Known bugs ---------- 23 Oct 2000 1. Mozilla bug (Solaris only): The cursor has disappeared! (also in Composer) 2. DOM/IFRAME bug: window.document object not defined for dynamically created IFRAME elements using DOM. Currently prevent the use of IFRAMEs for inline display of HTML documents 3. XMLterm bug: Typing text in text input element causes input to be duplicated in the command line. Controlled by Javascript WORKAROUND in xmlterm.html to detect onFocus and onBlur events and suspend key event handling by mozXMLTermKeyListener 4. DOM/Layout bug: When cursor is at leftmost position on the line, clicking on the window moves it up (very annoying). Mitigated by a WORKAROUND in mozXMLTermMouseListener::MouseClick. 5. XMLterm/DOM bug: As new commands are typed in, scrolling is jerky. For example, type a few non-trivial commands interspersed with several trivial commands (i.e., just pressing ENTER key). The output from the earlier non-trivial commands sometimes jumps downwards instead of moving monotonically upwards. (Does it have anything to do with deletion of earlier DOM entries?) 6. XMLterm bug: Arrow keys are hard-wired to particular escape sequences. 7. LTERM/NCURSES bug: Executing "emacs -nw" in the NCURSES version of LTERM results in LTERM exiting abnormally when user exits emacs. An interrupt error seems to occur while polling for output in ltermRead. 8. "Here document" input positions cursor incorrectly in the previous line. 9. "yes" command causes xmlterm to hang! 10. F1 key sometimes blanks out whole screen and makes it unresponsive. 11. Style changes have become fickle, e.g., prompt underlining doesn't seem to work properly. 12. cd /usr/share/pixmaps/mc xcat i-symlink.png causes crash (seems to be related to GTK event callback) Switching to XP event posting may remove this bug