/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Java XPCOM Bindings. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * IBM Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005 * IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Javier Pedemonte (jhpedemonte@gmail.com) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifndef _nsJavaXPCOMBindingUtils_h_ #define _nsJavaXPCOMBindingUtils_h_ #include "jni.h" #include "xptcall.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "pldhash.h" #include "nsJavaXPTCStub.h" #include "nsAutoLock.h" #include "nsTHashtable.h" #include "nsHashKeys.h" //#define DEBUG_JAVAXPCOM //#define DEBUG_JAVAXPCOM_REFCNT #ifdef DEBUG_JAVAXPCOM #define LOG(x) printf x #else #define LOG(x) /* nothing */ #endif /********************* * Java JNI globals *********************/ extern jclass systemClass; extern jclass booleanClass; extern jclass charClass; extern jclass byteClass; extern jclass shortClass; extern jclass intClass; extern jclass longClass; extern jclass floatClass; extern jclass doubleClass; extern jclass stringClass; extern jclass nsISupportsClass; extern jclass xpcomExceptionClass; extern jclass xpcomJavaProxyClass; extern jclass weakReferenceClass; extern jclass javaXPCOMUtilsClass; extern jmethodID hashCodeMID; extern jmethodID booleanValueMID; extern jmethodID booleanInitMID; extern jmethodID charValueMID; extern jmethodID charInitMID; extern jmethodID byteValueMID; extern jmethodID byteInitMID; extern jmethodID shortValueMID; extern jmethodID shortInitMID; extern jmethodID intValueMID; extern jmethodID intInitMID; extern jmethodID longValueMID; extern jmethodID longInitMID; extern jmethodID floatValueMID; extern jmethodID floatInitMID; extern jmethodID doubleValueMID; extern jmethodID doubleInitMID; extern jmethodID createProxyMID; extern jmethodID isXPCOMJavaProxyMID; extern jmethodID getNativeXPCOMInstMID; extern jmethodID weakReferenceConstructorMID; extern jmethodID getReferentMID; extern jmethodID clearReferentMID; extern jmethodID findClassInLoaderMID; #ifdef DEBUG_JAVAXPCOM extern jmethodID getNameMID; extern jmethodID proxyToStringMID; #endif class NativeToJavaProxyMap; extern NativeToJavaProxyMap* gNativeToJavaProxyMap; class JavaToXPTCStubMap; extern JavaToXPTCStubMap* gJavaToXPTCStubMap; extern nsTHashtable* gJavaKeywords; // The Java garbage collector runs in a separate thread. Since it calls the // finalizeProxy() function in nsJavaWrapper.cpp, we need to make sure that // all the structures touched by finalizeProxy() are multithread aware. extern PRLock* gJavaXPCOMLock; extern PRBool gJavaXPCOMInitialized; /** * Initialize global structures used by JavaXPCOM. * @param env Java environment pointer * @return PR_TRUE if JavaXPCOM is initialized; PR_FALSE if an error occurred */ PRBool InitializeJavaGlobals(JNIEnv *env); /** * Frees global structures that were allocated by InitializeJavaGlobals(). * @param env Java environment pointer */ void FreeJavaGlobals(JNIEnv* env); /************************* * JavaXPCOMInstance *************************/ class JavaXPCOMInstance { public: JavaXPCOMInstance(nsISupports* aInstance, nsIInterfaceInfo* aIInfo); ~JavaXPCOMInstance(); nsISupports* GetInstance() { return mInstance; } nsIInterfaceInfo* InterfaceInfo() { return mIInfo; } private: nsISupports* mInstance; nsIInterfaceInfo* mIInfo; }; /************************************** * Java<->XPCOM object mappings **************************************/ /** * Maps native XPCOM objects to their associated Java proxy object. */ class NativeToJavaProxyMap { friend PLDHashOperator DestroyJavaProxyMappingEnum(PLDHashTable* aTable, PLDHashEntryHdr* aHeader, PRUint32 aNumber, void* aData); protected: struct ProxyList { ProxyList(const jobject aRef, const nsIID& aIID, ProxyList* aList) : javaObject(aRef) , iid(aIID) , next(aList) { } const jobject javaObject; const nsIID iid; ProxyList* next; }; struct Entry : public PLDHashEntryHdr { nsISupports* key; ProxyList* list; }; public: NativeToJavaProxyMap() : mHashTable(nsnull) { } ~NativeToJavaProxyMap() { NS_ASSERTION(mHashTable == nsnull, "MUST call Destroy() before deleting object"); } nsresult Init(); nsresult Destroy(JNIEnv* env); nsresult Add(JNIEnv* env, nsISupports* aXPCOMObject, const nsIID& aIID, jobject aProxy); nsresult Find(JNIEnv* env, nsISupports* aNativeObject, const nsIID& aIID, jobject* aResult); nsresult Remove(JNIEnv* env, nsISupports* aNativeObject, const nsIID& aIID); protected: PLDHashTable* mHashTable; }; /** * Maps Java objects to their associated nsJavaXPTCStub. */ class JavaToXPTCStubMap { friend PLDHashOperator DestroyXPTCMappingEnum(PLDHashTable* aTable, PLDHashEntryHdr* aHeader, PRUint32 aNumber, void* aData); protected: struct Entry : public PLDHashEntryHdr { jint key; nsJavaXPTCStub* xptcstub; }; public: JavaToXPTCStubMap() : mHashTable(nsnull) { } ~JavaToXPTCStubMap() { NS_ASSERTION(mHashTable == nsnull, "MUST call Destroy() before deleting object"); } nsresult Init(); nsresult Destroy(); nsresult Add(jint aJavaObjectHashCode, nsJavaXPTCStub* aProxy); nsresult Find(jint aJavaObjectHashCode, const nsIID& aIID, nsJavaXPTCStub** aResult); nsresult Remove(jint aJavaObjectHashCode); protected: PLDHashTable* mHashTable; }; /******************************* * Helper functions *******************************/ /** * Finds the associated Java object for the given XPCOM object and IID. If no * such Java object exists, then it creates one. * * @param env Java environment pointer * @param aXPCOMObject XPCOM object for which to find/create Java object * @param aIID desired interface IID for Java object * @param aObjectLoader Java object whose class loader we use for finding * classes; can be null * @param aResult on success, holds reference to Java object * * @return NS_OK if succeeded; all other return values are error codes. */ nsresult GetNewOrUsedJavaObject(JNIEnv* env, nsISupports* aXPCOMObject, const nsIID& aIID, jobject aObjectLoader, jobject* aResult); /** * Finds the associated XPCOM object for the given Java object and IID. If no * such XPCOM object exists, then it creates one. * * @param env Java environment pointer * @param aJavaObject Java object for which to find/create XPCOM object * @param aIID desired interface IID for XPCOM object * @param aResult on success, holds AddRef'd reference to XPCOM object * * @return NS_OK if succeeded; all other return values are error codes. */ nsresult GetNewOrUsedXPCOMObject(JNIEnv* env, jobject aJavaObject, const nsIID& aIID, nsISupports** aResult); nsresult GetIIDForMethodParam(nsIInterfaceInfo *iinfo, const nsXPTMethodInfo *methodInfo, const nsXPTParamInfo ¶mInfo, PRUint8 paramType, PRUint16 methodIndex, nsXPTCMiniVariant *dispatchParams, PRBool isFullVariantArray, nsID &result); /** * Returns the Class object associated with the class or interface with the * given string name, using the class loader of the given object. * * @param env Java environment pointer * @param aObjectLoader Java object whose class loader is used to load class * @param aClassName fully qualified name of class to load * * @return java.lang.Class object of requested Class; NULL if the class * wasn't found * * @see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/jni/jni-12.html#classops */ inline jclass FindClassInLoader(JNIEnv* env, jobject aObjectLoader, const char* aClassName) { jclass clazz = nsnull; jstring name = env->NewStringUTF(aClassName); if (name) clazz = (jclass) env->CallStaticObjectMethod(javaXPCOMUtilsClass, findClassInLoaderMID, aObjectLoader, name); #ifdef DEBUG if (!clazz) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: failed to find class [%s]\n", aClassName); #endif return clazz; } /******************************* * JNI helper functions *******************************/ /** * Returns a pointer to the appropriate JNIEnv structure. This function is * useful in callbacks or other functions that are not called directly from * Java and therefore do not have the JNIEnv structure passed in. * * @return pointer to JNIEnv structure for current thread */ JNIEnv* GetJNIEnv(); /** * Constructs and throws an exception. Some error codes (such as * NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) are handled by the appropriate Java exception/error. * Otherwise, an instance of XPCOMException is created with the given error * code and message. * * @param env Java environment pointer * @param aErrorCode The error code returned by an XPCOM/Gecko function. Pass * zero for the default behaviour. * @param aMessage A string that provides details for throwing this * exception. Pass in nsnull for the default * behaviour. * * @throws OutOfMemoryError if aErrorCode == NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY * XPCOMException for all other error codes */ void ThrowException(JNIEnv* env, const nsresult aErrorCode, const char* aMessage); /** * Helper functions for converting from java.lang.String to * nsAString/nsACstring. Caller must delete nsAString/nsACString. * * @param env Java environment pointer * @param aString Java string to convert * * @return nsAString/nsACString with same content as given Java string; * a 'void' nsAString/nsACString object if aString is * null; or nsnull if out of memory */ nsAString* jstring_to_nsAString(JNIEnv* env, jstring aString); nsACString* jstring_to_nsACString(JNIEnv* env, jstring aString); /** * Helper function for converting from java.io.File to nsILocalFile. * * @param env Java environment pointer * @param aFile Java File to convert * @param aLocalFile returns the converted nsILocalFile * * @return NS_OK for success; other values indicate error in conversion */ nsresult File_to_nsILocalFile(JNIEnv* env, jobject aFile, nsILocalFile** aLocalFile); #endif // _nsJavaXPCOMBindingUtils_h_