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2015-10-21 05:03:22 +02:00
/*-*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-*/
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Roaming code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Ben Bucksch <> of
* Beonex <>
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002-2004
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* ManyOne <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
/* A few common data types used here:
FilesStats Array of FileStats Like transfer.files
FileStats Object with properties
filename String path to the file, incl. possible dirs,
relative to the local dir.
mimetype String e.g. "application/octet-stream"
lastModified int, in milliseconds since start of 1970
(Unix time * 1000)
size int, in bytes
FilesList Array of Objects with property
filename String See above
(i.e. a FilesStats with possibly fewer properties)
FilesIndexed Objects with filenames as properties, containing an
Object (e.g. a FileStats) with that filename,
i.e. filesIndexed["myfile"] gives a file object with
file.filename = "myfile".
const kLocalFilesDefaultMimetype = "application/octet-stream";
Takes 3 lists of files. For each entry in filesList, it compares the
corresponding entries in files1 and files2 and returns,
which entries match and which don't.
If files1 or files2 is empty, this is considered a mismatch.
@param filesList FilesList
@param files1 FilesStats
@param files2 FilesStats
@param newer bool false or null: require last modified to match
true: consider files in files2 to match, even if they
have been modified after those in files1 (but not
vice versa).
@result Object with propreties |matches| and |mismatches|, both
are FilesStats-Arrays holding subsets of filesList.
Any additional properties of the file entries in filesList
will be preserved.
function compareFiles(filesList, files1, files2, newer)
//ddump("comparing file lists");
//ddumpObject(filesList, " filesList", 1);
//ddumpObject(files1, " files1", 1);
//ddumpObject(files2, " files2", 1);
var result = new Object();
result.matches = new Array();
result.mismatches = new Array();
// sanitize input
if (!filesList)
filesList = new Array();
if (!files1)
files1 = new Array();
if (!files2)
files2 = new Array();
// create indexes, very important for speed with large lists
var files1Indexed = createFilesIndexed(files1);
var files2Indexed = createFilesIndexed(files2);
/* go through filesList and compare each entry with the corresponding ones
in files1 and files2 */
for (var i = 0, l = filesList.length; i < l; i++)
// find corresponding entries
var f1 = files1Indexed[filesList[i].filename];
var f2 = files2Indexed[filesList[i].filename];
// compare
var matches = (f1 && f2
&& f1.size == f2.size
&& ( // last modified time
// allow variations of 1 sec because of FAT inaccuracy
newer == null //XXX use |!newer|
&& f2.lastModified - 1000 <= f1.lastModified // basically ==, with leeway
&& f1.lastModified <= f2.lastModified + 1000 // "
|| newer
&& f1.lastModified <= f2.lastModified + 1000
if (!f1 && !f2)
matches = true;
//ddump(filesList[i].filename + (matches ? " matches" : " doesn't match"));
if (matches)
return result;
For each entry in filesList, it returns the corresponding entry in files1,
if existant.
I.e. extractFiles() is the complement to substractFile(),
i.e. addFiles(extractFiles(a, b), substractFiles(a, b)) matches a.
@param files1 FilesStats
@param filesList FilesList
@result FilesStats Subset of files1
function extractFiles(files1, filesList)
var result = new Array();
// sanitize input
if (!filesList)
filesList = new Array();
if (!files1)
files1 = new Array();
var files1Indexed = createFilesIndexed(files1);
for (var i = 0, l = filesList.length; i < l; i++)
var f = files1Indexed[filesList[i].filename];
if (f)
return result;
Returns files1 - filesList, i.e. returns all entries of files1 which
do *not* have a corresponding entry in filesList.
@param files1 FilesStats
@param filesList FilesList
@result FilesStats Subset of files1
function substractFiles(files1, filesList)
var result = new Array();
// sanitize input
if (!filesList)
filesList = new Array();
if (!files1)
files1 = new Array();
var filesListIndexed = createFilesIndexed(filesList);
for (var i = 0, l = files1.length; i < l; i++)
var f = filesListIndexed[files1[i].filename];
if (!f)
return result;
Returns files1 + files2, i.e. returns all entries of files1 and
all entries of files2. It is *not* garanteed that every entry appears
only once in the result.
@param files1 FilesList
@param files2 FilesList
@result FilesStats Superset of files1 and files2
function addFiles(files1, files2)
return files1.concat(files2);
Returns |files|'s entry which matches |filename|.
This may be very to use inefficient in loops, up to freezing
the app for several seconds. Use createFilesIndexed() instead.
@param files FilesStats an array to search in
@param filename String the file to search for
@return FileStats (singular) has matching filename
nothing if not found
function findEntry(filename, files)
if (!filename || !files)
var f;
for (var i = 0, l = files.length; i < l; i++)
if (files[i].filename == filename)
f = files[i];
return f;
/* Creates an filename-indexed object from |files|, i.e. for each
object A in |files| it creates a result[A.filename] with A as content,
e.g. result["myfile"] gives an A with A.filename = "myfile".
@param files FilesStats
@return FilesIndexed
function createFilesIndexed(files)
var result = Object();
for (var i = 0, l = files.length; i < l; i++)
result[files[i].filename] = files[i];
return result;
Reads an (XML) listing file from disk and returns the contained data as
FilesStats (by invoking readListingFile).
Non-blocking, it will return before the file is loaded, so you need to
specify a callback to be able to actually use the returned array.
@param filename String filename rel to local dir.
May be null (to be used e.g. when the network transfer
failed), in which case the result array will be empty.
@param loadedCallback function() will be called, when the
DOMDocument finished loading and was read,
i.e. that's where you continue processing.
@return Object with property |value| of type FilesStats
(i.e. Files Stats passed by reference)
The data read from the file.
It may be empty, in case loading/reading the file
failed (e.g. file doesn't exist).
Attention: you cannot use the data after the
function returned, only in the loadedCallback.
function loadAndReadListingFile(filename, loadedCallback)
var result = new Object();
result.value = new Array(); /* passing back just the array seems to pass
by value, while the property value seems
to be passed by reference. We need to pass
by reference, because it will be filled,
as described above. */
var domdoc = null;
var loaded = function()
result.value = readListingFile(domdoc);
if (filename)
domdoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", filename, null);
var url = GetIOService().newFileURI(makeNSIFileFromRelFilename(filename));
//ddump("trying to load " + url.spec);
// domdoc.async = true;
domdoc.addEventListener("load", loaded, false);
//ddump("error during load: " + e);
setTimeout(loaded, 0); // see below
//ddump("no filename");
setTimeout(loaded, 0);
/* using timeout, so that we first return (to deliver |result| to the
caller) before we invoke loadedCallback, so that loadedCallback
can use |result|. */
//ddumpObject(result, "result");
return result;
Takes a listing file and reads it into the returned array
@param listingFileDOM nsIDOMDocument listing file, already read into DOM
@result FilesStats list of files which have to be transferred.
Will be empty in the case of an error.
function readListingFile(listingFileDOM)
//ddump("will interpret listing file");
var files = new Array();
if (!listingFileDOM || !listingFileDOM.childNodes)
dumpError("got no listing file");
return files;
var root = listingFileDOM.childNodes; // document's children
var listing; // <listing>'s children
/* although the file has only one real root node, there are always
spurious other nodes (#text etc.), which we have to skip/ignore */
for (var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++)
var curNode = root.item(i);
if (curNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
&& curNode.tagName == "listing")
listing = curNode.childNodes;
if (listing == undefined)
dumpError("malformed listing file");
return files;
for (var i = 0, l = listing.length; i < l; i++) // <file>s and <directory>s
var curNode = listing.item(i);
if (curNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && curNode.tagName == "file")
var f = new Object();
f.filename = curNode.getAttribute("filename");
f.mimetype = curNode.getAttribute("mimetype");
f.size = parseInt(curNode.getAttribute("size"));
f.lastModified =
parseInt(curNode.getAttribute("lastModifiedUnixtime")) * 1000;
// <directory>s not yet supported
// ignore spurious nodes like #text etc.
dumpError("Error while reading listing file: " + e);
files = new Array();
// should return incomplete list? Would break some callers.
return files;
//ddumpObject(files, "files");
return files;
function printtree(domnode, indent)
if (!indent)
indent = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < indent; i++)
ddumpCont(" ");
if (domnode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
ddump(" (Tag)");
var root = domnode.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++)
printtree(root.item(i), indent + 1);
/* Creates an XML file on the filesystem from a files array.
Example content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
@param files FilesStats data to be written to the file
@param filename String filename of the to-be-created XML file, relative
to the local local dir
@result nothing
@throws all errors (that can happen during file creation/writing)
function createListingFile(files, filename)
// create content as string
var content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" //content of the file to be written
+ "<listing xmlns=\""
+ "transfer-listing.xml\">\n";
for (var i = 0, l = files.length; i < l; i++)
var f = files[i];
content += " <file\n"
+ " filename=\"" + f.filename + "\"\n"
+ " mimetype=\"" + f.mimetype + "\"\n"
+ " size=\"" + f.size + "\"\n"
+ " lastModifiedUnixtime=\"" + (f.lastModified / 1000) + "\"\n"
+ " />\n";
content += "</listing>\n";
// write string to file
var lf = makeNSIFileFromRelFilename(filename);
if (!lf)
if (!lf.exists())
lf.create(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0600); // needed?
var fos = Components
var bos = Components
fos.init(lf, -1, -1, 0); //odd params from NS_NewLocalFileOutputStream
bos.init(fos, 32768);
bos.write(content, content.length);
bos.close(); // throwing?
fos.close(); // dito
Creates a FilesStats (with stats from the filesystem) from the
local files.
If a file doesn't exist, no entry will be returned for that file.
@param checkFiles FilesList List of files to be checked
@param baseDir String filenames in |checkFiles| are relative to this dir
null: use makeNSIFileFromRelFilename
non-null: file: URL to base dir, with trailing slash
@result FilesStats filesystem stats of the files
function localFilesStats(checkFiles, baseDir)
var result = new Array();
for (var i = 0, l = checkFiles.length; i < l; i++)
var filename = checkFiles[i].filename;
// create file entry for result array
var f = new Object();
f.filename = filename;
f.mimetype = kLocalFilesDefaultMimetype;
// dummy values for error case
f.lastModified = 0;
f.size = 0;
var lf = baseDir == null ? makeNSIFileFromRelFilename(filename)
: makeNSIFileFromAbsFileURL(baseDir + filename);
//XXX change needed?
if (lf.exists() && lf.isFile() && lf.isReadable() && lf.isWritable())
f.lastModified = lf.lastModifiedTime;
f.size = lf.fileSize;
// use error field?
// XXX use error field? (see also above)
return result;
/* Create nsIFile from filename relative to local dir.
"Local dir" is implementation-specific.
@param file String filename/path relative to the local dir
@result nsIFile
function makeNSIFileFromRelFilename(filename)
must be implemented elsewhere, because the "root" of the relational filename
depends on the application
/* Create nsIFile from (absolute) file: URL
@param fileURL String absolute file: URL
@result nsIFile
function makeNSIFileFromAbsFileURL(fileURL)
return GetIOService().newURI(fileURL, null, null)
/* Moves a file in the local dir to another name there.
function move(from, to)
//ddump("move " + from + " to " + to);
var lf = makeNSIFileFromRelFilename(from);
if (lf && lf.exists())
lf.moveTo(null, to);
/* Deletes a file in the local dir
function remove(filename)
//ddump("remove " + filename);
var lf = makeNSIFileFromRelFilename(filename);
if (lf && lf.exists())