#include "nsIFile.idl" #include "nsISupports.idl" [scriptable, uuid(9da0b650-d07e-4617-a18a-250035572ac8)] interface nsIProcess : nsISupports { void init(in nsIFile executable); void initWithPid(in unsigned long pid); void kill(); /** XXX what charset? **/ /** Executes the file this object was initialized with * @param blocking Whether to wait until the process terminates before returning or not * @param args An array of arguments to pass to the process * @param count The length of the args array * @return the PID of the newly spawned process */ unsigned long run(in boolean blocking, [array, size_is(count)] in string args, in unsigned long count); readonly attribute nsIFile location; readonly attribute unsigned long pid; readonly attribute string processName; readonly attribute unsigned long processSignature; readonly attribute long exitValue; }; %{C++ #define NS_PROCESS_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/process/util;1" #define NS_PROCESS_CLASSNAME "Process Specification" %}