mustSelectFolder=You must select a target folder. enterValidEmailAddress=Enter a valid e-mail address to forward to. pickTemplateToReplyWith=Choose a template to reply with. mustEnterName=You must give this filter a name. mustSelectAction=You must select at least one filter action. cannotHaveDuplicateFilterTitle=Duplicate Filter Name cannotHaveDuplicateFilterMessage=The filter name you entered already exists. Please enter a different filter name. deleteFilterConfirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this filter? untitledFilterName=Untitled Filter filterListBackUpMsg=Your filters do not work because the msgFilterRules.dat file, which contains your filters, could not be read. A new msgFilterRules.dat file will be created and a backup of the old file, called rulesbackup.dat, will be created in the same directory. customHeaderOverflow=You've exceeded the limit of 50 custom headers. Please remove one or more custom headers and try again. filterCustomHeaderOverflow=Your filters have exceeded the limit of 50 custom headers. Please edit the msgFilterRules.dat file, which contains your filters, to use fewer custom headers. invalidCustomHeader=One of your filters uses a custom header that contains an invalid character, such as ':', a non-printable character, a non-ascii character, or an eight-bit ascii character. Please edit the msgFilterRules.dat file, which contains your filters, to remove invalid characters from your custom headers. continueFilterExecution=Applying filter %S failed. Would you like to continue applying filters? promptTitle=Running Filters promptMsg=You are currently in the process of filtering messages.\nWould you like to continue applying filters? stopButtonLabel=Stop continueButtonLabel=Continue cannotEnableFilter=This filter was probably created by a future version of this software. You cannot enable this filter because we don't know how to apply it. # for junk mail logging / mail filter logging # LOCALIZATION NOTE(junkLogDetectStr) # %1$S=author, %2$S=subject, %3$S=date junkLogDetectStr=Detected junk message from %1$S - %2$S at %3$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE(logMoveStr) # %1$S=message id, %2$S=folder URI logMoveStr=moved message id = %1$S to %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE(logCopyStr) # %1$S=message id, %2$S=folder URI logCopyStr=copied message id = %1$S to %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterLogDetectStr) # %1$S=filter name %2$S=author, %3$S=subject, %4$S=date filterLogDetectStr=Applied filter "%1$S" to message from %2$S - %3$S at %4$S filterAction2=priority changed filterAction3=deleted filterAction4=marked as read filterAction5=thread killed filterAction6=thread watched filterAction7=flagged filterAction8=tagged filterAction9=replied filterAction10=forwarded filterAction11=execution stopped filterAction12=deleted from POP3 server filterAction13=left on POP3 server filterAction14=junk score filterAction15=body fetched from POP3 server filterAction16=copied to folder