
1025 lines
25 KiB
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2015-10-21 05:03:22 +02:00
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* New Dimensions Consulting, Inc.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Robert Ginda,, original author
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
var dumpln;
var dd;
const nsIBaseWindow = Components.interfaces.nsIBaseWindow;
const nsIXULWindow = Components.interfaces.nsIXULWindow;
const nsIInterfaceRequestor = Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor;
const nsIWebNavigation = Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation;
const nsIDocShellTreeItem = Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem;
var utils = new Object();
if (typeof document == "undefined") /* in xpcshell */
dumpln = print;
if (typeof dump == "function")
dumpln = function (str) {dump (str + "\n");}
else if (jsenv.HAS_RHINO)
dumpln = function (str) {
var out = java.lang.System.out;
out.println(str); out.flush();
dumpln = function () {} /* no suitable function */
if (DEBUG) {
var _dd_pfx = "";
var _dd_singleIndent = " ";
var _dd_indentLength = _dd_singleIndent.length;
var _dd_currentIndent = "";
var _dd_lastDumpWasOpen = false;
var _dd_timeStack = new Array();
var _dd_disableDepth = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var _dd_currentDepth = 0;
dd = function _dd (str) {
if (typeof str != "string") {
dumpln (str);
} else if (str[str.length - 1] == "{") {
if (_dd_currentDepth >= _dd_disableDepth)
if (str.indexOf("OFF") == 0)
_dd_disableDepth = _dd_currentDepth;
_dd_timeStack.push (new Date());
if (_dd_lastDumpWasOpen)
dump (_dd_pfx + _dd_currentIndent + str);
_dd_currentIndent += _dd_singleIndent;
_dd_lastDumpWasOpen = true;
} else if (str[0] == "}") {
if (--_dd_currentDepth >= _dd_disableDepth)
_dd_disableDepth = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var sufx = (new Date() - _dd_timeStack.pop()) / 1000 + " sec";
_dd_currentIndent =
_dd_currentIndent.substr (0, _dd_currentIndent.length -
if (_dd_lastDumpWasOpen)
dumpln (str + " " + sufx);
dumpln (_dd_pfx + _dd_currentIndent + str + " " + sufx);
_dd_lastDumpWasOpen = false;
} else {
if (_dd_currentDepth >= _dd_disableDepth)
if (_dd_lastDumpWasOpen)
dump ("\n");
dumpln (_dd_pfx + _dd_currentIndent + str);
_dd_lastDumpWasOpen = false;
} else {
dd = function (){};
var jsenv = new Object();
jsenv.HAS_SECURITYMANAGER = ((typeof netscape == "object") &&
(typeof == "object"));
jsenv.HAS_XPCOM = ((typeof Components == "object") &&
(typeof Components.classes == "object"));
jsenv.HAS_JAVA = (typeof java == "object");
jsenv.HAS_RHINO = (typeof defineClass == "function");
jsenv.HAS_DOCUMENT = (typeof document == "object");
/* Dumps an object in tree format, recurse specifiec the the number of objects
* to recurse, compress is a boolean that can uncompress (true) the output
* format, and level is the number of levels to intitialy indent (only useful
* internally.) A sample dumpObjectTree (o, 1) is shown below.
* + parent (object)
* + users (object)
* | + jsbot (object)
* | + mrjs (object)
* | + nakkezzzz (object)
* | *
* + bans (object)
* | *
* + topic (string) 'ircclient.js:59: nothing is not defined'
* + getUsersLength (function) 9 lines
* *
function dumpObjectTree (o, recurse, compress, level)
var s = "";
var pfx = "";
if (typeof recurse == "undefined")
recurse = 0;
if (typeof level == "undefined")
level = 0;
if (typeof compress == "undefined")
compress = true;
for (var i = 0; i < level; i++)
pfx += (compress) ? "| " : "| ";
var tee = (compress) ? "+ " : "+- ";
for (i in o)
var t;
t = typeof o[i];
switch (t)
case "function":
var sfunc = String(o[i]).split("\n");
if (sfunc[2] == " [native code]")
sfunc = "[native code]";
sfunc = sfunc.length + " lines";
s += pfx + tee + i + " (function) " + sfunc + "\n";
case "object":
s += pfx + tee + i + " (object) " + o[i] + "\n";
if (!compress)
s += pfx + "|\n";
if ((i != "parent") && (recurse))
s += dumpObjectTree (o[i], recurse - 1,
compress, level + 1);
case "string":
if (o[i].length > 200)
s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") " +
o[i].length + " chars\n";
s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") '" + o[i] + "'\n";
s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") " + o[i] + "\n";
catch (ex)
s += pfx + tee + i + " (exception) " + ex + "\n";
if (!compress)
s += pfx + "|\n";
s += pfx + "*\n";
return s;
function safeHTML(str)
function replaceChars(ch)
switch (ch)
case "<":
return "&lt;";
case ">":
return "&gt;";
case "&":
return "&amp;";
return "?";
return String(str).replace(/[<>&]/g, replaceChars);
function alert(msg, parent, title)
var PROMPT_CTRID = ";1";
var nsIPromptService = Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService;
var ps = Components.classes[PROMPT_CTRID].getService(nsIPromptService);
if (!parent)
parent = window;
if (!title)
title = MSG_ALERT;
ps.alert (parent, title, msg);
function confirm(msg, parent, title)
var PROMPT_CTRID = ";1";
var nsIPromptService = Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService;
var ps = Components.classes[PROMPT_CTRID].getService(nsIPromptService);
if (!parent)
parent = window;
if (!title)
title = MSG_CONFIRM;
return ps.confirm (parent, title, msg);
function prompt(msg, initial, parent, title)
var PROMPT_CTRID = ";1";
var nsIPromptService = Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService;
var ps = Components.classes[PROMPT_CTRID].getService(nsIPromptService);
if (!parent)
parent = window;
if (!title)
title = MSG_PROMPT;
rv = { value: initial };
if (!ps.prompt (parent, title, msg, rv, null, {value: null}))
return null;
return rv.value
function getChildById (element, id)
var nl = element.getElementsByAttribute("id", id);
return nl.item(0);
function openTopWin (url)
var window = getWindowByType ("navigator:browser");
if (window)
var base = getBaseWindowFromWindow (window);
if (base.enabled)
window._content.location.href = url;
return window;
return openDialog (getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", url);
function getWindowByType (windowType)
const nsIWindowMediator = Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator;
var windowManager =
return windowManager.getMostRecentWindow(windowType);
function htmlVA (attribs, href, contents)
if (!attribs)
attribs = {"class": "venkman-link", target: "_content"};
else if (attribs["class"])
attribs["class"] += " venkman-link";
attribs["class"] = "venkman-link";
if (typeof contents == "undefined")
contents = htmlSpan();
insertHyphenatedWord (href, contents);
return htmlA (attribs, href, contents);
function insertHyphenatedWord (longWord, containerTag)
var wordParts = splitLongWord (longWord, MAX_WORD_LEN);
containerTag.appendChild (htmlWBR());
for (var i = 0; i < wordParts.length; ++i)
containerTag.appendChild (document.createTextNode (wordParts[i]));
if (i != wordParts.length)
containerTag.appendChild (htmlWBR());
function insertLink (matchText, containerTag)
var href;
var linkText;
var trailing;
ary = matchText.match(/([.,]+)$/);
if (ary)
linkText = RegExp.leftContext;
trailing = ary[1];
linkText = matchText;
var ary = linkText.match (/^(\w[\w-]+):/);
if (ary)
if (!("schemes" in utils))
var pfx = ";1?name=";
var len = pfx.length
utils.schemes = new Object();
for (var c in Components.classes)
if (c.indexOf(pfx) == 0)
utils.schemes[c.substr(len)] = true;
if (!(ary[1] in utils.schemes))
insertHyphenatedWord(matchText, containerTag);
href = linkText;
href = "http://" + linkText;
var anchor = htmlVA (null, href, "");
insertHyphenatedWord (linkText, anchor);
containerTag.appendChild (anchor);
if (trailing)
insertHyphenatedWord (trailing, containerTag);
function insertQuote (matchText, containerTag, msgtype)
if (msgtype[0] == "#")
if (matchText == "``")
/* length should be an even number >= 6 */
function abbreviateWord (str, length)
if (str.length <= length || length < 6)
return str;
var left = str.substr (0, (length / 2) - 1);
var right = str.substr (str.length - (length / 2) + 1);
return left + "..." + right;
function toBool (val)
switch (typeof val)
case "boolean":
return val;
case "number":
return val != 0;
val = String(val);
/* fall through */
case "string":
return (|on|yes|1/i) != -1);
return null;
/* some of the drag and drop code has an annoying appetite for exceptions. any
* exception raised during a dnd operation causes the operation to fail silently.
* passing the function through one of these adapters lets you use "return
* false on planned failure" symantics, and dumps any exceptions caught
* to the console. */
function Prophylactic (parentObj, fun)
function adapter ()
var ex;
var rv = false;
rv = fun.apply (parentObj, arguments);
catch (ex)
dd ("Prophylactic caught an exception:\n" +
if (!rv)
throw "goodger";
return rv;
return adapter;
function argumentsAsArray (args, start)
if (typeof start == "undefined")
start = 0;
if (start >= args.length)
return null;
var rv = new Array();
for (var i = start; i < args.length; ++i)
return rv;
function splitLongWord (str, pos)
if (str.length <= pos)
return [str];
var ary = new Array();
var right = str;
while (right.length > pos)
/* search for a nice place to break the word, fuzzfactor of +/-5,
* centered around |pos| */
var splitPos =
right.substring(pos - 5, pos + 5).search(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/);
splitPos = (splitPos != -1) ? pos - 4 + splitPos : pos;
ary.push(right.substr (0, splitPos));
right = right.substr (splitPos);
ary.push (right);
return ary;
function wrapText (str, width)
var rv = "";
while (str.length > width)
rv += str.substr(0, width) + "\n";
str = str.substr(width);
return rv + str;
function wordCap (str)
if (!str)
return str;
return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
* Clones an existing object (Only the enumerable properties
* of course.) use as a function..
* var c = Clone (obj);
* or a constructor...
* var c = new Clone (obj);
function Clone (obj)
var robj = new Object();
for (var p in obj)
robj[p] = obj[p];
return robj;
function getXULWindowFromWindow (win)
var rv;
//dd ("getXULWindowFromWindow: before: getInterface is " + win.getInterface);
var requestor = win.QueryInterface(nsIInterfaceRequestor);
var nav = requestor.getInterface(nsIWebNavigation);
var dsti = nav.QueryInterface(nsIDocShellTreeItem);
var owner = dsti.treeOwner;
requestor = owner.QueryInterface(nsIInterfaceRequestor);
rv = requestor.getInterface(nsIXULWindow);
catch (ex)
rv = null;
//dd ("not a nsIXULWindow: " + formatException(ex));
/* ignore no-interface exception */
//dd ("getXULWindowFromWindow: after: getInterface is " + win.getInterface);
return rv;
function getBaseWindowFromWindow (win)
var rv;
//dd ("getBaseWindowFromWindow: before: getInterface is " + win.getInterface);
var requestor = win.QueryInterface(nsIInterfaceRequestor);
var nav = requestor.getInterface(nsIWebNavigation);
var dsti = nav.QueryInterface(nsIDocShellTreeItem);
var owner = dsti.treeOwner;
requestor = owner.QueryInterface(nsIInterfaceRequestor);
rv = requestor.getInterface(nsIBaseWindow);
catch (ex)
rv = null;
//dd ("not a nsIXULWindow: " + formatException(ex));
/* ignore no-interface exception */
//dd ("getBaseWindowFromWindow: after: getInterface is " + win.getInterface);
return rv;
function getSpecialDirectory(name)
if (!("directoryService" in utils))
const DS_CTR = ";1";
const nsIProperties = Components.interfaces.nsIProperties;
utils.directoryService =
return utils.directoryService.get(name, Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
function getPathFromURL (url)
var ary = url.match(/^(.*\/)([^\/?#]+)(\?|#|$)/);
if (ary)
return ary[1];
return url;
function getFileFromPath (path)
var ary = path.match(/\/([^\/?#;]+)(\?|#|$|;)/);
if (ary)
return ary[1];
return path;
function getURLSpecFromFile (file)
if (!file)
return null;
const IOS_CTRID = ";1";
const LOCALFILE_CTRID = ";1";
const nsIIOService = Components.interfaces.nsIIOService;
const nsILocalFile = Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile;
if (typeof file == "string")
var fileObj =
file = fileObj;
var service = Components.classes[IOS_CTRID].getService(nsIIOService);
/* In sept 2002, bug 166792 moved this method to the nsIFileProtocolHandler
* interface, but we need to support older versions too. */
if ("getURLSpecFromFile" in service)
return service.getURLSpecFromFile(file);
var nsIFileProtocolHandler = Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler;
var fileHandler = service.getProtocolHandler("file");
fileHandler = fileHandler.QueryInterface(nsIFileProtocolHandler);
return fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(file);
function getCommonPfx (list)
var pfx = list[0];
var l = list.length;
for (var i = 1; i < l; i++)
for (var c = 0; c < pfx.length; c++)
if (pfx[c] != list[i][c])
pfx = pfx.substr (0, c);
return pfx;
function renameProperty (obj, oldname, newname)
if (oldname == newname)
obj[newname] = obj[oldname];
delete obj[oldname];
function newObject(contractID, iface)
if (!jsenv.HAS_XPCOM)
return null;
var obj = Components.classes[contractID].createInstance();
var rv;
switch (typeof iface)
case "string":
rv = obj.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces[iface]);
case "object":
rv = obj.QueryInterface[iface];
rv = null;
return rv;
function keys (o)
var rv = new Array();
for (var p in o)
return rv;
function parseSections (str, sections)
var rv = new Object();
var currentSection;
for (var s in sections)
if (!currentSection)
currentSection = s;
if (sections[s])
var i =[s]);
if (i != -1)
rv[currentSection] = str.substr(0, i);
currentSection = 0;
str = RegExp.rightContext;
str = str.replace(/^(\n|\r|\r\n)/, "");
rv[currentSection] = str;
str = "";
return rv;
function replaceStrings (str, obj)
if (!str)
return str;
for (var p in obj)
str = str.replace(RegExp(p, "g"), obj[p]);
return str;
function stringTrim (s)
if (!s)
return "";
s = s.replace (/^\s+/, "");
return s.replace (/\s+$/, "");
function formatDateOffset (seconds, format)
seconds = Math.floor(seconds);
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
seconds = seconds % 60;
var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
minutes = minutes % 60;
var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);
hours = hours % 24;
if (!format)
var ary = new Array();
if (days > 0)
ary.push (days + " days");
if (hours > 0)
ary.push (hours + " hours");
if (minutes > 0)
ary.push (minutes + " minutes");
if (seconds > 0)
ary.push (seconds + " seconds");
format = ary.join(", ");
format = format.replace ("%d", days);
format = format.replace ("%h", hours);
format = format.replace ("%m", minutes);
format = format.replace ("%s", seconds);
return format;
function arrayHasElementAt(ary, i)
return typeof ary[i] != "undefined";
function arraySpeak (ary, single, plural)
var rv = "";
switch (ary.length)
case 0:
case 1:
rv = ary[0];
if (single)
rv += " " + single;
case 2:
rv = ary[0] + " and " + ary[1];
if (plural)
rv += " " + plural;
for (var i = 0; i < ary.length - 1; ++i)
rv += ary[i] + ", ";
rv += "and " + ary[ary.length - 1];
if (plural)
rv += " " + plural;
return rv;
function arrayOrFlag (ary, i, flag)
if (i in ary)
ary[i] |= flag;
ary[i] = flag;
function arrayAndFlag (ary, i, flag)
if (i in ary)
ary[i] &= flag;
ary[i] = 0;
function arrayContains (ary, elem)
return (arrayIndexOf (ary, elem) != -1);
function arrayIndexOf (ary, elem, start)
if (!ary)
return -1;
var len = ary.length;
if (typeof start == "undefined")
start = 0;
for (var i = start; i < len; ++i)
if (ary[i] == elem)
return i;
return -1;
function arrayInsertAt (ary, i, o)
ary.splice (i, 0, o);
function arrayRemoveAt (ary, i)
ary.splice (i, 1);
function getRandomElement (ary)
var i = Math.floor (Math.random() * ary.length)
if (i == ary.length) i = 0;
return ary[i];
function zeroPad (num, decimals)
var rv = String(num);
var len = rv.length;
for (var i = 0; i < decimals - len; ++i)
rv = "0" + rv;
return rv;
function leftPadString (str, num, ch)
var rv = "";
var len = rv.length;
for (var i = len; i < num; ++i)
rv += ch;
return rv + str;
function roundTo (num, prec)
return Math.round(num * Math.pow (10, prec)) / Math.pow (10, prec);
function randomRange (min, max)
if (typeof min == "undefined")
min = 0;
if (typeof max == "undefined")
max = 1;
var rv = (Math.floor(Math.round((Math.random() * (max - min)) + min )));
return rv;
function getStackTrace ()
if (!jsenv.HAS_XPCOM)
return "No stack trace available.";
var frame = Components.stack.caller;
var str = "<top>";
while (frame)
var name = ? : "[anonymous]";
str += "\n" + name + "@" + frame.lineNumber;
frame = frame.caller;
return str;
function getInterfaces (cls)
if (!jsenv.HAS_XPCOM)
return null;
var rv = new Object();
var e;
for (var i in Components.interfaces)
var ifc = Components.interfaces[i];
rv[i] = ifc;
catch (e)
/* nada */
return rv;
function makeExpression (items)
function escapeItem (item, first)
// Numbers.
if (item.match(/^[0-9]+$/i))
return "[" + item + "]";
// Words/other items that don't need quoting.
if (item.match(/^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$/i))
return (!first ? "." : "") + item;
// Quote everything else.
return "[" + item.quote() + "]";
var expression = escapeItem(items[0], true);
for (var i = 1; i < items.length; i++)
expression += escapeItem(items[i], false);
return expression;