/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Sean Su * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "extern.h" #include "extra.h" #include "parser.h" #include "dialogs.h" #include "ifuncns.h" #include "process.h" #include // shellapi.h is needed to build with WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #define HIDWORD(l) ((DWORD) (((ULONG) (l) >> 32) & 0xFFFF)) #define LODWORD(l) ((DWORD) (l)) #define INDEX_STR_LEN 10 #define PN_PROCESS TEXT("Process") #define PN_THREAD TEXT("Thread") ULONG (PASCAL *NS_GetDiskFreeSpace)(LPCTSTR, LPDWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); ULONG (PASCAL *NS_GetDiskFreeSpaceEx)(LPCTSTR, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER); BOOL InitApplication(HINSTANCE hInstance) { WNDCLASS wc; wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS | CS_SAVEBITS | CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW; wc.lpfnWndProc = DefDlgProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = DLGWINDOWEXTRA; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_UNINSTALL)); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = szClassName; dwScreenX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); dwScreenY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); return(RegisterClass(&wc)); } void PrintError(LPSTR szMsg, DWORD dwErrorCodeSH) { DWORD dwErr; char szErrorString[MAX_BUF]; if(dwErrorCodeSH == ERROR_CODE_SHOW) { dwErr = GetLastError(); wsprintf(szErrorString, "%d : %s", dwErr, szMsg); } else wsprintf(szErrorString, "%s", szMsg); if((ugUninstall.mode != SILENT) && (ugUninstall.mode != AUTO)) { MessageBox(hWndMain, szErrorString, NULL, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else if(ugUninstall.mode == AUTO) { ShowMessage(szErrorString, TRUE); Delay(5); ShowMessage(szErrorString, FALSE); } } void *NS_GlobalAlloc(DWORD dwMaxBuf) { LPSTR szBuf = NULL; if((szBuf = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED|GMEM_ZEROINIT, dwMaxBuf)) == NULL) { if((szEGlobalAlloc == NULL) || (*szEGlobalAlloc == '\0')) PrintError(TEXT("Memory allocation error."), ERROR_CODE_HIDE); else PrintError(szEGlobalAlloc, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); return(NULL); } else return(szBuf); } void FreeMemory(void **vPointer) { if(*vPointer != NULL) *vPointer = GlobalFree(*vPointer); } HRESULT NS_LoadStringAlloc(HANDLE hInstance, DWORD dwID, LPSTR *szStringBuf, DWORD dwStringBuf) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; if((*szStringBuf = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) exit(1); if(!LoadString(hInstance, dwID, *szStringBuf, dwStringBuf)) { if((szEStringLoad == NULL) ||(*szEStringLoad == '\0')) wsprintf(szBuf, "Could not load string resource ID %d", dwID); else wsprintf(szBuf, szEStringLoad, dwID); PrintError(szBuf, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); return(1); } return(0); } HRESULT NS_LoadString(HANDLE hInstance, DWORD dwID, LPSTR szStringBuf, DWORD dwStringBuf) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; if(!LoadString(hInstance, dwID, szStringBuf, dwStringBuf)) { if((szEStringLoad == NULL) ||(*szEStringLoad == '\0')) wsprintf(szBuf, "Could not load string resource ID %d", dwID); else wsprintf(szBuf, szEStringLoad, dwID); PrintError(szBuf, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); return(1); } return(WIZ_OK); } void Delay(DWORD dwSeconds) { SleepEx(dwSeconds * 1000, FALSE); } HRESULT Initialize(HINSTANCE hInstance) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; hDlgMessage = NULL; DetermineOSVersion(); gdwWhatToDo = WTD_ASK; /* load strings from setup.exe */ if(NS_LoadStringAlloc(hInst, IDS_ERROR_GLOBALALLOC, &szEGlobalAlloc, MAX_BUF)) return(1); if(NS_LoadStringAlloc(hInst, IDS_ERROR_STRING_LOAD, &szEStringLoad, MAX_BUF)) return(1); if(NS_LoadStringAlloc(hInst, IDS_ERROR_DLL_LOAD, &szEDllLoad, MAX_BUF)) return(1); if(NS_LoadStringAlloc(hInst, IDS_ERROR_STRING_NULL, &szEStringNull, MAX_BUF)) return(1); ZeroMemory(szBuf, sizeof(MAX_BUF)); if((szClassName = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); lstrcpy(szClassName, CLASS_NAME_UNINSTALL_DLG); hAccelTable = LoadAccelerators(hInst, szClassName); if((szUninstallDir = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); GetModuleFileName(NULL, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); ParsePath(szBuf, szUninstallDir, MAX_BUF, PP_PATH_ONLY); if((szTempDir = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((szOSTempDir = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((szFileIniUninstall = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); lstrcpy(szFileIniUninstall, szUninstallDir); AppendBackSlash(szFileIniUninstall, MAX_BUF); lstrcat(szFileIniUninstall, FILE_INI_UNINSTALL); if((szFileIniDefaultsInfo = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); lstrcpy(szFileIniDefaultsInfo, szUninstallDir); AppendBackSlash(szFileIniDefaultsInfo, MAX_BUF); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Defaults Info Filename", "", szBuf, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); lstrcat(szFileIniDefaultsInfo, szBuf); // determine the system's TEMP path if(GetTempPath(MAX_BUF, szTempDir) == 0) { if(GetWindowsDirectory(szTempDir, MAX_BUF) == 0) { char szEGetWinDirFailed[MAX_BUF]; if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_GET_WINDOWS_DIRECTORY_FAILED", "", szEGetWinDirFailed, sizeof(szEGetWinDirFailed), szFileIniUninstall)) PrintError(szEGetWinDirFailed, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); return(1); } AppendBackSlash(szTempDir, MAX_BUF); lstrcat(szTempDir, "TEMP"); } lstrcpy(szOSTempDir, szTempDir); AppendBackSlash(szTempDir, MAX_BUF); lstrcat(szTempDir, WIZ_TEMP_DIR); /* if multiple installer instances are allowed; each instance requires a unique temp directory */ if(gbAllowMultipleInstalls) { DWORD dwLen = lstrlen(szTempDir); if (strncmp(szUninstallDir, szTempDir, dwLen) == 0) { lstrcpy(szTempDir, szUninstallDir); } else { int i; for(i = 1; i <= 100 && (FileExists(szTempDir) != FALSE); i++) { itoa(i, (szTempDir + dwLen), 10); } if (FileExists(szTempDir) != FALSE) { MessageBox(hWndMain, "Cannot create temp directory", NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); exit(1); } } } else { // we're not running in mmi mode (allow multiple instances of installer // to run at the same time), we should look for and remove the dirs // that are created in the mmi mode. DWORD dwLen; char tempDirToCleanup[MAX_BUF]; int i = 1; lstrcpy(tempDirToCleanup, szTempDir); dwLen = lstrlen(tempDirToCleanup); itoa(i, (tempDirToCleanup + dwLen), 10); for(i = 2; i <= 100 && (FileExists(tempDirToCleanup)); i++) { DirectoryRemove(tempDirToCleanup, TRUE); itoa(i, (tempDirToCleanup + dwLen), 10); } } if(!FileExists(szTempDir)) { AppendBackSlash(szTempDir, MAX_BUF); CreateDirectoriesAll(szTempDir); if(!FileExists(szTempDir)) { char szECreateTempDir[MAX_BUF]; if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_CREATE_TEMP_DIR", "", szECreateTempDir, sizeof(szECreateTempDir), szFileIniUninstall)) { wsprintf(szBuf, szECreateTempDir, szTempDir); PrintError(szBuf, ERROR_CODE_HIDE); } return(1); } RemoveBackSlash(szTempDir); } ugUninstall.bVerbose = FALSE; ugUninstall.bUninstallFiles = TRUE; ugUninstall.bSharedInst = FALSE; return(0); } /* Function to remove quotes from a string */ void RemoveQuotes(LPSTR lpszSrc, LPSTR lpszDest, int iDestSize) { char *lpszBegin; if(lstrlen(lpszSrc) > iDestSize) return; if(*lpszSrc == '\"') lpszBegin = &lpszSrc[1]; else lpszBegin = lpszSrc; lstrcpy(lpszDest, lpszBegin); if(lpszDest[lstrlen(lpszDest) - 1] == '\"') lpszDest[lstrlen(lpszDest) - 1] = '\0'; } /* Function to copy strings safely. * returns the amount of memory required (including NULL byte) if there's not enough * else, it returns 0 for success. */ int MozCopyStr(LPSTR szSrc, LPSTR szDest, DWORD dwDestBufSize) { DWORD length = lstrlen(szSrc) + 1; strncpy(szDest, szSrc, dwDestBufSize); if(length > dwDestBufSize) { szDest[dwDestBufSize - 1] = '\0'; return(length); } return(0); } /* Function to locate the first non space character in a string, * and return a pointer to it. */ LPSTR GetFirstNonSpace(LPSTR lpszString) { char* p = lpszString; while (*p && isspace(*p)) p = CharNext(p); if(*p == '\0') // null means end of string return NULL; return p; } /* Function to locate the first space character in a string, * and return a pointer to it. */ LPSTR GetFirstSpace(LPSTR lpszString) { char* p = lpszString; while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p = CharNext(p); if (*p == '\0') // null means end of string return NULL; return p; } /* Function to locate the first character c in lpszString, * and return a pointer to it. */ LPSTR MozStrChar(LPSTR lpszString, char c) { char* p = lpszString; while (*p && (*p != c)) p = CharNext(p); if (*p == '\0') // null means end of string return NULL; return p; } /* Function to return the argument count given a command line input * format string */ int GetArgC(LPSTR lpszCommandLine) { int i; int iArgCount; int iStrLength; LPSTR lpszBeginStr; BOOL bFoundQuote; BOOL bFoundSpace; iArgCount = 0; lpszBeginStr = GetFirstNonSpace(lpszCommandLine); if(lpszBeginStr == NULL) return(iArgCount); iStrLength = lstrlen(lpszBeginStr); bFoundQuote = FALSE; bFoundSpace = TRUE; for(i = 0; i < iStrLength; i++) { if(lpszCommandLine[i] == '\"') { if(bFoundQuote == FALSE) { ++iArgCount; bFoundQuote = TRUE; } else { bFoundQuote = FALSE; } } else if(bFoundQuote == FALSE) { if(!isspace(lpszCommandLine[i]) && (bFoundSpace == TRUE)) { ++iArgCount; bFoundSpace = FALSE; } else if(isspace(lpszCommandLine[i])) { bFoundSpace = TRUE; } } } return(iArgCount); } /* Function to return a specific argument parameter from a given command line input * format string. */ LPSTR GetArgV(LPSTR lpszCommandLine, int iIndex, LPSTR lpszDest, int iDestSize) { int i; int j; int iArgCount; int iStrLength; LPSTR lpszBeginStr; LPSTR lpszDestTemp; BOOL bFoundQuote; BOOL bFoundSpace; iArgCount = 0; lpszBeginStr = GetFirstNonSpace(lpszCommandLine); if(lpszBeginStr == NULL) return(NULL); lpszDestTemp = (char *)calloc(iDestSize, sizeof(char)); if(lpszDestTemp == NULL) { PrintError("Out of memory", ERROR_CODE_HIDE); exit(1); } ZeroMemory(lpszDest, iDestSize); iStrLength = lstrlen(lpszBeginStr); bFoundQuote = FALSE; bFoundSpace = TRUE; j = 0; for(i = 0; i < iStrLength; i++) { if(lpszCommandLine[i] == '\"') { if(bFoundQuote == FALSE) { ++iArgCount; bFoundQuote = TRUE; } else { bFoundQuote = FALSE; } } else if(bFoundQuote == FALSE) { if(!isspace(lpszCommandLine[i]) && (bFoundSpace == TRUE)) { ++iArgCount; bFoundSpace = FALSE; } else if(isspace(lpszCommandLine[i])) { bFoundSpace = TRUE; } } if((iIndex == (iArgCount - 1)) && ((bFoundQuote == TRUE) || (bFoundSpace == FALSE) || ((bFoundQuote == FALSE) && (lpszCommandLine[i] == '\"')))) { if(j < iDestSize) { lpszDestTemp[j] = lpszCommandLine[i]; ++j; } else { lpszDestTemp[j] = '\0'; } } } RemoveQuotes(lpszDestTemp, lpszDest, iDestSize); free(lpszDestTemp); return(lpszDest); } void SetUninstallRunMode(LPSTR szMode) { /* Check to see if mode has already been set. If so, * then do not override it. */ if(ugUninstall.mode != NOT_SET) return; if(lstrcmpi(szMode, "NORMAL") == 0) ugUninstall.mode = NORMAL; if(lstrcmpi(szMode, "AUTO") == 0) ugUninstall.mode = AUTO; if(lstrcmpi(szMode, "SILENT") == 0) ugUninstall.mode = SILENT; if(lstrcmpi(szMode, "SHOWICONS") == 0) ugUninstall.mode = SHOWICONS; if(lstrcmpi(szMode, "HIDEICONS") == 0) ugUninstall.mode = HIDEICONS; if(lstrcmpi(szMode, "SETDEFAULT") == 0) ugUninstall.mode = SETDEFAULT; } void RemoveBackSlash(LPSTR szInput) { int iCounter; DWORD dwInputLen; if(szInput != NULL) { dwInputLen = lstrlen(szInput); for(iCounter = dwInputLen -1; iCounter >= 0 ; iCounter--) { if(szInput[iCounter] == '\\') szInput[iCounter] = '\0'; else break; } } } void AppendBackSlash(LPSTR szInput, DWORD dwInputSize) { if(szInput != NULL) { if(*szInput == '\0') { if(((DWORD)lstrlen(szInput) + 1) < dwInputSize) { lstrcat(szInput, "\\"); } } else if(szInput[strlen(szInput) - 1] != '\\') { if(((DWORD)lstrlen(szInput) + 1) < dwInputSize) { lstrcat(szInput, "\\"); } } } } void RemoveSlash(LPSTR szInput) { int iCounter; DWORD dwInputLen; if(szInput != NULL) { dwInputLen = lstrlen(szInput); for(iCounter = dwInputLen -1; iCounter >= 0 ; iCounter--) { if(szInput[iCounter] == '/') szInput[iCounter] = '\0'; else break; } } } void AppendSlash(LPSTR szInput, DWORD dwInputSize) { if(szInput != NULL) { if(*szInput == '\0') { if(((DWORD)lstrlen(szInput) + 1) < dwInputSize) { lstrcat(szInput, "/"); } } else if(szInput[strlen(szInput) - 1] != '/') { if(((DWORD)lstrlen(szInput) + 1) < dwInputSize) { lstrcat(szInput, "/"); } } } } void ParsePath(LPSTR szInput, LPSTR szOutput, DWORD dwOutputSize, DWORD dwType) { int iCounter; DWORD dwCounter; DWORD dwInputLen; BOOL bFound; if((szInput != NULL) && (szOutput != NULL)) { bFound = FALSE; dwInputLen = lstrlen(szInput); ZeroMemory(szOutput, dwOutputSize); if(dwInputLen < dwOutputSize) { switch(dwType) { case PP_FILENAME_ONLY: for(iCounter = dwInputLen - 1; iCounter >= 0; iCounter--) { if(szInput[iCounter] == '\\') { lstrcpy(szOutput, &szInput[iCounter + 1]); bFound = TRUE; break; } } if(bFound == FALSE) lstrcpy(szOutput, szInput); break; case PP_PATH_ONLY: for(iCounter = dwInputLen - 1; iCounter >= 0; iCounter--) { if(szInput[iCounter] == '\\') { lstrcpy(szOutput, szInput); szOutput[iCounter + 1] = '\0'; bFound = TRUE; break; } } if(bFound == FALSE) lstrcpy(szOutput, szInput); break; case PP_ROOT_ONLY: if(szInput[1] == ':') { szOutput[0] = szInput[0]; szOutput[1] = szInput[1]; AppendBackSlash(szOutput, dwOutputSize); } else if(szInput[1] == '\\') { int iFoundBackSlash = 0; for(dwCounter = 0; dwCounter < dwInputLen; dwCounter++) { if(szInput[dwCounter] == '\\') { szOutput[dwCounter] = szInput[dwCounter]; ++iFoundBackSlash; } if(iFoundBackSlash == 3) break; } if(iFoundBackSlash != 0) AppendBackSlash(szOutput, dwOutputSize); } break; } } } } void DetermineOSVersion() { BOOL bIsWin95Debute; char szEMsg[MAX_BUF]; OSVERSIONINFO osVersionInfo; ulOSType = 0; osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if(!GetVersionEx(&osVersionInfo)) { /* GetVersionEx() failed for some reason. It's not fatal, but could cause * some complications during installation */ if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_GETVERSION", "", szEMsg, sizeof(szEMsg), szFileIniUninstall)) PrintError(szEMsg, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); } bIsWin95Debute = IsWin95Debute(); switch(osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: ulOSType |= OS_WIN9x; if(osVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion == 0) { ulOSType |= OS_WIN95; if(bIsWin95Debute) ulOSType |= OS_WIN95_DEBUTE; } else ulOSType |= OS_WIN98; break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: ulOSType |= OS_NT; switch(osVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion) { case 3: ulOSType |= OS_NT3; break; case 4: ulOSType |= OS_NT4; break; default: ulOSType |= OS_NT5; switch(osVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion) { case 0: /* a minor version of 0 (major.minor.build) indicates Win2000 */ ulOSType |= OS_NT50; break; case 1: /* a minor version of 1 (major.minor.build) indicates WinXP */ ulOSType |= OS_NT51; break; } break; } break; default: if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_SETUP_REQUIREMENT", "", szEMsg, sizeof(szEMsg), szFileIniUninstall)) PrintError(szEMsg, ERROR_CODE_HIDE); exit(1); break; } } HRESULT WinSpawn(LPSTR szClientName, LPSTR szParameters, LPSTR szCurrentDir, int iShowCmd, BOOL bWait) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO seInfo; seInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); seInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_DOENVSUBST | SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT | SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; seInfo.hwnd = hWndMain; seInfo.lpVerb = NULL; seInfo.lpFile = szClientName; seInfo.lpParameters = szParameters; seInfo.lpDirectory = szCurrentDir; seInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; seInfo.hInstApp = 0; seInfo.lpIDList = NULL; seInfo.lpClass = NULL; seInfo.hkeyClass = 0; seInfo.dwHotKey = 0; seInfo.hIcon = 0; seInfo.hProcess = 0; if((ShellExecuteEx(&seInfo) != 0) && (seInfo.hProcess != NULL)) { if(bWait) { for(;;) { if(WaitForSingleObject(seInfo.hProcess, 200) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break; ProcessWindowsMessages(); } } return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } HRESULT InitDlgUninstall(diU *diDialog) { diDialog->bShowDialog = FALSE; if((diDialog->szTitle = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((diDialog->szMessage0 = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); return(0); } void DeInitDlgUninstall(diU *diDialog) { FreeMemory(&(diDialog->szTitle)); FreeMemory(&(diDialog->szMessage0)); } HRESULT InitUninstallGeneral() { ugUninstall.mode = NOT_SET; if((ugUninstall.szAppPath = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szLogPath = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szLogFilename = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szCompanyName = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szProductName = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szWrKey = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szUserAgent = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szDefaultComponent = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szWrMainKey = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szDescription = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szUninstallKeyDescription = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szUninstallFilename = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szClientAppID = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); if((ugUninstall.szClientAppPath = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) return(1); return(0); } void DeInitUninstallGeneral() { FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szAppPath)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szLogPath)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szLogFilename)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szDescription)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szUninstallKeyDescription)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szUninstallFilename)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szUserAgent)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szDefaultComponent)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szWrKey)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szCompanyName)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szProductName)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szWrMainKey)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szClientAppID)); FreeMemory(&(ugUninstall.szClientAppPath)); DeleteObject(ugUninstall.definedFont); } sil *CreateSilNode() { sil *silNode; if((silNode = NS_GlobalAlloc(sizeof(struct sInfoLine))) == NULL) exit(1); if((silNode->szLine = NS_GlobalAlloc(MAX_BUF)) == NULL) exit(1); silNode->ullLineNumber = 0; silNode->Next = silNode; silNode->Prev = silNode; return(silNode); } void SilNodeInsert(sil *silHead, sil *silTemp) { if(silHead == NULL) { silHead = silTemp; silHead->Next = silHead; silHead->Prev = silHead; } else { silTemp->Next = silHead; silTemp->Prev = silHead->Prev; silHead->Prev->Next = silTemp; silHead->Prev = silTemp; } } void SilNodeDelete(sil *silTemp) { if(silTemp != NULL) { silTemp->Next->Prev = silTemp->Prev; silTemp->Prev->Next = silTemp->Next; silTemp->Next = NULL; silTemp->Prev = NULL; FreeMemory(&(silTemp->szLine)); FreeMemory(&silTemp); } } BOOL IsWin95Debute() { HINSTANCE hLib; BOOL bIsWin95Debute; bIsWin95Debute = FALSE; if((hLib = LoadLibraryEx("kernel32.dll", NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH)) != NULL) { if(((FARPROC)NS_GetDiskFreeSpaceEx = GetProcAddress(hLib, "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA")) == NULL) { (FARPROC)NS_GetDiskFreeSpace = GetProcAddress(hLib, "GetDiskFreeSpaceA"); bIsWin95Debute = TRUE; } FreeLibrary(hLib); } return(bIsWin95Debute); } DWORD ParseCommandLine(LPSTR lpszCmdLine) { char szArgVBuf[MAX_BUF]; int i; int iArgC; i = 0; iArgC = GetArgC(lpszCmdLine); while(i < iArgC) { GetArgV(lpszCmdLine, i, szArgVBuf, sizeof(szArgVBuf)); if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-ma") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/ma") == 0)) { SetUninstallRunMode("AUTO"); } else if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-ms") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/ms") == 0)) { SetUninstallRunMode("SILENT"); } else if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-ua") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/ua") == 0)) { if((i + 1) < iArgC) GetArgV(lpszCmdLine, ++i, ugUninstall.szUserAgent, MAX_BUF); } else if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-ss") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/ss") == 0)) // Show Shortcuts { SetUninstallRunMode("SHOWICONS"); if((i + 1) < iArgC) GetArgV(lpszCmdLine, ++i, ugUninstall.szDefaultComponent, MAX_BUF); } else if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-hs") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/hs") == 0)) // Hide Shortcuts { SetUninstallRunMode("HIDEICONS"); if((i + 1) < iArgC) GetArgV(lpszCmdLine, ++i, ugUninstall.szDefaultComponent, MAX_BUF); } else if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-sd") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/sd") == 0)) // SetDefault { SetUninstallRunMode("SETDEFAULT"); if((i + 1) < iArgC) GetArgV(lpszCmdLine, ++i, ugUninstall.szDefaultComponent, MAX_BUF); } else if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-app") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/app") == 0)) // Set the App ID { if((i + 1) < iArgC) GetArgV(lpszCmdLine, ++i, ugUninstall.szClientAppID, MAX_BUF); } else if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-app_path") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/app_path") == 0)) // Set the App Path { if((i + 1) < iArgC) GetArgV(lpszCmdLine, ++i, ugUninstall.szClientAppPath, MAX_BUF); } else if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-reg_path") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/reg_path") == 0)) // Set the alternative Windows registry path { if((i + 1) < iArgC) GetArgV(lpszCmdLine, ++i, ugUninstall.szWrMainKey, MAX_BUF); } else if((lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-v") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/v") == 0)) // Set Verbose { ugUninstall.bVerbose = TRUE; } else if(!lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "-mmi") || !lstrcmpi(szArgVBuf, "/mmi")) { gbAllowMultipleInstalls = TRUE; } ++i; } return(WIZ_OK); } int PreCheckInstance(char *szSection, char *szIniFile) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; char szName[MAX_BUF]; char szParameter[MAX_BUF]; char szPath[MAX_BUF]; char szFile[MAX_BUF]; char *ptrName = NULL; HKEY hkeyRoot; int iRv = WIZ_OK; DWORD dwCounter = 0; BOOL bContinue = TRUE; char szExtraCmd[] = "Extra Cmd"; char szExtraCmdKey[MAX_BUF]; do { /* Read the win reg key path */ wsprintf(szExtraCmdKey, "%s%d Reg Key", szExtraCmd, dwCounter); GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szExtraCmdKey, "", szKey, sizeof(szKey), szIniFile); if(*szKey == '\0') { bContinue = FALSE; continue; } /* Read the win reg root key */ wsprintf(szExtraCmdKey, "%s%d Reg Key Root", szExtraCmd, dwCounter); GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szExtraCmdKey, "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), szIniFile); if(*szBuf == '\0') { bContinue = FALSE; continue; } hkeyRoot = ParseRootKey(szBuf); /* Read the win reg name value */ wsprintf(szExtraCmdKey, "%s%d Reg Name", szExtraCmd, dwCounter); GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szExtraCmdKey, "", szName, sizeof(szName), szIniFile); if(*szName == '\0') ptrName = NULL; else ptrName = szName; /* Read the parameter to use for quitting the browser's turbo mode */ wsprintf(szExtraCmdKey, "%s%d Parameter", szExtraCmd, dwCounter); GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szExtraCmdKey, "", szParameter, sizeof(szParameter), szIniFile); /* Read the win reg key that contains the path to the browser */ GetWinReg(hkeyRoot, szKey, ptrName, szFile, sizeof(szFile)); ParsePath(szFile, szPath, sizeof(szPath), PP_PATH_ONLY); /* Make sure the file exists */ if(FileExists(szFile)) { // we've found a file, so let's execute it and stop. No need to look // for other keys to parse. We only want to do that if the file is // _not_ found. This is for when we change the name of the browser // app file and still need to deal with locating it and calling // -kill on it. ie. // previous name: netscp6.exe // new name: netscp.exe // We only need to call one of them, not both. bContinue = FALSE; /* Run the file */ WinSpawn(szFile, szParameter, szPath, SW_HIDE, WS_WAIT); /* Even though WinSpawn is suppose to wait for the app to finish, this * does not really work that way for trying to quit the browser when * it's in turbo mode, so we wait 2 secs for it to complete. */ Delay(2); } ++dwCounter; } while(bContinue); return(iRv); } HRESULT GetCheckInstanceQuitMessage(char *aSection, char *aMessage, DWORD aMessageBufSize) { *aMessage = '\0'; GetPrivateProfileString(aSection, "Message", "", aMessage, aMessageBufSize, szFileIniUninstall); return(WIZ_OK); } HRESULT ShowMessageAndQuitProcess(HWND aHwndFW, char *aMsgQuitProcess, char *aMsgWait, BOOL aCloseAllWindows, char *aProcessName, BOOL aForceQuit) { switch(ugUninstall.mode) { case NORMAL: { char msgTitleStr[MAX_BUF]; GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "MB_ATTENTION_STR", "", msgTitleStr, sizeof(msgTitleStr), szFileIniUninstall); MessageBox(hWndMain, aMsgQuitProcess, msgTitleStr, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); break; } case AUTO: { /* Setup mode is AUTO. Show message, timeout, then auto close * all the windows associated with the process */ ShowMessage(aMsgQuitProcess, TRUE); Delay(5); ShowMessage(aMsgQuitProcess, FALSE); break; } case SILENT: break; } if(aForceQuit) { assert(aProcessName); FindAndKillProcess(aProcessName, KP_KILL_PROCESS); } else { assert(aHwndFW); /* First try sending a WM_QUIT message to the window because this is the * preferred way to quit a process. If it works, then we're good and * CloseAllWindowsOfWindowHandle() will have nothing to do. * If it doesn't work, then CloseAllWindowsOfWindowHandle will try to * quit the process. */ SendMessageTimeout(aHwndFW, WM_QUIT, (WPARAM)1, (LPARAM)0, SMTO_NORMAL, WM_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_VALUE, NULL); if(aCloseAllWindows) CloseAllWindowsOfWindowHandle(aHwndFW, aMsgWait); } Delay(2); return(WIZ_OK); } HRESULT CheckInstances() { char section[MAX_BUF]; char processName[MAX_BUF]; char className[MAX_BUF]; char windowName[MAX_BUF]; char closeAllWindows[MAX_BUF]; char message[MAX_BUF]; char msgTitleStr[MAX_BUF]; char prettyName[MAX_BUF]; char buf[MAX_BUF]; char msgWait[MAX_BUF]; int index; int killProcessTries = 0; int instanceOfFoundProcess = 0; BOOL bContinue; BOOL bCloseAllWindows; HWND hwndFW; LPSTR szWN; LPSTR szCN; DWORD dwRv0; DWORD dwRv1; GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "MB_ATTENTION_STR", "", msgTitleStr, sizeof(msgTitleStr), szFileIniUninstall); bContinue = TRUE; index = -1; while(bContinue) { *className = '\0'; *windowName = '\0'; *message = '\0'; wsprintf(section, "Check Instance%d", ++index); GetPrivateProfileString(section, "Process Name", "", processName, sizeof(processName), szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString(section, "Pretty Name", "", prettyName, sizeof(prettyName), szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString(section, "Message Wait", "", msgWait, sizeof(msgWait), szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString(section, "Close All Process Windows", "", closeAllWindows, sizeof(closeAllWindows), szFileIniUninstall); if(lstrcmpi(closeAllWindows, "TRUE") == 0) bCloseAllWindows = TRUE; else bCloseAllWindows = FALSE; if(instanceOfFoundProcess != index) { killProcessTries = 0; instanceOfFoundProcess = index; } if((killProcessTries == 1) && (*processName != '\0')) { if(FindAndKillProcess(processName, KP_DO_NOT_KILL_PROCESS)) { /* found process, display warning message, then kill process */ GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "MSG_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS", "", message, sizeof(message), szFileIniUninstall); if(*message != '\0') { wsprintf(buf, message, prettyName, processName, prettyName, prettyName); ShowMessageAndQuitProcess(NULL, buf, msgWait, bCloseAllWindows, processName, CI_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS); ++killProcessTries; instanceOfFoundProcess = index--; } } continue; } else if(killProcessTries == MAX_KILL_PROCESS_RETRIES) { GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "MSG_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS_FAILED", "", message, sizeof(message), szFileIniUninstall); if(*message != '\0') { wsprintf(buf, message, prettyName, processName, prettyName); switch(ugUninstall.mode) { case NORMAL: MessageBox(hWndMain, buf, msgTitleStr, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); break; case AUTO: /* Setup mode is AUTO. Show message, timeout, then auto close * all the windows associated with the process */ ShowMessage(buf, TRUE); Delay(5); ShowMessage(buf, FALSE); break; default: break; } } /* can't kill the process for some unknown reason. Stop the installation. */ return(TRUE); } else if((killProcessTries > 1) && (killProcessTries < MAX_KILL_PROCESS_RETRIES) && (*processName != '\0')) { if(FindAndKillProcess(processName, KP_KILL_PROCESS)) { ++killProcessTries; instanceOfFoundProcess = index--; } continue; } dwRv0 = GetPrivateProfileString(section, "Class Name", "", className, sizeof(className), szFileIniUninstall); dwRv1 = GetPrivateProfileString(section, "Window Name", "", windowName, sizeof(windowName), szFileIniUninstall); if((dwRv0 == 0L) && (dwRv1 == 0L) && (*processName == '\0')) { bContinue = FALSE; } else if((*className != '\0') || (*windowName != '\0')) { if(*className == '\0') szCN = NULL; else szCN = className; if(*windowName == '\0') szWN = NULL; else szWN = windowName; /* If an instance is found, call PreCheckInstance first. * PreCheckInstance will try to disable the browser's * QuickLaunch feature. If the browser was in QuickLaunch * mode without any windows open, PreCheckInstance would * shutdown the browser, thus a second call to FindAndKillProcess * is required to see if the process is still around. */ if((hwndFW = FindWindow(szCN, szWN)) != NULL) PreCheckInstance(section, szFileIniUninstall); if((hwndFW = FindWindow(szCN, szWN)) != NULL) { GetCheckInstanceQuitMessage(section, message, sizeof(message)); if(*message != '\0') { ShowMessageAndQuitProcess(hwndFW, message, msgWait, bCloseAllWindows, processName, CI_CLOSE_PROCESS); ++killProcessTries; instanceOfFoundProcess = index--; } else { /* No message to display. Assume cancel because we can't allow user to continue */ return(TRUE); } } } if((killProcessTries == 0) && (*processName != '\0')) { /* The first attempt used FindWindow(), but sometimes the browser can be * in a state where there's no window open and still not fully shutdown. * In this case, we need to check for the process itself and kill it. */ if(FindAndKillProcess(processName, KP_DO_NOT_KILL_PROCESS)) { GetCheckInstanceQuitMessage(section, message, sizeof(message)); if(*message != '\0') { ShowMessageAndQuitProcess(hwndFW, message, msgWait, bCloseAllWindows, processName, CI_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS); ++killProcessTries; instanceOfFoundProcess = index--; } else { /* No message to display. Assume cancel because we can't allow user to continue */ return(TRUE); } } } } return(FALSE); } BOOL GetFileVersion(LPSTR szFile, verBlock *vbVersion) { UINT uLen; UINT dwLen; BOOL bRv; DWORD dwHandle; LPVOID lpData; LPVOID lpBuffer; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *lpBuffer2; vbVersion->ullMajor = 0; vbVersion->ullMinor = 0; vbVersion->ullRelease = 0; vbVersion->ullBuild = 0; if(FileExists(szFile)) { bRv = TRUE; dwLen = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szFile, &dwHandle); lpData = (LPVOID)malloc(sizeof(long)*dwLen); uLen = 0; if(GetFileVersionInfo(szFile, dwHandle, dwLen, lpData) != 0) { if(VerQueryValue(lpData, "\\", &lpBuffer, &uLen) != 0) { lpBuffer2 = (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *)lpBuffer; vbVersion->ullMajor = HIWORD(lpBuffer2->dwFileVersionMS); vbVersion->ullMinor = LOWORD(lpBuffer2->dwFileVersionMS); vbVersion->ullRelease = HIWORD(lpBuffer2->dwFileVersionLS); vbVersion->ullBuild = LOWORD(lpBuffer2->dwFileVersionLS); } } free(lpData); } else /* File does not exist */ bRv = FALSE; return(bRv); } void TranslateVersionStr(LPSTR szVersion, verBlock *vbVersion) { LPSTR szNum1 = NULL; LPSTR szNum2 = NULL; LPSTR szNum3 = NULL; LPSTR szNum4 = NULL; szNum1 = strtok(szVersion, "."); szNum2 = strtok(NULL, "."); szNum3 = strtok(NULL, "."); szNum4 = strtok(NULL, "."); vbVersion->ullMajor = _atoi64(szNum1); vbVersion->ullMinor = _atoi64(szNum2); vbVersion->ullRelease = _atoi64(szNum3); vbVersion->ullBuild = _atoi64(szNum4); } int CompareVersion(verBlock vbVersionOld, verBlock vbVersionNew) { if(vbVersionOld.ullMajor > vbVersionNew.ullMajor) return(4); else if(vbVersionOld.ullMajor < vbVersionNew.ullMajor) return(-4); if(vbVersionOld.ullMinor > vbVersionNew.ullMinor) return(3); else if(vbVersionOld.ullMinor < vbVersionNew.ullMinor) return(-3); if(vbVersionOld.ullRelease > vbVersionNew.ullRelease) return(2); else if(vbVersionOld.ullRelease < vbVersionNew.ullRelease) return(-2); if(vbVersionOld.ullBuild > vbVersionNew.ullBuild) return(1); else if(vbVersionOld.ullBuild < vbVersionNew.ullBuild) return(-1); /* the versions are all the same */ return(0); } BOOL VerifyRestrictedAccess(void) { char szSubKey[MAX_BUF]; char szSubKeyToTest[] = "Software\\%s - Test Key"; BOOL bRv; DWORD dwDisp = 0; DWORD dwErr; HKEY hkRv; wsprintf(szSubKey, szSubKeyToTest, ugUninstall.szCompanyName); dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szSubKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkRv, &dwDisp); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkRv); switch(dwDisp) { case REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY: RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szSubKey); break; case REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY: break; } bRv = FALSE; } else bRv = TRUE; return(bRv); } BOOL CheckLegacy(HWND hDlg) { char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szFilename[MAX_BUF]; char szMessage[MAX_BUF]; char szIndex[MAX_BUF]; char szVersionNew[MAX_BUF]; char szDecryptedFilePath[MAX_BUF]; int iIndex; BOOL bContinue; DWORD dwRv0; DWORD dwRv1; verBlock vbVersionNew; verBlock vbVersionOld; bContinue = TRUE; iIndex = -1; while(bContinue) { ZeroMemory(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename)); ZeroMemory(szVersionNew, sizeof(szVersionNew)); ZeroMemory(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage)); ++iIndex; itoa(iIndex, szIndex, 10); lstrcpy(szSection, "Legacy Check"); lstrcat(szSection, szIndex); dwRv0 = GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, "Filename", "", szFilename, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); dwRv1 = GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, "Version", "", szVersionNew, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); if(dwRv0 == 0L) { bContinue = FALSE; } else if(*szFilename != '\0') { GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, "Message", "", szMessage, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); if(*szMessage == '\0') /* no message string input. so just continue with the next check */ continue; DecryptString(szDecryptedFilePath, szFilename); if((dwRv1 == 0L) || (*szVersionNew == '\0')) { if(FileExists(szDecryptedFilePath)) { char szMBWarningStr[MAX_BUF]; if(!GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "MB_WARNING_STR", "", szMBWarningStr, sizeof(szMBWarningStr), szFileIniUninstall)) lstrcpy(szMBWarningStr, "Warning"); if(MessageBox(hDlg, szMessage, szMBWarningStr, MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) return(TRUE); } /* file does not exist, so it's okay. Continue with the next check */ continue; } if(GetFileVersion(szDecryptedFilePath, &vbVersionOld)) { TranslateVersionStr(szVersionNew, &vbVersionNew); if(CompareVersion(vbVersionOld, vbVersionNew) < 0) { char szMBWarningStr[MAX_BUF]; if(!GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "MB_WARNING_STR", "", szMBWarningStr, sizeof(szMBWarningStr), szFileIniUninstall)) lstrcpy(szMBWarningStr, "Warning"); if(MessageBox(hDlg, szMessage, szMBWarningStr, MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) return(TRUE); } } } } /* returning TRUE means the user wants to go back and choose a different destination path * returning FALSE means the user is ignoring the warning */ return(FALSE); } // This function looks up the path for the application being uninstalled, NOT the client // app in a shared install environment. HRESULT GetAppPath() { char szTmpAppPath[MAX_BUF]; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bRestrictedAccess; HKEY hkRoot; if(*ugUninstall.szUserAgent != '\0') { hkRoot = ugUninstall.hWrMainRoot; wsprintf(szKey, "%s\\%s\\Main", ugUninstall.szWrMainKey, ugUninstall.szUserAgent); } else { hkRoot = ugUninstall.hWrRoot; strcpy(szKey, ugUninstall.szWrKey); } bRestrictedAccess = VerifyRestrictedAccess(); if(bRestrictedAccess) hkRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; GetWinReg(hkRoot, szKey, "PathToExe", szTmpAppPath, sizeof(szTmpAppPath)); if(FileExists(szTmpAppPath)) lstrcpy(ugUninstall.szAppPath, szTmpAppPath); GetWinReg(hkRoot, szKey, "Install Directory", ugUninstall.szInstallPath, sizeof(ugUninstall.szInstallPath)); return(0); } // For shared installs we maintain an app list, which is a glorified // refcount of the apps which are using this version of the // shared app. Processing the app list does two things: // // 1) Cleans up any registry entries for apps which are no longer // installed. The app list includes a representative file for // each app. If that file is not installed than the app is // assumed to have been removed from the system. // 2) Returns a count of the installed apps which depend upon this // shared app. If this app is not shared, there will be no app // list so this will always return 0. DWORD CleanupAppList() { typedef struct siAppListStruct siAppList; struct siAppListStruct { char szAppID[MAX_BUF]; siAppList *Next; }; siAppList *siALHead; siAppList *siALPrev; siAppList *siALTmp; char *szRv = NULL; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szDefaultApp[MAX_BUF_TINY]; BOOL bFoundDefaultApp; HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwBufSize; DWORD dwTotalSubKeys; DWORD dwTotalValues; DWORD dwAppCount; FILETIME ftLastWriteFileTime; GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Default AppID", "", szDefaultApp, MAX_BUF_TINY, szFileIniUninstall); wsprintf(szKey, "%s\\%s\\AppList", ugUninstall.szWrMainKey, ugUninstall.szUserAgent); if(RegOpenKeyEx(ugUninstall.hWrMainRoot, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkResult) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return(0); } siALHead = NULL; dwAppCount = 0; dwTotalSubKeys = 0; dwTotalValues = 0; RegQueryInfoKey(hkResult, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwTotalSubKeys, NULL, NULL, &dwTotalValues, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); for(dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwTotalSubKeys; dwIndex++) { dwBufSize = sizeof(szBuf); if(RegEnumKeyEx(hkResult, dwIndex, szBuf, &dwBufSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteFileTime) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if((siALTmp = NS_GlobalAlloc(sizeof(struct siAppListStruct))) == NULL) exit(1); lstrcpy(siALTmp->szAppID, szBuf); siALTmp->Next = NULL; if(siALHead == NULL) siALHead = siALTmp; //New list, point the head at it. else siALPrev->Next = siALTmp; siALPrev = siALTmp; } } RegCloseKey(hkResult); siALTmp = siALHead; while(siALTmp != NULL) { if(lstrcmpi(siALTmp->szAppID, szDefaultApp) == 0) bFoundDefaultApp = TRUE; // ProcessAppItem returns the # of installations of the App dwAppCount = dwAppCount + ProcessAppItem(ugUninstall.hWrMainRoot, szKey, siALTmp->szAppID); siALPrev = siALTmp; siALTmp = siALTmp->Next; FreeMemory(&siALPrev); } if(dwAppCount == 0) RegDeleteKey(ugUninstall.hWrMainRoot, szKey); // If the Default App is not listed in AppList, then the shared app should not be in the // Windows Add/Remove Programs list either. if(!bFoundDefaultApp) { wsprintf(szKey, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\%s (%s)",ugUninstall.szProductName, ugUninstall.szUserAgent); RegDeleteKey(ugUninstall.hWrMainRoot, szKey); } return(dwAppCount); } // Removes the app item if it is the app identified with the /app command-line option // If an app item is not installed this removes it from the app list. // Returns the # of installations of the app item found in the AppList. DWORD ProcessAppItem(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKeyAppList, LPSTR szAppID) { DWORD dwIndex = 1; const DWORD dwUpperLimit = 100; BOOL bDefaultApp; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; char szName[MAX_BUF]; char szUninstKey[MAX_BUF]; GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Default AppID", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), szFileIniUninstall); bDefaultApp = (lstrcmpi(szAppID, szBuf) == 0); wsprintf(szKey, "%s\\%s", szKeyAppList, szAppID); if(lstrcmpi(szAppID, ugUninstall.szClientAppID) == 0) // This is the app that the user said { // on the command-line to uninstall. if((ugUninstall.szClientAppPath[0] == '\0') || (bDefaultApp)) // If we didn't get an /app_path or this { // is the default app, just remove it. RegDeleteKey(hkRootKey, szKey); if(bDefaultApp) { wsprintf(szKey, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\GRE (%s)", ugUninstall.szUserAgent); RegDeleteKey(hkRootKey, szKey); } return 0; } wsprintf(szName, "PathToExe%02d", dwIndex); while(WinRegNameExists(hkRootKey, szKey, szName) && // Since we got an /app_path we need to cycle (dwIndex < dwUpperLimit)) // through the list looking for that instance. { GetWinReg(hkRootKey, szKey, szName, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if((lstrcmpi(szBuf, ugUninstall.szClientAppPath) == 0) || (!FileExists(szBuf))) { // RemovePathToExeXX() will delete the dwIndex Name and reorder // PathToExeXX so there are no gaps. RemovePathToExeXX(hkRootKey, szKey, dwIndex, dwUpperLimit); } else wsprintf(szName, "PathToExe%02d", ++dwIndex); } if(--dwIndex == 0) RegDeleteKey(hkRootKey, szKey); return dwIndex; } if(bDefaultApp) // The Default App does not have an installed file registered. However, an entry in { // the Windows Add/Remove products list indicates that the Default App is installed // and needs to be counted. wsprintf(szUninstKey, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\%s (%s)",ugUninstall.szProductName, ugUninstall.szUserAgent); GetWinReg(hkRootKey, szUninstKey, "UninstallString", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(szBuf[0] != '\0') return 1; } dwIndex = 1; wsprintf(szName, "PathToExe%02d", dwIndex); while(WinRegNameExists(hkRootKey, szKey, szName) && // Count the entries which can be verified by the (dwIndex < dwUpperLimit)) // existence of the file pointed to by PathToExeXX { GetWinReg(hkRootKey, szKey, szName, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(!FileExists(szBuf)) { // RemovePathToExeXX() will delete the dwIndex Name and reorder // PathToExeXX so there are no gaps. RemovePathToExeXX(hkRootKey, szKey, dwIndex, dwUpperLimit); } else wsprintf(szName, "PathToExe%02d", ++dwIndex); } if(--dwIndex == 0) RegDeleteKey(hkRootKey, szKey); return dwIndex; } void RemovePathToExeXX(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, DWORD dwIndex, const DWORD dwUpperLimit) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szName[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szNextName[MAX_BUF_TINY]; wsprintf(szName, "PathToExe%02d", dwIndex++); wsprintf(szNextName, "PathToExe%02d", dwIndex); while(WinRegNameExists(hkRootKey, szKey, szNextName) && (dwIndex < dwUpperLimit)) { GetWinReg(hkRootKey, szKey, szNextName, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); SetWinReg(hkRootKey, szKey, szName, REG_SZ, szBuf, lstrlen(szBuf)); lstrcpy(szName, szNextName); wsprintf(szNextName, "PathToExe%02d", ++dwIndex); } DeleteWinRegValue(hkRootKey, szKey, szName); } /* Function: ReplacePrivateProfileStrCR() * * in: LPSTR aInputOutputStr: In/out string to containing "\\n" to replace. * * purpose: To parse for and replace "\\n" string with "\n". Strings stored * in .ini files cannot contain "\n" because it's a key delimiter. * To work around this limination, "\\n" chars can be used to * represent '\n'. This function will look for "\\n" and replace * them with a true "\n". * If it encounters a string of "\\\\n" (which looks like '\\n'), * then this function will strip out the extra '\\' and just show * "\\n"; */ void ReplacePrivateProfileStrCR(LPSTR aInputOutputStr) { LPSTR pSearch = aInputOutputStr; LPSTR pSearchEnd = aInputOutputStr + lstrlen(aInputOutputStr); LPSTR pPreviousSearch = NULL; while (pSearch < pSearchEnd) { if (('\\' == *pSearch) || ('n' == *pSearch)) { // found a '\\' or 'n'. check to see if the prefivous char is also a '\\'. if (pPreviousSearch && ('\\' == *pPreviousSearch)) { if ('n' == *pSearch) *pSearch = '\n'; memmove(pPreviousSearch, pSearch, pSearchEnd-pSearch+1); // our string is shorter now ... pSearchEnd -= pSearch - pPreviousSearch; } } pPreviousSearch = pSearch; pSearch = CharNext(pSearch); } } /* Function: IsPathWithinWindir() * in: char *aTargetPath * out: returns a BOOL type indicating whether the install path chosen * by the user is within the %windir% or not. * purpose: To see if aTargetPath is within the %windir% path. */ BOOL IsPathWithinWindir(char *aTargetPath) { char windir[MAX_PATH]; char targetPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT rv; assert(aTargetPath); rv = GetWindowsDirectory(windir, sizeof(windir)); assert(rv); MozCopyStr(aTargetPath, targetPath, sizeof(targetPath)); RemoveBackSlash(targetPath); CharUpperBuff(targetPath, sizeof(targetPath)); RemoveBackSlash(windir); CharUpperBuff(windir, sizeof(windir)); if(strstr(targetPath, windir)) return(TRUE); return(FALSE); } /* Function: VerifyAndDeleteInstallationFolder() * in: none * out: none * purpose: To verify that the installation folder has been completely * deleted, else prompt the user if they would like to delete * the folder and it's left over contents. * It will also check to make sure that the installation * folder is not within the %windir% folder. If it is, * it will warn the user and not perform the deletion of the * installation folder. */ void VerifyAndDeleteInstallationFolder() { if(FileExists(ugUninstall.szInstallPath)) { char buf[MAX_BUF]; char msg[MAX_BUF]; char msgBoxTitle[MAX_BUF]; char installationPath[MAX_BUF]; MozCopyStr(ugUninstall.szInstallPath, installationPath, sizeof(installationPath)); RemoveBackSlash(installationPath); if(ugUninstall.mode == NORMAL) { GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "MB_ATTENTION_STR", "", msgBoxTitle, sizeof(msgBoxTitle), szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "MSG_DELETE_INSTALLATION_PATH", "", buf, sizeof(buf), szFileIniUninstall); ReplacePrivateProfileStrCR(buf); _snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), buf, installationPath); msg[sizeof(msg) - 1] = '\0'; /* Prompt user on if they want the completely remove the * installation folder */ if(MessageBox(hWndMain, msg, msgBoxTitle, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { if(IsPathWithinWindir(installationPath)) { GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "MSG_INSTALLATION_PATH_WITHIN_WINDIR", "", msg, sizeof(msg), szFileIniUninstall); MessageBox(hWndMain, msg, NULL, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } /* Remove the installation folder here */ AppendBackSlash(installationPath, sizeof(installationPath)); DirectoryRemove(installationPath, TRUE); } } else { /* If uninstall is running in !NORMAL mode, assume user wants to * completely delete the installation folder */ AppendBackSlash(installationPath, sizeof(installationPath)); DirectoryRemove(installationPath, TRUE); } } } HRESULT GetUninstallLogPath() { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szLogFolder[MAX_BUF]; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; char szWindowsUninstallKey[MAX_BUF]; char szErrorMsg[MAX_BUF]; char szEUninstallLogFolder[MAX_BUF]; char szRootKey[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bRestrictedAccess; HKEY hkRoot; if(*ugUninstall.szUserAgent != '\0') { hkRoot = ugUninstall.hWrMainRoot; lstrcpy(szKey, ugUninstall.szWrMainKey); AppendBackSlash(szKey, sizeof(szKey)); lstrcat(szKey, ugUninstall.szUserAgent); AppendBackSlash(szKey, sizeof(szKey)); lstrcat(szKey, "Uninstall"); } else { hkRoot = ugUninstall.hWrRoot; strcpy(szKey, ugUninstall.szWrKey); } bRestrictedAccess = VerifyRestrictedAccess(); if(bRestrictedAccess) hkRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; GetWinReg(hkRoot, szKey, "Uninstall Log Folder", szLogFolder, sizeof(szLogFolder)); GetWinReg(hkRoot, szKey, "Description", ugUninstall.szUninstallKeyDescription, MAX_BUF); if(!bRestrictedAccess) { lstrcpy(szWindowsUninstallKey, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\"); lstrcat(szWindowsUninstallKey, ugUninstall.szUninstallKeyDescription); GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szWindowsUninstallKey, "DisplayName", ugUninstall.szDescription, MAX_BUF); } /* if the DisplayName was not found in the windows registry, * use the description read in from config.ini file */ if(*ugUninstall.szDescription == '\0') lstrcpy(ugUninstall.szDescription, ugUninstall.szUninstallKeyDescription); if(FileExists(szLogFolder) == FALSE) { if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_UNINSTALL_LOG_FOLDER", "", szEUninstallLogFolder, sizeof(szEUninstallLogFolder), szFileIniUninstall)) { lstrcpy(szBuf, "\n\n "); if(*szLogFolder == '\0') { GetStringRootKey(hkRoot, szRootKey, sizeof(szRootKey)); lstrcat(szBuf, szRootKey); lstrcat(szBuf, "\\"); lstrcat(szBuf, szKey); lstrcat(szBuf, "\\Uninstall Log Folder"); } else lstrcat(szBuf, szLogFolder); lstrcat(szBuf, "\n"); wsprintf(szErrorMsg, szEUninstallLogFolder, szBuf); PrintError(szErrorMsg, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); } return(1); } lstrcpy(ugUninstall.szLogPath, szLogFolder); return(0); } HRESULT ParseUninstallIni() { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szKeyCrypted[MAX_BUF]; char szShowDialog[MAX_BUF]; LOGFONT lf; char fontName[MAX_BUF]; char fontSize[MAX_BUF]; char charSet[MAX_BUF]; lstrcpy(ugUninstall.szLogFilename, FILE_LOG_INSTALL); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Shared Install", "", szBuf, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); ugUninstall.bSharedInst = (lstrcmpi(szBuf, "TRUE") == 0); /* get install Mode information */ GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Run Mode", "", szBuf, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); SetUninstallRunMode(szBuf); if((ugUninstall.mode != SHOWICONS) && (ugUninstall.mode != HIDEICONS) && (ugUninstall.mode != SETDEFAULT)) if(CheckInstances()) return(1); if(InitDlgUninstall(&diUninstall)) return(1); /* get product name description */ GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Company Name", "", ugUninstall.szCompanyName, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Product Name", "", ugUninstall.szProductName, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Root Key", "", szBuf, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); ugUninstall.hWrRoot = ParseRootKey(szBuf); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Key", "", szKeyCrypted, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Decrypt Key", "", szBuf, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "TRUE") == 0) { DecryptString(ugUninstall.szWrKey, szKeyCrypted); } else strcpy(ugUninstall.szWrKey, szKeyCrypted); RemoveBackSlash(ugUninstall.szWrKey); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Main Root Key", "", szBuf, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); ugUninstall.hWrMainRoot = ParseRootKey(szBuf); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Main Key", "", szKeyCrypted, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Decrypt Main Key", "", szBuf, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); // If szWrMainKey is not null then it was set on the command-line and that is // what we want to use. if(*ugUninstall.szWrMainKey == '\0') { if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "TRUE") == 0) { DecryptString(ugUninstall.szWrMainKey, szKeyCrypted); } else strcpy(ugUninstall.szWrMainKey, szKeyCrypted); } RemoveBackSlash(ugUninstall.szWrMainKey); GetPrivateProfileString("General", "Uninstall Filename", "", ugUninstall.szUninstallFilename, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); /* Uninstall dialog */ GetPrivateProfileString("Dialog Uninstall", "Show Dialog", "", szShowDialog, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString("Dialog Uninstall", "Title", "", diUninstall.szTitle, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString("Dialog Uninstall", "Message0", "", diUninstall.szMessage0, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); if(lstrcmpi(szShowDialog, "TRUE") == 0) diUninstall.bShowDialog = TRUE; switch(ugUninstall.mode) { case AUTO: case SILENT: case SHOWICONS: case HIDEICONS: case SETDEFAULT: gdwWhatToDo = WTD_NO_TO_ALL; diUninstall.bShowDialog = FALSE; break; } /* get defined font */ GetPrivateProfileString("Dialog Uninstall", "FONTNAME", "", fontName, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString("Dialog Uninstall", "FONTSIZE", "", fontSize, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); GetPrivateProfileString("Dialog Uninstall", "CHARSET", "", charSet, MAX_BUF, szFileIniUninstall); memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf)); strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, fontName); lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(atoi(fontSize), GetDeviceCaps(GetDC(NULL), LOGPIXELSY), 72); lf.lfCharSet = atoi(charSet); ugUninstall.definedFont = CreateFontIndirect( &lf ); GetAppPath(); if(ugUninstall.bSharedInst) { // Shared installations require a user agent. Without one there is no way to know // what version of GRE to clean up so we can't do anything--including CleanupAppList() // so don't change the order of the if statement. // (We should add UI warning the user when a required UserAgent is not supplied.) // CleanupAppList() returns the number of installations of apps dependant on this shared app. if((ugUninstall.szUserAgent[0] == '\0') || (CleanupAppList() != 0)) ugUninstall.bUninstallFiles = FALSE; } return(GetUninstallLogPath()); } void GetWinReg(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szName, LPSTR szReturnValue, DWORD dwReturnValueSize) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwSize; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; ZeroMemory(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); ZeroMemory(szReturnValue, dwReturnValueSize); if((dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkResult)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(szBuf); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkResult, szName, 0, NULL, szBuf, &dwSize); if((*szBuf != '\0') && (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS)) ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szBuf, szReturnValue, dwReturnValueSize); else *szReturnValue = '\0'; RegCloseKey(hkResult); } } void SetWinReg(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szName, DWORD dwType, LPSTR szData, DWORD dwSize) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwDisp; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; memset(szBuf, '\0', MAX_BUF); dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hkResult); if(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkResult, &dwDisp); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = RegSetValueEx(hkResult, szName, 0, dwType, szData, dwSize); RegCloseKey(hkResult); } } void SetWinRegNumValue(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szName, DWORD dwData) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwDisp; DWORD dwVal; DWORD dwValSize; dwVal = dwData; dwValSize = sizeof(DWORD); dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hkResult); if(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkResult, &dwDisp); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = RegSetValueEx(hkResult, szName, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, dwValSize); RegCloseKey(hkResult); } } HRESULT DecryptVariable(LPSTR szVariable, DWORD dwVariableSize) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; char szName[MAX_BUF]; char szValue[MAX_BUF]; /* zero out the memory allocations */ ZeroMemory(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); ZeroMemory(szKey, sizeof(szKey)); ZeroMemory(szName, sizeof(szName)); ZeroMemory(szValue, sizeof(szValue)); if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PROGRAMFILESDIR") == 0) { /* parse for the "c:\Program Files" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", "ProgramFilesDir", szVariable, dwVariableSize); /* see if that failed */ if (*szVariable == 0) { char* backslash; /* Use the parent of the windows directory */ GetWindowsDirectory(szVariable, dwVariableSize); backslash = strrchr(szVariable, '\\'); if (backslash) *backslash = 0; } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "COMMONFILESDIR") == 0) { /* parse for the "c:\Program Files\Common Files" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", "CommonFilesDir", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "MEDIAPATH") == 0) { /* parse for the "c:\Winnt40\Media" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", "MediaPath", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "CONFIGPATH") == 0) { /* parse for the "c:\Windows\Config" directory */ if(ulOSType & OS_WIN9x) { GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", "ConfigPath", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "DEVICEPATH") == 0) { /* parse for the "c:\Winnt40\INF" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", "DevicePath", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "COMMON_STARTUP") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup" directory */ if(ulOSType & OS_WIN9x) { GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Startup", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else { GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Common Startup", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "COMMON_PROGRAMS") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\\Programs" directory */ if(ulOSType & OS_WIN9x) { GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Programs", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else { GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Common Programs", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "COMMON_STARTMENU") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu" directory */ if(ulOSType & OS_WIN9x) { GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Start Menu", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else { GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Common Start Menu", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "COMMON_DESKTOP") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\All Users\Desktop" directory */ if(ulOSType & OS_WIN9x) { GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Desktop", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else { GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Common Desktop", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_STARTUP") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Startup", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_PROGRAMS") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Start Menu\Programs" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Programs", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_STARTMENU") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Start Menu" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Start Menu", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_DESKTOP") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Desktop" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Desktop", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_APPDATA") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Application Data" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "AppData", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_CACHE") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Temporary Internet Files" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Cache", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_COOKIES") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Cookies" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Cookies", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_FAVORITES") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Favorites" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Favorites", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_FONTS") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Fonts" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Fonts", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_HISTORY") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\History" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "History", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_NETHOOD") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\NetHood" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "NetHood", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_PERSONAL") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Personal" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Personal", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_PRINTHOOD") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\PrintHood" directory */ if(ulOSType & OS_NT) { GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "PrintHood", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_RECENT") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Recent" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Recent", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_SENDTO") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\Profiles\%USERNAME%\SendTo" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "SendTo", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "PERSONAL_TEMPLATES") == 0) { /* parse for the "C:\WINNT40\ShellNew" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Templates", szVariable, dwVariableSize); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "WIZTEMP") == 0) { /* parse for the "c:\Temp" path */ lstrcpy(szVariable, szTempDir); if(szVariable[strlen(szVariable) - 1] == '\\') szVariable[strlen(szVariable) - 1] = '\0'; } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "TEMP") == 0) { /* parse for the "c:\Temp" path */ lstrcpy(szVariable, szOSTempDir); if(szVariable[strlen(szVariable) - 1] == '\\') szVariable[strlen(szVariable) - 1] = '\0'; } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "WINDISK") == 0) { /* Locate the drive that Windows is installed on, and only use the drive letter and the ':' character (C:). */ if(GetWindowsDirectory(szBuf, MAX_BUF) == 0) { char szEGetWinDirFailed[MAX_BUF]; if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_GET_WINDOWS_DIRECTORY_FAILED", "", szEGetWinDirFailed, sizeof(szEGetWinDirFailed), szFileIniUninstall)) PrintError(szEGetWinDirFailed, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); exit(1); } else { /* Copy the first 2 characters from the path.. */ /* This is the drive letter and the ':' character for */ /* where Windows is installed at. */ memset(szVariable, '\0', MAX_BUF); szVariable[0] = szBuf[0]; szVariable[1] = szBuf[1]; } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "WINDIR") == 0) { /* Locate the "c:\Windows" directory */ if(GetWindowsDirectory(szVariable, dwVariableSize) == 0) { char szEGetWinDirFailed[MAX_BUF]; if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_GET_WINDOWS_DIRECTORY_FAILED", "", szEGetWinDirFailed, sizeof(szEGetWinDirFailed), szFileIniUninstall)) PrintError(szEGetWinDirFailed, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); exit(1); } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "WINSYSDIR") == 0) { /* Locate the "c:\Windows\System" (for Win95/Win98) or "c:\Windows\System32" (for NT) directory */ if(GetSystemDirectory(szVariable, dwVariableSize) == 0) { char szEGetSysDirFailed[MAX_BUF]; if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY_FAILED", "", szEGetSysDirFailed, sizeof(szEGetSysDirFailed), szFileIniUninstall)) PrintError(szEGetSysDirFailed, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); exit(1); } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "JRE BIN PATH") == 0) { /* Locate the "c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3\Bin" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\javaw.Exe", NULL, szVariable, dwVariableSize); if(*szVariable == '\0') return(FALSE); else { ParsePath(szVariable, szBuf, MAX_BUF, PP_PATH_ONLY); lstrcpy(szVariable, szBuf); } } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "JRE PATH") == 0) { /* Locate the "c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3" directory */ GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Plug-in\\1.3", "JavaHome", szVariable, dwVariableSize); if(*szVariable == '\0') return(FALSE); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "UNINSTALL STARTUP PATH") == 0) { lstrcpy(szVariable, szUninstallDir); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "Product CurrentVersion") == 0) { char szKey[MAX_BUF]; lstrcpy(szKey, "Software\\"); lstrcat(szKey, ugUninstall.szCompanyName); lstrcat(szKey, "\\"); lstrcat(szKey, ugUninstall.szProductName); /* parse for the current Netscape WinReg key */ GetWinReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, "CurrentVersion", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(*szBuf == '\0') return(FALSE); wsprintf(szVariable, "Software\\%s\\%s\\%s", ugUninstall.szCompanyName, ugUninstall.szProductName, szBuf); } else if(lstrcmpi(szVariable, "Product WinRegKey") == 0) { char szKey[MAX_BUF]; lstrcpy(szKey, "Software\\"); lstrcat(szKey, ugUninstall.szCompanyName); lstrcat(szKey, "\\"); lstrcat(szKey, ugUninstall.szProductName); wsprintf(szVariable, "Software\\%s\\%s", ugUninstall.szCompanyName, ugUninstall.szProductName); } else return(FALSE); return(TRUE); } HRESULT DecryptString(LPSTR szOutputStr, LPSTR szInputStr) { DWORD dwLenInputStr; DWORD dwCounter; DWORD dwVar; DWORD dwPrepend; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szVariable[MAX_BUF]; char szPrepend[MAX_BUF]; char szAppend[MAX_BUF]; char szResultStr[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bFoundVar; BOOL bBeginParse; BOOL bDecrypted; /* zero out the memory addresses */ memset(szBuf, '\0', MAX_BUF); memset(szVariable, '\0', MAX_BUF); memset(szPrepend, '\0', MAX_BUF); memset(szAppend, '\0', MAX_BUF); memset(szResultStr, '\0', MAX_BUF); lstrcpy(szPrepend, szInputStr); dwLenInputStr = lstrlen(szInputStr); bBeginParse = FALSE; bFoundVar = FALSE; for(dwCounter = 0; dwCounter < dwLenInputStr; dwCounter++) { if((szInputStr[dwCounter] == ']') && bBeginParse) break; if(bBeginParse) szVariable[dwVar++] = szInputStr[dwCounter]; if((szInputStr[dwCounter] == '[') && !bBeginParse) { dwVar = 0; dwPrepend = dwCounter; bBeginParse = TRUE; } } if(dwCounter == dwLenInputStr) /* did not find anything to expand. */ dwCounter = 0; else { bFoundVar = TRUE; ++dwCounter; } if(bFoundVar) { lstrcpy(szAppend, &szInputStr[dwCounter]); szPrepend[dwPrepend] = '\0'; bDecrypted = DecryptVariable(szVariable, MAX_BUF); if(!bDecrypted) { /* Variable was not able to be decrypted. */ /* Leave the variable as it was read in by adding the '[' and ']' */ /* characters back to the variable. */ lstrcpy(szBuf, "["); lstrcat(szBuf, szVariable); lstrcat(szBuf, "]"); lstrcpy(szVariable, szBuf); } lstrcpy(szOutputStr, szPrepend); lstrcat(szOutputStr, szVariable); lstrcat(szOutputStr, szAppend); if(bDecrypted) { DecryptString(szResultStr, szOutputStr); lstrcpy(szOutputStr, szResultStr); } } else lstrcpy(szOutputStr, szInputStr); return(TRUE); } HRESULT FileExists(LPSTR szFile) { DWORD rv; if((rv = GetFileAttributes(szFile)) == -1) { return(FALSE); } else { return(rv); } } BOOL WinRegNameExists(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szName) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwSize; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bNameExists = FALSE; szBuf[0] = '\0'; if((dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkResult)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(szBuf); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkResult, szName, 0, NULL, szBuf, &dwSize); if((*szBuf != '\0') && (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS)) bNameExists = TRUE; RegCloseKey(hkResult); } return(bNameExists); } void DeleteWinRegValue(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szName) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hkResult); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(*szName == '\0') dwErr = RegDeleteValue(hkResult, NULL); else dwErr = RegDeleteValue(hkResult, szName); RegCloseKey(hkResult); } } void DeInitialize() { DeInitDlgUninstall(&diUninstall); FreeMemory(&szTempDir); FreeMemory(&szOSTempDir); FreeMemory(&szUninstallDir); FreeMemory(&szEGlobalAlloc); FreeMemory(&szEDllLoad); FreeMemory(&szEStringLoad); FreeMemory(&szEStringNull); FreeMemory(&szFileIniUninstall); FreeMemory(&szFileIniDefaultsInfo); }