0 0 false null null null 0 "" 0 ? this.getIndexOfItem(this.selectedItems[0]) : -1; ]]> = 0) this.selectItem(this.getItemAtIndex(val)); else this.clearSelection(); ]]> 0 ? this.selectedItems[0] : null; ]]> = 0; --i) this.selectedItems[i].removeAttribute("selected"); this.selectedItems.splice(0, this.selectedItems.length); } this._selectionStart = null; this._fireOnSelect(); ]]> 1 ) this.removeItemFromSelection(this.selectedItems[l-1]); if ( l <= 2 ) this._isUpSelection=0; } else { this.addItemToSelection(n); this._isDownSelection=1; } } ]]> 1 ) this.removeItemFromSelection(this.selectedItems[l-1]); if ( l <= 2 ) this._isDownSelection=0; } else { this.addItemToSelection(n); this._isUpSelection=1; } } ]]> 3 1) numExistingCachedAddresses = (numExistingCachedAddresses + 1)/ 2; var index = 0; var numAddressesAdded = 0; var emailAddressNode; var commaNode; while (numAddressesAdded < numExistingCachedAddresses && numAddressesAdded < aNumAddressesToShow) { if (index && numExistingCachedAddresses > 1) { commaNode = aAddressesNode.childNodes[index++]; if (commaNode) commaNode.hidden = false; } // get the node pointed to by index emailAddressNode = aAddressesNode.childNodes[index++]; this.updateEmailAddressNode(emailAddressNode, this.mAddresses[numAddressesAdded]); emailAddressNode.hidden = false; numAddressesAdded++; } // if we have added all of our elements but we still have more cached items in this address node // then make sure the extra cached copies are hidden... numExistingCachedAddresses = aAddressesNode.childNodes.length; // reset while (index < numExistingCachedAddresses) { aAddressesNode.childNodes[index++].hidden = true; } return this.mAddresses.length - numAddressesAdded; ]]> numAddresses) // then show all aNumAddressesToShow = numAddresses; // before we try to create email address nodes, try to leverage any cached nodes... var remainder = this.fillCachedAddresses(aAddressesNode, aNumAddressesToShow); var index = numAddresses - remainder; while (index < numAddresses && index < aNumAddressesToShow) { var newAddressNode = document.createElement("mail-emailaddress"); if (index) { var textNode = document.createElement("text"); textNode.setAttribute("value", ", "); textNode.setAttribute("class", "emailSeparator"); aAddressesNode.appendChild(textNode); } var itemInDocument = aAddressesNode.appendChild(newAddressNode); this.updateEmailAddressNode(itemInDocument, this.mAddresses[index]); index++; } ]]> numItemsToPreserve)) { aParentNode.removeChild(aParentNode.childNodes[numItemsInNode-1]); numItemsInNode = numItemsInNode - 1; } ]]> = 0; --i) headerValueNode.removeChild(headerValueNode.childNodes[i]); var tagService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/messenger/tagservice;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgTagService); // tokenize the keywords based on ' ' var tagsArray = aTags.split(' '); for (var index = 0; index < tagsArray.length; index++) { // for each tag, create a label, give it the font color that corresponds to the // color of the tag and append it. var tagName; try { // if we got a bad tag name, getTagForKey will throw an exception, skip it // and go to the next one. tagName = tagService.getTagForKey(tagsArray[index]); } catch (ex) { continue; } var color = tagService.getColorForKey(tagsArray[index]); // now create a label for the tag name, and set the color var label = document.createElement("label"); label.setAttribute('value', tagName); label.style.color = color; label.className = "tagvalue"; headerValueNode.appendChild(label); } ]]> null Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.OtherHeader && hdrsArray) strings[i] = hdrsArray[j++]; else strings[i] = this.stringBundle.GetStringFromID(ids[i]); } return strings; ]]> Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Default null null null null null 0) booleanNodes[i].setAttribute("value", staticString); } catch (ex) { /* no error, means string not found */} } ]]> nsMsgSearchAttrib.OtherHeader && this.searchAttribute < nsMsgSearchAttrib.kNumMsgSearchAttributes) searchTerm.arbitraryHeader = this.searchattribute.label; searchTerm.op = this.searchoperator.value; if (this.searchvalue.value) this.searchvalue.save(); else this.searchvalue.saveTo(searchTerm.value); searchTerm.value = this.searchvalue.value; searchTerm.booleanAnd = this.booleanAnd; ]]> document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0]; = 0) { this.setAttribute("uri", this.tree.builderView.getResourceAtIndex(this.tree.currentIndex).Value); this.doCommand(); } ]]> 0 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) { event.preventDefault(); index = tree.keyNavigate(event); if (index >= 0) break; } return; } box.view.selection.select(index); if (this.parentNode.hasAttribute("open")) box.ensureRowIsVisible(index); else this.self.fire(); } }) ]]> = 0) setTimeout(function() { box.ensureRowIsVisible(index); }, 0); ]]> document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0].clear(); 8 = this.mMaxMsgHdrsInPopup) return true; } return foundNewMsg; ]]>