$! Command file to run Mozilla. $! This command file must exist in the root Mozilla directory (where the main $! images and shareables reside). $! $ moz_self = f$envir("procedure") $ moz_dir = f$parse(moz_self,,,"device") + f$parse(moz_self,,,"directory") $! $ moz_user = f$edit(f$getjpi("","username"),"trim") $ moz_cwd = f$environment("default") $ moz_image = f$trnlnm("MOZILLA_IMAGE") $ if moz_image .eqs. "" $ then $ moz_image = f$search("''moz_dir'*-bin.;") $ if moz_image .nes. "" $ then $ moz_image = f$parse(moz_image,,,"name") $ else $ moz_image = "mozilla-bin" $ endif $ endif $! $ moz_gblpages_needed = (336 * 120/100) $ moz_gblsects_needed = (1 * 120/100) $ moz_gblpages_actual = f$getsyi("free_gblpages") $ moz_gblsects_actual = f$getsyi("free_gblsects") $ moz_wait = 0 $ if moz_gblpages_actual .lt. moz_gblpages_needed $ then $ write sys$output - f$fao("WARNING, estimated global pages needed=!UL, available=!UL",- moz_gblpages_needed, moz_gblpages_actual) $ moz_wait = 1 $ endif $ if moz_gblsects_actual .lt. moz_gblsects_needed $ then $ write sys$output - f$fao("WARNING, estimated global sections needed=!UL, available=!UL",- moz_gblsects_needed, moz_gblsects_actual) $ moz_wait = 1 $ endif $ if moz_wait .and. (f$mode() .eqs. "INTERACTIVE") $ then $ type sys$input The above system parameter(s) may not be sufficient to successfully run Mozilla. $ read/prompt="Do you wish to continue [NO]: " sys$command moz_ans $ if .not. moz_ans then exit $ endif $! $! We need the directory as a unix-style spec. $! $ moz_unix = "/" + f$parse(moz_self,,,"device") - ":" $ moz_self_dir = f$parse(moz_self,,,"directory") - "[" - "]" - "<" - ">" $ i=0 $uloop: $ e=f$element(i,".",moz_self_dir) $ if e .nes. "." $ then $ moz_unix = moz_unix + "/" + e $ i=i+1 $ goto uloop $ endif $ moz_unix = f$edit(moz_unix,"lowercase") $! $ moz_found_one = 0 $so_loop: $ moz_so_file = f$search("''moz_dir'*.so") $ if moz_so_file .nes. "" $ then $ name = f$parse(moz_so_file,,,"name") $ define /user 'name' 'moz_dir''name'.so $ moz_found_one = 1 $ goto so_loop $ endif $ if .not. moz_found_one $ then $ write sys$output "Unable to locate Mozilla images. Most likely reason is" $ write sys$output "because the protection on the directory" $ write sys$output moz_dir $ write sys$output "does not allow you READ access." $ exit $ endif $! $ ipc_shr = f$trnlnm("ucx$ipc_shr") - ".EXE" + ".EXE" $ if (f$locate("MULTINET",ipc_shr) .ne. f$length(ipc_shr)) .or. - (f$locate("TCPWARE",ipc_shr) .ne. f$length(ipc_shr)) $ then $ define /user VMS_NULL_DL_NAME 'ipc_shr' $ else $ define /user VMS_NULL_DL_NAME SYS$SHARE:TCPIP$IPC_SHR.EXE $ endif $ define /user GETADDRINFO TCPIP$GETADDRINFO $ define /user FREEADDRINFO TCPIP$FREEADDRINFO $ define /user GETNAMEINFO TCPIP$GETNAMEINFO $ define /user GETIPNODEBYNAME TCPIP$GETIPNODEBYNAME $ define /user GETIPNODEBYADDR TCPIP$GETIPNODEBYADDR $ define /user FREEHOSTENT TCPIP$FREEHOSTENT $! $! A networking problem which is still unresolved means that by default $! the IPv6 support is disabled. If you want to turn it back on define $! the logical MOZILLA_IPV6 (to anything), but beware that you may $! encounter hangs. $! $ if f$trnlnm("MOZILLA_IPV6") .eqs. "" $ then $ define /user /nolog GETIPNODEBYNAME NO_SUCH_NAME $ endif $! $! These logicals define how files are created/opened. $! The old code used: "shr=get,put", "rfm=stmlf", "deq=500", "fop=dfw,tef" $! $! Executables $ define /user VMS_OPEN_ARGS_1 ".EXE.SO.SFX_AXPEXE.SFX_VAXEXE", - "ctx=stm", "rfm=fix", "rat=none", "mrs=512" $! $! VMS savesets $ define /user VMS_OPEN_ARGS_2 ".BCK.SAV", - "ctx=stm", "rfm=fix", "rat=none", "mrs=32256" $! $! Binary files. STM doesn't work, needs to be STMLF. $ define /user VMS_OPEN_ARGS_3 "..DB.GIF.JAR.JPG.MAB.MFASL.MSF.WAV.XPM.XPT", - "ctx=stm", "rfm=stmlf", "rat=none" $! $! Text files - covered by the catchall $! ".BAK.COM.CSS.DAT.DTD.HTM.HTML.JS.RDF.NET.ORG.SH.SRC.TBL.TXT.XML.XUL" $! $ define /user VMS_OPEN_ARGS_4 " ",- "rfm=stmlf", "rat=cr" $! $ if f$trnlnm("USER") .eqs. "" then define /user user "''moz_user'" $ if f$trnlnm("LOGNAME") .eqs. "" then define /user logname "''moz_user'" $ define /user MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME "''moz_unix'" $ define /user VMS_USE_VMS_DEF_PROT 1 $ define /user VMS_ACCESS_FIX_WOK 1 $! define /user VMS_FILE_OPEN_MODE 3 $! define /user VMS_POLL_TIMER_MIN 10 $! define /user VMS_POLL_TIMER_DELTA 0 $! define /user VMS_POLL_TIMER_MAX 200 $! define /user NSPR_LOG_MODULES "all:5" $! define /user NSPR_LOG_FILE dkb100:[work]log.log $! define /user VMS_TRACE_FILENAMES 1 $! $ define /user DECC$EFS_CASE_PRESERVE 0 $! $! GTK key mapping mode: 0=none, 1=LK, 2=PC $ if f$trnlnm("GTK_KEY_MAPPING_MODE") .eqs. "" then - define /user GTK_KEY_MAPPING_MODE 1 $! $ write sys$output "Starting ''moz_image'..." $ mcr 'moz_dir''moz_image'. 'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6' 'p7' 'p8' $ set default 'moz_dir' $ if f$search("[.chrome]*.*;-1") .nes. "" $ then $ set default [.chrome] $ moz_chrome = f$environment("default") $ purge 'moz_chrome' $ moz_ver = f$parse(f$search("''moz_chrome'all-skins.rdf"),,,"version") - ";" $ if moz_ver .gt. 10000 then rename 'moz_chrome'*.rdf *.*;1 $ endif $! $ moz_keep = f$trnlnm("MOZILLA_PURGE_KEEP") $ if moz_keep .eqs. "" then moz_keep = "5" $ set default sys$login $ if f$search("[._MOZILLA.*]*.*") .nes. "" $ then $ purge /keep='moz_keep' [._mozilla.*...] $ endif $ set default 'moz_cwd' $! $ exit