# # Test suite table for MPI library # # Format of entries: # suite-name:function-name:description # # suite-name The name used to identify this test in mpi-test # function-name The function called to perform this test in mpi-test.c # description A brief description of what the suite tests # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. list:test_list:print out a list of the available test suites copy:test_copy:test assignment of mp-int structures exchange:test_exch:test exchange of mp-int structures zero:test_zero:test zeroing of an mp-int set:test_set:test setting an mp-int to a small constant absolute-value:test_abs:test the absolute value function negate:test_neg:test the arithmetic negation function add-digit:test_add_d:test digit addition add:test_add:test full addition subtract-digit:test_sub_d:test digit subtraction subtract:test_sub:test full subtraction multiply-digit:test_mul_d:test digit multiplication multiply:test_mul:test full multiplication square:test_sqr:test full squaring function divide-digit:test_div_d:test digit division divide-2:test_div_2:test division by two divide-2d:test_div_2d:test division & remainder by 2^d divide:test_div:test full division expt-digit:test_expt_d:test digit exponentiation expt:test_expt:test full exponentiation expt-2:test_2expt:test power-of-two exponentiation square-root:test_sqrt:test integer square root function modulo-digit:test_mod_d:test digit modular reduction modulo:test_mod:test full modular reduction mod-add:test_addmod:test modular addition mod-subtract:test_submod:test modular subtraction mod-multiply:test_mulmod:test modular multiplication mod-square:test_sqrmod:test modular squaring function mod-expt:test_exptmod:test full modular exponentiation mod-expt-digit:test_exptmod_d:test digit modular exponentiation mod-inverse:test_invmod:test modular inverse function compare-digit:test_cmp_d:test digit comparison function compare-zero:test_cmp_z:test zero comparison function compare:test_cmp:test general signed comparison compare-magnitude:test_cmp_mag:test general magnitude comparison parity:test_parity:test parity comparison functions gcd:test_gcd:test greatest common divisor functions lcm:test_lcm:test least common multiple function conversion:test_convert:test general radix conversion facilities binary:test_raw:test raw output format pprime:test_pprime:test probabilistic primality tester fermat:test_fermat:test Fermat pseudoprimality tester