import webbrowser from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional import typer from fastapi import FastAPI from loguru import logger from typer import Option from typer_config import use_json_config from inpaint.const import * from inpaint.runtime import setup_model_dir, dump_environment_info, check_device from inpaint.schema import InteractiveSegModel, Device, RealESRGANModel, RemoveBGModel typer_app = typer.Typer(pretty_exceptions_show_locals=False, add_completion=False) @typer_app.command(help="Install all plugins dependencies") def install_plugins_packages(): from inpaint.installer import install_plugins_package install_plugins_package() @typer_app.command(help="Download SD/SDXL normal/inpainting model from HuggingFace") def download( model: str = Option( ..., help="Model id on HuggingFace e.g: runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting" ), model_dir: Path = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR, help=MODEL_DIR_HELP, file_okay=False, callback=setup_model_dir, ), ): from import cli_download_model cli_download_model(model) @typer_app.command(name="list", help="List downloaded models") def list_model( model_dir: Path = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR, help=MODEL_DIR_HELP, file_okay=False, callback=setup_model_dir, ), ): from import scan_models scanned_models = scan_models() for it in scanned_models: print( @typer_app.command(help="Batch processing images") def run( model: str = Option("lama"), device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), image: Path = Option(..., help="Image folders or file path"), mask: Path = Option( ..., help="Mask folders or file path. " "If it is a directory, the mask images in the directory should have the same name as the original image." "If it is a file, all images will use this mask." "Mask will automatically resize to the same size as the original image.", ), output: Path = Option(..., help="Output directory or file path"), config: Path = Option( None, help="Config file path. You can use dump command to create a base config." ), concat: bool = Option( False, help="Concat original image, mask and output images into one image" ), model_dir: Path = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR, help=MODEL_DIR_HELP, file_okay=False, callback=setup_model_dir, ), ): from import cli_download_model, scan_models scanned_models = scan_models() if model not in [ for it in scanned_models]:"{model} not found in {model_dir}, try to downloading") cli_download_model(model) from inpaint.batch_processing import batch_inpaint batch_inpaint(model, device, image, mask, output, config, concat) @typer_app.command(help="Start InPaint server") @use_json_config() def start( host: str = Option(""), port: int = Option(8080), inbrowser: bool = Option(False, help=INBROWSER_HELP), model: str = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL, help=f"Erase models: [{', '.join(AVAILABLE_MODELS)}].\n" f"Diffusion models: [{', '.join(DIFFUSION_MODELS)}] or any SD/SDXL normal/inpainting models on HuggingFace.", ), model_dir: Path = Option( DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR, help=MODEL_DIR_HELP, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False, callback=setup_model_dir, ), low_mem: bool = Option(False, help=LOW_MEM_HELP), no_half: bool = Option(False, help=NO_HALF_HELP), cpu_offload: bool = Option(False, help=CPU_OFFLOAD_HELP), disable_nsfw_checker: bool = Option(False, help=DISABLE_NSFW_HELP), cpu_textencoder: bool = Option(False, help=CPU_TEXTENCODER_HELP), local_files_only: bool = Option(False, help=LOCAL_FILES_ONLY_HELP), device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), input: Optional[Path] = Option(None, help=INPUT_HELP), mask_dir: Optional[Path] = Option( None, help=MODEL_DIR_HELP, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False ), output_dir: Optional[Path] = Option( None, help=OUTPUT_DIR_HELP, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False ), quality: int = Option(95, help=QUALITY_HELP), enable_interactive_seg: bool = Option(False, help=INTERACTIVE_SEG_HELP), interactive_seg_model: InteractiveSegModel = Option( InteractiveSegModel.vit_b, help=INTERACTIVE_SEG_MODEL_HELP ), interactive_seg_device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), enable_remove_bg: bool = Option(False, help=REMOVE_BG_HELP), remove_bg_model: RemoveBGModel = Option(RemoveBGModel.briaai_rmbg_1_4), enable_anime_seg: bool = Option(False, help=ANIMESEG_HELP), enable_realesrgan: bool = Option(False), realesrgan_device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), realesrgan_model: RealESRGANModel = Option(RealESRGANModel.realesr_general_x4v3), enable_gfpgan: bool = Option(False), gfpgan_device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), enable_restoreformer: bool = Option(False), restoreformer_device: Device = Option(Device.cpu), ): dump_environment_info() device = check_device(device) if input and not input.exists(): logger.error(f"invalid --input: {input} not exists") exit(-1) if mask_dir and not mask_dir.exists(): logger.error(f"invalid --mask-dir: {mask_dir} not exists") exit(-1) if input and input.is_dir() and not output_dir: logger.error("invalid --output-dir: --output-dir must be set when --input is a directory") exit(-1) if output_dir: output_dir = output_dir.expanduser().absolute()"Image will be saved to {output_dir}") if not output_dir.exists():"Create output directory {output_dir}") output_dir.mkdir(parents=True) if mask_dir: mask_dir = mask_dir.expanduser().absolute() model_dir = model_dir.expanduser().absolute() if local_files_only: os.environ["TRANSFORMERS_OFFLINE"] = "1" os.environ["HF_HUB_OFFLINE"] = "1" from import cli_download_model, scan_models scanned_models = scan_models() if model not in [ for it in scanned_models]:"{model} not found in {model_dir}, try to downloading") cli_download_model(model) from inpaint.api import Api from inpaint.schema import ApiConfig @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(app: FastAPI): if inbrowser:"http://localhost:{port}", new=0, autoraise=True) yield app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan) api_config = ApiConfig( host=host, port=port, inbrowser=inbrowser, model=model, no_half=no_half, low_mem=low_mem, cpu_offload=cpu_offload, disable_nsfw_checker=disable_nsfw_checker, local_files_only=local_files_only, cpu_textencoder=cpu_textencoder if device == Device.cuda else False, device=device, input=input, mask_dir=mask_dir, output_dir=output_dir, quality=quality, enable_interactive_seg=enable_interactive_seg, interactive_seg_model=interactive_seg_model, interactive_seg_device=interactive_seg_device, enable_remove_bg=enable_remove_bg, remove_bg_model=remove_bg_model, enable_anime_seg=enable_anime_seg, enable_realesrgan=enable_realesrgan, realesrgan_device=realesrgan_device, realesrgan_model=realesrgan_model, enable_gfpgan=enable_gfpgan, gfpgan_device=gfpgan_device, enable_restoreformer=enable_restoreformer, restoreformer_device=restoreformer_device, ) print(api_config.model_dump_json(indent=4)) api = Api(app, api_config) api.launch() @typer_app.command(help="Start InPaint web config page") def start_web_config( config_file: Path = Option("config.json"), ): dump_environment_info() from inpaint.web_config import main main(config_file)