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2015-10-21 05:03:22 +02:00
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Google Safe Browsing.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Google Inc.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Fritz Schneider <> (original author)
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
// This file implements a G_TabbedBrowserWatcher, an object
// encapsulating and abstracting the mechanics of working with tabs
// and the documents within them. The watcher provides notification of
// various DOM-related events (a document loaded, a document unloaded,
// tab was created/destroyed, user switched tabs, etc.) as well as
// commonly required methods (get me the current tab, find the tab to
// which this document belongs, etc.).
// This class does not do progresslistener-based notifications; for that,
// use the NavWatcher.
// Note: I use "browser" and "tab" interchangeably.
// This class adds a level of indirection to event registration. You
// initialize it with a tabbedbrowser, and then register to hear
// events from it instead of from the tabbedbrowser or browser itself.
// Your handlers are invoked with a custom object as an argument (see
// below). This object contains useful information such as a reference
// to the browser in which the event is happening and whether the
// event is occurring on the top-level document in that browser.
// The events you can register to hear are:
// ----- -----------
// load Fires when a page is shown in the browser window and
// this page wasn't in the bfcache
// unload Fires when a page is nav'd away from in the browser window
// and the page isn't going into the bfcache
// pageshow Fires when a page is shown in the browser window, whether
// it came from bfcache or not. (There is a "persisted"
// property we can get from the event object if we'd like.
// It indicates whether the page was loaded from bfcache.
// If false then we known load recently fired).
// pagehide Fires when a page is nav'd away from in the browser,
// whether its going into the bfcache or not. (There is
// a persisted property here as well that we're not
// propagating -- when its true the page is going into
// the bfcache, else it's not, and unload will shortly
// fire).
// Fires when a doc's DOM is ready, but its externally linked
// content hasn't necessarily loaded. This event is
// currently broken: it doesn't fire when using the
// forward/back buttons in conjunction with the bfcache.
// Bryner is working on a fix.
// tabload Fires when a new tab has been created (but doesn't
// necessarily have content loaded in it)
// tabunload Fires when a tab is being destroyed (and might have had
// the content it contains destroyed)
// tabswitch Fires when the user switches tabs
// tabmove Fires when a user drags a tab to a different position
// For pageshow, pagehide, load, unload, and domcontentloaded, the event
// object you'll receive has the following properties:
// doc -- reference to Document on which the event fired
// browser -- the browser in which the document resides
// isTop -- boolean indicating if it is the top-level document
// inSelected -- boolean indicating if it is in the currently selected tab
// For tabload and unload it has:
// browser -- reference to the browser that is loading or closing
// For tabswitch it has:
// fromBrowser -- reference to the browser user is switching from
// toBrowser -- reference to the browser user is switching to
// For tabmove it has:
// tab -- the tab that was moved (Note that this is the actual
// tab widget that holds the document title, not the
// browser object. We use this because it's the target
// of the DOMNodeInserted event.)
// fromIndex -- the tab index before the move
// toIndex -- the tab index after the move
// The order of events is: tabload
// domcontentloaded
// load
// pageshow
// -- --
// pagehide
// unload
// tabunload
// Example:
// function handler(e /*event object*/) {
// foo(e.browser);
// };
// var watcher = new G_TabbedBrowserWatcher(document.getElementById(gBrowser));
// watcher.registerListener("load", handler); // register for events
// watcher.removeListener("load", handler); // unregister
// The only major problem is in closing tabs:
// + When you close a tab, the reference to the Document you get in the
// unload event is undefined. We pass this along. This could easily
// be fixed by not listening for unload at all, but instead inferring
// it from the information in pagehide, and then firing our own "fake"
// unload after firing pagehide.
// + There's no docshell during the pagehide event, so we can't determine
// if the document is top-level. We pass undefined in this case.
// + Though the browser reference during tabunload will be valid, its
// members most likely have already been torn down. Use it in an
// objectsafemap to keep state if you need its members.
// + The event listener DOMNodeInserted has the potential to cause
// performance problems if there are too many events fired. It
// should be ok, since we inserted it as far as possible into
// the xul tree.
// TODO: need better enforcement of unique names. Two tabbedbrowserwatchers
// with the same name will clobber each other because they use that
// name to mark browsers they've seen.
// TODO: the functions that iterate of windows and documents badly need
// to be made cleaner. Right now we have multiple implementations
// that essentially do the same thing :(
// But good enough for government work.
* Encapsulates tab-related information. You can use the
* G_TabbedBrowserWatcher to watch for events on tabs as well as to
* retrieve tab-related data (such as what tab is currently showing).
* It receives many event notifications from G_BrowserWatchers it
* attaches to newly opening tabs.
* @param tabBrowser A reference to the tabbed browser you wish to watch.
* @param name String containing a probabilistically unique name. Used to
* ensure that each tabbedbrowserwatcher can uniquely mark
* browser it has "seen."
* @param opt_filterAboutBlank Boolean indicating whether to filter events
* for about:blank. These events are often
* spurious since about:blank is the default
* page for an empty browser.
* @constructor
function G_TabbedBrowserWatcher(tabBrowser, name, opt_filterAboutBlank) {
this.debugZone = "tabbedbrowserwatcher";
this.registrar_ = new EventRegistrar(;
this.tabBrowser_ = tabBrowser;
this.filterAboutBlank_ = !!opt_filterAboutBlank; =; // Convenience pointer
// We need some way to tell if we've seen a browser before, so we
// set a property on it with a probabilistically unique string. The
// string is a combination of a static string and one passed in by
// the caller.
G_Assert(this, typeof name == "string" && !!name,
"Need a probabilistically unique name");
this.name_ = name;
this.mark_ = G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.mark_ + "-" + this.name_;
this.tabbox_ = this.getTabBrowser().mTabBox;
// There's no tabswitch event in Firefox, so we fake it by watching
// for selects on the tabbox.
this.onTabSwitchClosure_ = BindToObject(this.onTabSwitch, this);
this.onTabSwitchClosure_, true);
// Used to determine when the user has switched tabs
this.lastTab_ = this.getCurrentBrowser();
// Events for which listeners can register = {
TABSWITCH: "tabswitch",
// We mark new tabs as we see them
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.mark_ = "watcher-marked";
* Remove all the event handlers and clean up circular refs.
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.shutdown = function() {
G_Debug(this, "Removing event listeners");
if (this.tabbox_) {
this.onTabSwitchClosure_, true);
// Break circular ref so we can be gc'ed.
this.tabbox_ = null;
// Break circular ref so we can be gc'ed.
if (this.lastTab_) {
this.lastTab_ = null;
if (this.tabBrowser_) {
this.tabBrowser_ = null;
* Check to see if we've seen a browser before
* @param browser Browser to check
* @returns Boolean indicating if we've attached a BrowserWatcher to this
* browser
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.isInstrumented_ = function(browser) {
return !!browser[this.mark_];
* Attaches a BrowserWatcher to a browser and marks it as seen
* @param browser Browser to which to attach a G_BrowserWatcher
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.instrumentBrowser_ = function(browser) {
G_Assert(this, !this.isInstrumented_(browser),
"Browser already instrumented!");
// The browserwatcher will hook itself into the browser and its parent (us)
new G_BrowserWatcher(this, browser);
browser[this.mark_] = true;
* Register to receive events of a particular type
* @param eventType String indicating the event (see
* @param listener Function to invoke when the event occurs. See top-
* level comments for parameters.
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.registerListener = function(eventType,
listener) {
this.registrar_.registerListener(eventType, listener);
* Unregister a listener.
* @param eventType String one of' members
* @param listener Function to remove as listener
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.removeListener = function(eventType,
listener) {
this.registrar_.removeListener(eventType, listener);
* Send an event to all listeners for that type.
* @param eventType String indicating the event to trigger
* @param e Object to pass to each listener (NOT copied -- be careful)
*/ = function(eventType, e) {, e);
* Convenience function to send a document-related event. We use this
* convenience function because the event constructing logic and
* parameters are the same for all these events. (Document-related
* events are load, unload, pagehide, pageshow, and domcontentloaded).
* @param eventType String indicating the type of event to fire (one of
* the document-related events)
* @param doc Reference to the HTMLDocument the event is occuring to
* @param browser Reference to the browser in which the document is contained
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.fireDocEvent_ = function(eventType,
browser) {
// If we've already shutdown, don't bother firing any events.
if (!this.tabBrowser_) {
G_Debug(this, "Firing event after shutdown: " + eventType);
try {
// Could be that the browser's contentDocument has already been torn
// down. If so, this throws, and we can't tell without keeping more
// state whether doc was the top frame.
var isTop = (doc == browser.contentDocument);
} catch(e) {
var isTop = undefined;
var inSelected = (browser == this.getCurrentBrowser());
var location = doc ? doc.location.href : undefined;
// Only send notifications for about:config's if we're supposed to
if (!this.filterAboutBlank_ || location != "about:blank") {
G_Debug(this, "firing " + eventType + " for " + location +
(isTop ? " (isTop)" : "") + (inSelected ? " (inSelected)" : ""));, { "doc": doc,
"isTop": isTop,
"inSelected": inSelected,
"browser": browser});
* Invoked when the user might have switched tabs
* @param e Event object
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.onTabSwitch = function(e) {
// Filter spurious events
// The event target is usually tabs but can be tabpanels when tabs were opened
// programatically via tabbrowser.addTab().
if ( == null ||
( != "tabs" && != "tabpanels"))
var fromBrowser = this.lastTab_;
var toBrowser = this.getCurrentBrowser();
if (fromBrowser != toBrowser) {
this.lastTab_ = toBrowser;
G_Debug(this, "firing tabswitch");, { "fromBrowser": fromBrowser,
"toBrowser": toBrowser });
// Utility functions
* Returns a reference to the tabbed browser this G_TabbedBrowserWatcher
* was initialized with.
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.getTabBrowser = function() {
return this.tabBrowser_;
* Returns a reference to the currently selected tab.
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.getCurrentBrowser = function() {
return this.getTabBrowser().selectedBrowser;
* Returns a reference to the top window in the currently selected tab.
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.getCurrentWindow = function() {
return this.getCurrentBrowser().contentWindow;
* Find the browser corresponding to a Document
* @param doc Document we want the browser for
* @returns Reference to the browser in which the given document is found
* or null if not found
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.getBrowserFromDocument = function(doc) {
// Could instead get the top window of the browser in which the doc
// is found via, but sometimes the document
// isn't in a browser at all (it's being unloaded, for example), so
// defaultView won't be valid.
// Helper: return true if doc is a sub-document of win
function docInWindow(doc, win) {
if (win.document == doc)
return true;
if (win.frames)
for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; i++)
if (docInWindow(doc, win.frames[i]))
return true;
return false;
var browsers = this.getTabBrowser().browsers;
for (var i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++)
if (docInWindow(doc, browsers[i].contentWindow))
return browsers[i];
return null;
* Find the Document that has the given URL loaded. Returns on the
* _first_ such document found, so be careful.
* TODO make doc/window searches more elegant, and don't use inner functions
* @param url String indicating the URL we're searching for
* @param opt_browser Optional reference to a browser. If given, the
* search will be confined to only this browser.
* @returns Reference to the Document with that URL or null if not found
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.getDocumentFromURL = function(url,
opt_browser) {
// Helper function: return the Document in win that has location of url
function docWithURL(win, url) {
if (win.document.location.href == url)
return win.document;
if (win.frames)
for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; i++) {
var rv = docWithURL(win.frames[i], url);
if (rv)
return rv;
return null;
if (opt_browser)
return docWithURL(opt_browser.contentWindow, url);
var browsers = this.getTabBrowser().browsers;
for (var i=0; i < browsers.length; i++) {
var rv = docWithURL(browsers[i].contentWindow, url);
if (rv)
return rv;
return null;
* Find the all Documents that have the given URL loaded.
* TODO make doc/window searches more elegant, and don't use inner functions
* @param url String indicating the URL we're searching for
* @param opt_browser Optional reference to a browser. If given, the
* search will be confined to only this browser.
* @returns Array of Documents with the given URL (zero length if none found)
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.getDocumentsFromURL = function(url,
opt_browser) {
var docs = [];
// Helper function: add Docs in win with the location of url
function getDocsWithURL(win, url) {
if (win.document.location.href == url)
if (win.frames)
for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; i++)
getDocsWithURL(win.frames[i], url);
if (opt_browser)
return getDocsWithURL(opt_browser.contentWindow, url);
var browsers = this.getTabBrowser().browsers;
for (var i=0; i < browsers.length; i++)
getDocsWithURL(browsers[i].contentWindow, url);
return docs;
* Finds the browser in which a Window resides.
* @param sub Window to find
* @returns Reference to the browser in which sub resides, else null
* if not found
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.prototype.getBrowserFromWindow = function(sub) {
// Helpfer function: return true if sub is a sub-window of win
function containsSubWindow(sub, win) {
if (win == sub)
return true;
if (win.frames)
for (var i=0; i < win.frames.length; i++)
if (containsSubWindow(sub, win.frames[i]))
return true;
return false;
var browsers = this.getTabBrowser().browsers;
for (var i=0; i < browsers.length; i++)
if (containsSubWindow(sub, browsers[i].contentWindow))
return browsers[i];
return null;
* Finds the XUL <tab> tag corresponding to a given browser.
* @param tabBrowser Reference to the tabbed browser in which browser lives
* @param browser Reference to the browser we wish to find the tab of
* @returns Reference to the browser's tab element, or null
* @static
G_TabbedBrowserWatcher.getTabElementFromBrowser = function(tabBrowser,
browser) {
for (var i=0; i < tabBrowser.browsers.length; i++)
if (tabBrowser.browsers[i] == browser)
return tabBrowser.mTabContainer.childNodes[i];
return null;