%brandDTD; %platformDTD; ]> &brandFullName; Keyboard Shortcuts

&brandFullName; Keyboard Shortcuts

This is a list of the most common keyboard shortcuts in &brandFullName;. If you have enabled Emacs-style text editing shortcuts in GNOME, they will also work in &brandShortName;. When an Emacs text editing shortcut conflicts with the default shortcuts (as occurs with &accelKey;+K), the Emacs shortcut will take preference if focus is inside a textbox (which would include the location bar and search bar). In such cases you should use the alternate keyboard shortcut if one is listed below.

Command Shortcut
Back &altKey;+Left Arrow
&altKey;+Left Arrow
&accelKey;+Left Arrow
Forward &altKey;+Right Arrow
&altKey;+Right Arrow
&accelKey;+Right Arrow
Home &altKey;+Home
Open File &accelKey;+O
Reload F5
Reload (override cache) &accelKey;+F5
Stop &accelKey;+.
Current Page
Go to Bottom of Page End
Go to Top of Page Home
Move to Next Frame F6
Move to Previous Frame &shiftKey;+F6
Page Info &accelKey;+I
Page Source &accelKey;+U
Print &accelKey;+P
Save Page As &accelKey;+S
Text Size: Decrease &accelKey;+-
Text Size: Increase &accelKey;++
Text Size: Restore &accelKey;+0
Copy &accelKey;+C
Cut &accelKey;+X
Delete Delete
Paste &accelKey;+V
Redo &accelKey;+Y &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+Z
Select All &accelKey;+A
Undo &accelKey;+Z
Find &accelKey;+F
Find Again F3
Find As You Type Link '
Find As You Type Text /
Find Previous &shiftKey;+F3
Web Search &accelKey;+K

Windows & Tabs
Close Tab &accelKey;+W
Close Window &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+W
Move Tab Left (when tab is focused) &accelKey;+Left Arrow
&accelKey;+Up Arrow
Move Tab Right (when tab is focused) &accelKey;+Right Arrow
&accelKey;+Down Arrow
Move Tab to Beginning (when tab is focused) &accelKey;+Home
Move Tab to End (when tab is focused) &accelKey;+End
New Tab &accelKey;+T
New Window &accelKey;+N
Next Tab &ctrlKey;+Tab
&accelKey;+&altKey;+Right Arrow
&ctrlKey;+Page Down
Open Address in New Tab &altKey;+&enterKey;
Previous Tab &ctrlKey;+&shiftKey;+Tab
&accelKey;+&altKey;+Left Arrow
&ctrlKey;+Page Up
Restore Recently Closed Tab &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+T
Select Tab (1 to 8) &accelKey;&altKey;+(1 to 8)
Select Last Tab &accelKey;&altKey;+9
Bookmark All Tabs &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+D
Bookmark This Page &accelKey;+D
Bookmarks &accelKey;+B
Caret Browsing F7
Downloads &accelKey;+J &accelKey;+Y
History &accelKey;+H &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+H
Clear Private Data &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+Del
Complete .com Address &accelKey;+&enterKey;
Complete .net Address &shiftKey;+&enterKey;
Complete .org Address &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+&enterKey;
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry Del &shiftKey;+Del
Full Screen F11
Select Location Bar &altKey;+D
Select or Manage Search Engines
(when Search Bar is focused)
&altKey;+Up Arrow
&altKey;+Down Arrow
26 July 2006

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