev?.preventDefault() ev?.stopPropagation() setShowBrush(!showBrush) setIsPanning(!isPanning) }, { event: 'keydown', }, [isPanning, showBrush] ) if (!original || !scale || !minScale) { return <> } return (