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2015-10-21 05:03:22 +02:00
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is Mozilla XForms support.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Alexander Surkov.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Alexander Surkov <>
- Merle Sterling <>
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
<!DOCTYPE bindings [
<!ENTITY % xformsDTD SYSTEM "chrome://xforms/locale/xforms.dtd">
<bindings id="widgetsBindingsForXUL"
The file contains auxiliary controls implementations for XUL context. The
controls are inherited from bindings defined in 'widgets.xml' file.
<binding id="calendar-compact"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<content xmlns:wairole=""
<xul:grid xhtml:role="wairole:grid">
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:rows anonid="dayContainer"/>
<!-- interface -->
<!-- Set type and label for the day control element -->
<method name="setDayControl">
<parameter name="aControl"/>
<parameter name="aType"/>
<parameter name="aLabel"/>
aControl.setAttribute("label", aLabel);
aControl.setAttribute("class", aType);
<!-- Select day control element -->
<method name="selectDayControl">
<parameter name="aControl"/>
if (aControl)
aControl.setAttribute("checked", "true");
<!-- Unselect day control element -->
<method name="unselectDayControl">
<parameter name="aControl"/>
if (aControl)
<!-- Return true if node is control element for a day -->
<method name="isDayControl">
<parameter name="aNode"/>
if (aNode.localName != "toolbarbutton" ||
aNode.namespaceURI != this.XUL_NS)
return false;
return true;
<method name="buildUIInternal">
var dayOfWeekNames = this.getDaysOfWeekNames();
var row = document.createElementNS(this.XUL_NS, "row");
// create days of a week names
var header, description;
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
description = this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(this.XUL_NS,
description.setAttribute("value", dayOfWeekNames[i]);
description.setAttribute("class", "header");
description.setAttributeNS(this.XHTML_NS, "role",
// create days
var cell;
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
row = document.createElementNS(this.XUL_NS, "row");
for (var y = 0; y < 7; y++) {
var button = this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(this.XUL_NS,
button.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
button.setAttributeNS(this.XHTML_NS, "role", "wairole:gridcell");
<method name="buildUI">
<property name="XHTML_NS" readonly="true"
onget="return '';"/>
<property name="XUL_NS" readonly="true"
onget="return '';"/>
<!-- Return container of controls for days -->
<property name="dayContainer" readonly="true">
if (!this._dayContainer)
this._dayContainer = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "dayContainer");
return this._dayContainer;
<field name="_dayContainer">null</field>
<handler event="command">
var target = event.originalTarget;
if (this.isDayControl(target))
<handler event="keypress" phase="capturing">
// Stop event propagation to prevent event processing of
// button binding, i.e. to prevent default behaviour of button
// that is to advance/rewind focus on arrow keys.
if (event.originalTarget.namespaceURI == this.XUL_NS &&
event.originalTarget.localName == "toolbarbutton") {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case event.DOM_VK_UP:
case event.DOM_VK_DOWN:
case event.DOM_VK_LEFT:
case event.DOM_VK_RIGHT:
<binding id="calendar-full" extends="#calendar-compact">
<content orient="vertical"
<xul:hbox mozType:monthyearbox="true" anonid="monthyear"/>
<!-- calendar days container-->
<xul:grid xhtml:role="wairole:grid">
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:column flex="1"/>
<xul:rows anonid="dayContainer"/>
<!-- interface -->
<!-- Update UI -->
<method name="refresh">
<parameter name="aCurrentDay"/>
<parameter name="aDaysRefreshOnly"/>
this.refreshInternal(aCurrentDay, aDaysRefreshOnly);
this.monthyearBox.month = this.month - 1;
this.monthyearBox.year = this.year;
<!-- private -->
var handler = {
handleEvent: function handleEvent(aEvent) {
this.widget.setDate(this.monthyear.year, this.monthyear.month + 1);
widget: this,
monthyear: this.monthyearBox
this.monthyearBox.addEventListener("change", handler, false);
<property name="monthyearBox" readonly="true">
if (!this._monthyearBox) {
this._monthyearBox = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "monthyear");
return this._monthyearBox;
<field name="_monthyearBox">null</field>
<handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_TAB">
if (!this.hasAttribute("internaltabhandling"))
if (this.monthyearBox.isMonthFocused())
else if (this.monthyearBox.isYearFocused())
<handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_TAB" modifiers="shift">
if (!this.hasAttribute("internaltabhandling"))
if (this.monthyearBox.isMonthFocused())
else if (this.monthyearBox.isYearFocused())
<binding id="dropmarker" extends="xul:button">
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:image class="dropmarker-icon"/>
<implementation implements="nsIAccessibleProvider">
<property name="accessibleType" readonly="true">
return Components.interfaces.nsIAccessibleProvider.XFormsDropmarkerWidget;
Copied from \mozilla\toolkit\content\widgets\spinbuttons.xml.
The spinbuttons widget may be used as anonymous content in
either xul or xhtml bindngs.
<binding id="spinbuttons"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:vbox class="spinbuttons-box" flex="1">
<xul:button anonid="increaseButton" type="repeat" flex="1"
class="spinbuttons-button spinbuttons-up"
<xul:button anonid="decreaseButton" type="repeat" flex="1"
class="spinbuttons-button spinbuttons-down"
<property name="_increaseButton" readonly="true">
return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "increaseButton");
<property name="_decreaseButton" readonly="true">
return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "decreaseButton");
<property name="increaseDisabled"
onget="return this._increaseButton.getAttribute('disabled');"
onset="if (val) this._increaseButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
else this._increaseButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); return val;"/>
<property name="decreaseDisabled"
onget="return this._decreaseButton.getAttribute('disabled');"
onset="if (val) this._decreaseButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
else this._decreaseButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); return val;"/>
<handler event="mousedown">
// on the Mac, the native theme draws the spinbutton as a single widget
// so a state attribute is set based on where the mouse button was pressed
if (event.originalTarget == this._increaseButton)
this.setAttribute("state", "up");
else if (event.originalTarget == this._decreaseButton)
this.setAttribute("state", "down");
<handler event="mouseup">
<handler event="mouseout">
<handler event="command">
var eventname;
if (event.originalTarget == this._increaseButton)
eventname = "up";
else if (event.originalTarget == this._decreaseButton)
eventname = "down";
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent(eventname, true, true);
var cancel = this.dispatchEvent(evt);
if (this.hasAttribute("on" + eventname)) {
var fn = new Function("event", this.getAttribute("on" + eventname));
if (, event) == false)
cancel = true;
return !cancel;
Copied from \mozilla\toolkit\content\widgets\numberbox.xml with minor
modifications. The numberbox widget may be used as anonymous content in
either xul or xhtml bindngs.
<binding id="numberbox"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:hbox class="textbox-input-box numberbox-input-box" flex="1" xbl:inherits="context">
<html:input class="numberbox-input textbox-input" flex="1" anonid="input"
<xul:spinbuttons anonid="buttons" xbl:inherits="disabled,hidden=hidespinbuttons"
<field name="_valueEntered">false</field>
<field name="_spinButtons">null</field>
<field name="_value">0</field>
<field name="decimalSymbol">"."</field>
<property name="spinButtons" readonly="true">
if (!this._spinButtons)
this._spinButtons = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "buttons");
return this._spinButtons;
<property name="value">
if (this._valueEntered) {
var newval = this.inputField.value;
newval = newval.replace(this.decimalSymbol, ".");
this._validateValue(newval, false);
return this._value;
return this._validateValue(val, false);
<property name="wrapAround">
return (this.getAttribute('wraparound') == 'true')
if (val)
this.setAttribute('wraparound', 'true');
return val;
<property name="min">
var min = this.getAttribute("min");
return min ? Number(min) : 0;
if (typeof val == "number") {
this.setAttribute("min", val);
if (this.value <= val)
this._validateValue(val, false);
return val;
<property name="max">
var max = this.getAttribute("max");
return max ? Number(max) : Infinity;
if (typeof val != "number")
return val;
var min = this.min;
if (val <= min)
val = min;
this.setAttribute("max", val);
if (this.value >= val)
this._validateValue(val, false);
return val;
<property name="decimalPlaces">
var places = this.getAttribute("decimalplaces");
return places ? Number(places) : 0;
if (typeof val == "number") {
this.setAttribute("decimalplaces", val);
this._validateValue(this.value, false);
return val;
<property name="increment">
var increment = this.getAttribute("increment");
return increment ? Number(increment) : 1;
if (typeof val == "number")
this.setAttribute("increment", val);
<method name="decrease">
return this._validateValue(this.value - this.increment, true);
<method name="increase">
return this._validateValue(this.value + this.increment, true);
<method name="_modifyUp">
if (this.disabled || this.readOnly)
var oldval = this.value;
var newval = this.increase();;
if (oldval != newval) {
<method name="_modifyDown">
if (this.disabled || this.readOnly)
var oldval = this.value;
var newval = this.decrease();;
if (oldval != newval) {
<method name="_enableDisableButtons">
var buttons = this.spinButtons;
if (this.disabled || this.readOnly) {
buttons.disabled = true;
else {
buttons.decreaseDisabled = (this.value <= this.min);
buttons.increaseDisabled = (this.value >= this.max);
<!-- Adust the value as necessary so that it remains between the current
values of the min and max attributes.
aValue: Value to be validated.
aIsIncDec: Value being changed due to increment/decrement from
spinbuttons or keypress (as opposed to direct entry)?
<method name="_validateValue">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
<parameter name="aIsIncDec"/>
aValue = Number(aValue) || 0;
var min = this.min;
var max = this.max;
// If the min and max attributes are finite values and
// the wraparound attribute is true, we allow a value at
// the maximum to wraparound to the minimum on increment
// events and a value at the minimum to wraparound to the
// maximum on decrement events.
var wrapAround = this.wrapAround &&
min != -Infinity && max != Infinity;
if (aValue <= min)
aValue = (aIsIncDec && wrapAround ? max : min);
else if (aValue >= max)
aValue = (aIsIncDec && wrapAround ? min : max);
// Round the value to specified number of decimal places.
var places = this.decimalPlaces;
if (places != Infinity)
aValue = aValue.toFixed(places);
this._valueEntered = false;
this._value = Number(aValue);
// Localization: use the correct decimal symbol.
this.inputField.value = aValue.replace(/\./, this.decimalSymbol);
if (!wrapAround)
return aValue;
<!-- Fire change event. -->
<method name="_fireChange">
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("change", true, true);
<!-- Fire spinup or spindown event. -->
<method name="_fireSpinEvent">
<parameter name="eventname"/>
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent(eventname, true, false);
if (this.max < this.min)
this.max = this.min;
var dsymbol = (Number(5.4)).toLocaleString().match(/\D/);
if (dsymbol != null)
this.decimalSymbol = dsymbol[0];
var value = this.inputField.value || 0;
this._validateValue(value, false);
<handler event="input">
this._valueEntered = true;
<handler event="keypress">
if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey && event.charCode) {
if (event.charCode == this.decimalSymbol.charCodeAt(0) &&
this.decimalPlaces &&
String(this.inputField.value).indexOf(this.decimalSymbol) == -1)
// charCode 45 == '-'
if (event.charCode == 45 && this.min < 0)
// charCode 48-57 == numbers 0-9.
if (event.charCode < 48 || event.charCode > 57)
<handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_UP" phase="capturing">
<handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_DOWN" phase="capturing">
<handler event="change">
if (event.originalTarget == this.inputField) {
var newval = this.inputField.value;
newval = newval.replace(this.decimalSymbol, ".");
this._validateValue(newval, false);
<!-- MONTHBOX -->
<binding id="monthbox"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:hbox class="textbox-input-box numberbox-input-box" flex="1"
<html:input class="numberbox-input textbox-input" flex="1"
anonid="input" readonly="true"
<xul:spinbuttons anonid="buttons"
<property name="value"
onget="return this.monthValues[this.inputField.value];">
if (val < 0)
val = 11;
else if (val > 11)
val = 0;
if (!this.monthNames.length) {
for (var month = 0; month < 12; month++) {
var loc = new Date(1970, month).toLocaleFormat("%B");
this.monthValues[loc] = month;
this.inputField.value = this.monthNames[val];
<method name="_modifyUp">
<method name="_modifyDown">
<method name="fireEvent">
<parameter name="aName"/>
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent(aName, true, false);
if (this.value == undefined)
this.value = 0;
<field name="monthNames">new Array()</field>
<field name="monthValues">new Object()</field>
<handler event="keydown" keycode="VK_UP">
<handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_DOWN">
<binding id="monthyearbox">
<xul:textbox type="month" anonid="month" size="10" flex="1"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" anonid="year" size="4"/>
<!-- interface -->
<property name="year"
onget="return this.yearField.value;"
onset="this.yearField.value = val;"/>
<property name="month"
onget="return this.monthField.value;"
onset="this.monthField.value = val;"/>
<method name="focusMonth">
<method name="focusYear">
<method name="isMonthFocused">
return this.getFocusedElement() == this.monthField;
<method name="isYearFocused">
return this.getFocusedElement() == this.yearField;
<!-- private -->
<method name="getFocusedElement">
var focused = this.ownerDocument.commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
if (!focused)
var binding = this.ownerDocument.getBindingParent(focused);
return binding;
var handler = {
handleEvent: function handleEvent(aEvent) {
if (aEvent.type == "spinup") {
if (this.widget.month == 0)
} else if (this.widget.month == 11) {
widget: this
this.monthField.addEventListener("spinup", handler, false);
this.monthField.addEventListener("spindown", handler, false);
<property name="monthField" readonly="true">
if (!this._monthField)
this._monthField = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "month");
return this._monthField;
<field name="_monthField">null</field>
<property name="yearField" readonly="true">
if (!this._yearField)
this._yearField = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "year");
return this._yearField;
<field name="_yearField">null</field>
<binding id="range-datetime"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:label value="" anonid="minLabel"/>
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="yearSpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="3" anonid="yearSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="monthSpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="monthSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="daySpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="daySpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="hoursSpin" value="&xforms.time.hours.label;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="hoursSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="minutesSpin" value="&xforms.time.minutes.label;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="minutesSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="secondsSpin" value="&xforms.time.seconds.label;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="secondsSpin"
<xul:label value="" anonid="maxLabel"/>
<method name="updateLabels">
this.minLabel.value = this.start + this._startSeparator;
this.maxLabel.value = this._endSeparator + this.end;
<method name="updateValue">
var year = this.yearSpin.value.toString();
year = this.formatValue(year, 4);
var month = this.monthSpin.value.toString();
month = this.formatValue(month, 2);
var day = this.daySpin.value.toString();
day = this.formatValue(day, 2);
var hours = this.hoursSpin.value.toString();
hours = this.formatValue(hours, 2);
var minutes = this.minutesSpin.value.toString();
minutes = this.formatValue(minutes, 2);
var seconds = this.secondsSpin.value.toString();
seconds = this.formatValue(seconds, 2);
var value = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + "T" +
hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
this.setAttribute("value", value);
<method name="updateFields">
var value = this.value;
// Date
this.yearSpin.value = this.getYear(value);
this.monthSpin.value = this.getMonth(value);
this.daySpin.value = this.getDay(value);
// Time
this.hoursSpin.value = this.getHours(value);
this.minutesSpin.value = this.getMinutes(value);
this.secondsSpin.value = this.getSeconds(value);
<method name="setSpinbuttonMinMax">
// Date
// Year
this.yearSpin.min = this.getYearMin();
this.yearSpin.max = this.getYearMax();
// Month
this.monthSpin.min = this.getMonthMin();
this.monthSpin.max = this.getMonthMax();
// Day
this.daySpin.min = this.getDayMin();
this.daySpin.max = this.getDayMax();
// Time
// Hours
this.hoursSpin.min = this.getHoursMin();
this.hoursSpin.max = this.getHoursMax();
// Minutes
this.minutesSpin.min = this.getMinutesMin();
this.minutesSpin.max = this.getMinutesMax();
// Seconds
this.secondsSpin.min = this.getSecondsMin();
this.secondsSpin.max = this.getSecondsMax();
<method name="isInRange">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
var startDate = this.getDate(this.start);
var endDate = this.getDate(this.end);
var currentDate = this.getDate(aValue);
return startDate <= currentDate && currentDate <= endDate;
<!-- Private -->
<property name="minLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._minLabel) {
this._minLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minLabel");
return this._minLabel;
<field name="_minLabel">null</field>
<property name="yearSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._yearSpin) {
this._yearSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "yearSpin");
return this._yearSpin;
<field name="_yearSpin">null</field>
<property name="monthSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._monthSpin) {
this._monthSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "monthSpin");
return this._monthSpin;
<field name="_monthSpin">null</field>
<property name="daySpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._daySpin) {
this._daySpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "daySpin");
return this._daySpin;
<field name="_daySpin">null</field>
<property name="hoursSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._hoursSpin) {
this._hoursSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "hoursSpin");
return this._hoursSpin;
<field name="_hoursSpin">null</field>
<property name="minutesSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._minutesSpin) {
this._minutesSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minutesSpin");
return this._minutesSpin;
<field name="_minutesSpin">null</field>
<property name="secondsSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._secondsSpin) {
this._secondsSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "secondsSpin");
return this._secondsSpin;
<field name="_secondsSpin">null</field>
<property name="maxLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._maxLabel) {
this._maxLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "maxLabel");
return this._maxLabel;
<field name="_maxLabel">null</field>
<!-- DATE RANGE-->
<binding id="range-date"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:label value="" anonid="minLabel"/>
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="yearSpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="3" anonid="yearSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="monthSpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="monthSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="daySpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="daySpin"
<xul:label value="" anonid="maxLabel"/>
<method name="updateLabels">
this.minLabel.value = this.start + this._startSeparator;
this.maxLabel.value = this._endSeparator + this.end;
<method name="updateValue">
var year = this.yearSpin.value.toString();
year = this.formatValue(year, 4);
var month = this.monthSpin.value.toString();
month = this.formatValue(month, 2);
var day = this.daySpin.value.toString();
day = this.formatValue(day, 2);
var value = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
this.setAttribute("value", value);
<method name="updateFields">
var value = this.value;
this.yearSpin.value = this.getYear(value);
this.monthSpin.value = this.getMonth(value);
this.daySpin.value = this.getDay(value);
<method name="setSpinbuttonMinMax">
// Year
this.yearSpin.min = this.getYearMin();
this.yearSpin.max = this.getYearMax();
// Month
this.monthSpin.min = this.getMonthMin();
this.monthSpin.max = this.getMonthMax();
// Day
this.daySpin.min = this.getDayMin();
this.daySpin.max = this.getDayMax();
<method name="isInRange">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
var startDate = this.getDate(this.start);
var endDate = this.getDate(this.end);
var currentDate = this.getDate(aValue);
return startDate <= currentDate && currentDate <= endDate;
<!-- Private -->
<property name="minLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._minLabel) {
this._minLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minLabel");
return this._minLabel;
<field name="_minLabel">null</field>
<property name="yearSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._yearSpin) {
this._yearSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "yearSpin");
return this._yearSpin;
<field name="_yearSpin">null</field>
<property name="monthSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._monthSpin) {
this._monthSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "monthSpin");
return this._monthSpin;
<field name="_monthSpin">null</field>
<property name="daySpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._daySpin) {
this._daySpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "daySpin");
return this._daySpin;
<field name="_daySpin">null</field>
<property name="maxLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._maxLabel) {
this._maxLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "maxLabel");
return this._maxLabel;
<field name="_maxLabel">null</field>
<!-- TIME RANGE-->
<binding id="range-time"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:label value="" anonid="minLabel"/>
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="hoursSpin" value="&xforms.time.hours.label;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="hoursSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="minutesSpin" value="&xforms.time.minutes.label;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="minutesSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="secondsSpin" value="&xforms.time.seconds.label;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="secondsSpin"
<xul:label value="" anonid="maxLabel"/>
<method name="updateLabels">
this.minLabel.value = this.start + this._startSeparator;
this.maxLabel.value = this._endSeparator + this.end;
<method name="updateValue">
var hours = this.hoursSpin.value.toString();
hours = this.formatValue(hours, 2);
var minutes = this.minutesSpin.value.toString();
minutes = this.formatValue(minutes, 2);
var seconds = this.secondsSpin.value.toString();
seconds = this.formatValue(seconds, 2);
var value = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
this.setAttribute("value", value);
<method name="updateFields">
var value = this.value;
this.hoursSpin.value = this.getHours(value);
this.minutesSpin.value = this.getMinutes(value);
this.secondsSpin.value = this.getSeconds(value);
<method name="setSpinbuttonMinMax">
// Hours
this.hoursSpin.min = this.getHoursMin();
this.hoursSpin.max = this.getHoursMax();
// Minutes
this.minutesSpin.min = this.getMinutesMin();
this.minutesSpin.max = this.getMinutesMax();
// Seconds
this.secondsSpin.min = this.getSecondsMin();
this.secondsSpin.max = this.getSecondsMax();
<method name="isInRange">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
var startTime = this.getDate(this.start);
var endTime = this.getDate(this.end);
var currentTime = this.getDate(aValue);
return startTime <= currentTime && currentTime <= endTime;
<!-- Private -->
<property name="minLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._minLabel) {
this._minLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minLabel");
return this._minLabel;
<field name="_minLabel">null</field>
<property name="hoursSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._hoursSpin) {
this._hoursSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "hoursSpin");
return this._hoursSpin;
<field name="_hoursSpin">null</field>
<property name="minutesSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._minutesSpin) {
this._minutesSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minutesSpin");
return this._minutesSpin;
<field name="_minutesSpin">null</field>
<property name="secondsSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._secondsSpin) {
this._secondsSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "secondsSpin");
return this._secondsSpin;
<field name="_secondsSpin">null</field>
<property name="maxLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._maxLabel) {
this._maxLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "maxLabel");
return this._maxLabel;
<field name="_maxLabel">null</field>
<binding id="range-numeric-spin"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:label value="" anonid="minLabel"/>
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="spinValue" value="" anonid="spinLabel"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="spinValue"
<xul:label value="" anonid="maxLabel"/>
<method name="updateLabels">
this.minLabel.value = this.start + this._startSeparator;
this.maxLabel.value = this._endSeparator + this.end;
<method name="updateFields">
this.spinValue.value = this.getNumericValue(this.value);
<method name="setSpinbuttonMinMax">
this.spinValue.min = this.getNumericValue(this.start);
this.spinValue.max = this.getNumericValue(this.end);
<method name="isInRange">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
return this.start <= aValue && aValue <= this.end;
<method name="getNumericValue">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
return parseFloat(aValue);
<!-- Private -->
<property name="minLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._minLabel) {
this._minLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minLabel");
return this._minLabel;
<field name="_minLabel">null</field>
<property name="spinLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._spinLabel) {
this._spinLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "spinLabel");
return this._spinLabel;
<field name="_spinLabel">null</field>
<property name="spinValue" readonly="true">
if (!this._spinValue) {
this._spinValue = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "spinValue");
return this._spinValue;
<field name="_spinValue">null</field>
<property name="maxLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._maxLabel) {
this._maxLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "maxLabel");
return this._maxLabel;
<field name="_maxLabel">null</field>
<!-- GDAY RANGE-->
<binding id="range-gday"
<field name="_daySpinLabel">&;</field>
<method name="updateValue">
var value = this.spinValue.value.toString();
value = this.formatValue(value, 2);
this.setAttribute("value", value);
<!-- private -->
this.spinLabel.value = this._daySpinLabel;
<binding id="range-gmonth"
<field name="_monthSpinLabel">&;</field>
<method name="updateValue">
var value = this.spinValue.value.toString();
value = this.formatValue(value, 2);
this.setAttribute("value", value);
<!-- private -->
this.spinLabel.value = this._monthSpinLabel;
<binding id="range-gyear"
<field name="_yearSpinLabel">&;</field>
<method name="updateValue">
var value = this.spinValue.value.toString();
value = this.formatValue(value, 4);
this.setAttribute("value", value);
<!-- private -->
this.spinLabel.value = this._yearSpinLabel;
this.spinValue.size = 3;
<binding id="range-gmonthday"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:label value="" anonid="minLabel"/>
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="monthSpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="monthSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="daySpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="daySpin"
<xul:label value="" anonid="maxLabel"/>
<method name="updateLabels">
this.minLabel.value = this.start + this._startSeparator;
this.maxLabel.value = this._endSeparator + this.end;
<method name="updateValue">
// Month
var month = this.monthSpin.value.toString();
month = this.formatValue(month, 2);
// Day
var day = this.daySpin.value.toString();
day = this.formatValue(day, 2);
var value = month + "-" + day;
this.setAttribute("value", value);
<method name="updateFields">
var value = this.value;
this.monthSpin.value = this.getMonth(value);
this.daySpin.value = this.getDay(value);
<method name="setSpinbuttonMinMax">
// Month
this.monthSpin.min = this.getMonthMin();
this.monthSpin.max = this.getMonthMax();
// Day
this.daySpin.min = this.getDayMin();
this.daySpin.max = this.getDayMax();
<method name="isInRange">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
// Use JS Date objects to determine if the current gMonthDay
// falls between the start and end gMonthDay.
var startDate = this.getDate(this.start);
var endDate = this.getDate(this.end);
var currentDate = this.getDate(aValue);
return startDate <= currentDate && currentDate <= endDate;
<!-- Private -->
<property name="minLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._minLabel) {
this._minLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minLabel");
return this._minLabel;
<field name="_minLabel">null</field>
<property name="monthSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._monthSpin) {
this._monthSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "monthSpin");
return this._monthSpin;
<field name="_monthSpin">null</field>
<property name="daySpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._daySpin) {
this._daySpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "daySpin");
return this._daySpin;
<field name="_daySpin">null</field>
<property name="maxLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._maxLabel) {
this._maxLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "maxLabel");
return this._maxLabel;
<field name="_maxLabel">null</field>
<binding id="range-gyearmonth"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:label value="" anonid="minLabel"/>
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="yearSpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="3" anonid="yearSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="monthSpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="monthSpin"
<xul:label value="" anonid="maxLabel"/>
<method name="updateLabels">
this.minLabel.value = this.start + this._startSeparator;
this.maxLabel.value = this._endSeparator + this.end;
<method name="updateValue">
// Year
var year = this.yearSpin.value.toString();
year = this.formatValue(year, 4);
// Month
var month = this.monthSpin.value.toString();
month = this.formatValue(month, 2);
var value = year + "-" + month;
this.setAttribute("value", value);
<method name="updateFields">
var value = this.value;
this.yearSpin.value = this.getYear(value);
this.monthSpin.value = this.getMonth(value);
<method name="setSpinbuttonMinMax">
// Year
this.yearSpin.min = this.getYearMin();
this.yearSpin.max = this.getYearMax();
// Month
this.monthSpin.min = this.getMonthMin();
this.monthSpin.max = this.getMonthMax();
<method name="isInRange">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
// Use JS Date objects to determine if the current gYearMonth
// falls between the start and end gYearMonth.
var startDate = this.getDate(this.start);
var endDate = this.getDate(this.end);
var currentDate = this.getDate(aValue);
return startDate <= currentDate && currentDate <= endDate;
<!-- Private -->
<property name="minLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._minLabel) {
this._minLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minLabel");
return this._minLabel;
<field name="_minLabel">null</field>
<property name="yearSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._yearSpin) {
this._yearSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "yearSpin");
return this._yearSpin;
<field name="_yearSpin">null</field>
<property name="monthSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._monthSpin) {
this._monthSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "monthSpin");
return this._monthSpin;
<field name="_monthSpin">null</field>
<property name="maxLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._maxLabel) {
this._maxLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "maxLabel");
return this._maxLabel;
<field name="_maxLabel">null</field>
<binding id="range-yearmonthduration"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:label value="" anonid="minLabel"/>
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="yearSpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="yearSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="monthSpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="monthSpin"
<xul:label value="" anonid="maxLabel"/>
<method name="updateLabels">
this.minLabel.value = this.start + this._startSeparator;
this.maxLabel.value = this._endSeparator + this.end;
<method name="updateValue">
var years = this.yearSpin.value.toString();
var months = this.monthSpin.value.toString();
var duration = "P" + years + "Y" + months + "M";
this.setAttribute("value", duration);
<method name="updateFields">
var value = this.value;
var years = this.getYears(value);
var months = this.getMonths(value);
this.yearSpin.value = years;
this.monthSpin.value = months;
<method name="setSpinbuttonMinMax">
// Years
this.yearSpin.min = this.getYearsMin();
this.yearSpin.max = this.getYearsMax();
// Months
this.monthSpin.min = this.getMonthsMin();
this.monthSpin.max = this.getMonthsMax();
<method name="isInRange">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
var startMonths = this.getDurationMonths(this.start);
var endMonths = this.getDurationMonths(this.end);
var currentMonths = this.getDurationMonths(aValue);
return startMonths <= currentMonths && currentMonths <= endMonths;
<!-- Private -->
<property name="minLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._minLabel) {
this._minLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minLabel");
return this._minLabel;
<field name="_minLabel">null</field>
<property name="yearSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._yearSpin) {
this._yearSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "yearSpin");
return this._yearSpin;
<field name="_yearSpin">null</field>
<property name="monthSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._monthSpin) {
this._monthSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "monthSpin");
return this._monthSpin;
<field name="_monthSpin">null</field>
<property name="maxLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._maxLabel) {
this._maxLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "maxLabel");
return this._maxLabel;
<field name="_maxLabel">null</field>
<binding id="range-daytimeduration"
<stylesheet src="chrome://xforms/skin/widgets-xul.css"/>
<xul:label value="" anonid="minLabel"/>
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="daySpin" value="&;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="daySpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="hoursSpin" value="&xforms.time.hours.label;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="hoursSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="minutesSpin" value="&xforms.time.minutes.label;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="minutesSpin"
<xul:box class="range-box">
<xul:label control="secondsSpin" value="&xforms.time.seconds.label;"/>
<xul:textbox type="number" size="1" anonid="secondsSpin"
<xul:label value="" anonid="maxLabel"/>
<method name="updateLabels">
this.minLabel.value = this.start + this._startSeparator;
this.maxLabel.value = this._endSeparator + this.end;
<method name="updateValue">
var days = this.daySpin.value.toString();
var hours = this.hoursSpin.value.toString();
var minutes = this.minutesSpin.value.toString();
var seconds = this.secondsSpin.value.toString();
var duration = "P" + days + "DT" + hours + "H" +
minutes + "M" + seconds + "S";
this.setAttribute("value", duration);
<method name="updateFields">
var value = this.value;
this.daySpin.value = this.getDays(value);
this.hoursSpin.value = this.getHours(value);
this.minutesSpin.value = this.getMinutes(value);
this.secondsSpin.value = this.getSeconds(value);
<method name="setSpinbuttonMinMax">
var start = this.start;
var end = this.end;
var value = this.value;
// Days
var startDays = this.getDays(start);
var endDays = this.getDays(end);
var currentDays = this.getDays(value);
// Hours
var startHours = this.getHours(start);
var endHours = this.getHours(end);
var currentHours = this.getHours(value);
// Minutes
var startMinutes = this.getMinutes(start);
var endMinutes = this.getMinutes(end);
var currentMinutes = this.getMinutes(value);
// Seconds
var startSeconds = this.getSeconds(start);
var endSeconds = this.getSeconds(end);
// Calculated min/max values for each spinbutton.
var minHours = 0;
var maxHours = 0;
var minMinutes = 0;
var maxMinutes = 0;
var minSeconds = 0;
var maxSeconds = 0;
// Min and Max for the hours spinbutton depends on the day range.
if (endDays == startDays) {
// Range is less than one full day but the days of the start
// and end are the same.
// Example: start=P0DT23H59M59S, end=P1DT20H10M25S
// OR
// The range is greater than or equal to 1 day but less than
// 2 days and the start and end days are the same.
// Example: start=P1DT0H0M0S, end=P1DT23H59M259S
// Hours range between the start and end hours.
minHours = startHours;
maxHours = endHours;
// Min and Max minutes depends on the current hours.
if (currentHours == startHours) {
if (startHours == endHours) {
// This is a simple range of minutes and seconds. Min minutes
// is the minutes of the start duration and max minutes is
// the minutes of the end duration.
// Example: start=0DT0H1M0S, end=0DT0H30M30S
minMinutes = startMinutes;
maxMinutes = endMinutes;
} else {
// Min minutes is the minutes of the start duration. Max minutes
// is the maximum number of minutes in an hour.
minMinutes = startMinutes;
maxMinutes = 59;
// Seconds depends on the current minutes.
if (currentMinutes == startMinutes) {
if (startMinutes == endMinutes) {
// Simple range of seconds only so min seconds is the seconds
// of the start duration and max seconds is the seconds of the
// end duration.
// Example: start=0DT0H0M10S, end=0DT0H0M20S
minSeconds = startSeconds;
maxSeconds = endSeconds;
} else {
// Current minutes is the start minutes of the start day and
// start hour. Seconds can range from the start seconds to the
// maximum number of seconds in a minute.
minSeconds = startSeconds;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else if (currentMinutes == endMinutes) {
// Current minutes is the end minutes of the start day and
// start hour. Seconds can range from 0 to the number of
// seconds in the end duration.
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = endSeconds;
} else {
// Current minutes is between the start and end minutes of
// the start day/start hour.
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else if (currentHours == endHours) {
// Current hours value is equal to the end hours. The min minutes
// is minimum number of minutes in an hour and the max minutes
// is the minutes of the end duration. The min seconds is the
// minimum number of seconds in a minute and the max seconds is
// the seconds of the end duration.
// Example: start=P1DT0H0M0S, end=P1DT1H59M59S
minMinutes = 0;
maxMinutes = endMinutes;
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = endSeconds;
} else {
// Current hours value is between the start and end hours values
// of the same day. Minutes and seconds can range between their
// miminimum and maximum values.
// Example: start=P1DT0H0M0S, end=P1DT10H59M59S
minMinutes = 0;
maxMinutes = 59;
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else if (endDays - startDays == 1) {
// Range is less than one full day but the days of the start
// and end are different.
// Example: start=P0D23H59M59S, end=P1D20H30M10S
// OR
// The range is greater than or equal to 1 day but less than
// 2 days and the start and end days are different.
// Example: start=P0D0H0M0S, end=P1D23H10M10S
// Example: start=P0D0H0M0S, end=P1D0H0M0S
// Hours, minutes, and seconds depend on the current day.
if (currentDays == startDays) {
// Current day value is equal to the start day.
// The min hour is the start hours and the max hours is the
// maximum number of hours in a day.
minHours = startHours;
maxHours = 23;
// Minutes can range between the minutes of the start duration
// and the maximum number of minutes in an hour.
minMinutes = startMinutes;
maxMinutes = 59;
// Seconds can range between the seconds of the start duration
// and the maximum number of seconds in a minute.
minSeconds = startSeconds;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else if (currentDays == endDays) {
// Current day value is equal to the end day.
// The min hour is the minimum number of hours in a day and the
// max hours is the hours of the end duration.
minHours = 0;
maxHours = endHours;
// Minutes and seconds depend on the current hours.
if (currentHours >= endHours) {
// Current hour is the end hour of the end day.
minMinutes = 0;
maxMinutes = endMinutes;
if (currentMinutes >= endMinutes) {
// Current minutes is greater than or equal to the end
// minutes of the end day. Seconds can range between the
// minimum number of seconds in a minute to the seconds of
// the end duration.
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = endSeconds;
} else {
// Current minutes is between the start and end minutes of
// the current hour. Seconds range between their minimum and
// maximum values.
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else {
// Current hours is between the start and end hours of the
// end day. Minutes and seconds can range between their
// minimum and maximum values.
minMinutes = 0;
maxMinutes = 59;
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else {
// Range is more than one full day.
// Example: start= P1DT10H59M59S, end=P3DT23H30M10S
// Example: start= P1DT0H0M0S, end=P3DT0H0M0S
if (currentDays == startDays) {
// Min hours is the start hours and max hours is the maximum
// number of hours in a day.
// on the end hours.
minHours = startHours;
maxHours = 23;
// Minutes depends on the current hour.
if (currentHours == startHours) {
// Current hours is equal to the start hours. Minutes range
// from the start minutes to the maximum number of minutes
// in an hour.
minMinutes = startMinutes;
maxMinutes = 59;
// Seconds depends on the current minutes.
if (currentMinutes == startMinutes) {
// Current minutes is equal to the start minutes. Seconds
// range from the start seconds to the maximum number of
// seconds in a minute.
minSeconds = startSeconds;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else {
// Current minutes is between the start and end minutes of
// the current hour. Seconds range between their minimum
// and maximum values.
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else {
// Current hours is between the start and end hours of the
// current day. Minutes and seconds range between their minimum
// and maximum values.
minMinutes = 0;
maxMinutes = 59;
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else if (currentDays == endDays) {
// Current day is equal to the end day.
// Hours range between the minimum number of hours in a day and
// the hours of the end duration.
minHours = 0;
maxHours = endHours;
// Minutes depend on the current hour.
if (currentHours == endHours) {
// Current hour is equal to the end hour. Minutes range between
// the minimum number of minutes in an hour and the minutes of
// the end duration.
minMinutes = 0;
maxMinutes = endMinutes;
// Seconds depends on the current minutes.
if (currentMinutes >= endMinutes) {
// Current minutes is greater than or equal to the end
// minutes of the end day. Seconds range between the minimum
// number of seconds in a minute and the seconds of the end
// duration.
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = endSeconds;
} else {
// Current minutes is between the start and end minutes of
// the current hour. Seconds range between their minimum and
// maximum values.
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else {
// Current hours is between the start and end hours of the
// end day. Minutes and seconds range between their minimum
// and maximum values.
minMinutes = 0;
maxMinutes = 59;
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = 59;
} else {
// Current day falls between the start and end days. Hours,
// minutes, and seconds all range between their minimum and
// maximum values.
minHours = 0;
maxHours = 23;
minMinutes = 0;
maxMinutes = 59;
minSeconds = 0;
maxSeconds = 59;
// Set the min and max for the days, hours, minutes,
// and seconds spinbuttons.
this.daySpin.min = startDays;
this.daySpin.max = endDays;
this.hoursSpin.min = minHours;
this.hoursSpin.max = maxHours;
this.minutesSpin.min = minMinutes;
this.minutesSpin.max = maxMinutes;
this.secondsSpin.min = minSeconds;
this.secondsSpin.max = maxSeconds;
<method name="isInRange">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
var startSeconds = this.getDurationSeconds(this.start);
var endSeconds = this.getDurationSeconds(this.end);
var currentSeconds = this.getDurationSeconds(aValue);
return startSeconds <= currentSeconds && currentSeconds <= endSeconds;
<!-- Private -->
<property name="minLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._minLabel) {
this._minLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minLabel");
return this._minLabel;
<field name="_minLabel">null</field>
<property name="daySpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._daySpin) {
this._daySpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "daySpin");
return this._daySpin;
<field name="_daySpin">null</field>
<property name="hoursSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._hoursSpin) {
this._hoursSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "hoursSpin");
return this._hoursSpin;
<field name="_hoursSpin">null</field>
<property name="minutesSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._minutesSpin) {
this._minutesSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "minutesSpin");
return this._minutesSpin;
<field name="_minutesSpin">null</field>
<property name="secondsSpin" readonly="true">
if (!this._secondsSpin) {
this._secondsSpin = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "secondsSpin");
return this._secondsSpin;
<field name="_secondsSpin">null</field>
<property name="maxLabel" readonly="true">
if (!this._maxLabel) {
this._maxLabel = this.ownerDocument.
getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "maxLabel");
return this._maxLabel;
<field name="_maxLabel">null</field>