Summary of options used by the LDAP tools Updated 5-May-2000 by Mark Smith Only single letter options in the sets [0-9], [A-Z], and [a-z] are listed. The "raw" lists are taken from the calls to getopt() and ldaptool_process_args(). The "sorted" lists are just that -- sorted versions of the raw list. The "all" lists include options from common.c as well as the tool-specific options. The "avail" lists included options that are available for use. common.c (supported by all of the tools): raw: nvEMRHZ0d:D:f:h:I:j:K:N:O:P:p:Q:W:w:V:X:m:i:k:y:Y: sorted: 0 DEHIKMNOPQRVWXYZ dfhikmnpvwy avail: [2-9] J g (not used by any of the tools) ldapcmp.c: raw: Bb:l:s:z: sorted: B blsz all: 0 BDHIKMNOPQRVWXYZ bdfhiklmnpsvwyz avail: [1-9] ACFGJLSTU acegjoqrtu ldapcompare.c: raw: cq sorted: cq all: 0 DEHIKMNOPQRVWXYZ cdfhikmnpqvwy avail: [1-9] ABCFJLSTU abegjlorstuxz ldapdelete.c (deprecated) raw: c sorted: c all: 0 DHIKMNOPQRVWXYZ cdfhikmnpvwy avail: [1-9] ABCFGJLSTU abegjloqrstuxz ldapmodify.c raw: aAbcFe:B:q sorted: ABF abceq all: 0 ABDFHIKMNOPQRVWXYZ abcdefhikmnpqvwy avail: [1-9] CGJLSTU gjlorstuxz ldapmodrdn.c (deprecated) raw: cr sorted: cr all: 0 DHIKMNOPQRVWXYZ cdfhikmnprvwy avail: [1-9] ABCFGJLSTU abegjloqstuxz ldapsearch.c raw: ABLTU1eotuxa:b:F:G:l:S:s:z:C: sorted: 1 ABCFGLSTU abeostuxz all: 01 ABCDFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abdefhikmnopstuvwxyz avail: [2-9] J cgjlqr