// XMLTerm Chrome Commands function StartupXMLTerm() { //dump("StartupXMLTerm:"+window.frames.length+"\n"); //dump("StartupXMLTerm:"+window.frames[0].name+"\n"); if (window.frames.length == 2) { xmltwin = window.frames[1]; xmltwin.xmltbrowser = window.frames[0]; } else { xmltwin = window.frames[0]; } // Determine telnet URL, if any, from query portion of chrome URL // For security reasons, only the protocol/host portion of the URL should be // used to open a new connection var url = ""; if (document.location.search) { url = document.location.search.substr(1); } //dump("StartupXMLterm: URL="+url+"\n"); //dump("StartupXMLterm: WINDOW.ARGUMENTS="+window.arguments+"\n"); dump("Trying to make an XMLTerm Shell through the component manager...\n"); var xmltshell = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlterm/xmltermshell;1"].createInstance(); xmltshell = xmltshell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.mozIXMLTermShell); //dump("Interface xmltshell2 = " + xmltshell + "\n"); if (!xmltshell) { dump("Failed to create XMLTerm shell\n"); window.close(); return; } // Store the XMLTerm shell in current window and in the XMLTerm frame window.xmlterm = xmltshell; xmltwin.xmlterm = xmltshell; if (window.arguments != null) document.title = "xmlterm: "+window.arguments; // Initialize XMLTerm shell in content window with argvals window.xmlterm.init(xmltwin, "", window.arguments); }