var gAutoSaveInterval; var gLastSelectedLang; var gDictCount = 0; function Startup() { if (";1" in Components.classes) InitLanguageMenu(); else document.getElementById("spellingGroup").hidden = true; gAutoSaveInterval = document.getElementById("autoSaveInterval"); EnableTextbox(document.getElementById("autoSave"), gAutoSaveInterval, true); } function EnableTextbox(aCheckbox, aTextbox, aStartingUp) { aTextbox.disabled = (!aCheckbox.checked || parent.hPrefWindow.getPrefIsLocked(aTextbox.getAttribute("prefstring"))); if (!aTextbox.disabled && !aStartingUp) aTextbox.focus(); } function PopulateFonts() { var fontsList = document.getElementById("fontSelect"); try { var enumerator = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFontEnumerator); var localFontCount = { value: 0 } var localFonts = enumerator.EnumerateAllFonts(localFontCount); for (var i = 0; i < localFonts.length; ++i) { if (localFonts[i] != "") { fontsList.appendItem(localFonts[i], localFonts[i]); } } } catch (ex) { } } function InitLanguageMenu() { var spellChecker = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.mozISpellCheckingEngine); var o1 = {}; var o2 = {}; // Get the list of dictionaries from the spellchecker. spellChecker.getDictionaryList(o1, o2); var dictList = o1.value; var count = o2.value; // If dictionary count hasn't changed then no need to update the menu. if (gDictCount == count) return; // Store current dictionary count. gDictCount = count; // Load the string bundles that will help us map // RFC 1766 strings to UI strings. // Load the language string bundle. var languageBundle = document.getElementById("languageBundle"); var regionBundle = null; // If we have a language string bundle, load the region string bundle. if (languageBundle) regionBundle = document.getElementById("regionBundle"); var menuStr2; var isoStrArray; var langId; var langLabel; var i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { try { langId = dictList[i]; isoStrArray = dictList[i].split("-"); if (languageBundle && isoStrArray[0]) langLabel = languageBundle.getString(isoStrArray[0].toLowerCase()); if (regionBundle && langLabel && isoStrArray.length > 1 && isoStrArray[1]) { menuStr2 = regionBundle.getString(isoStrArray[1].toLowerCase()); if (menuStr2) langLabel += "/" + menuStr2; } if (langLabel && isoStrArray.length > 2 && isoStrArray[2]) langLabel += " (" + isoStrArray[2] + ")"; if (!langLabel) langLabel = langId; } catch (ex) { // getString throws an exception when a key is not found in the // bundle. In that case, just use the original dictList string. langLabel = langId; } dictList[i] = [langLabel, langId]; } // sort by locale-aware collation dictList.sort( function compareFn(a, b) { return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]); } ); var languageMenuList = document.getElementById("languageMenuList"); // Remove any languages from the list. var languageMenuPopup = languageMenuList.firstChild; while (languageMenuPopup.firstChild.localName != "menuseparator") languageMenuPopup.removeChild(languageMenuPopup.firstChild); var curLang = languageMenuList.value; var defaultItem = null; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { var item = languageMenuList.insertItemAt(i, dictList[i][0], dictList[i][1]); if (curLang && dictList[i][1] == curLang) defaultItem = item; } // Now make sure the correct item in the menu list is selected. if (defaultItem) { languageMenuList.selectedItem = defaultItem; gLastSelectedLang = defaultItem; } } function SelectLanguage(aTarget) { try { if (aTarget.value != "more-cmd") gLastSelectedLang = aTarget; else {"localizedstring", "editor.spellcheckers.url")); if (gLastSelectedLang) document.getElementById("languageMenuList").selectedItem = gLastSelectedLang; } } catch (ex) { dump(ex); } }