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2015-10-21 05:03:22 +02:00
<!ENTITY cckWizard.title "Firefox Client Customization Kit (CCK)">
<!ENTITY cckWizard.description "This tool helps you create an extension that customizes Firefox. This extension can either be installed by the user or included in an install package.">
<!ENTITY beforeYouBegin.label "Before You Begin">
<!ENTITY beforeYouBegin.description "Decide which customizations you want to make and create/collect the customized files, such as:
<html:li>Custom animation files for browser&apos;s animated logo</html:li>
<html:li>Search engines</html:li>
<html:li>Browser plug-ins</html:li>
<!ENTITY configurePage.label "Extension Configurations">
<!ENTITY selectConfig.label "Select an Existing Configuration or Create a New One">
<!ENTITY selectConfig.description "Select an existing configuration, or click &apos;New&apos; to create a new configuration and workspace in which to store your custom files. To edit an existing configuration without overwriting the original configuration, select it from the list and click &apos;Copy&apos;.">
<!ENTITY showConfig.label "Show Config Info">
<!ENTITY newConfig.label "New">
<!ENTITY copyConfig.label "Copy">
<!ENTITY deleteConfig.label "Delete">
<!ENTITY createConfig.title "Create New Configuration">
<!ENTITY copyConfig.title "Copy Existing Configuration">
<!ENTITY configName.label "Name of configuration">
<!ENTITY configLocation.label "Location of configuration">
<!ENTITY saveOnExit.label "Save configuration automatically on exit">
<!ENTITY zipLocation.label "<html:b>Important:</html:b> In order to create the XPI, we need to use ZIP or 7-Zip. Use the 'Choose File' button to locate one of these executables. Note we will also attempt to use ZIP.EXE if it is in the path.">
<!ENTITY customizeExt.label "Customize Extension">
<!ENTITY id.label "Unique ID:">
<!ENTITY id.format "Format: companyname-cck@extensions.domainname.tld">
<!ENTITY name.label "Name:">
<!ENTITY version.label "Version:">
<!ENTITY description.label "Description:">
<!ENTITY creator.label "Creator:">
<!ENTITY homepageURL.label "Homepage URL:">
<!ENTITY updateURL.label "Update URL:">
<!ENTITY icon.label "Icon:">
<!ENTITY chooseFile.label "Choose File...">
<!ENTITY chooseDir.label "Choose Dir...">
<!ENTITY filename.label "Filename:">
<!ENTITY hidden.label "Do not show this extension in the extension manager.">
<!ENTITY locked.label "Prevent the uninstall of this extension (it can still be disabled).">
<!ENTITY aboutconfig.label "Do not allow access to about:config">
<!ENTITY customizePartOne.label "Customize the Browser - Part One">
<!ENTITY orgName.description "The Company Identifier is included as part of the browser&apos;s user agent string which appears when you open the Help menu and select About Mozilla Firefox. It is required.">
<!ENTITY orgName.label "Enter Your Company Identifier (up to 10 characters; no spaces):">
<!ENTITY orgName.caption "Company Identifier">
<!ENTITY homePage.caption "Home Pages">
<!ENTITY homePage.label "Default Home Page URL:">
<!ENTITY homePage.description "This page is displayed when users first start the Firefox browser, or when they click the Home button.">
<!ENTITY homePageOverride.description "On the very first invocation of Firefox after a new profile is created, a welcome page is displayed. You can choose to replace this page or to not display it at all.">
<!ENTITY homePageOverride.label "Replacement Welcome Page URL:">
<!ENTITY noWelcomePage.label "Do not display the welcome page">
<!ENTITY titleBar.caption "Browser Window&apos;s Title Bar Text">
<!ENTITY titleBar.label "Custom Title Bar Text:">
<!ENTITY titleBar.description "The text you enter (for example, your company name) appears after the page title in the title bar. It is recommended that you use the format
<html:i>Mozilla Firefox: Companyname Edition</html:i>">
<!ENTITY customizePartTwo.label "Customize the Browser - Part Two">
<!ENTITY animLogo.caption "Animated Logo">
<!ENTITY animLogoURL.label "Logo Button URL:">
<!ENTITY animLogoURL.description "Enter the URL that users will go to when they click the animated logo button.">
<!ENTITY animLogoTooltip.description "Enter the tooltip that users will see when they mouse over the animated logo button.">
<!ENTITY animLogoTooltip.label "Logo Button Tooltip:">
<!ENTITY animLogoAnim.description "Path to Your Animated GIF File (16x16 pixels):">
<!ENTITY animLogoStill.description "Path to Your At Rest GIF or PNG File (16x16 pixels):">
<!ENTITY customizePartThree.label "Customize the Browser - Part Three">
<!ENTITY helpMenu.caption "Help Menu">
<!ENTITY helpMenu.description "You can add an item to the Help Menu which provides a link to your online customer support page.">
<!ENTITY helpMenuText.label "Menu Item Text:">
<!ENTITY helpMenuURL.label "Help Menu Item URL:">
<!ENTITY helpMenuAccesskey.label "Help Menu Item Accesskey:">
<!ENTITY customizePartFour.label "Customize the Browser - Part Four">
<!ENTITY allowedSites.caption "Allowed Sites">
<!ENTITY popupAllowedSites.label "You can specify domains for which popups are allowed. List the domains, separated by a comma.">
<!ENTITY installAllowedSites.label "You can specify domains for which software installations (XPIs) are allowed. List the domains, separated by a comma.">
<!ENTITY customizeBrowserPlugins.label "Customize Browser Plug-ins">
<!ENTITY browserPlugins.description "Use the buttons below to add browser plug-ins.">
<!ENTITY plugins.label "Browser Plug-ins">
<!ENTITY plugins.description "Please select a browser plug-in and the platform it is written for.">
<!ENTITY customizeSearchEngines.label "Customize Search Engines">
<!ENTITY searchEngines.description "Use the buttons below to add search engines.">
<!ENTITY defaultSearchEngine.label "Default Search Engine">
<!ENTITY engines.label "Search Engines">
<!ENTITY engines.description "Please select a search engine and (if applicable) corresponding image.">
<!ENTITY engine.label "Search Engine:">
<!ENTITY engineIcon.label "Image File:">
<!ENTITY file.label "File:">
<!ENTITY folderTitle.label "Folder Title:">
<!ENTITY customizeToolbarOne.label "Customize the Bookmarks Toolbar - Part One">
<!ENTITY addToolbarFolder.caption "Add a folder to the bookmarks toolbar">
<!ENTITY addToolbarFolder.description "Use the buttons below to add bookmarks to a folder on the bookmarks toolbar.">
<!ENTITY addToolbarBookmark.caption "Add bookmarks to the bookmarks toolbar">
<!ENTITY addToolbarBookmark.description "Use the buttons below to add bookmarks to the bookmarks toolbar.">
<!ENTITY customizeToolbarTwo.label "Customize the Bookmarks Toolbar - Part Two">
<!ENTITY customizeBookmarksOne.label "Customize Bookmarks - Part One">
<!ENTITY customizeBookmarksTwo.label "Customize Bookmarks - Part Two">
<!ENTITY addBookmarkFolder.caption "Add a folder to bookmarks">
<!ENTITY addBookmarkFolder.description "Use the buttons below to create a folder with boomarks.">
<!ENTITY addBookmark.caption "Add bookmarks">
<!ENTITY addBookmark.description "Use the buttons below to add bookmarks.">
<!ENTITY toolbarLocation.label "Location of toolbar items">
<!ENTITY toolbarLocationBegin.label "Place toolbar items at the beginning">
<!ENTITY toolbarLocationEnd.label "Place toolbar items at the end">
<!ENTITY bookmarkLocation.label "Location of bookmark items">
<!ENTITY bookmarkLocationBegin.label "Place bookmark items at the beginning">
<!ENTITY bookmarkLocationEnd.label "Place bookmark items at the end">
<!ENTITY bookmark.label "Bookmark">
<!ENTITY bookmark.description "Enter a Bookmark">
<!ENTITY bookmarkTitle.label "Title:">
<!ENTITY bookmarkURL.label "URL:">
<!ENTITY liveBookmark.label "Live Bookmark">
<!ENTITY separator.label "Separator">
<!ENTITY customizePrefs.label "Customize Preferences">
<!ENTITY customizePrefs.description "Use the buttons below to add default preferences.">
<!ENTITY prefs.label "Preferences">
<!ENTITY prefName.label "Preference Name:">
<!ENTITY prefValue.label "Value: ">
<!ENTITY prefLock.label "Lock Preference">
<!ENTITY newButton.label "New">
<!ENTITY newButton.accesskey "W">
<!ENTITY deleteButton.label "Delete">
<!ENTITY deleteButton.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY editButton.label "Edit">
<!ENTITY editButton.accesskey "E">
<!ENTITY moveUpButton.label "Move Up">
<!ENTITY moveUpButton.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY moveDownButton.label "Move Down">
<!ENTITY moveDownButton.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY customizeRegistry.label "Customize Registry (Windows Only)">
<!ENTITY registry.label "Registry">
<!ENTITY registry.description "Use the buttons below to add entries to the Windows registry. Note these items will be added/updated every time the browser starts.">
<!ENTITY regDescription.label "Description">
<!ENTITY regRootKey.label "Root Key">
<!ENTITY regKey.label "Key">
<!ENTITY regName.label "Name">
<!ENTITY regNameValue.label "Name Value">
<!ENTITY regType.label "Type">
<!ENTITY customizeCerts.label "Customize Certificates">
<!ENTITY customizeCerts.description "Use the buttons below to select certificates to be preinstalled (PEM format only).">
<!ENTITY customizeCerts.warning "<html:b>IMPORTANT: If you add certificates to Firefox, you CANNOT
ship a browser outside of your company or institution and call it Firefox.
This feature is intended primarily for corporate and institutional users
that will be deploying Firefox inside their organization.</html:b>">
<!ENTITY certs.label "Certificates">
<!ENTITY cert.label "Certificate">
<!ENTITY cert.trustSSL "Trust this CA to identify web sites.">
<!ENTITY cert.trustEmail "Trust this CA to identify email users.">
<!ENTITY cert.trustObjSign "Trust this CA to identify software developers.">
<!ENTITY customizeBundles.label "Customize Extensions/Themes">
<!ENTITY customizeBundles.description "Use the buttons below to select extensions and themes to be installed with your CCK.">
<!ENTITY customizeBundles.warning "<html:b>IMPORTANT: If you add extensions and/or themes to your CCK,
you can no longer install the CCK as part of a Firefox install. You must
install through the browser.
<!ENTITY bundles.label "Extensions/Themes">
<!ENTITY customizeProxy.label "Customize Proxy Configurations">
<!ENTITY proxyTitle.label "Configure Proxies to Access the Internet">
<!ENTITY directTypeRadio.label "Direct connection to the Internet">
<!ENTITY directTypeRadio.accesskey "d">
<!ENTITY WPADTypeRadio.label "Auto-detect proxy settings for this network">
<!ENTITY WPADTypeRadio.accesskey "w">
<!ENTITY manualTypeRadio.label "Manual proxy configuration:">
<!ENTITY manualTypeRadio.accesskey "m">
<!ENTITY autoTypeRadio.label "Automatic proxy configuration URL:">
<!ENTITY autoTypeRadio.accesskey "a">
<!ENTITY configAutoconfigText.label "Configuration location (URL):">
<!ENTITY configAutoconfigText.accesskey "u">
<!ENTITY autoCCKTypeRadio.label "Store proxy configuration file in the CCK:">
<!ENTITY autoCCKTypeRadio.accesskey "i">
<!ENTITY reload.label "Reload">
<!ENTITY reload.accesskey "l">
<!ENTITY ftp.label "FTP Proxy:">
<!ENTITY ftp.accesskey "f">
<!ENTITY gopher.label "Gopher Proxy:">
<!ENTITY gopher.accesskey "g">
<!ENTITY http.label "HTTP Proxy:">
<!ENTITY http.accesskey "h">
<!ENTITY ssl.label "SSL Proxy:">
<!ENTITY ssl.accesskey "s">
<!ENTITY socks.label "SOCKS Host:">
<!ENTITY socks.accesskey "c">
<!ENTITY socks4.label "SOCKS v4">
<!ENTITY socks4.accesskey "k">
<!ENTITY socks5.label "SOCKS v5">
<!ENTITY socks5.accesskey "v">
<!ENTITY port.label "Port:">
<!ENTITY HTTPport.accesskey "p">
<!ENTITY SSLport.accesskey "o">
<!ENTITY FTPport.accesskey "r">
<!ENTITY SOCKSport.accesskey "t">
<!ENTITY noproxy.label "No Proxy for:">
<!ENTITY noproxy.accesskey "n">
<!ENTITY noproxyExplain.label "Example:,,">
<!ENTITY shareproxy.label "Use this proxy server for all protocols">
<!ENTITY shareproxy.accesskey "x">
<!ENTITY showConfig.title "Show Configuration">
<!ENTITY cckWizard.oncancel "All changed data will be saved">
<!ENTITY cckWizardFinish.description "Click Finish to create your CCK package.">