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2015-10-21 05:03:22 +02:00
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=$report-charset">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$css" type="text/css" media="screen">
<title>Venkman Help System</title>
function onLoad ()
var searchStart = document.location.href.indexOf("?");
if (searchStart != -1)
var href = document.location.href;
var result = parseSearch(href.substr(searchStart + 1));
if ("search" in result)
document.getElementById("search").value =
if ("within" in result)
var within = parseInt(result.within);
if (within & 0x01)
document.getElementById("command-names").checked = true;
if (within & 0x02)
document.getElementById("ui-labels").checked = true;
if (within & 0x04)
document.getElementById("help-text").checked = true;
document.getElementById("command-names").checked = true;
document.getElementById("ui-labels").checked = true;
document.getElementById("command-names").checked = true;
document.getElementById("ui-labels").checked = true;
function onKeyUp (event)
if (event.keyCode == 13)
function onSearch ()
var search = document.getElementById("search").value;
var within = 0;
if (document.getElementById("command-names").checked)
within |= 0x01;
if (document.getElementById("ui-labels").checked)
within |= 0x02;
if (document.getElementById("help-text").checked)
within |= 0x04;
document.location.href = "x-jsd:help?search=" + escape(search) +
"&within=" + within;
function parseSearch (search)
var parseResult = new Object();
var ary = search.match(/([^&]+)/);
while (ary)
var rest = RegExp.rightContext.substr(1);
var assignment = ary[1];
ary = assignment.match(/(.+)=(.*)/);
if (ary)
/* only set the property the first time we see it */
if (2 in ary && !(ary[1] in parseResult))
parseResult[ary[1]] = ary[2];
ary = rest.match(/([^&]+)/);
return parseResult;
<body id="venkman-help" onload="onLoad();"
hasSearched="$has-searched" matchCount="$match-count">
<a name="top"></a>
<div id="help-menu">
<span class="newbie-help">
Welcome to the <b>Venkman Help System</b>. From here you can search
for help on the various commands available in Venkman. To search for a
particular command, type your search term in the box below and click
<b>Go</b>, or press <b>Enter</b>.
Additional help can be found on the
<a href="">Venkman Homepage</a>
or the
<a href="">Venkman FAQ</a>.
<span class="newbie-help">
The check boxes control which fields the search is performed on...
<li><b>Command Names</b> matches the command name, as you might enter
it in the </b>Interactive Session</b>.
<li><b>User Interface Labels</b> matches the label used when the
command appears in a <b>menu</b> or <b>toolbar button</b>.
<li><b>Descriptions</b> matches the body of the help text.
<p class="search-input">
Search: <input type="text" id="search" onkeyup="onKeyUp(event)"/>
<input type="button" onclick="onSearch()" value="Go">
<input type="checkbox" id="command-names" value="1">
<label for="command-names">Command Names</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="ui-labels" value="1">
<label for="ui-labels">User Interface Labels</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="help-text" value="1">
<label for="help-text">Descriptions</label>
<p class="quick-searches">
[ <a href="x-jsd:help">Interactive Session Commands</a> |
<a href="x-jsd:help?search="><b>All</b> Commands</a> |
<a href="x-jsd:help?search=%5E%5Ba-c%5D&within=2">A-C</a> |
<a href="x-jsd:help?search=%5E%5Bd-f%5D&within=2">D-F</a> |
<a href="x-jsd:help?search=%5E%5Bg-i%5D&within=2">G-I</a> |
<a href="x-jsd:help?search=%5E%5Bj-l%5D&within=2">J-L</a> |
<a href="x-jsd:help?search=%5E%5Bm-o%5D&within=2">M-O</a> |
<a href="x-jsd:help?search=%5E%5Bp-r%5D&within=2">P-R</a> |
<a href="x-jsd:help?search=%5E%5Bs-u%5D&within=2">S-U</a> |
<a href="x-jsd:help?search=%5E%5Bv-z%5D&within=2">V-Z</a> ]
<span id="match-count">Found $match-count matching command(s).</span>
<span id="command-list">
<span class="command">
<span class="label" item="command-name">Command Name:</span>
<span class="value" item="command-name"><a href="x-jsd:help?search=$command-name">$command-name</a></span><br>
<span class="label" item="ui-label">User Interface Label:</span>
<span class="value" item="ui-label"><a href="x-jsd:help?search=$ui-label-safe&within=2">$ui-label</a></span><br>
<span class="label" item="usage">Usage:</span> <span class="value" item="usage">$command-name $params</span><br>
<span class="label" item="accel-key">Accelerator Key:</span> $key<br>
<span class="label" item="description">Description:</span><br>
<span class="value" item="description">$desc</span>
<span class="goto-top"><a href="#top">Back To Top</a></span>
<font color="red"><b>No commands found</b></font>