HOW TO ADD AN ABOUT: URI ======================== This is one of the things that was not straightforward to me in the beginning, so I will write this guide for future reference. 1. Open /netwerk/protocol/about/src/nsAboutRedirector.cpp - You will see a list of URIs under RedirEntry. Add a line and specify a URI and a file location/internet URL that you would want to redirect to. - At the end of the line, you will see PR_TRUE or PR_FALSE. For most cases, PR_TRUE is the best option, you should only use PR_FALSE if the page you want to add is to be used for changing settings or interacting with the rest of the browser chrome. (IE preferences pages or about:config) 2. Open /netwerk/build/nsNetModule.cpp - At around line 1000, you will see a list of functions defining about: URIs. Copy and paste one and modify it to reflect the new URI you want to add. (just modifying the values in quotes should do) 3. Open /caps/src/nsScriptSecurityManager.cpp (for content pages only) - At about line 1290, you will see a list of URIs. Add your URI to that list.