[General] FONTNAME=MS Sans Serif FONTSIZE=8 CHARSET=0 ;Here is a partial list CHAR_SETS ; ANSI_CHARSET = 0 ; DEFAULT_CHARSET = 1 ; SYMBOL_CHARSET = 2 ; SHIFTJIS_CHARSET = 128 ; GB2312_CHARSET = 134 ; HANGEUL_CHARSET = 129 ; CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET = 136 ; OEM_CHARSET 255 OK_=&OK OK=OK CANCEL=Cancel CANCEL_=&Cancel NEXT_=&Next > BACK_=< &Back IGNORE_=&Ignore PROXYSETTINGS=Proxy Settings: PROXYSETTINGS_=&Proxy Settings SERVER=Server: PORT=Port: USERID=User id: PASSWORD=Password: SELECTDIRECTORY=Select a directory DIRECTORIES_=&Directories: DRIVES_=Dri&ves: STATUS=Remaining: FILE=File: URL=URL: TO=To Path: ACCEPT_=&Accept DECLINE_=&Decline PROGRAMFOLDER_=&Program Folder: EXISTINGFOLDERS_=E&xisting Folders: SETUPMESSAGE=Setup has finished copying files to your computer. Before you can use RetroZilla, you must restart Windows or your computer. Choose one of the following options and click OK to finish setup. RESTART=Restart YESRESTART=Yes, I want to restart my computer now. NORESTART=No, I will restart my computer later. ADDITIONALCOMPONENTS_=&Additional Components: DESCRIPTION=Description TOTALDOWNLOADSIZE=Total download size: SPACEAVAILABLE=Space Available: COMPONENTS_=C&omponents: DESTINATIONDIRECTORY=Destination Directory BROWSE_=B&rowse... CURRENTSETTINGS=Current Settings: INSTALL_=&Install DELETE_=&Delete CONTINUE_=&Continue SKIP_=&Skip README=Re&ad Me PAUSE_=&Pause RESUME_=&Resume CHECKED=Checked UNCHECKED=Unchecked EXTRACTING=Extracting... [Messages] ERROR_DIALOG_CREATE=Could not create %s dialog. ERROR_FAILED=%s failed. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND=File not found: %s ERROR_GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY_FAILED=GetSystemDirectory() failed. ERROR_GET_WINDOWS_DIRECTORY_FAILED =GetWindowsDirectory() failed. DLGQUITTITLE=Exit Setup DLGQUITMSG=Setup is not complete. If you quit the Setup program now, the program will not be installed. You may run the Setup program at a later time to complete the installation. Are you sure you want to cancel Setup? DLG_REBOOT_TITLE=Restarting Windows ERROR_GETPROCADDRESS=GetProcAddress() of %s failed. ERROR_WRITEPRIVATEPROFILESTRING=WritePrivateProfileString() failed for file %s MSG_RETRIEVE_CONFIGINI=Please wait while Setup is attempting to retrieve Config.ini, required by Setup, from the Web... ERROR_CREATE_TEMP_DIR=Setup was unable to create the TEMP directory: %s DLGBROWSETITLE=Select a directory ERROR_DETERMINING_DISK_SPACE=Could not determine available disk space for: %s DLG_DISK_SPACE_CHECK_TITLE=Disk space check DLG_DISK_SPACE_CHECK_CRUTIAL_MSG=Setup has detected insufficient disk space to continue with installation on %s for the path: %sRequired: %sAvailable: %sClick Retry if more disk space has been made available, or click Cancel to cancel Setup. DLG_DISK_SPACE_CHECK_MSG=Setup has detected insufficient disk space to continue with installation process on %s for the path: %sRequired: %sAvailable: %sClick OK to go back and choose a different destination path. ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY=Could not create folder: %sMake sure you have access to create the folder. ERROR_MESSAGE_TITLE=RetroZilla Setup Error STR_FILE_NUMBER=File count: STR_FILENAME=Filename: MSG_PLEASE_WAIT=Please wait... MSG_SMARTUPDATE_START=Preparing Install, please wait... MSG_CONFIGURING=Configuring %s, please wait... ERROR_XPI_INSTALL=Error occurred during installation ERROR_SETUP_REQUIREMENT=Windows95 or greater Operating System is required! Exiting setup... DLG_EXTRACTING_TITLE=RetroZilla Setup - Install Progress STR_PROCESSINGFILE=Preparing file: %s STR_INSTALLING=Currently installing %s STR_COPYINGFILE=Copying file: %s MB_WARNING_STR=Warning MB_MESSAGE_STR=Message MB_ATTENTION_STR=Attention MSG_CREATE_DIRECTORY=The following directory does not exist:%sWould you like to create it? STR_CREATE_DIRECTORY=Create Directory? ERROR_PROGRAM_FOLDER_NAME=Invalid Program folder name entered. CB_DEFAULT=Default ERROR_DESTINATION_PATH=Invalid path entered. STR_SETUP_TYPE=Setup Type: STR_SELECTED_COMPONENTS=Selected Components: STR_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY=Destination Directory: STR_PROGRAM_FOLDER=Program Folder: STR_DELETING_DESTINATION_DIR=Deleting destination directory to be able to upgrade, please wait... STR_SETUP=Setup STR_DOWNLOAD_SITE=Download Site: STR_SAVE_INSTALLER_FILES=Save downloaded and Setup program files to: MSG_INIT_SETUP=Initializing Setup, please wait... STR_MESSAGEBOX_TITLE=%s Setup ERROR_GETVERSION=GetVersionEx() failed! DLG_USAGE_TITLE=Usage STATUS_EXTRACTING=Extracting %s STATUS_LAUNCHING_SETUP=Launching Setup... ERROR_FILE_WRITE=Unable to write file %s TITLE=Installation ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY=Out of memory! ERROR_DLL_LOAD=Could not load %s ERROR_STRING_LOAD=Could not load string resource ID %d ERROR_STRING_NULL=Null pointer encountered. ERROR_GLOBALALLOC=Memory allocation error. MSG_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS=Setup has detected that %s (%s) is still running. Click OK to quit %s and proceed with installation. Alternatively, use the Windows Task Manager to quit %s, and then click OK to continue with installation. MSG_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS_FAILED=Setup will now exit. Setup could not continue because %s (%s) is still running. Try manually quitting %s using Windows Task Manager, and then run Setup again. ERROR_PATH_WITHIN_WINDIR=Setup has detected that you have selected a directory within the Windows directory and will not allow the installation to proceed. Please choose a different directory.