/* NOTE FOR LOCALIZERS: * Copy this file to a new ab-CD subdirectory, where ab-CD is the localization you are doing * * You should edit the following three strings manually if you manipulate an existing jar * If you are building from CVS, please leave them be (but do modify the srDest variable * if necessary. */ var version = "@REVISION@"; var locale = "@LOCALE@"; var jarFile = "chatzilla-@LOCALE@.jar"; // Set this to the size of the jar file you're installing in kibibytes (1024 bytes per KiB) var srDest = 110; // You're done now. Don't modify the rest of the script without a very good reason. // this function verifies disk space in kilobytes function verifyDiskSpace(dirPath, spaceRequired) { var spaceAvailable; // Get the available disk space on the given path spaceAvailable = fileGetDiskSpaceAvailable(dirPath); // Convert the available disk space into kilobytes spaceAvailable = parseInt(spaceAvailable / 1024); // do the verification if(spaceAvailable < spaceRequired) { logComment("Insufficient disk space: " + dirPath); logComment(" required : " + spaceRequired + " K"); logComment(" available: " + spaceAvailable + " K"); return(false); } return(true); } // this function deletes a file if it exists function deleteThisFile(dirKey, file) { var fFileToDelete; fFileToDelete = getFolder(dirKey, file); logComment("File to delete: " + fFileToDelete); if(File.isFile(fFileToDelete)) { File.remove(fFileToDelete); return(true); } else return(false); } // this function deletes a folder if it exists function deleteThisFolder(dirKey, folder, recursiveDelete) { var fToDelete; if(typeof recursiveDelete == "undefined") recursiveDelete = true; fToDelete = getFolder(dirKey, folder); logComment("folder to delete: " + fToDelete); if(File.isDirectory(fToDelete)) { File.dirRemove(fToDelete, recursiveDelete); return(true); } else return(false); } // OS type detection // which platform? function getPlatform() { var platformStr; var platformNode; if('platform' in Install) { platformStr = new String(Install.platform); if (!platformStr.search(/^Macintosh/)) platformNode = 'mac'; else if (!platformStr.search(/^Win/)) platformNode = 'win'; else if (!platformStr.search(/^OS\/2/)) platformNode = 'win'; else platformNode = 'unix'; } else { var fOSMac = getFolder("Mac System"); var fOSWin = getFolder("Win System"); logComment("fOSMac: " + fOSMac); logComment("fOSWin: " + fOSWin); if(fOSMac != null) platformNode = 'mac'; else if(fOSWin != null) platformNode = 'win'; else platformNode = 'unix'; } return platformNode; } var err = initInstall("Chatzilla " + locale + " " + version, "Chatzilla " + locale, version); logComment("initInstall: " + err); if (verifyDiskSpace(getFolder("Program"), srDest)) { addFile("Chatzilla " + locale + " Locale", "chrome/" + jarFile, // jar source folder getFolder("Chrome"), // target folder ""); // target subdir registerChrome(LOCALE | DELAYED_CHROME, getFolder("Chrome", jarFile), "locale/" + locale + "/chatzilla/"); if (err==SUCCESS) performInstall(); else cancelInstall(err); } else cancelInstall(INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE);