// this function verifies disk space in kilobytes function verifyDiskSpace(dirPath, spaceRequired) { var spaceAvailable; // Get the available disk space on the given path spaceAvailable = fileGetDiskSpaceAvailable(dirPath); // Convert the available disk space into kilobytes spaceAvailable = parseInt(spaceAvailable / 1024); // do the verification if(spaceAvailable < spaceRequired) { logComment("Insufficient disk space: " + dirPath); logComment(" required : " + spaceRequired + " K"); logComment(" available: " + spaceAvailable + " K"); return(false); } return(true); } // this function deletes a file if it exists function deleteThisFile(dirKey, file) { var fFileToDelete; fFileToDelete = getFolder(dirKey, file); logComment("File to delete: " + fFileToDelete); if(File.isFile(fFileToDelete)) { File.remove(fFileToDelete); return(true); } else return(false); } // this function deletes a folder if it exists function deleteThisFolder(dirKey, folder, recursiveDelete) { var fToDelete; if(typeof recursiveDelete == "undefined") recursiveDelete = true; fToDelete = getFolder(dirKey, folder); logComment("folder to delete: " + fToDelete); if(File.isDirectory(fToDelete)) { File.dirRemove(fToDelete, recursiveDelete); return(true); } else return(false); } // OS type detection // which platform? function getPlatform() { var platformStr; var platformNode; if('platform' in Install) { platformStr = new String(Install.platform); if (!platformStr.search(/^Macintosh/)) platformNode = 'mac'; else if (!platformStr.search(/^Win/)) platformNode = 'win'; else if (!platformStr.search(/^OS\/2/)) platformNode = 'win'; else platformNode = 'unix'; } else { var fOSMac = getFolder("Mac System"); var fOSWin = getFolder("Win System"); logComment("fOSMac: " + fOSMac); logComment("fOSWin: " + fOSWin); if(fOSMac != null) platformNode = 'mac'; else if(fOSWin != null) platformNode = 'win'; else platformNode = 'unix'; } return platformNode; } function IsWinnt() { /* Determines if the script is running under NT or not. * */ var winreg = getWinRegistry(); var subkey; var szCurrentVersion; winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"; szCurrentVersion = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "CurrentVersion"); logComment("szCurrentVersion: " + szCurrentVersion); if((szCurrentVersion == "") || (szCurrentVersion == null)) { return false; } else { return true; } } function registerProgramFolderKey(winreg, fFolderPath) { var subkey; var err; /* set the Program Folder Path in the Mozilla key in the Windows Registry */ winreg.createKey("SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$", ""); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$"; winreg.createKey(subkey,""); err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "CurrentVersion", "$UserAgent$"); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$"; winreg.createKey(subkey,""); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$\\Main"; winreg.createKey(subkey,""); err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "Program Folder Path", fFolderPath); } function createShortcuts() { var subkey; var szStartMenuPrograms; var szStartMenu; var szFolderDesktop; var szFolderQuickLaunch; var szFolderSendTo; var szFolderAppData; var winreg; var fWindows; var fTemp; var fProgram; var fileExe; var scExeDesc; var scProfileDesc; var scProfileDescParam; var scFolderName; var fFolderDesktop; var fFolderPath; var fFolderPathStr; var fFolderQuickLaunch; var is_winnt; var szCurrentVersion; var restrictedAccess; var ikwDefined; var folderQuickLaunchExists; var filePalmSyncInstallExe; var scDescPalmSyncInstall; var scDescPalmSyncUninstall; var folderPalmSyncName; winreg = getWinRegistry(); fWindows = getFolder("Windows"); fProgram = getFolder("Program"); fileExe = getFolder("Program", "$MainExeFile$"); filePalmSyncInstallExe = getFolder("Program", "PalmSyncInstall.exe"); scDescPalmSyncInstall = "Address Book Palm Sync Install"; scDescPalmSyncUninstall = "Address Book Palm Sync Uninstall"; filePalmSyncReadme = getFolder("Program", "palm.html"); scDescPalmSyncReadme = "Palm Sync User Guide"; fileMailIcon = getFolder("Chrome", "icons/default/messengerWindow.ico"); scExeDesc = "Mail"; scParam = "-mail"; scFolderName = "$ProductName$"; folderPalmSyncName = "Palm Tools"; if(winreg != null) { /* This will check to see if the user has restricted access or not. * It checks to see if HKEY_LOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE is writable. If * it is, then access is not restricted. This is only used to * determine which Desktop, Programs, and Start Menu folders * are to used: common or per user */ restrictedAccess = false; ikwDefined = typeof(winreg.isKeyWritable); logComment("winreg.isKeyWritable(): " + ikwDefined); if(ikwDefined == "function") { winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); if(!winreg.isKeyWritable("SOFTWARE")) restrictedAccess = true; } /* determine if the script is running under NT or not */ winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"; szCurrentVersion = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "CurrentVersion"); logComment("szCurrentVersion: " + szCurrentVersion); if((szCurrentVersion == "") || (szCurrentVersion == null)) { is_winnt = false; } else { is_winnt = true; } logComment("is_winnt value: " + is_winnt); logComment("restrictedAccess value: " + restrictedAccess); if(!is_winnt || restrictedAccess) { winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"; szStartMenuPrograms = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Programs"); szStartMenu = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Start Menu"); szFolderDesktop = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Desktop"); } else { winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"; szStartMenuPrograms = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Common Programs"); szStartMenu = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Common Start Menu"); szFolderDesktop = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Common Desktop"); } winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"; szFolderSendTo = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "SendTo"); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"; szFolderAppData = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "AppData"); // locate the Quick Launch folder szFolderQuickLaunch = szFolderAppData + "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch"; fFolderQuickLaunch = getFolder("file:///", szFolderQuickLaunch); folderQuickLaunchExists = File.isDirectory(fFolderQuickLaunch); if(!folderQuickLaunchExists) { subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\GrpConv\\MapGroups"; szFolderQuickLaunch = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Quick Launch"); folderQuickLaunchExists = File.isDirectory(fFolderPath); if(folderQuickLaunchExists) fFolderQuickLaunch = getFolder("file:///", szFolderQuickLaunch); } logComment("folderQuickLaunchExists: " + folderQuickLaunchExists); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$\\Main"; fFolderPathStr = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Program Folder Path"); if((fFolderPathStr == "") || (fFolderPathStr == null)) { fTemp = szStartMenuPrograms + "\\" + scFolderName; fFolderPath = getFolder("file:///", fTemp); } else { /* convert the path string to a path folder object */ fFolderPath = getFolder("file:///", fFolderPathStr); } /* convert the path string to a path folder object */ fFolderDesktop = getFolder("file:///", szFolderDesktop); logComment("Folder StartMenuPrograms: " + szStartMenuPrograms); logComment("Folder StartMenu : " + szStartMenu); logComment("Folder FolderDesktop : " + szFolderDesktop); logComment("Folder FolderSendTo : " + szFolderSendTo); logComment("Folder FolderQuickLaunch: " + szFolderQuickLaunch); logComment("fileExe : " + fileExe); logComment("fFolderPath : " + fFolderPath); logComment("scExeDesc : " + scExeDesc); logComment("fProgram : " + fProgram); /* explicitly create the fFolderPath even though the windowsShortcut function creates the folder. * This is so that the folder creation gets logged for uninstall to remove it. */ if(!File.exists(fFolderPath)) File.dirCreate(fFolderPath); /* create the shortcuts */ File.windowsShortcut(fileExe, fFolderPath, scExeDesc, fProgram, scParam, fileMailIcon, 0); // only create these two shortcuts if the files exist if(File.exists(filePalmSyncInstallExe)) { /* build the path to the sub folder to Palm Sync files */ var fStartMenuPalmSync = getFolder("file:///", fFolderPath + "/" + folderPalmSyncName); if(!File.exists(fStartMenuPalmSync)) File.dirCreate(fStartMenuPalmSync); /* clean up the shortcuts in the old place */ deleteThisFile("file:///", fFolderPath + "/" + scDescPalmSyncInstall); deleteThisFile("file:///", fFolderPath + "/" + scDescPalmSyncUninstall); /* create the shortcuts in the new sub folder */ File.windowsShortcut(filePalmSyncInstallExe, fStartMenuPalmSync, scDescPalmSyncInstall, fProgram, "", filePalmSyncInstallExe, 0); File.windowsShortcut(filePalmSyncInstallExe, fStartMenuPalmSync, scDescPalmSyncUninstall, fProgram, "/u", filePalmSyncInstallExe, 1); // only create the palm sync readme shortcut if the file exist if(File.exists(filePalmSyncReadme)) { /* create the shortcuts in the new sub folder */ File.windowsShortcut(filePalmSyncReadme, fStartMenuPalmSync, scDescPalmSyncReadme, fProgram, "", filePalmSyncReadme, 0); } } // // Disabled for now because mail does not have a different shortcut icon from Mozilla // //// create shortcut in the Quick Launch folder //if(folderQuickLaunchExists) // File.windowsShortcut(fileExe, fFolderQuickLaunch, scExeDesc, fProgram, "", fileExe, 0); if(!restrictedAccess) { winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); registerProgramFolderKey(winreg, fFolderPath); } winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER); registerProgramFolderKey(winreg, fFolderPath); // Register as a windows XP mail application if( IsWinnt() ) { subkey = "Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductNameInternal$"; winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); winreg.createKey(subkey,""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\DefaultIcon", ""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\shell", ""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\shell\\open", ""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\shell\\open\\command", ""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\InstallInfo",""); winreg.setValueString(subkey, "", "$ProductName$ Mail"); // path does not need to be quoted per MS doc data = fProgram + "chrome\\icons\\default\\messengerWindow.ico,0"; winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\DefaultIcon", "", data); data = "\"" + fProgram + "$MainExeFile$\" -mail"; winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\shell\\open\\command", "", data); data = "\"" + fProgram + "uninstall\\$UninstallFile$\" /ua \"$UserAgent$\" /hs mail"; winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\InstallInfo", "HideIconsCommand", data); // set this value to 0 because we're not creating the mail shortcuts yet. winreg.setValueNumber(subkey + "\\InstallInfo", "IconsVisible", 0); data = "\"" + fProgram + "$MainExeFile$\" -silent -nosplash -setDefaultMail"; winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\InstallInfo", "ReinstallCommand", data); data = "\"" + fProgram + "uninstall\\$UninstallFile$\" /ua \"$UserAgent$\" /ss mail"; winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\InstallInfo", "ShowIconsCommand", data); } } else { logComment("winreg is null"); } } function updateMapi() { var winreg; var szValue; var szMapiBackupDll; var szDefaultMailClient; var programMozMapi32File; var mainExePath; var sfpProgramMozMapi32File; var sfpMainExePath; var winsysMapi32File; var mapiProxyFile; var subkey; var mailDefaultDescription = "$ProductName$ Mail"; winreg = getWinRegistry(); if(winreg != null) { mainExePath = getFolder("Program", "$MainExeFile$"); programMozMapi32File = getFolder("Program", "mozMapi32.dll"); winsysMapi32File = getFolder("Win System", "Mapi32.dll"); winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); // If Mapi_backup_dll *and* the default var of // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Clients\Mail is set, then install // mozMapi32.dll to the windows system dir as Mapi32.dll. szMapiBackupDll = winreg.getValueString("SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\Desktop", "Mapi_backup_dll"); szDefaultMailClient = winreg.getValueString("SOFTWARE\\Clients\\Mail", ""); logComment("szMapiBackupDll: " + szMapiBackupDll); logComment("szDefaultMailClient: " + szDefaultMailClient); if((szMapiBackupDll != null) && (szMapiBackupDll != "") && (szDefaultMailClient != null) && (szDefaultMailClient == "$ProductName$")) { // We do not want to log this file to be uninstalled because the // uninstaller already has a special way to deal with restoring the // appropriate previous Mapi32.dll. addFile("", "$Version$", "bin/mozMapi32.dll", // file name in jar to extract getFolder("Win System"), // Where to put this file (Returned from getFolder) "Mapi32.dll", // new name when installed DO_NOT_UNINSTALL); } sfpProgramMozMapi32File = File.windowsGetShortName(programMozMapi32File); sfpMainExePath = File.windowsGetShortName(mainExePath); subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$"; winreg.createKey(subkey, ""); winreg.setValueString(subkey, "", mailDefaultDescription); winreg.setValueString(subkey, "DLLPath", sfpProgramMozMapi32File); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\DefaultIcon", ""); winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\DefaultIcon", "", sfpMainExePath + ",0"); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\protocols", ""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\protocols\\mailto", ""); winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\protocols\\mailto", "", "URL:MailTo Protocol"); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\protocols\\mailto\\shell", ""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\protocols\\mailto\\shell\\open", ""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\protocols\\mailto\\shell\\open\\command", ""); winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\protocols\\mailto\\shell\\open\\command", "", sfpMainExePath + " \"%1\""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\shell", ""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\shell\\open", ""); winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\shell\\open\\command", ""); winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\shell\\open\\command", "", sfpMainExePath + " -mail"); // Register MapiProxy.dll mapiProxyFile = getFolder("Program", "MapiProxy.dll"); err = File.windowsRegisterServer(mapiProxyFile); logComment("File.windowsRegisterServer(" + mapiProxyFile + ") returned: " + err); } } function upgradeCleanup() { // Obsolete files from Netscape 6.0 and Netscape 6.01 that // need to be cleaned up. deleteThisFile("Program", "msgMapi.dll"); deleteThisFile("Components", "signed.dll"); deleteThisFile("Components", "smimestb.dll"); deleteThisFile("Components", "nsMapiRegistry.dll"); deleteThisFile("Components", "absyncsv.dll"); } function updateWinIni() { var fWinIni = getWinProfile(getFolder("Windows"), "win.ini"); if(fWinIni != null) { fWinIni.writeString("Mail", "MAPI", "1"); fWinIni.writeString("Mail", "MAPIX", "1"); } } // main var srDest; var err; var fProgram; srDest = $SpaceRequired$:bin; err = initInstall("RetroZilla Mail", "Mail", "$Version$"); logComment("initInstall: " + err); fProgram = getFolder("Program"); logComment("fProgram: " + fProgram); if(verifyDiskSpace(fProgram, srDest)) { setPackageFolder(fProgram); upgradeCleanup(); err = addDirectory("", "$Version$", "bin", // dir name in jar to extract fProgram, // Where to put this file (Returned from GetFolder) "", // subdir name to create relative to fProgram true); // Force Flag logComment("addDirectory() returned: " + err); // check return value if( err == SUCCESS ) { createShortcuts(); updateWinIni(); updateMapi(); // we don't want to fail on errors for the above resetError(); // register chrome registerChrome(CONTENT | DELAYED_CHROME, getFolder("Chrome","messenger.jar"), "content/messenger/"); registerChrome(CONTENT | DELAYED_CHROME, getFolder("Chrome","messenger.jar"), "content/messenger-region/"); registerChrome(CONTENT | DELAYED_CHROME, getFolder("Chrome","messenger.jar"), "content/messenger-smime/"); registerChrome(CONTENT | DELAYED_CHROME, getFolder("Chrome","messenger.jar"), "content/messenger-mdn/"); registerChrome(CONTENT | DELAYED_CHROME, getFolder("Chrome","messenger.jar"), "content/messenger-views/"); registerChrome(CONTENT | DELAYED_CHROME, getFolder("Chrome","messenger.jar"), "content/messenger-mapi/"); // log comments for uninstalling the registry keys created by mail for setting // itself up in WinXP's Start menu logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$ []"); logComment("Store Registry Value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$ []"); logComment("Store Registry Value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$ [DLLPath]"); logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\DefaultIcon []"); logComment("Store Registry Value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\DefaultIcon []"); logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\protocols []"); logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\protocols\\mailto []"); logComment("Store Registry Value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\protocols\\mailto []"); logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\protocols\\mailto\\shell []"); logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\protocols\\mailto\\shell\\open []"); logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\protocols\\mailto\\shell\\open\\command []"); logComment("Store Registry Value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\protocols\\mailto\\shell\\open\\command []"); logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\shell []"); logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\shell\\open []"); logComment("Create Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\shell\\open\\command []"); logComment("Store Registry Value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Clients\\Mail\\$ProductName$\\shell\\open\\command []"); // check return value err = getLastError(); if(err == SUCCESS) { err = performInstall(); logComment("performInstall() returned: " + err); // Commenting this out for now until bug 182423 is fixed. This will at least prevent // people who have not run PalmSyncInstall.exe to run into bug 182423. However, // if they run the PalmSync uninstall by hand via the Start menu, then they will // still run into the bug. //if(err == SUCCESS) //{ // // Log the uninstall command to run PalmSyncInstall.exe to uninstall itself. // // This needs to be logged after all the files have been installed. // logComment("Uninstall Command: \"" + fProgram + "PalmSyncInstall.exe\" /us"); //} } else cancelInstall(err); } else cancelInstall(err); } else cancelInstall(INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE); // end main