package WizCfg; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(SetCfgVars, CopyExtraDistFiles, CreateFullInstaller); sub SetCfgVars { print"What is going on here?\n"; $::ProdDir = "$::DEPTH\\xpinstall\\packager\\build\\win\\mozilla"; $::XPI_JST_Dir = "$::ProdDir\\XPI_JSTs"; $::StubInstJstDir = "$::ProdDir\\StubInstJst"; # $cwdBuilder = "$::DEPTH\\xpinstall\\wizard\\windows\\builder"; # $cwdDistWin = GetCwd("distwin", $::DEPTH, $cwdBuilder); $::inStagePath = "$::DEPTH\\stage"; $::inDistPath = "$::DEPTH\\dist\\installer\\mozilla"; $::seiFileNameGeneric = "nsinstall.exe"; $::seiFileNameSpecific = "mozilla-win32-installer.exe"; $::seiStubRootName = "mozilla-win32-stub-installer"; $::seiFileNameSpecificStub = "$::seiStubRootName.exe"; $::sebiFileNameSpecific = ""; # filename for the big blob installer $::seuFileNameSpecific = "MozillaUninstall.exe"; $::seuzFileNameSpecific = ""; $::versionLanguage = "en"; $::seiBetaRelease = ""; # set environment vars for use by other .pl scripts called from this script. $ENV{WIZ_nameCompany} = ""; $ENV{WIZ_nameProduct} = "Mozilla"; $ENV{WIZ_nameProductInternal} = "Mozilla"; $ENV{WIZ_nameProductNoVersion} = "Mozilla"; $ENV{WIZ_fileMainExe} = "Mozilla.exe"; $ENV{WIZ_fileUninstall} = $::seuFileNameSpecific; $ENV{WIZ_fileUninstallZip} = $::seuzFileNameSpecific; $ENV{WIZ_descShortcut} = ""; } sub GetStarted { print "\nNo Getting Started actions required for this product\n"; } sub PrepareDistArea { print "\n Don't need prep the dist area for this product \n"; } sub MakeExeZipFiles { print "\n Don't need to create any Self-extracting zip files for this product \n"; } sub CopyExtraDistFiles { # copy license file for the installer if(system("copy $ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\mozilla\\LICENSE $::inDistPath\\license.txt")) { die "\n Error: copy $ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\mozilla\\LICENSE $::inDistPath\\license.txt\n"; } if(system("copy $ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\mozilla\\LICENSE $::inDistPath\\setup\\license.txt")) { die "\n Error: copy $ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\mozilla\\LICENSE $::inDistPath\\setup\\license.txt\n"; } } sub CreateFullInstaller() { # create the big self extracting .exe installer print "\n**************************************************************\n"; print "* *\n"; print "* creating Self Extracting Executable Full Install file... *\n"; print "* *\n"; print "**************************************************************\n"; if(-d "$::inDistPath\\sea") { unlink <$::inDistPath\\sea\\*>; } else { mkdir ("$::inDistPath\\sea",0775); } if(system("copy $::inDistPath\\$::seiFileNameGeneric $::inDistPath\\$::seiFileNameSpecific")) { die "\n Error: copy $::inDistPath\\$::seiFileNameGeneric $::inDistPath\\$::seiFileNameSpecific\n"; } if(system("$::inDistPath\\nsztool.exe $::inDistPath\\$::seiFileNameSpecific $::inDistPath\\setup\\*.* $::inDistPath\\xpi\\*.*")) { die "\n Error: $::inDistPath\\nsztool.exe $::inDistPath\\$::seiFileNameSpecific $::inDistPath\\setup\\*.* $::inDistPath\\xpi\\*.*\n"; } if(system("copy $::inDistPath\\$::seiFileNameSpecific $::inDistPath\\sea")) { die "\n Error: copy $::inDistPath\\$::seiFileNameSpecific $::inDistPath\\sea\n"; } unlink <$::inDistPath\\$::seiFileNameSpecificStub>; return(0); } sub FinishUp { if((!(-e "$ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\redist\\microsoft\\system\\msvcrt.dll")) || (!(-e "$ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\redist\\microsoft\\system\\msvcirt.dll"))) { print "***\n"; print "**\n"; print "** The following required Microsoft redistributable system files were not found\n"; print "** in $ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\redist\\microsoft\\system:\n"; print "**\n"; if(!(-e "$ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\redist\\microsoft\\system\\msvcrt.dll")) { print "** msvcrt.dll\n"; } if(!(-e "$ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\redist\\microsoft\\system\\msvcirt.dll")) { print "** msvcirt.dll\n"; } print "**\n"; print "** The above files are required by the installer and the browser. If you attempt\n"; print "** to run the installer, you may encounter the following bug:\n"; print "**\n"; print "**\n"; print "**\n"; print "***\n\n"; } return(0); }