function focusItem(aItem) { if (!aItem.disabled) aItem.focus(); return aItem.disabled; } this.traverseItems(this, focusItem); return this.getAttribute("incremental") != "false"; if (!val) this.setAttribute("incremental", "false"); else this.removeAttribute("incremental"); throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; var nsIDOMNode = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode; if (aNode.nodeType != nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) return; var array = []; for (var child = aNode.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { if (child.nodeType == nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) array.push({node: child, isUsed: false}); } return array; throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; if (aCurrNode == aItemNode) return false; if (!aCurrNode) { if (aItemNode.namespaceURI != this.XFORMS_NS || aItemNode.localName != "item") return false; aCurrNode = aItemNode; } var next = aUpDirection ? aCurrNode.previousSibling : aCurrNode.nextSibling; if (next) { var res = this.traverseItems(next, aFunc, aFuncArg1, aFuncArg2, aUpDirection); if (!res) return false; return this.cycleTraverseItems(aItemNode, aUpDirection, aFunc, aFuncArg1, aFuncArg2, next); } var parent = aCurrNode; while (parent = parent.parentNode) { if (parent.namespaceURI == this.XFORMS_NS) { switch (parent.localName) { case "choices": case "itemset": next = parent; break; case "select": case "select1": next = aUpDirection ? parent.lastChild : parent.firstChild; break; } if (next) return this.cycleTraverseItems(aItemNode, aUpDirection, aFunc, aFuncArg1, aFuncArg2, next); } } return true; null null null function _isSelected(aItem, aItemList) { if (aItem.selected) aItemList.push(aItem); return true; } var list = []; this.traverseItems(this, _isSelected, list); return list; if (aItem) aItem.selected = true; if (aItem) aItem.selected = false; function _clearSelection(aItem) { aItem.selected = false; return true; } this.traverseItems(this, _clearSelection); function _selectAll(aItem) { aItem.selected = true; return true; } this.traverseItems(this, _selectAll); return aItem ? aItem.selected : false; // A limitation of the XML Schema list datatypes is that white space // characters in the storage values (the value element) are always // interpreted as separators between individual data values. // Therefore, authors should avoid using white space characters within // storage values with list simpleContent. // Replace new line (\n), tabs (\t) and carriage returns (\r) with // space (" "). var value = aString.replace(aWhiteSpaceExpr, " "); return value.split(/\s/); function getSelectedItem(aItem, aSelectedItem) { if (aItem.selected) aSelectedItem.value = aItem; return !aItem.selected; } var selectedItem = {value: null}; this.traverseItems(this, getSelectedItem, selectedItem); return selectedItem.value; function setSelectedItem(aItem, aSelectedItem) { aItem.selected = aItem == aSelectedItem; return true; } this.traverseItems(this, setSelectedItem, val); return [aString]; 1 || aHitArray.length == 1 && !aHitArray[0].isUsed); ]]> null if (!this._anonymousItemSetContent) { this._anonymousItemSetContent = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "insertion"); } return this._anonymousItemSetContent; this.control.focus(); if (this.selectControl) this.selectControl.updateInstanceNodeByItem(aIncremental, this); null