#! /bin/bash # Each buildbot-slave requires a bbenv.sh file that defines # machine specific variables. This is an example file. HOST=$(hostname | cut -d. -f1) export HOST # if your machine's IP isn't registered in DNS, # you must set appropriate environment variables # that can be resolved locally. # For example, if localhost.localdomain works on your system, set: #HOST=localhost #DOMSUF=localdomain #export DOMSUF ARCH=$(uname -s) ulimit -c unlimited 2> /dev/null export NSS_ENABLE_ECC=1 export NSS_ECC_MORE_THAN_SUITE_B=1 export NSPR_LOG_MODULES="pkix:1" #export JAVA_HOME_32= #export JAVA_HOME_64= #enable if you have PKITS data #export PKITS_DATA=$HOME/pkits/data/ NSS_BUILD_TARGET="clean nss_build_all" JSS_BUILD_TARGET="clean all" MAKE=gmake AWK=awk PATCH=patch if [ "${ARCH}" = "SunOS" ]; then AWK=nawk PATCH=gpatch ARCH=SunOS/$(uname -p) fi if [ "${ARCH}" = "Linux" -a -f /etc/system-release ]; then VERSION=`sed -e 's; release ;;' -e 's; (.*)$;;' -e 's;Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server;RHEL;' -e 's;Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation;RHEL;' /etc/system-release` ARCH=Linux/${VERSION} echo ${ARCH} fi PROCESSOR=$(uname -p) if [ "${PROCESSOR}" = "ppc64" ]; then ARCH="${ARCH}/ppc64" fi if [ "${PROCESSOR}" = "powerpc" ]; then ARCH="${ARCH}/ppc" fi PORT_64_DBG=8543 PORT_64_OPT=8544 PORT_32_DBG=8545 PORT_32_OPT=8546 if [ "${NSS_TESTS}" = "memleak" ]; then PORT_64_DBG=8547 PORT_64_OPT=8548 PORT_32_DBG=8549 PORT_32_OPT=8550 fi