
45 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
from gpiozero import CPUTemperature
# Pin configuration
TACH = 24 # Fan's tachometer output pin
PULSE = 2 # Noctua fans puts out two pluses per revolution
WAIT_TIME = 1 # [s] Time to wait between each refresh
# Setup GPIO
GPIO.setup(TACH, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Pull up to 3.3V
# Setup variables
t = time.time()
rpm = 0
# Caculate pulse frequency and RPM
def fell(n):
global t
global rpm
dt = time.time() - t
if dt < 0.005: return # Reject spuriously short pulses
freq = 1 / dt
rpm = (freq / PULSE) * 60
t = time.time()
# Add event to detect
GPIO.add_event_detect(TACH, GPIO.FALLING, fell)
while True:
cpu = CPUTemperature()
print ("%.f RPM | CPU Temp: %.f °C" % (rpm, cpu.temperature))
rpm = 0
time.sleep(1) # Detect every second
except KeyboardInterrupt: # trap a CTRL+C keyboard interrupt
GPIO.cleanup() # resets all GPIO ports used by this function