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2015-10-21 05:03:22 +02:00
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
* March 31, 1998.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-1999
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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/* tmpltest.c - implements a test/config templates. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#include <windows.h>
#include "ldap-int.h"
#include "disptmpl.h"
#include "srchpref.h"
#ifdef MACOS
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <console.h>
#endif /* MACOS */
void dump_tmpl( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl );
void dump_srchpref( struct ldap_searchobj *sp );
#else /* NEEDPROTOS */
void dump_tmpl();
void dump_srchpref();
#endif /* NEEDPROTOS */
#define NULLSTRINGIFNULL( s ) ( s == NULL ? "(null)" : s )
main( int argc, char **argv )
struct ldap_disptmpl *templates, *dtp;
struct ldap_searchobj *so, *sop;
int err;
#ifdef MACOS
ccommand( &argv );
for ( argc = 0; argv[ argc ] != NULL; ++argc ) {
cshow( stdout );
#endif /* MACOS */
if (( err = ldap_init_templates( "ldaptemplates.conf", &templates ))
!= 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ldap_init_templates failed (%d)\n", err );
exit( 1 );
if (( err = ldap_init_searchprefs( "ldapsearchprefs.conf", &so ))
!= 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ldap_init_searchprefs failed (%d)\n", err );
exit( 1 );
if ( argc == 1 ) {
printf( "*** Display Templates:\n" );
for ( dtp = ldap_first_disptmpl( templates ); dtp != NULLDISPTMPL;
dtp = ldap_next_disptmpl( templates, dtp )) {
dump_tmpl( dtp );
printf( "\n\n" );
printf( "\n\n*** Search Objects:\n" );
for ( sop = ldap_first_searchobj( so ); sop != NULLSEARCHOBJ;
sop = ldap_next_searchobj( so, sop )) {
dump_srchpref( sop );
printf( "\n\n" );
} else {
if (( dtp = ldap_oc2template( ++argv, templates )) == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "no matching template found\n" );
} else {
dump_tmpl( dtp );
ldap_free_templates( templates );
ldap_free_searchprefs( so );
exit( 0 );
static char *syn_name[] = {
"?", "CIS", "MLS", "DN", "BOOL", "JPEG", "JPEGBTN", "FAX", "FAXBTN",
static char *syn_type[] = {
"?", "txt", "img", "?", "bool", "?", "?", "?", "btn",
"?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?",
"action", "?"
static char *includeattrs[] = { "objectClass", "sn", NULL };
static char *item_opts[] = {
"ro", "sort", "1val", "hide", "required", "hideiffalse", NULL
static unsigned long item_opt_vals[] = {
dump_tmpl( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl )
struct ldap_tmplitem *rowp, *colp;
int i, rowcnt, colcnt;
char **fetchattrs;
struct ldap_oclist *ocp;
struct ldap_adddeflist *adp;
printf( "** Template \"%s\" (plural \"%s\", icon \"%s\")\n",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( tmpl->dt_name ),
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( tmpl->dt_pluralname ),
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( tmpl->dt_iconname ));
printf( "object class list:\n" );
for ( ocp = tmpl->dt_oclist; ocp != NULL; ocp = ocp->oc_next ) {
for ( i = 0; ocp->oc_objclasses[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) {
printf( "%s%s", i == 0 ? " " : " & ",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( ocp->oc_objclasses[ i ] ));
putchar( '\n' );
putchar( '\n' );
printf( "template options: " );
if ( tmpl->dt_options == 0L ) {
printf( "NONE\n" );
} else {
printf( "%s %s %s\n", LDAP_IS_DISPTMPL_OPTION_SET( tmpl,
LDAP_DTMPL_OPT_ADDABLE ) ? "addable" : "",
? "modrdn" : "",
? "altview" : "" );
printf( "authenticate as attribute: %s\n", tmpl->dt_authattrname != NULL ?
tmpl->dt_authattrname : "<default>" );
printf( "default RDN attribute: %s\n", tmpl->dt_defrdnattrname != NULL ?
tmpl->dt_defrdnattrname : "NONE" );
printf( "default add location: %s\n", tmpl->dt_defaddlocation != NULL ?
tmpl->dt_defaddlocation : "NONE" );
printf( "\nnew entry value default rules:\n" );
for ( adp = tmpl->dt_adddeflist; adp != NULL; adp = adp->ad_next ) {
if ( adp->ad_source == LDAP_ADSRC_CONSTANTVALUE ) {
printf( " attribute %s <-- constant value \"%s\"\n",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( adp->ad_attrname),
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( adp->ad_value ));
} else {
printf( " attribute %s <-- adder's DN\n",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( adp->ad_attrname ));
putchar( '\n' );
printf( "\nfetch attributes & values:\n" );
if (( fetchattrs = ldap_tmplattrs( tmpl, includeattrs, 1,
printf( " <none>\n" );
} else {
for ( i = 0; fetchattrs[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) {
printf( " %s\n", fetchattrs[ i ] );
free( fetchattrs[ i ] );
free( (char *)fetchattrs );
printf( "\nfetch attributes only:\n" );
if (( fetchattrs = ldap_tmplattrs( tmpl, NULL, 0,
printf( " <none>\n" );
} else {
for ( i = 0; fetchattrs[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) {
printf( " %s\n", fetchattrs[ i ] );
free( fetchattrs[ i ] );
free( (char *)fetchattrs );
printf( "\ntemplate items:\n" );
rowcnt = 0;
for ( rowp = ldap_first_tmplrow( tmpl ); rowp != NULLTMPLITEM;
rowp = ldap_next_tmplrow( tmpl, rowp )) {
colcnt = 0;
for ( colp = ldap_first_tmplcol( tmpl, rowp ); colp != NULLTMPLITEM;
colp = ldap_next_tmplcol( tmpl, rowp, colp )) {
printf( " %2d-%d: %s (%s%s", rowcnt, colcnt,
syn_name[ colp->ti_syntaxid & 0x0000FFFF ],
syn_type[ LDAP_GET_SYN_TYPE( colp->ti_syntaxid ) >> 24 ],
(( LDAP_GET_SYN_OPTIONS( colp->ti_syntaxid ) &
LDAP_SYN_OPT_DEFER ) != 0 ) ? ",defer" : "" );
for ( i = 0; item_opts[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) {
if ( LDAP_IS_TMPLITEM_OPTION_SET( colp, item_opt_vals[ i ] )) {
printf( ",%s", NULLSTRINGIFNULL( item_opts[ i ] ));
printf( "), %s, %s", NULLSTRINGIFNULL( colp->ti_attrname ),
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( colp->ti_label ));
if ( colp->ti_args != NULL ) {
printf( ",args=" );
for ( i = 0; colp->ti_args[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) {
printf( "<%s>", NULLSTRINGIFNULL( colp->ti_args[ i ] ));
putchar( '\n' );
dump_srchpref( struct ldap_searchobj *so )
int i;
struct ldap_searchattr *sa;
struct ldap_searchmatch *sm;
printf( "Object type prompt: %s\n",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( so->so_objtypeprompt ));
printf( "Options: %s\n",
"internal" : "NONE" );
printf( "Prompt: %s\n", NULLSTRINGIFNULL( so->so_prompt ));
printf( "Scope: " );
switch ( so->so_defaultscope ) {
printf( "LDAP_SCOPE_BASE" );
printf("*** unknown!" );
puts( "\n" );
printf( "Filter prefix: %s\n",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( so->so_filterprefix ));
printf( "Filter tag: %s\n",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( so->so_filtertag ));
printf( "Default select attr: %s\n",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( so->so_defaultselectattr ));
printf( "Default select text: %s\n",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( so->so_defaultselecttext ));
printf( "Searchable attributes ---- \n" );
for ( sa = so->so_salist; sa != NULL; sa = sa->sa_next ) {
printf( " Label: %s\n", NULLSTRINGIFNULL( sa->sa_attrlabel ));
printf( " Attribute: %s\n", NULLSTRINGIFNULL( sa->sa_attr ));
printf( " Select attr: %s\n", NULLSTRINGIFNULL( sa->sa_selectattr ));
printf( " Select text: %s\n", NULLSTRINGIFNULL( sa->sa_selecttext ));
printf( " Match types ---- \n" );
for ( i = 0, sm = so->so_smlist; sm != NULL; i++, sm = sm->sm_next ) {
if (( sa->sa_matchtypebitmap >> i ) & 1 ) {
printf( " %s (%s)\n",
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( sm->sm_matchprompt ),
NULLSTRINGIFNULL( sm->sm_filter ));