# # genexports.pl: create up-to-date export and .def files # # created 31 August 1997 by Mark Smith $type = $ARGV[0]; $tmplfile = $ARGV[1]; $expfile = $ARGV[2]; $buildtype = $ARGV[3]; if ( $type ne "Win16" && $type ne "Win16Rev" && $type ne "Win32" && $type ne "WinBC" && $type ne "AIX" && $type ne "IRIX" && $type ne "MacOS" && $type ne "SOLARIS" && $type ne "SunOS" && $type ne "OS2" ) { usage(); } if ( $tmplfile eq "" || $expfile eq "" ) { usage(); } if ( $tmplfile ne "Standard" ) { open( TMPL, $tmplfile ); while() { $line = $_; &process_line( $type, $expfile, $line, $ARGV[3+1], $ARGV[3+2], $ARGV[3+3] ); } } else { if ( substr( $type, 0, 3 ) eq "Win" ) { &windows_std( $type, $expfile, $ARGV[3+1], $ARGV[3+2], $ARGV[3+3] ); } elsif ( $type eq "SOLARIS" || $type eq "SunOS" ) { &solaris_std( $type, $expfile, $ARGV[3+1], $ARGV[3+2], $ARGV[3+3] ); } else { # Simple standard template just includes exports; this works for all others. &simple_std( $type, $expfile, $ARGV[3+1], $ARGV[3+2], $ARGV[3+3] ); } } # process_line( type, expfile, line, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) sub process_line { local( $type, $expfile, $line, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ) = @_; if ( $line eq "\$EXPORTS\n" ) { &print_exports( $type, $expfile ); } else { $line =~ s/\$1/$arg1/; $line =~ s/\$2/$arg2/; $line =~ s/\$3/$arg3/; print $line; } } # usage() sub usage { print STDERR "usage: genexports.pl TYPE TMPLFILE|Standard EXPFILE BUILDTYPE [ARG1 [[ARG2] [ARG3]]] > OUTFILE\n"; print STDERR " where TYPE is Win16, Win16Rev, Win32, WinBC, AIX, IRIX, MacOS, or SOLARIS.\n"; print STDERR " and where BUILDTYPE is matched against last field in export file.\n"; exit 1; } # print_exports( type, exports-file ) sub print_exports { local( $type, $expfile ) = @_; open( EXP, $expfile ); &print_comment( $type, "\n" ); &print_comment( $type, "exports list (generated by genexports.pl)\n" ); &print_comment( $type, "\n" ); while( ) { $line = $_; if ( substr( $line, 0, 1 ) eq "#" ) { $line = substr( $line, 1 ); $_ = $line; if ( /^[0-9]+[\t ]/ && $type ne "OS2" ) { &print_comment( $type, "" ); &print_export( $type, $line ); } else { &print_comment( $type, $line ); } } elsif ( length( $line ) eq 1 && substr( $line, 0, 1 ) eq "\n" ) { print "\n"; } else { &print_export( $type, $line ); } } &print_comment( $type, "\n" ); &print_comment( $type, "end of generated exports list.\n" ); } # print_comment( type, s ) sub print_comment { # do not print comments for OS2 if ( $type ne "OS2" ) { local( $type, $s ) = @_; if ( $type eq "AIX" ) { $prefix = "* "; } elsif ( substr( $type, 0, 3 ) ne "Win" ) { $prefix = "# "; } else { $prefix = "; "; } print $prefix,$s } } # print_export( type, expline ) sub print_export { local( $type, $expline ) = @_; # strip trailing newline $expline =~ s/\n$//; # split into pieces # lines look like: ORDINAL SYMBOL [SYMTYPE] [BUILDTYPE] # where SYMTYPE is "P" (for Pascal), "C", or "G" (for globals). # P is the default. ($ordinal,$symbol,$symtype,$bldtype) = split( /[ \t]+/, $expline, 4 ); $upcase_symbol = $symbol; $upcase_symbol =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if ( $symtype eq "" ) { $symtype = "P"; } if ( $bldtype ne "" && $bldtype ne $buildtype ) { return; } # finally, print out an appropriate export line if ( $type eq "Win32" ) { if ( $symtype ne "G" ) { print "\t$symbol\t\t\@$ordinal\n"; } } elsif ( $type eq "OS2" ) { if ( $symtype ne "G" ) { print "\t_$symbol\t\t\@$ordinal\n"; } } elsif ( $type eq "Win16" ) { if ( $symtype eq "C" ) { print "\t_$symbol\t\t\@$ordinal\n"; } elsif ( $symtype eq "P" ) { print "\t_$symbol=$upcase_symbol\t\t\@$ordinal\n"; } } elsif ( $type eq "Win16Rev" ) { if ( $symtype ne "G" ) { print "\t$upcase_symbol=_$symbol\t\t\@$ordinal\n"; } } elsif ( $type eq "WinBC" ) { if ( $symtype ne "G" ) { print "\t_$symbol=$symbol\t\t\@$ordinal\n"; } } elsif ( $type eq "MacOS" ) { if ( $symtype ne "G" ) { print "$symbol\n"; } } elsif ( $type eq "AIX" || $type eq "IRIX" ) { print "$symbol\n"; } elsif ( $type eq "SOLARIS" || $type eq "SunOS") { print "\t$symbol;\n"; } else { print STDERR "print_export: unknown type <$type>\n"; exit 1; } } # windows_std( type, expfile, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) sub windows_std { local( $type, $expfile, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ) = @_; process_line( $type, $expfile, "LIBRARY\tNSLIB\$1\n" ); if ( substr( $type, 0, 5 ) eq "Win16" ) { process_line( $type, $expfile, "CODE\tPRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "DATA\tPRELOAD MOVEABLE SINGLE\n" ); } process_line( $type, $expfile, "VERSION\t\$2\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "HEAPSIZE\t4096\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "EXPORTS\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "\$EXPORTS\n" ); } # solaris_std( type, expfile, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) sub solaris_std { local( $type, $expfile, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ) = @_; process_line( $type, $expfile, "{\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "global:\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "\$EXPORTS\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "local:\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "\t*;\n" ); process_line( $type, $expfile, "};\n" ); } # simple_std( type, expfile, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) sub simple_std { local( $type, $expfile, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ) = @_; process_line( $type, $expfile, "\$EXPORTS\n" ); }