/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.enabled /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.ignoreTextFields /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This preference when enabled will ensure that text fields and inputs retain focus even if spatial navigation was requested. Default: TRUE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.directionalBias /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// When calculating distances between elements on the screen, elements may be given a bias if the elements are in the direction of navigation. The bias is a given by a fraction such that: bias distance = true distance / directional bias DEFAULT: 3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.disableJS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Disable onFocus event that an element may recieve during spatial navigation. On some pages we have found that the page decides to move the focus as if the targeted content was clicked. This may lead to an undesirable behavior. DEFAULT: TRUE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.rectFudge /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// To reduce the chance that a element overlaps with another element, we reduce the elements height and width by this value. DEFAULT: 20 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.keyCode.left /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This preference is the key code which corresponds to the left direction. DEFAULT: DOM_VK_LEFT SEE: nsIDOMKeyEvent /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.keyCode.right /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This preference is the key code which corresponds to the right direction. DEFAULT: DOM_VK_RIGHT SEE: nsIDOMKeyEvent /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.keyCode.up /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This preference is the key code which corresponds to the up direction. DEFAULT: DOM_VK_UP SEE: nsIDOMKeyEvent /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.keyCode.down /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This preference is the key code which corresponds to the down direction. DEFAULT: DOM_VK_DOWN SEE: nsIDOMKeyEvent /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // snav.keyCode.modifier /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This preference is the key code which corresponds to the required modifier keys. These values are given as follows: NONE = 0 SHIFT = 0x00100000 CONTROL = 0x00001100 ALT = 0x00000012 DEFAULT: ALT | SHIFT