$! Command file to install/deinstall Mozilla image. $! This command file must exist in the root Mozilla directory (where the main $! images and shareables reside). $! $! P1 = INSTALL command to use. $! Default is "ADD /OPEN /HEADER_RESIDENT /SHARE" $! To remove previously installed images pass REMOVE as P1. $! $ saved_dir = f$environment("default") $! $ if p1 .eqs. "" then p1 = "add /open /head /share" $ me = f$envir("procedure") $ here = f$parse(me,,,"device") + f$parse(me,,,"directory") $! $! Main image(s). $! $ call do_many "''p1'" "''here'*-bin." $! $! All the .so files in the main directory. $! $ call do_many "''p1'" "''here'*.so" $! $! All the .so files in the components directory. $! $ set default 'here' $ set default [.components] $ me = f$envir("default") $ here = f$parse(me,,,"device") + f$parse(me,,,"directory") $ call do_many "''p1'" "''here'*.so" $! $ set default 'saved_dir' $ exit $! $do_one: $ subroutine $ write sys$output "Doing ",p2 $ install 'p1' 'p2' $ endsubroutine $! $! $do_many: $ subroutine $loop: $ f=f$search(p2) $ if f .nes. "" $ then $ v=f$parse(f,,,"version") $ f=f-v $ call do_one "''p1'" "''f'" $ goto loop $ endif $ endsubroutine