[General] ; Run Mode values: ; Normal - Shows all dialogs. Requires user input. ; Auto - Shows some dialogs, but none requiring user input. It will ; automatically install the product using default values. ; Silent - Show no dialogs at all. It will install product using default ; values. Run Mode=Normal Company Name=$CompanyName$ Product Name=$ProductName$ ; Valid Path values: ; PROGRAMFILESDIR ; WINDISK ; WINDIR ; WINSYSDIR ; COMMON_STARTUP ; COMMON_PROGRAMS ; COMMON_STARTMENU ; COMMON_DESKTOP ; ; PERSONAL_STARTUP ; PERSONAL_PROGRAMS ; PERSONAL_STARTMENU ; PERSONAL_DESKTOP ; ; PERSONAL_APPDATA ; PERSONAL_CACHE ; PERSONAL_COOKIES ; PERSONAL_FAVORITES ; PERSONAL_FONTS ; PERSONAL_HISTORY ; PERSONAL_NETHOOD ; PERSONAL_PERSONAL ; PERSONAL_PRINTHOOD (supported only under Windows NT) ; PERSONAL_RECENT ; PERSONAL_SENDTO ; PERSONAL_TEMPLATES ; ; PROGRAMFILESDIR ; COMMONFILESDIR ; MEDIAPATH ; CONFIGPATH (supported only under Windows95 and Windows98) ; DEVICEPATH ; This provides information on where in the Windows Registry to locate the Uninstall log files ; Main Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Main Key=[Product WinRegKey] Decrypt Main Key=TRUE Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key=[Product CurrentVersion]\Uninstall Decrypt Key=TRUE Uninstall Filename=$UninstallFile$ Defaults Info Filename=defaults_info.ini [Check Instance0] Class Name=$ProductName$MessageWindow Window Name= ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Message=$ProductName$ is detected to be currently running. Please quit $ProductName$ before continuing. Click Retry to perform the check again, or Cancel to exit the uninstaller. ; These keys are not normally necessary for checking instances. They are ; set here because SeaMonkey requires a way to shut down its turbo mode. Extra Cmd Reg Key Root=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Extra Cmd Reg Key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\$MainExeFile$ Extra Cmd Reg Name= Extra Cmd Parameter=-kill [Check Instance1] Class Name=MozillaMessageWindow Window Name= ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Message=Mozilla is detected to be currently running. Please quit Mozilla before continuing. Click Retry to perform the check again, or Cancel to exit the uninstaller. ; These keys are not normally necessary for checking instances. They are ; set here because Mozilla requires a way to shut down its turbo mode. Extra Cmd Reg Key Root=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Extra Cmd Reg Key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Mozilla.exe Extra Cmd Reg Name= Extra Cmd Parameter=-kill [Dialog Uninstall] FONTNAME=MS Sans Serif FONTSIZE=8 CHARSET=0 ;Here is a partial list CHAR_SETS ; ANSI_CHARSET = 0 ; DEFAULT_CHARSET = 1 ; SYMBOL_CHARSET = 2 ; SHIFTJIS_CHARSET = 128 ; GB2312_CHARSET = 134 ; HANGEUL_CHARSET = 129 ; CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET = 136 ; OEM_CHARSET 255 Show Dialog=TRUE Title=$ProductName$ Uninstaller Message0=Are you sure you want to completely remove %s and all of its components? Uninstall=&Uninstall Cancel=&Cancel Message1=Uninstall has detected that the following shared file is no longer used by any programs. If any programs still require the shared file and it is removed, those programs may no longer function. Are you sure you want to remove this shared file? Message2=Leaving this file will not harm your system. If you are not sure, it is recommended that the shared file be not removed from the system. FileName=File name: No=&No NoToAll=N&o to all Yes=&Yes YesToAll=Y&es to all ;[Check Instance0] ;Class Name=MozillaWindowClass ;Window Name= ;Message=Setup has detected that an instance of $ProductName$ (or Mozilla) is currently running. Please quit $ProductName$ and Mozilla before continuing Setup. ;[Check Instance1] ;Process Name=psm.exe ;Message=Setup has detected that an instance of Personal Security Manager is currently running. Personal Security Manager will quit by itself when there are no other applications running that require it. A reboot might be necessary. Setup will then be able to continue. ; This section attempts to restore/undo the desktop integration performed by the browser/mail [Restore Desktop Integration] Enabled=TRUE ; This section attempts to cleanup the UnreadMail registry keys set up by mail. [Cleanup Mail Integration] Enabled=TRUE [Messages] ERROR_DLL_LOAD=Could not load %s ERROR_STRING_LOAD=Could not load string resource ID %d ERROR_STRING_NULL=Null pointer encountered. ERROR_GLOBALALLOC=Memory allocation error. ERROR_FAILED=%s failed. ERROR_DIALOG_CREATE=Could not create %s dialog. DLGQUITTITLE=Question DLGQUITMSG=Are you sure you want to cancel? ERROR_GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY_FAILED=GetSystemDirectory() failed. ERROR_GET_WINDOWS_DIRECTORY_FAILED=GetWindowsDirectory() failed. ERROR_CREATE_TEMP_DIR=Setup was unable to create the TEMP directory: %s ERROR_SETUP_REQUIREMENT=Windows95 or greater Operating System is required! Exiting setup... MB_WARNING_STR=Warning ERROR_UNINSTALL_LOG_FOLDER=Uninstall log folder not found:%s MB_MESSAGE_STR=Message DLG_REMOVE_FILE_TITLE=Remove File? ERROR_GETVERSION=GetVersionEx() failed!