Frequently Asked Questions ( for Build and Execution) Build Problems -------------- NOTE: These API tests are build using Gnu COmpiler gcc. Always ensure that you compile Tests in same mode as Mozilla is compiled. (Debug/Non-debug). Solaris/Linux: ============== 1) On invoking gmake I get a message WARNING: MOZILLA_HOME variable is incorrect ! MOZILLA_HOME dir. should point to absolute Path of mozilla dir. under which all sources are located (e.g. /opt/mozilla). 2) On invoking gmake I get an error /usr/ucb/cc: language optional software package not installed make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `link' This is because it could not find a valid GNU compiler 'gcc' in your PATH. Update your PATH variable to point a valid location for 'gcc' Also set the environment variable CC to gcc (if in C-shell then, setenv CC gcc). 3) On invoking gmake I get an error, even though I have 'gcc' in my PATH. Error message displayed is /usr/ucb/cc: language optional software package not installed make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `link' Set environment variable CC to gcc (if in C-shell then, setenv CC gcc). 4) On invoking gmake I get an error, sh: javac: not found This is because you do not have 'javac' in your PATH Add ${JDKHOME}/bin into your PATH environment variable 5) On invoking gmake I get an error, undefined versioned symbol not found. NSGetModule@@Exported This is the famous problem of Mozilla being compiled in DEBUG mode and OJI API tests in non-debug mode. Ensure that both are the same (See build req. for setting Debug/Non-debug mode). Win32: ====== 5) On invoking nmake I get an error OJITestLoader.h: fatal error: Cannot open include file 'nsISupports.h' no such file or directory This is because MOZILLA_HOME is not set MOZILLA_HOME dir. should point to absolute Path of mozilla dir. under which all sources are located (e.g. /opt/mozilla). 6) On invoking nmake I get an error LINK: fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file nspr4.lib This is because MOZILLA_HOME is not set MOZILLA_HOME dir. should point to absolute Path of mozilla dir. under which all sources are located (e.g. /opt/mozilla). 7) On invoking nmake I get an error .... Cannot open include file prtypes.h This usually happens if you have built MOZILLA in non-debug mode and are trying to build the tests in debug mode. Check you environment. You will have MOZ_DEBUG set Unsetting it will resolve the problem ( set MOZ_DEBUG= ) 8) On invoking nmake I get an error (even after I have set MOZILLA_HOME) LINK: fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file nspr4.lib This usually happens if you have built MOZILLA in non-debug mode and are trying to build the tests in debug mode. Check you environment. You will have MOZ_DEBUG set Unsetting it will resolve the problem ( set MOZ_DEBUG= ) 9) On invoking nmake I get an error NMAKE: fatal error ..: javac : return code... This is because you do not have 'javac' in your PATH Add ${JDKHOME}/bin into your PATH environment variable =========================================================================== Execution Problems ------------------ NOTE: These API tests are build using Gnu Compiler gcc. 10) On execution I get errors syntax error in file at line 36, next 2 tokens "use POSIX" syntax error in file at line 72, next 2 tokens "cwd(" syntax error in file at line 94, next 2 tokens "\usage(" Execution of aborted due to compilation errors. This is becuase you are using an older version of Perl Use Perl version >= 5 and add the same to PATH environment variable 11) On execution of I get message MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME is not set. Please set it and rerun this script.... The environment variable MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME is not set It should point to absolute dir. where mozilla-bin is located Set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME /dist/bin 12) How can I invoke a specific test In the script directory, there is a file OJITestsList.lst. This file contains list of all tests. To execute any particular one use '-t' option. perl -t JNIEnv_AllocObject_2 This command will execute on this particular test. 13) On executing, browser always invokes "Profile Window". Is there any way to supress this box. In, search of ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS. It is set to "-P default" Change it to reflect your Profile name (-P myProfile) 14) On executing, browser does not load the test.html. This is because it is not able tofind test.html. There are 2 ways of setting. One is to set environment variable TEST_URL to point to dir. which contains test.html (In C-Shell setenv TEST_URL /modules/oji/tests/script ) or open and change DEFAULT_TEST_URL to indicate your path 15) On executing, browser in invoked, but before test.html is loaded it exits. This is due to the DELAY_FACTOR set in the script. On slower machine, you may want to increase the value of this variable. Open, search for DELAY_FACTOR. change the value to a higher number (currently it is set to 50) 16) On executin, it immedialtely exits. On checking the log file it says fatal: open failed: No such file or directory This is because is not set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and so is not able to find the above mentioned library. Setting it, will resolve the problem. (setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH :${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}) 17) On executing, browser in invoked, an test.html is loaded, but it does not prompt me for a "Internet Security" Dialog box. There can be many factors for this * Cross-check the 'test.html'. It should have the following line"UniversalXPConnect") * Check /.mozilla/default/prefs.js (on Solaris/Linux) or c:/Program Files/Mozilla/Users50/Default/prefs.js (on Win32) file. If it has the follwing entries user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p0.granted", "UniversalXPConnect"); user_pref("", "file://"); then, you have already given access permissions. Remove these entries and try execution again. * Check the above prefs.js if it has entry user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p0.denied", "UniversalXPConnect"); then you have Denied permissions to execute it. Remove that entry and re-try execution. 18) On executin, it loads test.html and exits after sometime. However the result is FAILED. On checking the log file it indicates /opt/mozilla/dist/bin/mozilla-bin: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory This is because /components dir. is not set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and so is not able to find the above mentioned library. Setting it, will resolve the problem. (setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /components:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}) 19) Where can I find list of All Test Cases? In 'script' dir. there is a file 'OJITestsList.lst'. This file lists out all Test Cases. 20) Is there a list of Test Cases that have to PASS for a particular platform In 'script' directory there is a file OJIValidTestsList.lst. This is list of Test cases which have to PASS for a particular platform. 21) What should I do to invoke 'should PASS' Tests for a particular platform In 'script' dir. rename 'OJITestsList.lst' to 'OJITestsList.lst.orig'. Copy OJIValidTestsList.lst to OJITestsList.lst And then invoke 22) Is Macintosh platform supported. Currently tests are not supported for Macintosh platform. 23) What platforms are supported. Win32 (NT/98/95/2000) and Solaris 2.7/2.8 (intel/sparc) 24) On Win32 platforms, after execution all the Tests, my "Start Menu bar" is filled with tons of small "Duke' icons. How can I get rid of it? This is one of the bugs in Java Plugin. After exiting browser, the Duke icon is still displayed in the rightmost corner of Start Bar. If we move mouse over the icon, it disappears. To avoid this whole bunch of icons, after you invoke, just place the mouse at the righmost corner on the Duke icon. 25) Where are the result files stored. In 'script/log' directory you will find a bunch of log files. BWTest.txt file lists out PASS/FAIL results. BWTest.html is the above file in HTML format. BWTestRun.log is the history of tests you ran. 26) What other options are supported by Invoke perl -help It will list out all options 27) After running tests, I went ahead and remove the libraries from components directory (libojapi*.so) Now when I invoke Mozilla, it complains of not finding those libraries. How can I remove this dependency. In you MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME dir. there is a file 'component.reg'. Delete this file and invoke mozilla again. 28) All my JNI Tests seem to be failing even after I have granted permissions to XPConnect call (thru' Internet Security Box). All JNI tests has dependency on Java class files in 'build/classes' dir. If the JVM cannot find theses classes, all tests will fail. Go to /jre/bin directory. Invoke the 'ControlPanel' executable. (On Win32 platforms click on Start->Settings->Control Panel->Duke icon) In the Java RunTime Parameters Text Field, add the follwing entry -Xbootclasspath/a:/modules/oji/tests/build/classes where is absolute path to mozilla dir. ( e.g: -Xbootclasspath/a:c:\mozilla\modules\oji\tests\build\classes ) Press 'Apply' Go to to your /.java There should be a 'properties130_01' file with the entry javaplugin.jre.params=-Xbootclasspath/a\:c\:\\mozilla\\modules\oji\\tests\\build\\classes Now retry, executing the Tests . 29) On Win98, when I run thru' the tests, and if Mozilla crashes, it invokes a VC++ debug window, which stays on top. Sometimes I see a lot of such windows. How can I ge rid of them? (I do not see the same on NT) This is a bug we have encuntered. In src/Killer dir. there is a file killer.cpp.win98. DO the following. copy killer.cpp to killer.cpp.win32 copy killer.cpp.win98 to killer.cpp then execute command cl killer.cpp /link user32.lib This will generate a new killer.exe . copy killer.exe to 'script' dir. Now re-run the Tests. This problem should be resolved. 30) After I run a particular test, and if tests is flagged of as FAILED how do I know what went wrong. In 'script/log' dir. for Each Test case there is a equivalent log created named _.log To find out which is the most recent log, check by time stamp (ls -lt _*.log ) Open the recent one, and it will tell you what went wrong 32) If I encounter any other problems while running these tests, whom can I contact? Send feedback to Someone will get in touch with you. ===========================================================================