/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is ChatZilla. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Robert Ginda, , original author * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ function initMenus() { function isMotif(name) { return "client.prefs['motif.current'] == " + "client.prefs['motif." + name + "']"; }; function isFontFamily(name) { return "cx.sourceObject.prefs['font.family'] == '" + name + "'"; }; function isFontFamilyCustom() { return "!cx.sourceObject.prefs['font.family']." + "match(/^(default|(sans-)?serif|monospace)$/)"; }; function isFontSize(size) { return "cx.fontSize == cx.fontSizeDefault + " + size; }; function isFontSizeCustom() { // It's "custom" if it's set (non-zero/not default), not the default // size (medium) and not +/-2 (small/large). return "'fontSize' in cx && cx.fontSize != 0 && " + "cx.fontSizeDefault != cx.fontSize && " + "Math.abs((cx.fontSizeDefault - cx.fontSize) / 2) != 1"; }; function onMenuCommand (event, window) { var params; var commandName = event.originalTarget.getAttribute("commandname"); if ("cx" in client.menuManager && client.menuManager.cx) { client.menuManager.cx.sourceWindow = window; params = client.menuManager.cx; } else { params = { sourceWindow: window }; } dispatch (commandName, params); delete client.menuManager.cx; }; client.onMenuCommand = onMenuCommand; client.menuSpecs = new Object(); var menuManager = new MenuManager(client.commandManager, client.menuSpecs, getCommandContext, "client.onMenuCommand(event, window);"); client.menuManager = menuManager; client.menuSpecs["maintoolbar"] = { items: [ ["disconnect"], ["quit"], ["part"] ] }; // OS values var Win = "(client.platform == 'Windows')"; var NotWin = "(client.platform != 'Windows')"; var Linux = "(client.platform == 'Linux')"; var NotLinux = "(client.platform != 'Linux')"; var Mac = "(client.platform == 'Mac')"; var NotMac = "(client.platform != 'Mac')"; // Platform values var Mozilla = "(client.host == 'Mozilla')"; var NotMozilla = "(client.host != 'Mozilla')"; var Toolkit = NotMozilla; var XULRunner = "(client.host == 'XULrunner')"; // Useful combinations var ToolkitOnLinux = "(" + Toolkit + " and " + Linux + ")"; var ToolkitNotOnLinux = "(" + Toolkit + " and " + NotLinux + ")"; var ToolkitOnMac = "(" + Toolkit + " and " + Mac + ")"; var ToolkitNotOnMac = "(" + Toolkit + " and " + NotMac + ")"; // IRC specific values var ViewClient = "(cx.TYPE == 'IRCClient')"; var ViewNetwork = "(cx.TYPE == 'IRCNetwork')"; var ViewChannel = "(cx.TYPE == 'IRCChannel')"; var ViewUser = "(cx.TYPE == 'IRCUser')"; // IRC specific combinations var ChannelActive = "(" + ViewChannel + " and cx.channel.active)"; var ChannelInactive = "(" + ViewChannel + " and !cx.channel.active)"; var NetConnected = "(cx.network and cx.network.isConnected())"; var NetDisconnected = "(cx.network and !cx.network.isConnected())"; client.menuSpecs["mainmenu:chatzilla"] = { label: MSG_MNU_CHATZILLA, getContext: getDefaultContext, items: [ ["cmd-prefs", {id: "menu_preferences"}], ["print"], ["save"], ["-", {visibleif: NotMac}], ["exit", {visibleif: Win}], ["quit", {visibleif: NotMac + " and " + NotWin}] ] }; client.menuSpecs["mainmenu:irc"] = { label: MSG_MNU_IRC, getContext: getDefaultContext, items: [ ["join"], // Planned future menu items, not implemented yet. //["attach"], //["-"], //["manage-networks"], //["manage-plugins"], ["-"], // Planned future menu items, not implemented yet. //["-"] //[">popup:current_networks"] [">popup:nickname"], ["-"], ["leave", {visibleif: ChannelActive}], ["rejoin", {visibleif: ChannelInactive}], ["disconnect", {visibleif: NetConnected}], ["reconnect", {visibleif: NetDisconnected}], ["-", {visibleif: "cx.network"}], ["clear-view"], ["hide-view", {enabledif: "client.viewsArray.length > 1"}], ["delete-view", {enabledif: "client.viewsArray.length > 1"}], ["-"], ["toggle-oas", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "isStartupURL(cx.sourceObject.getURL())"}] ] }; client.menuSpecs["mainmenu:edit"] = { label: MSG_MNU_EDIT, getContext: getDefaultContext, items: [ ["cmd-undo", {enabledif: "getCommandEnabled('cmd_undo')"}], ["cmd-redo", {enabledif: "getCommandEnabled('cmd_redo')"}], ["-"], ["cmd-cut", {enabledif: "getCommandEnabled('cmd_cut')"}], ["cmd-copy", {enabledif: "getCommandEnabled('cmd_copy')"}], ["cmd-paste", {enabledif: "getCommandEnabled('cmd_paste')"}], ["cmd-delete", {enabledif: "getCommandEnabled('cmd_delete')"}], ["-"], ["cmd-selectall", {enabledif: "getCommandEnabled('cmd_selectAll')"}], ["-"], ["find"], ["find-again", {enabledif: "canFindAgainInPage()"}], // Mozilla (suite) gets : separator, Mozilla Prefs, ChatZilla prefs. // Toolkit Linux apps get: separator, ChatZilla prefs. // Toolkit Mac apps get : ChatZilla prefs (special Mac ID). ["-", {visibleif: Mozilla}], ["cmd-mozilla-prefs", {visibleif: Mozilla}] ] }; client.menuSpecs["popup:motifs"] = { label: MSG_MNU_MOTIFS, items: [ ["motif-default", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isMotif("default")}], ["motif-dark", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isMotif("dark")}], ["motif-light", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isMotif("light")}], ] }; client.menuSpecs["mainmenu:view"] = { label: MSG_MNU_VIEW, getContext: getDefaultContext, items: [ ["tabstrip", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "isVisible('view-tabs')"}], ["header", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "cx.sourceObject.prefs['displayHeader']"}], ["userlist", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "isVisible('user-list-box')"}], ["statusbar", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "isVisible('status-bar')"}], ["-"], [">popup:motifs"], [">popup:fonts"], ["-"], ["toggle-ccm", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "client.prefs['collapseMsgs']"}], ["toggle-copy", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "client.prefs['copyMessages']"}], ["toggle-timestamps", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "cx.sourceObject.prefs['timestamps']"}] ] }; /* Mac expects a help menu with this ID, and there is nothing we can do * about it. */ client.menuSpecs["mainmenu:help"] = { label: MSG_MNU_HELP, domID: "menu_Help", items: [ ["-", {visibleif: Mozilla}], ["homepage"], ["faq"], ["-"], ["about"] ] }; client.menuSpecs["popup:fonts"] = { label: MSG_MNU_FONTS, getContext: getFontContext, items: [ ["font-size-bigger", {}], ["font-size-smaller", {}], ["-"], ["font-size-default", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "!cx.fontSize"}], ["font-size-small", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isFontSize(-2)}], ["font-size-medium", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isFontSize(0)}], ["font-size-large", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isFontSize(+2)}], ["font-size-other", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isFontSizeCustom()}], ["-"], ["font-family-default", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isFontFamily("default")}], ["font-family-serif", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isFontFamily("serif")}], ["font-family-sans-serif", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isFontFamily("sans-serif")}], ["font-family-monospace", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isFontFamily("monospace")}], ["font-family-other", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: isFontFamilyCustom()}] ] }; // Me is op. var isop = "(cx.channel.iAmOp()) && "; // Me is op or half-op. var isopish = "(cx.channel.iAmOp() || cx.channel.iAmHalfOp()) && "; // Server has half-ops. var shop = "(cx.server.supports.prefix.indexOf('h') > 0) && "; client.menuSpecs["popup:opcommands"] = { label: MSG_MNU_OPCOMMANDS, items: [ ["op", {visibleif: isop + "!cx.user.isOp"}], ["deop", {visibleif: isop + "cx.user.isOp"}], ["hop", {visibleif: isopish + shop + "!cx.user.isHalfOp"}], ["dehop", {visibleif: isopish + shop + "cx.user.isHalfOp"}], ["voice", {visibleif: isopish + "!cx.user.isVoice"}], ["devoice", {visibleif: isopish + "cx.user.isVoice"}], ["-"], ["ban", {enabledif: "(" + isop + "1) || (" + isopish + "!cx.user.isOp)"}], ["unban", {enabledif: "(" + isop + "1) || (" + isopish + "!cx.user.isOp)"}], ["kick", {enabledif: "(" + isop + "1) || (" + isopish + "!cx.user.isOp)"}], ["kick-ban", {enabledif: "(" + isop + "1) || (" + isopish + "!cx.user.isOp)"}] ] }; client.menuSpecs["popup:usercommands"] = { label: MSG_MNU_USERCOMMANDS, items: [ ["query", {visibleif: "cx.user"}], ["whois", {visibleif: "cx.user"}], ["whowas", {visibleif: "cx.nickname && !cx.user"}], ["ping", {visibleif: "cx.user"}], ["time", {visibleif: "cx.user"}], ["version", {visibleif: "cx.user"}], ["-", {visibleif: "cx.user"}], ["dcc-chat", {visibleif: "cx.user"}], ["dcc-send", {visibleif: "cx.user"}], ] }; client.menuSpecs["context:userlist"] = { getContext: getUserlistContext, items: [ ["toggle-usort", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "client.prefs['sortUsersByMode']"}], ["toggle-umode", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "client.prefs['showModeSymbols']"}], ["-", {visibleif: "cx.nickname"}], ["label-user", {visibleif: "cx.nickname", header: true}], [">popup:opcommands", {visibleif: "cx.nickname", enabledif: isopish + "true"}], [">popup:usercommands", {visibleif: "cx.nickname"}], ] }; var urlenabled = "has('url')"; var urlexternal = "has('url') && cx.url.search(/^ircs?:/i) == -1"; var textselected = "getCommandEnabled('cmd_copy')"; client.menuSpecs["context:messages"] = { getContext: getMessagesContext, items: [ ["goto-url", {visibleif: urlenabled}], ["goto-url-newwin", {visibleif: urlexternal + " && !" + XULRunner}], ["goto-url-newtab", {visibleif: urlexternal + " && !" + XULRunner}], ["cmd-copy-link-url", {visibleif: urlenabled}], ["cmd-copy", {visibleif: "!" + urlenabled, enabledif: textselected }], ["cmd-selectall", {visibleif: "!" + urlenabled }], ["-", {visibleif: "cx.channel && cx.nickname"}], ["label-user", {visibleif: "cx.channel && cx.nickname", header: true}], [">popup:opcommands", {visibleif: "cx.channel && cx.nickname", enabledif: isopish + "cx.user"}], [">popup:usercommands", {visibleif: "cx.channel && cx.nickname"}], ["-"], ["clear-view"], ["hide-view", {enabledif: "client.viewsArray.length > 1"}], ["toggle-oas", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "isStartupURL(cx.sourceObject.getURL())"}], ["-"], ["leave", {visibleif: ChannelActive}], ["rejoin", {visibleif: ChannelInactive}], ["delete-view", {visibleif: "!" + ChannelActive}], ["disconnect", {visibleif: NetConnected}], ["reconnect", {visibleif: NetDisconnected}], ["-"], ["toggle-text-dir"] ] }; client.menuSpecs["context:tab"] = { getContext: getTabContext, items: [ ["clear-view"], ["hide-view", {enabledif: "client.viewsArray.length > 1"}], ["toggle-oas", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: "isStartupURL(cx.sourceObject.getURL())"}], ["-"], ["leave", {visibleif: ChannelActive}], ["rejoin", {visibleif: ChannelInactive}], ["delete-view", {visibleif: "!" + ChannelActive}], ["disconnect", {visibleif: NetConnected}], ["reconnect", {visibleif: NetDisconnected}], ["-"], ["toggle-text-dir"] ] }; var net = "cx.network"; var netAway = "cx.network.prefs['away']"; var awayChecked = "cx.network and (cx.network.prefs.away == item.message)"; client.menuSpecs["mainmenu:nickname"] = { label: client.prefs["nickname"], domID: "server-nick", getContext: getDefaultContext, items: [ ["nick"], ["-"], ["back", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: net + " and !" + netAway}], ["away", {type: "checkbox", checkedif: awayChecked, repeatfor: "client.awayMsgs", repeatmap: "cx.reason = item.message" }], ["-"], ["custom-away"] ] }; client.menuSpecs["popup:nickname"] = { label: MSG_STATUS, getContext: getDefaultContext, items: client.menuSpecs["mainmenu:nickname"].items }; } function createMenus() { client.menuManager.createMenus(document, "mainmenu"); client.menuManager.createContextMenus(document); // The menus and the component bar need to be hidden on some hosts. var winMenu = document.getElementById("windowMenu"); var tasksMenu = document.getElementById("tasksMenu"); var comBar = document.getElementById("component-bar"); if (client.host != "Mozilla") { tasksMenu.parentNode.removeChild(tasksMenu); winMenu.parentNode.removeChild(winMenu); } else { comBar.collapsed = false; } if (client.host == "XULrunner") { // This is a hack to work around Gecko bug 98997, which means that // :empty causes menus to be hidden until we force a reflow. var menuBar = document.getElementById("mainmenu"); menuBar.hidden = true; menuBar.hidden = false; } } function getCommandContext (id, event) { var cx = { originalEvent: event }; if (id in client.menuSpecs) { if ("getContext" in client.menuSpecs[id]) cx = client.menuSpecs[id].getContext(cx); else if ("cx" in client.menuManager) { //dd ("using existing context"); cx = client.menuManager.cx; } else { //no context. } } else { dd ("getCommandContext: unknown menu id " + id); } if (typeof cx == "object") { if (!("menuManager" in cx)) cx.menuManager = client.menuManager; if (!("contextSource" in cx)) cx.contextSource = id; if ("dbgContexts" in client && client.dbgContexts) dd ("context '" + id + "'\n" + dumpObjectTree(cx)); } return cx; }