#!c:\perl\bin\perl # # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. # # The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released # March 31, 1998. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Netscape Communications Corporation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-1999 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Sean Su # Curt Patrick # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of # either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), # or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This perl script builds the xpi, config.ini, and js files. # use Cwd; require "pwd.pl"; #&initpid; # Make sure MOZ_SRC is set. if($ENV{MOZ_SRC} eq "") { print "Error: MOZ_SRC not set!"; exit(1); } # Make sure there are at least three arguments if($#ARGV < 2) { PrintUsage(); } require "$ENV{MOZ_SRC}\\mozilla\\config\\zipcfunc.pl"; $inDefaultVersion = $ARGV[0]; # $ARGV[0] has the form maj.min.release.bld where maj, min, release # and bld are numerics representing version information. # Other variables need to use parts of the version info also so we'll # split out the dot separated values into the array @versionParts # such that: # # $versionParts[0] = maj # $versionParts[1] = min # $versionParts[2] = release # $versionParts[3] = bld @versionParts = split /\./, $inDefaultVersion; # We allow non-numeric characters to be included as the last # characters in fields of $ARG[0] for display purposes (mostly to # show that we have moved past a certain version by adding a '+' # character). Non-numerics must be stripped out of $inDefaultVersion, # however, since this variable is used to identify the the product # for comparison with other installations, so the values in each field # must be numeric only: $inDefaultVersion =~ s/[^0-9.][^.]*//g; print "The raw version id is: $inDefaultVersion\n"; print "Product config perl script: $ARGV[1]\n"; require "$ARGV[1]"; $DEPTH = $ARGV[2]; $ScriptsDir = cwd(); $ScriptsDir =~ s/\//\\/g; # Make sure $DEPTH and $ScriptsDir are defined before calling SetCfgVars() $bPrepareDistArea = 0; $bCreateFullInstaller = 1; $bCreateStubInstaller = 1; WizCfg::SetCfgVars(); ParseArgv(@ARGV); if($inXpiURL eq "") { # archive url not supplied, set it to default values $inXpiURL = "ftp://not.supplied.invalid"; } if($inRedirIniURL eq "") { # redirect url not supplied, set it to default value. $inRedirIniURL = $inXpiURL; } if($versionParts[2] eq "0") { $versionMain = "$versionParts[0]\.$versionParts[1]"; } else { $versionMain = "$versionParts[0]\.$versionParts[1]\.$versionParts[2]"; } print "The display version is: $versionMain\n"; # The following variables are for displaying version info in the # the installer. $ENV{WIZ_userAgent} = "$versionMain ($versionLanguage)"; $ENV{WIZ_userAgentShort} = "$versionMain"; $ENV{WIZ_xpinstallVersion} = "$versionMain"; print "bPrepareDistArea : $bPrepareDistArea\n"; print "bCreateFullInstaller : $bCreateFullInstaller\n"; print "bCreateStubInstaller : $bCreateStubInstaller\n"; print "ScriptsDir: : $ScriptsDir\n"; print "ProdDir : $ProdDir\n"; print "XPI_JST_Dir : $XPI_JST_Dir\n"; print "StubInstJstDir : $StubInstJstDir\n"; print "inStagePath : $inStagePath\n"; print "inDistPath : $inDistPath\n"; print "inXpiURL : $inXpiURL\n"; print "inRedirIniURL : $inRedirIniURL\n"; print "seiFileNameGeneric : $seiFileNameGeneric\n"; print "seiStubRootName : $seiStubRootName\n"; print "seiFileNameSpecific : $seiFileNameSpecific\n"; print "seiFileNameSpecificStub : $seiFileNameSpecificStub\n"; print "seuFileNameSpecific : $seuFileNameSpecific\n"; print "seuzFileNameSpecific : $seuzFileNameSpecific\n"; print "versionLanguage : $versionLanguage\n"; print "ENV{WIZ_nameCompany} : $ENV{WIZ_nameCompany}\n"; print "ENV{WIZ_nameProduct} : $ENV{WIZ_nameProduct}\n"; print "ENV{WIZ_nameProductNoVersion} : $ENV{WIZ_nameProductNoVersion}\n"; print "ENV{WIZ_fileMainExe} : $ENV{WIZ_fileMainExe}\n"; print "ENV{WIZ_fileUninstall} : $ENV{WIZ_fileUninstall}\n"; print "ENV{WIZ_fileUninstallZip} : $ENV{WIZ_fileUninstallZip}\n"; # Set the location of the local tmp stage directory $gLocalTmpStage = $inStagePath; # Check for existence of staging path if(!(-d "$inStagePath")) { die "\n Invalid path: $inStagePath\n"; } WizCfg::GetStarted(); # List of components for to create xpi files from. One component for each .jst found chdir($XPI_JST_Dir); @dirlist = <*>; $i = 0; foreach $file (@dirlist) { if($file =~ /(.*)\.jst$/) { $gComponentList[$i++] = "$1"; } } chdir($ScriptsDir); print "ScriptsDir: $ScriptsDir\n"; $i=0; print "\nComponent List:\n"; foreach $mComponent (@gComponentList) { print "Component: $mComponent\n"; } if(VerifyComponents()) # return value of 0 means no errors encountered { exit(1); } # Make sure inDistPath exists if(!(-d "$inDistPath")) { mkdir ("$inDistPath",0775); } if(-d "$inDistPath\\xpi") { unlink <$inDistPath\\xpi\\*>; } else { mkdir ("$inDistPath\\xpi",0775); } if(-d "$inDistPath\\uninstall") { unlink <$inDistPath\\uninstall\\*>; } else { mkdir ("$inDistPath\\uninstall",0775); } if(-d "$inDistPath\\setup") { unlink <$inDistPath\\setup\\*>; } else { mkdir ("$inDistPath\\setup",0775); } # If the installer binaries were not delivered by make to this dis area # you need to do this step to get them there. if($bPrepareDistArea) { PrepareDistArea(); } if(MakeXpiFiles($XPI_JST_Dir)) { exit(1); } WizCfg::MakeExeZipFiles(); if(MakeConfigFile()) { exit(1); } if(MakeUninstall()) { exit(1); } if(CopyFilesToDist()) { exit(1); } if(BuildInstallerExe()) { exit(1); } if($bCreateStubInstaller && CreateStubInstaller()) { exit(1); } if(GroupFilesForCD()) { exit(1); } if($bCreateFullInstaller && WizCfg::CreateFullInstaller()) { exit(1); } if(WizCfg::FinishUp()) { exit(1); } # end of script print "\nmakeall.pl: Done\n"; exit(0); sub PrepareDistArea { print "Getting mozilla installer files\n"; # Grab xpcom from mozilla build if(system("copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\xpi\\xpcom.xpi $::inDistPath")) { die "\n Error: copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\xpi\\xpcom.xpi $::inDistPath\n"; } if(system("copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\xpi\\xpcom.xpi $::inDistPath\\xpi")) { die "\n Error: copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\xpi\\xpcom.xpi $::inDistPath\\xpi\n"; } #Get setup.exe from mozilla install if(system("copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\setup.exe $::inDistPath")) { die "\n Error: copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\setup.exe $::inDistPath\n"; } # Get resource file from mozilla install if(system("copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\setuprsc.dll $::inDistPath")) { die "\n Error: copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\setuprsc.dll $::inDistPath\n"; } # Get uninstaller from mozilla install if(system("copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\uninstall.exe $::inDistPath")) { die "\n Error: copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\uninstall.exe $::inDistPath\n"; } # Get tools to create self-extracting exe if(system("copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\$::seiFileNameGeneric $::inDistPath")) { die "\n Error: copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\$::seiFileNameGeneric $::inDistPath\n"; } if(system("copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\nsztool.exe $::inDistPath")) { die "\n Error: copy $::inDistPath\\..\\..\\installer\\mozilla\\nsztool.exe $::inDistPath\n"; } } sub MakeExeZip { my($aSrcDir, $aExeFile, $aZipFile) = @_; my($saveCwdir); $saveCwdir = cwd(); chdir($aSrcDir); if(system("$ENV{MOZ_TOOLS}\\bin\\zip $inDistPath\\xpi\\$aZipFile $aExeFile")) { chdir($saveCwdir); die "\n Error: $ENV{MOZ_TOOLS}\\bin\\zip $inDistPath\\xpi\\$aZipFile $aExeFile"; } chdir($saveCwdir); } sub PrintUsage { die "usage: $0 [options] default version : y2k compliant based date version. ie: config file path : full path configuration file for the installer depth : full path to the dir of the sources options include: -aurl : either ftp:// or http:// url to where the archives (.xpi, .exe, .zip, etc...) reside -rurl : either ftp:// or http:// url to where the redirec.ini resides. If not supplied, it will be assumed to be the same as archive url. \n"; } sub ParseArgv { my(@myArgv) = @_; my($counter); # The first 3 arguments are required, so start on the 4th. for($counter = 3; $counter <= $#myArgv; $counter++) { if($myArgv[$counter] =~ /^[-,\/]h$/i) { PrintUsage(); } elsif($myArgv[$counter] =~ /^[-,\/]aurl$/i) { if($#myArgv >= ($counter + 1)) { ++$counter; $inXpiURL = $myArgv[$counter]; $inRedirIniURL = $inXpiURL; } } elsif($myArgv[$counter] =~ /^[-,\/]rurl$/i) { if($#myArgv >= ($counter + 1)) { ++$counter; $inRedirIniURL = $myArgv[$counter]; } } elsif($myArgv[$counter] =~ /^[-,\/]sig$/i) { if($#myArgv >= ($counter + 1)) { ++$counter; $inJarSignature = $myArgv[$counter]; } } } } sub MakeConfigFile { # Make config.ini file if(system("perl makecfgini.pl config.it $ProdDir $inDefaultVersion $gLocalTmpStage $inDistPath\\xpi $inRedirIniURL $inXpiURL")) { print "\n Error: perl makecfgini.pl config.it $ProdDir $inDefaultVersion $gLocalTmpStage $inDistPath\\xpi $inRedirIniURL $inXpiURL\n"; return(1); } # Make install.ini file if(system("perl makecfgini.pl install.it $ProdDir $inDefaultVersion $gLocalTmpStage $inDistPath\\xpi $inRedirIniURL $inXpiURL")) { print "\n Error: perl makecfgini.pl install.it $ProdDir $inDefaultVersion $gLocalTmpStage $inDistPath\\xpi $inRedirIniURL $inXpiURL\n"; return(1); } return(0); } sub MakeUninstall { if(MakeUninstallIniFile()) { return(1); } # Copy the uninstall files to the dist uninstall directory. if(system("copy $ProdDir\\uninstall.ini $inDistPath")) { print "\n Error: copy $ProdDir\\uninstall.ini $inDistPath\n"; return(1); } if(system("copy $ProdDir\\uninstall.ini $inDistPath\\uninstall")) { print "\n Error: copy $ProdDir\\uninstall.ini $inDistPath\\uninstall\n"; return(1); } if(system("copy $ProdDir\\defaults_info.ini $inDistPath")) { print "\n Error: copy $ProdDir\\defaults_info.ini $inDistPath\n"; return(1); } if(system("copy $ProdDir\\defaults_info.ini $inDistPath\\uninstall")) { print "\n Error: copy $ProdDir\\defaults_info.ini $inDistPath\\uninstall\n"; return(1); } if(system("copy $inDistPath\\uninstall.exe $inDistPath\\uninstall")) { print "\n Error: copy $inDistPath\\uninstall.exe $inDistPath\\uninstall\n"; return(1); } # build the self-extracting .exe (uninstaller) file. print "\nbuilding self-extracting uninstaller ($seuFileNameSpecific)...\n"; if(system("copy $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameGeneric $inDistPath\\$seuFileNameSpecific")) { print "\n Error: copy $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameGeneric $inDistPath\\$seuFileNameSpecific\n"; return(1); } if(system("$inDistPath\\nsztool.exe $inDistPath\\$seuFileNameSpecific $inDistPath\\uninstall\\*.*")) { print "\n Error: $inDistPath\\nsztool.exe $inDistPath\\$seuFileNameSpecific $inDistPath\\uninstall\\*.*\n"; return(1); } MakeExeZip($inDistPath, $seuFileNameSpecific, $seuzFileNameSpecific); unlink <$inDistPath\\$seuFileNameSpecific>; return(0); } sub MakeUninstallIniFile { # Make config.ini file if(system("perl makeuninstallini.pl uninstall.it $ProdDir $inDefaultVersion")) { print "\n Error: perl makeuninstallini.pl uninstall.it $ProdDir $inDefaultVersion\n"; return(1); } return(0); } sub MakeJsFile { my($mComponent, $JstDir) = (@_); if(system("perl makejs.pl $mComponent $JstDir $inDefaultVersion $gLocalTmpStage\\$mComponent")) { print "\n Error: perl makejs.pl $mComponent.jst $JstDir $inDefaultVersion $gLocalTmpStage\\$mComponent\n"; return(1); } return(0); } sub MakeXpiFiles { my($JstDir) = (@_); my($mComponent); foreach $mComponent (@gComponentList) { print "\nCreating xpi for $mComponent\n"; # Make .js files if(MakeJsFile($mComponent, $JstDir)) { return(1); } # Make .xpi file if(system("perl makexpi.pl $mComponent $XPI_JST_Dir $gLocalTmpStage $inDistPath\\xpi")) { print "\n Error: perl makexpi.pl $mComponent $XPI_JST_Dir $gLocalTmpStage $inDistPath\\xpi\n"; return(1); } } return(0); } sub RemoveLocalTmpStage() { # Remove tmpstage area if(-d "$gLocalTmpStage") { system("perl rdir.pl $gLocalTmpStage"); } return(0); } sub VerifyComponents() { my($mComponent); my($mError) = 0; print "\n Verifying existence of required components...\n"; foreach $mComponent (@gComponentList) { if($mComponent =~ /talkback/i) { print " place holder: $inStagePath\\$mComponent\n"; mkdir("$inStagePath\\$mComponent", 0775); } elsif(-d "$inStagePath\\$mComponent") { print " ok: $inStagePath\\$mComponent\n"; } else { print " Error: $inStagePath\\$mComponent does not exist!\n"; $mError = 1; } } return($mError); } sub CopyFilesToDist() { # Copy the setup files to the dist setup directory. WizCfg::CopyExtraDistFiles(); if(system("copy $ProdDir\\install.ini $inDistPath")) { die "\n Error: copy $ProdDir\\install.ini $inDistPath\n"; } if(system("copy $ProdDir\\install.ini $inDistPath\\setup")) { die "\n Error: copy $ProdDir\\install.ini $inDistPath\\setup\n"; } if(system("copy $ProdDir\\config.ini $inDistPath")) { die "\n Error: copy $ProdDir\\config.ini $inDistPath\n"; } if(system("copy $ProdDir\\config.ini $inDistPath\\setup")) { die "\n Error: copy $ProdDir\\config.ini $inDistPath\\setup\n"; } if(system("copy $inDistPath\\setup.exe $inDistPath\\setup")) { die "\n Error: copy $inDistPath\\setup.exe $inDistPath\\setup\n"; } if(system("copy $inDistPath\\setuprsc.dll $inDistPath\\setup")) { die "\n Error: copy $inDistPath\\setuprsc.dll $inDistPath\\setup\n"; } } sub BuildInstallerExe() { # build the self-extracting .exe (installer) file. print "\nbuilding self-extracting stub installer ($seiFileNameSpecificStub)...\n"; if(system("copy $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameGeneric $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub")) { die "\n Error: copy $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameGeneric $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub\n"; } if(system("$inDistPath\\nsztool.exe $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub $inDistPath\\setup\\*.*")) { die "\n Error: inDistPath\\nsztool.exe $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub $inDistPath\\setup\\*.*\n"; } } sub CreateStubInstaller() { # copy the lean installer to stub\ dir print "\n****************************\n"; print "* *\n"; print "* creating Stub files... *\n"; print "* *\n"; print "****************************\n"; if(-d "$inDistPath\\stub") { unlink <$inDistPath\\stub\\*>; } else { mkdir ("$inDistPath\\stub",0775); } if(system("copy $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub $inDistPath\\stub")) { die "\n Error: copy $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub $inDistPath\\stub\n"; } # create the xpi for launching the stub installer print "\n**********************************\n"; print "* *\n"; print "* creating stub installer xpi... *\n"; print "* *\n"; print "************************************\n"; if(-d "$inStagePath\\$seiStubRootName") { unlink <$inStagePath\\$seiStubRootName\\*>; } else { mkdir ("$inStagePath\\$seiStubRootName",0775); } if(system("copy $inDistPath\\stub\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub $gLocalTmpStage\\$seiStubRootName")) { die "\n Error: copy $inDistPath\\stub\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub $gLocalTmpStage\\$seiStubRootName\n"; } # Make .js files if(MakeJsFile($seiStubRootName, $StubInstJstDir)) { return(1); } # Make .xpi file if(system("perl makexpi.pl $seiStubRootName $StubInstJstDir $gLocalTmpStage $inDistPath")) { print "\n Error: perl makexpi.pl $seiStubRootName $StubInstJstDir $gLocalTmpStage $inDistPath\n"; return(1); } } sub GroupFilesForCD() { # group files for CD print "\n************************************\n"; print "* *\n"; print "* creating Compact Disk files... *\n"; print "* *\n"; print "************************************\n"; if(-d "$inDistPath\\cd") { unlink <$inDistPath\\cd\\*>; } else { mkdir ("$inDistPath\\cd",0775); } if(system("copy $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub $inDistPath\\cd")) { die "\n Error: copy $inDistPath\\$seiFileNameSpecificStub $inDistPath\\cd\n"; } if(system("copy $inDistPath\\xpi $inDistPath\\cd")) { die "\n Error: copy $inDistPath\\xpi $inDistPath\\cd\n"; } }