# -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. # # The Original Code is Mozilla.org Code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Ben Goodger. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Ben Goodger # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** var gRDF; const kPluginHandlerContractID = "@mozilla.org/content/plugin/document-loader-factory;1"; const kDisabledPluginTypesPref = "plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types"; const kRootTypePrefix = "urn:mimetype:"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIME Types DataSource Wrapper function NC_URI(aProperty) { return "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#" + aProperty; } function MIME_URI(aType) { return "urn:mimetype:" + aType; } function HANDLER_URI(aHandler) { return "urn:mimetype:handler:" + aHandler; } function APP_URI(aType) { return "urn:mimetype:externalApplication:" + aType; } function ArrayEnumerator(aItems) { this._index = 0; if (aItems) { for (var i = 0; i < aItems.length; ++i) { if (!aItems[i]) aItems.splice(i, 1); } } this._contents = aItems || []; this.push = function (aElement) { if (aElement) this._contents.push(aElement); }; this.hasMoreElements = function () { return this._index < this._contents.length; }; this.getNext = function () { return this._contents[this._index++]; }; }; function HelperApps() { if (!gRDF) { gRDF = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService); } const mimeTypes = "UMimTyp"; var fileLocator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties); var file = fileLocator.get(mimeTypes, Components.interfaces.nsIFile); var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var fileHandler = ioService.getProtocolHandler("file") .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler); this._inner = gRDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(file)); this._inner.AddObserver(this); this._fileTypeArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("FileType")); this._fileMimeTypeArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("FileMIMEType")); this._fileHandlerArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("FileHandler")); this._filePluginAvailable = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("FilePluginAvailable")); this._fileHandledByPlugin = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("FileHandledByPlugin")); this._fileIconArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("FileIcon")); this._largeFileIconArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("LargeFileIcon")); this._fileExtensionArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("FileExtension")); this._fileExtensionsArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("FileExtensions")); this._handleAutoArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("FileHandleAuto")); this._valueArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("value")); this._handlerPropArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("handlerProp")); this._externalAppArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("externalApplication")); this._childArc = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI("child")); this._mimeTypes = gRDF.GetResource("urn:mimetypes"); this._mimeTypesRoot = gRDF.GetResource("urn:mimetypes:root"); // Read enabled plugin type information from the category manager var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); var disabled = ""; if (prefs.prefHasUserValue(kDisabledPluginTypesPref)) disabled = prefs.getCharPref(kDisabledPluginTypesPref); for (var i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; ++i) { var plugin = navigator.plugins[i]; for (var j = 0; j < plugin.length; ++j) { var currType = plugin[j].type; this._availableTypes[currType] = { mimeURI: MIME_URI(currType), pluginAvailable: true, pluginEnabled: disabled.indexOf(currType) == -1 }; } } } HelperApps.prototype = { _availableTypes: { }, mimeHandlerExists: function (aMIMEType) { var valueProperty = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI("value")); var mimeSource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(MIME_URI(aMIMEType)); var mimeLiteral = gRDF.GetLiteral(aMIMEType); return this._inner.HasAssertion(mimeSource, valueProperty, mimeLiteral, true); }, updateTypeInfo: function (aMIMEInfo) { var mimeType = aMIMEInfo.MIMEType; var isNewMIMEType = this.mimeHandlerExists(mimeType); var entry = new HandlerOverride(MIME_URI(mimeType), this._inner); entry.mimeType = mimeType; entry.isEditable = true; entry.alwaysAsk = aMIMEInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling; // If not updating (i.e., a newly encountered mime type), // then update extension list and description. if (!isNewMIMEType) { var extEnumerator = aMIMEInfo.getFileExtensions(); while (extEnumerator.hasMore()) { entry.addExtension(extEnumerator.getNext()); } entry.description = aMIMEInfo.description; entry.appDisplayName = ""; } const nsIMIMEInfo = Components.interfaces.nsIMIMEInfo; if (aMIMEInfo.preferredAction == nsIMIMEInfo.saveToDisk) { entry.saveToDisk = true; if (!isNewMIMEType) { // Creating a new entry, set path. entry.appPath = ""; } } else if (aMIMEInfo.preferredAction == nsIMIMEInfo.useSystemDefault || aMIMEInfo.preferredApplicationHandler == null) { entry.useSystemDefault = true; if (!isNewMIMEType) { // Creating a new entry, set path. entry.appPath = ""; } } else { entry.saveToDisk = false; entry.useSystemDefault = false; entry.handleInternal = false; entry.appPath = aMIMEInfo.preferredApplicationHandler.path; entry.appDisplayName = aMIMEInfo.applicationDescription; } // Do RDF magic. entry.buildLinks(); this.flush(); }, getLiteralValue: function (aResource, aProperty) { var res = gRDF.GetResource(aResource); var prop = gRDF.GetResource(NC_URI(aProperty)); var val = this.GetTarget(res, prop, true); if (val) { val = val.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral); return val.Value; } return ""; }, enableFullPagePluginForType: function (aContentType, aEnabled) { this._availableTypes[aContentType].pluginEnabled = aEnabled; }, /* nsIRDFDataSource */ get URI() { return this._inner.URI; }, GetSource: function (aProperty, aTarget, aTruthValue) { return this._inner.GetSource(aProperty, aTarget, aTruthValue); }, GetSources: function (aProperty, aTarget, aTruthValue) { return this._inner.GetSources(aProperty, aTarget, aTruthValue); }, _isRootTypeResource: function (aResource) { aResource = aResource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource); return (aResource.Value.substr(0, kRootTypePrefix.length) == kRootTypePrefix); }, _getTypeFromResource: function (aResource) { var value = aResource.Value; return value.substr(kRootTypePrefix.length, value.length); }, getMIMEInfo: function (aResource) { var types = this._inner.GetTarget(aResource, this._valueArc, true); var mimeSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-helper-app-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMIMEService); if (types) { types = types.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral); types = types.Value.split(", "); // We're using helper app service as our MIME Service here because the helper app service // talks to OS Specific hooks that on some platforms (MacOS X) are required to get a // fully populated MIME Info object. Thus it is this object that we return. return mimeSvc.getFromTypeAndExtension(types[0], null); } else { var type = this._getTypeFromResource(aResource); if (type in this._availableTypes && this._availableTypes[type].pluginAvailable) return mimeSvc.getFromTypeAndExtension(type, null); } return null; }, GetTarget: function (aSource, aProperty, aTruthValue) { if (this._isRootTypeResource(aSource)) { var typeInfo = this.getMIMEInfo(aSource); if (typeInfo) { dump("*** " + aSource.Value + " p = " + aProperty.Value + "\n"); var bundleUCT = document.getElementById("bundleUCT"); if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._handleAutoArc)) { var handler = this.GetTarget(aSource, this._handlerPropArc, true); if (handler) { dump("*** hashandler\n"); handler = handler.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource); return gRDF.GetLiteral(!(this.getLiteralValue(handler.Value, "alwaysAsk") == "true")); } dump("*** nohandler\n"); return gRDF.GetLiteral("true"); } else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._fileTypeArc)) { if (typeInfo.description == "") { try { var literal = bundleUCT.getFormattedString("fileEnding", [typeInfo.primaryExtension.toUpperCase()]); return gRDF.GetLiteral(literal); } catch (e) { // Wow, this sucks, just show the MIME type as a last ditch effort to display // the type of file that this is. return gRDF.GetLiteral(typeInfo.MIMEType); } } return gRDF.GetLiteral(typeInfo.description); } else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._fileMimeTypeArc)) return gRDF.GetLiteral(typeInfo.MIMEType); else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._fileHandlerArc)) { // Look for a plugin handler first if (this._availableTypes[typeInfo.MIMEType].pluginAvailable && this._availableTypes[typeInfo.MIMEType].pluginEnabled) { for (var i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; ++i) { var plugin = navigator.plugins[i]; for (var j = 0; j < plugin.length; ++j) { if (typeInfo.MIMEType == plugin[j].type) return gRDF.GetLiteral(bundleUCT.getFormattedString("openWith", [plugin.name])); } } } var handler = this.GetTarget(aSource, this._handlerPropArc, true); if (handler) { handler = handler.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource); if (this.getLiteralValue(handler.Value, "saveToDisk") == "true") { var saveToDisk = bundleUCT.getString("saveToDisk"); return gRDF.GetLiteral(saveToDisk); } else if (this.getLiteralValue(handler.Value, "useSystemDefault") == "false") { var extApp = this.GetTarget(handler, this._externalAppArc, true); if (extApp) { extApp = extApp.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource); var openWith = bundleUCT.getFormattedString("openWith", [this.getLiteralValue(extApp.Value, "prettyName")]); return gRDF.GetLiteral(openWith); } } } var openWith2 = bundleUCT.getFormattedString("openWith", [typeInfo.defaultDescription]); return gRDF.GetLiteral(openWith2); } else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._filePluginAvailable)) { var pluginAvailable = this._availableTypes[typeInfo.MIMEType].pluginAvailable; return gRDF.GetLiteral(pluginAvailable ? "true" : "false"); } else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._fileHandledByPlugin)) { var handledByPlugin = (this._availableTypes[typeInfo.MIMEType].pluginAvailable && this._availableTypes[typeInfo.MIMEType].pluginEnabled); return gRDF.GetLiteral(handledByPlugin ? "true" : "false"); } else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._fileIconArc)) { try { return gRDF.GetLiteral("moz-icon://goat." + typeInfo.primaryExtension + "?size=16"); } catch (e) { } return gRDF.GetLiteral("moz-icon://goat?size=16&contentType=" + typeInfo.MIMEType); } else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._largeFileIconArc)) { try { return gRDF.GetLiteral("moz-icon://goat." + typeInfo.primaryExtension + "?size=32"); } catch (e) { } return gRDF.GetLiteral("moz-icon://goat?size=32&contentType=" + typeInfo.MIMEType); } else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._fileExtensionArc)) { try { return gRDF.GetLiteral(typeInfo.primaryExtension.toUpperCase()); } catch (e) { } return gRDF.GetLiteral(bundleUCT.getString("extensionNone")); } else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._fileExtensionsArc)) { var extns = typeInfo.getFileExtensions(); // Prevent duplicates. var hash = { }; while (extns.hasMore()) hash[extns.getNext().toUpperCase()] = 0; var str = ""; for (var extn in hash) str += extn + ","; str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1); return gRDF.GetLiteral(str); } } } return this._inner.GetTarget(aSource, aProperty, aTruthValue); }, GetTargets: function (aSource, aProperty, aTruthValue) { if (this._isRootTypeResource(aSource)) { return new ArrayEnumerator([this.GetTarget(aSource, aProperty, aTruthValue)]); } if (aSource.EqualsNode(this._mimeTypes)) { if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._childArc)) { var ctr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer); ctr.Init(this._inner, this._mimeTypesRoot); var elements = ctr.GetElements(); while (elements.hasMoreElements()) { var type = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource); var mi = this.getMIMEInfo(type); if (!(mi.MIMEType in this._availableTypes)) { this._availableTypes[mi.MIMEType] = { mimeURI: MIME_URI(mi.MIMEType), pluginAvailable: false, pluginEnabled: false }; } } var types = []; for (var type in this._availableTypes) types.push(gRDF.GetResource(this._availableTypes[type].mimeURI)); return new ArrayEnumerator(types); } return new ArrayEnumerator([]); } return this._inner.GetTargets(aSource, aProperty, aTruthValue); }, Assert: function (aSource, aProperty, aTarget, aTruthValue) { return this._inner.Assert(aSource, aProperty, aTarget, aTruthValue); }, Unassert: function (aSource, aProperty, aTarget) { return this._inner.Unassert(aSource, aProperty, aTarget); }, Change: function (aSource, aProperty, aOldTarget, aNewTarget) { if (aOldTarget) var ot = aOldTarget.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral); if (aNewTarget) var nt = aNewTarget.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral); return this._inner.Change(aSource, aProperty, aOldTarget, aNewTarget); }, Move: function (aOldSource, aNewSource, aProperty, aTarget) { return this._inner.Assert(aOldSource, aNewSource, aProperty, aTarget); }, HasAssertion: function (aSource, aProperty, aTarget, aTruthValue) { if (this._isRootTypeResource(aSource)) { // Don't show entries in the list for types that we DO NOT handle // automatically. i.e. this list is a means of editing and removing // automatic overrides only. if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._handleAutoArc)) { var handler = this.GetTarget(aSource, this._handlerPropArc, true); if (handler) { handler = handler.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource); return !(this.getLiteralValue(handler.Value, "alwaysAsk") == "true"); } else { // If there is no handler, at check to see if this type is handled // by a full-page plugin, and that that full page plugin mode is // enabled... var type = this._getTypeFromResource(aSource); if (type in this._availableTypes && this._availableTypes[type].pluginAvailable && type != "*" && type != "none") return true; } } } return this._inner.HasAssertion(aSource, aProperty, aTarget, aTruthValue); }, AddObserver: function (aObserver) { this._inner.AddObserver(aObserver); }, RemoveObserver: function (aObserver) { this._inner.RemoveObserver(aObserver); }, ArcLabelsIn: function (aNode) { return this._inner.ArcLabelsIn(aNode); }, ArcLabelsOut: function (aNode) { return this._inner.ArcLabelsOut(aNode); }, GetAllResources: function () { return this._inner.GetAllResources(); }, hasArcIn: function (aNode, aArc) { return this._inner.hasArcIn(aNode, aArc); }, hasArcOut: function (aNode, aArc) { return this._inner.hasArcOut(aNode, aArc); }, _observers: [], AddObserver: function (aObserver) { this._observers.push(aObserver); }, RemoveObserver: function (aObserver) { for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i) { if (this._observers[i] == aObserver) { this._observers.splice(i, 1); break; } } }, onAssert: function (aDataSource, aSource, aProperty, aTarget) { for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i) this._observers[i].onAssert(aDataSource, aSource, aProperty, aTarget); }, onUnassert: function (aDataSource, aSource, aProperty, aTarget) { for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i) this._observers[i].onUnassert(aDataSource, aSource, aProperty, aTarget); }, onChange: function (aDataSource, aSource, aProperty, aOldTarget, aNewTarget) { for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i) this._observers[i].onChange(aDataSource, aSource, aProperty, aOldTarget, aNewTarget); }, onMove: function (aDataSource, aOldSource, aNewSource, aProperty, aTarget) { for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i) this._observers[i].onMove(aDataSource, aOldSource, aNewSource, aProperty, aTarget); }, beginUpdateBatch: function (aDataSource) { for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i) this._observers[i].beginUpdateBatch(aDataSource); }, endUpdateBatch: function (aDataSource) { for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i) this._observers[i].endUpdateBatch(aDataSource); }, flush: function () { var rds = this._inner.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource); if (rds) rds.Flush(); }, destroy: function () { this._inner.RemoveObserver(this); }, QueryInterface: function nsExtensionManager_QueryInterface (aIID) { if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource) && !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource) && !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFObserver) && !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; return this; } }; /** * Handler Override class **/ function HandlerOverride(aURI, aDatasource) { this.URI = aURI; this._DS = aDatasource; } HandlerOverride.prototype = { // general information get mimeType() { return this.getLiteralForContentType(this.URI, "value"); }, set mimeType(aMIMETypeString) { this.changeMIMEStuff(MIME_URI(aMIMETypeString), "value", aMIMETypeString.toLowerCase()); return aMIMETypeString; }, get description() { return this.getLiteralForContentType(this.URI, "description"); }, set description(aDescriptionString) { this.changeMIMEStuff(MIME_URI(this.mimeType), "description", aDescriptionString); return aDescriptionString; }, get isEditable() { return this.getLiteralForContentType(this.URI, "editable"); }, set isEditable(aIsEditableString) { this.changeMIMEStuff(MIME_URI(this.mimeType), "editable", aIsEditableString); return aIsEditableString; }, get extensions() { var extensionResource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI("fileExtensions")); var contentTypeResource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(MIME_URI(this.mimeType)); var extensionTargets = this._DS.GetTargets(contentTypeResource, extensionResource, true); var extString = ""; if (extensionTargets) { while (extensionTargets.hasMoreElements()) { var currentExtension = extensionTargets.getNext(); if (currentExtension) { currentExtension = currentExtension.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral); if (extString != "") { extString += " "; } extString += currentExtension.Value.toLowerCase(); } } } return extString; }, addExtension: function (aExtensionString) { this.assertMIMEStuff(MIME_URI(this.mimeType), "fileExtensions", aExtensionString.toLowerCase()); }, removeExtension: function (aExtensionString) { this.unassertMIMEStuff(MIME_URI(this.mimeType), "fileExtensions", aExtensionString.toLowerCase()); }, clearExtensions: function () { var extArray = this.extensions.split(" "); for (i = extArray.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { this.removeExtension(extArray[i]); } }, // content handling get saveToDisk() { return this.getHandlerInfoForType(this.URI, "saveToDisk"); }, set saveToDisk(aSavedToDisk) { this.changeMIMEStuff(HANDLER_URI(this.mimeType), "saveToDisk", aSavedToDisk); this.setHandlerProcedure("handleInternal", "false"); this.setHandlerProcedure("useSystemDefault", "false"); return aSavedToDisk; }, get useSystemDefault() { return this.getHandlerInfoForType(this.URI, "useSystemDefault"); }, set useSystemDefault(aUseSystemDefault) { this.changeMIMEStuff(HANDLER_URI(this.mimeType), "useSystemDefault", aUseSystemDefault); this.setHandlerProcedure("handleInternal", "false"); this.setHandlerProcedure("saveToDisk", "false"); return aUseSystemDefault; }, get handleInternal() { return this.getHandlerInfoForType(this.URI, "handleInternal"); }, set handleInternal(aHandledInternally) { this.changeMIMEStuff(HANDLER_URI(this.mimeType), "handleInternal", aHandledInternally); this.setHandlerProcedure("saveToDisk", "false"); this.setHandlerProcedure("useSystemDefault", "false"); return aHandledInternally; }, setHandlerProcedure: function (aHandlerProcedure, aValue) { var handlerSource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(HANDLER_URI(this.mimeType)); var handlerProperty = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI(aHandlerProcedure)); var oppositeValue = aValue == "false" ? "true" : "false"; var trueLiteral = gRDF.GetLiteral(oppositeValue); var hasCounterpart = this._DS.HasAssertion(handlerSource, handlerProperty, trueLiteral, true); if (hasCounterpart) { var falseLiteral = gRDF.GetLiteral(aValue); this._DS.Change(handlerSource, handlerProperty, trueLiteral, falseLiteral); } }, get alwaysAsk() { return this.getHandlerInfoForType(this.URI, "alwaysAsk"); }, set alwaysAsk(aAlwaysAsk) { this.changeMIMEStuff(HANDLER_URI(this.mimeType), "alwaysAsk", aAlwaysAsk); return aAlwaysAsk; }, // helper application get appDisplayName() { return getHelperAppInfoForType(this.URI, "prettyName"); }, set appDisplayName(aDisplayName) { this.changeMIMEStuff(APP_URI(this.mimeType), "prettyName", aDisplayName); return aDisplayName; }, get appPath() { return this.getHelperAppInfoForType(this.URI, "path"); }, set appPath(aAppPath) { this.changeMIMEStuff(APP_URI(this.mimeType), "path", aAppPath); return aAppPath; }, /** * After setting the various properties on this override, we need to * build the links between the mime type resource, the handler for that * resource, and the helper app (if any) associated with the resource. * We also need to add this mime type to the RDF seq (list) of types. **/ buildLinks: function() { // assert the handler resource var mimeSource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(MIME_URI(this.mimeType)); var handlerProperty = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI("handlerProp")); var handlerResource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(HANDLER_URI(this.mimeType)); this._DS.Assert(mimeSource, handlerProperty, handlerResource, true); // assert the helper app resource var helperAppProperty = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI("externalApplication")); var helperAppResource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(APP_URI(this.mimeType)); this._DS.Assert(handlerResource, helperAppProperty, helperAppResource, true); // add the mime type to the MIME types seq var container = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].createInstance(); if (container) { container = container.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer); if (container) { var containerRes = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource("urn:mimetypes:root"); container.Init(this._DS, containerRes); var element = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(MIME_URI(this.mimeType)); if (container.IndexOf(element) == -1) container.AppendElement(element); } } }, // Implementation helper methods getLiteralForContentType: function (aURI, aProperty) { var contentTypeResource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(aURI); var propertyResource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI(aProperty)); return this.getLiteral(contentTypeResource, propertyResource); }, getLiteral: function (aSource, aProperty) { var node = this._DS.GetTarget(aSource, aProperty, true); if (node) { node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral); return node.Value; } return ""; }, getHandlerInfoForType: function (aURI, aPropertyString) { // get current selected type var handler = HANDLER_URI(this.getLiteralForContentType(aURI, "value")); var source = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(handler); var property = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI(aPropertyString)); var target = this._DS.GetTarget(source, property, true); if (target) { target = target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral); return target.Value; } return ""; }, getHelperAppInfoForType: function (aURI, aPropertyString) { var appURI = APP_URI(this.getLiteralForContentType(aURI, "value")); var appRes = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(appURI); var appProperty = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI(aPropertyString)); return getLiteral(appRes, appProperty); }, // write to the ds assertMIMEStuff: function (aMIMEString, aPropertyString, aValueString) { var mimeSource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(aMIMEString); var valueProperty = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI(aPropertyString)); var mimeLiteral = gRDF.GetLiteral(aValueString); this._DS.Assert(mimeSource, valueProperty, mimeLiteral, true); }, changeMIMEStuff: function(aMIMEString, aPropertyString, aValueString) { var mimeSource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(aMIMEString); var valueProperty = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI(aPropertyString)); var mimeLiteral = gRDF.GetLiteral(aValueString); var currentValue = this._DS.GetTarget(mimeSource, valueProperty, true); if (currentValue) { this._DS.Change(mimeSource, valueProperty, currentValue, mimeLiteral); } else { this._DS.Assert(mimeSource, valueProperty, mimeLiteral, true); } }, unassertMIMEStuff: function(aMIMEString, aPropertyString, aValueString) { var mimeSource = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(aMIMEString); var valueProperty = gRDF.GetUnicodeResource(NC_URI(aPropertyString)); var mimeLiteral = gRDF.GetLiteral(aValueString); this._DS.Unassert(mimeSource, valueProperty, mimeLiteral, true); } };