function closeWindow(aClose) { var windowCount = 0; var wm = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var e = wm.getEnumerator(null); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { var w = e.getNext(); if (++windowCount == 2) break; } # Closing the last window doesn't quit the application on OS X. #ifndef XP_MACOSX // If we're down to the last window and someone tries to shut down, check to make sure we can! if (windowCount == 1 && !canQuitApplication()) return false; #endif if (aClose) window.close(); return true; } function canQuitApplication() { var os = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); if (!os) return true; try { var cancelQuit = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool); os.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested", null); // Something aborted the quit process. if ( return false; } catch (ex) { } os.notifyObservers(null, "quit-application-granted", null); return true; } function goQuitApplication() { if (!canQuitApplication()) return false; var windowManager = Components.classes[';1'].getService(); var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var enumerator = windowManagerInterface.getEnumerator( null ); var appStartup = Components.classes[';1']. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAppStartup); while ( enumerator.hasMoreElements() ) { var domWindow = enumerator.getNext(); if (("tryToClose" in domWindow) && !domWindow.tryToClose()) return false; domWindow.close(); }; appStartup.quit(Components.interfaces.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit); return true; } /** * Command Updater */ var CommandUpdater = { /** * Gets a controller that can handle a particular command. * @param command * A command to locate a controller for, preferring controllers that * show the command as enabled. * @returns In this order of precedence: * - the first controller supporting the specified command * associated with the focused element that advertises the * command as ENABLED * - the first controller supporting the specified command * associated with the global window that advertises the * command as ENABLED * - the first controller supporting the specified command * associated with the focused element * - the first controller supporting the specified command * associated with the global window */ _getControllerForCommand: function(command) { try { var controller = top.document.commandDispatcher.getControllerForCommand(command); if (controller && controller.isCommandEnabled(command)) return controller; } catch(e) { } var controllerCount = window.controllers.getControllerCount(); for (var i = 0; i < controllerCount; ++i) { var current = window.controllers.getControllerAt(i); try { if (current.supportsCommand(command) && current.isCommandEnabled(command)) return current; } catch (e) { } } return controller || window.controllers.getControllerForCommand(command); }, /** * Updates the state of a XUL element for the specified command * depending on its state. * @param command * The name of the command to update the XUL element for */ updateCommand: function(command) { var enabled = false; try { var controller = this._getControllerForCommand(command); if (controller) enabled = controller.isCommandEnabled(command); } catch(ex) { } this.enableCommand(command, enabled); }, /** * Enables or disables a XUL element. * @param command * The name of the command to enable or disable * @param enabled * true if the command should be enabled, false otherwise. */ enableCommand: function(command, enabled) { var element = document.getElementById(command); if (!element) return; if (enabled) element.removeAttribute("disabled"); else element.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); }, /** * Performs the action associated with a specified command using the most * relevant controller. * @param command * The command to perform. */ doCommand: function(command) { var controller = this._getControllerForCommand(command); if (!controller) return; controller.doCommand(command); }, /** * Changes the label attribute for the specified command. * @param command * The command to update. * @param labelAttribute * The label value to use. */ setMenuValue: function(command, labelAttribute) { var commandNode = top.document.getElementById(command); if (commandNode) { var label = commandNode.getAttribute(labelAttribute); if ( label ) commandNode.setAttribute('label', label); } }, /** * Changes the accesskey attribute for the specified command. * @param command * The command to update. * @param valueAttribute * The value attribute to use. */ setAccessKey: function(command, valueAttribute) { var commandNode = top.document.getElementById(command); if (commandNode) { var value = commandNode.getAttribute(valueAttribute); if ( value ) commandNode.setAttribute('accesskey', value); } }, /** * Inform all the controllers attached to a node that an event has occurred * (e.g. the tree controllers need to be informed of blur events so that they can change some of the * menu items back to their default values) * @param node * The node receiving the event * @param event * The event. */ onEvent: function(node, event) { var numControllers = node.controllers.getControllerCount(); var controller; for ( var controllerIndex = 0; controllerIndex < numControllers; controllerIndex++ ) { controller = node.controllers.getControllerAt(controllerIndex); if ( controller ) controller.onEvent(event); } } }; // Shim for compatibility with existing code. function goDoCommand(command) { CommandUpdater.doCommand(command); } function goUpdateCommand(command) { CommandUpdater.updateCommand(command); } function goSetCommandEnabled(command, enabled) { CommandUpdater.enableCommand(command, enabled); } function goSetMenuValue(command, labelAttribute) { CommandUpdater.setMenuValue(command, labelAttribute); } function goSetAccessKey(command, valueAttribute) { CommandUpdater.setAccessKey(command, valueAttribute); } function goOnEvent(node, event) { CommandUpdater.onEvent(node, event); } function visitLink(aEvent) { var node =; while (node.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) node = node.parentNode; var url = node.getAttribute("link"); if (!url) return; var protocolSvc = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExternalProtocolService); var ioService = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var uri = ioService.newURI(url, null, null); // if the scheme is not an exposed protocol, then opening this link // should be deferred to the system's external protocol handler if (protocolSvc.isExposedProtocol(uri.scheme)) { var win =; if (win instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMChromeWindow) { while (win.opener && !win.opener.closed) win = win.opener; }; } else protocolSvc.loadUrl(uri); } function isValidLeftClick(aEvent, aName) { return (aEvent.button == 0 && aEvent.originalTarget.localName == aName); } function setTooltipText(aID, aTooltipText) { var element = document.getElementById(aID); if (element) element.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aTooltipText); } function FillInTooltip ( tipElement ) { var retVal = false; var textNode = document.getElementById("TOOLTIP-tooltipText"); if (textNode) { while (textNode.hasChildNodes()) textNode.removeChild(textNode.firstChild); var tipText = tipElement.getAttribute("tooltiptext"); if (tipText) { var node = document.createTextNode(tipText); textNode.appendChild(node); retVal = true; } } return retVal; } #include debug.js