XMLterm installation instructions for Linux binaries ---------------------------------------------------- *NOTE 1* This is work in progress. User beware! *NOTE 2* If this file was already present in your "package" directory, it means that xmlterm is included in your build! You don't need to install it. Skip steps 1 & 2 and go directly to step 3. *NOTE 3* This plain text INSTALL file may be out date. Please check for the most recent information. 20 Mar 2000 1. First obtain the Mozilla Linux binary tar file ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/releases/m14/mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-M14.tar.gz" and untar it in any convenient location. This will create a directory named "package" containing the binaries. 2. Untar the XMLterm binary tar file "xmlterm-i686-pc-linux-gnu-M14.tar.gz" in the "package" directory created above. 3. Type the following command in the "package" directory: ./xmlterm "xmlterm" is shorthand for the following command, which you may also execute directly ./mozilla -chrome chrome://xmlterm/content/xmlterm.xul This should create an XMLTerm in the browser window. Then click on that window with the mouse to shift focus and start typing UNIX commands. **NOTE** The command prompt is assumed to be terminated by one of the characters "#$%>?", followed by a space. If this is not the case, many features will not work. This restriction will be relaxed in the future. 4. The command line can be edited using EMACS-style key bindings. Command completion should also work with TCSH and BASH, as should history recall. 5. By default, blue coloring is used to indicate clickable display elements. Note that the prompt and the input command line are clickable. (Of course, the appearance of XMLterm is completely configurable using the CSS stylesheet chrome://xmlterm/skin/default/xmlterm.css) After typing one or two commands, click on the prompt string of any previous command to see what happens! Then click again on the same prompt string. Also click on "Hide all output" button at the top of the document. Double-clicking is used to activate all XMLterm features, *except* for command prompts and underlined hyperlinks, which are activated by a single click as in a browser. Double-clicking on a previous command line (to the right of the prompt) re-executes the command. Be warned that double-clicking a command line can profoundly affect your computing environment, depending upon what the command is. 6. The sample Perl script "xls", the iconic/hypertext version of the Unix "ls" command, is in the "package" directory. Also in the "package" directory is "xcat", an XMLterm-aware version of the "cat" command. 7. To use XMLterm most efficiently, add the mozilla "package" directory to your execution PATH variable by modifying your shell initialization file (.profile/.cshrc). This will enable you to use commands such as "xmlterm", "xls", and "xcat" easily. --