$ verify = 'f$verify(0) $ if p1 .eqs. "DECW" then goto decw $! $! This command file in not used by the Mozilla/CSWB software. $! It is here because if you report a software problem you may be asked $! to run it and send the output back to the support specialist. $! $ set verify $ set noon $ show process /quota $ show display $ write sys$output f$environment("procedure") $ show log /ful sys$disk,sys$login,tmp,home $ show log /ful decc* $ dir sys$login.; $ run sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decw.utils]xdpyinfo.exe $ show system /noprocess $ ucx show version $ type sys$sysroot:[sysmgr]decw$private_server_setup.com $ set noverify $ @sys$update:decw$versions all $decw: $ c = "" $f_loop: $ pid = f$pid(c) $ if pid .eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output "Unable to find DECW$SERVER process" $ exit $ endif $ if f$getjpi(pid,"prcnam") .nes. "DECW$SERVER_0" then goto f_loop $loop: $ quota = f$getjpi(pid,"pgflquota") $ inuse = f$getjpi(pid,"pagfilcnt") $ write sys$output f$fao("!UL remaining out of !UL at !%D",inuse,quota,0) $ if verify then set verify