windowTitle=Firefox CCK deleteConfirm=Are you sure you want to delete this configuration? outputLocation=Firefox CCK Wizard is completed. XPI is available at:\n cancelConfirm=Do you want to save your changes? zipError=Unable to create JAR or XPI file. Please ensure that a command line version of ZIP is in your path or that you have specified a path to ZIP. intError=The value must be an integer lockError=You cannot set this value here, you can only lock it. prefExistsError=This preference already exists in the list. chooseFile=Choose File... chooseDirectory=Choose Directory... chooseImage=Choose Image... createDir=The following directory does not exist: %S\nWould you like to create it? createDirError=Could not create folder: %S\nMake sure you have access to create the folder. Wizard to create CCK Packages id.error=Unique ID is required and is of the format extensionname@organization.tld. It can only contain the letters a-z, the numbers 0-9, and the following symbols: . _ - name.error=Name is required version.error=Version is required OrganizationName.error=Company Identifier is required and cannot contain any spaces. BookmarkFolder1.error=You must specify a folder name ToolbarFolder1.error=You must specify a folder name useBrowserDefault=(use the browser default) searchEngine.error=Search engine source file is invalid