#!/usr/bin/perl use Cwd; my $oldfh = select(STDOUT); $| = 1; select($oldfh); $win32 = ($^O =~ / ((MS)?win32)|cygwin|os2/i) ? 1 : 0; if (!$win32) { die "ERROR: MSI installers can currently only be made on Windows platforms\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If $ENV{MOZ_PACKAGE_MSI} is not true, exit. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!exists($ENV{MOZ_PACKAGE_MSI}) or !defined($ENV{MOZ_PACKAGE_MSI}) or ($ENV{MOZ_PACKAGE_MSI} ne 1) ) { Print("MOZ_PACKAGE_MSI environment variable is not true.. exiting.\n"); exit; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find the MakeMSI mm.cmd program. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $mm = `which mm.cmd`; if (!defined($mm) or length($mm) lt 1) { die "ERROR: mm.cmd not found. Is MakeMSI installed and in $PATH?\n"; } Print("Found mm.cmd as $mm\n"); ParseArgv(@ARGV); if ($inSrcDir eq "") { die "ERROR: Mozilla source directory must be specified with -srcDir\n"; } if ($inObjDir eq "") { Print("Objdir not specified, using $inSrcDir\n"); $inObjDir = $inSrcDir; } if ($inConfigFiles eq "") { die "ERROR: Packager manifests and install script location must be specified with -config\n"; } $DIST = "$inObjDir/dist"; $MSRC = "$inSrcDir/browser/installer/windows/msi"; $MMH = "$inSrcDir/toolkit/mozapps/installer/windows/msi"; $MDIST = "$DIST/msi"; $STAGE = "$DIST/install"; $STAGE =~ s:/+:/:g; $DIST =~ s:/+:/:g; $MSRC =~ s:/+:/:g; $MDIST =~ s:/+:/:g; if ( ! -e $DIST or ! -d $DIST ) { die "ERROR: make-msi requires\n\n\t$DIST\n\nto have been created by a proper build.\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse the installer config file. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ParseInstallerCfg(); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare the staging directory and temp MSI location. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! -d $STAGE ) { mkdir($STAGE, 0775); } if ( -e $MDIST ) { Print("Found old $MDIST entry. Removing in 5 seconds.."); for my $i (1..5) { printf("$i.."); sleep(1); } printf("\n"); Print("Removing $MDIST.\n"); system("rm -rf \"$MDIST\""); } mkdir($MDIST, 0775); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Place MSI files as needed. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print("Placing MSI files in $MDIST/...\n"); system("cp \"$MSRC/firefox.mm\" \"$MDIST/\""); system("cp \"$MSRC/firefox.mmh\" \"$MDIST/\""); system("cp \"$MSRC/firefox.ver\" \"$MDIST/\""); system("cp \"$MMH/mozilla-dept.mmh\" \"$MDIST/\""); system("cp \"$MMH/mozilla-company.mmh\" \"$MDIST/\""); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate MSI file. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print("Generating MSI file...\n"); chdir($MDIST); system("mm.cmd firefox P"); if ( ! -e "out/firefox.mm/MSI/firefox.msi" ) { die "ERROR: Failed to build MSI -- $MDIST/out/firefox.mm/MSI/firefox.msi missing!\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Move MSI file to stage. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print("Copying MSI file to staging area...\n"); my $cmd = "cp out/firefox.mm/MSI/firefox.msi \"$STAGE/$output_filename\""; Print("$cmd\n"); system($cmd); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Exit. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- exit; sub Print { my($text) = @_; print("make-msi.pl: " . $text); } sub PrintUsage { printf("$0: Usage\n\n"); printf("\t-config [dir]\n\n\t\tInstaller config directory.\n\n"); printf("\t-objDir [dir]\n\n\t\tThe main project object directory.\n\n"); printf("\t-srcDir [dir]\n\n\t\tThe main project source directory.\n\n"); } sub ParseArgv { my @argv = @_; my $counter; for($counter = 0; $counter <= $#argv; $counter++) { if($argv[$counter] =~ /^[-,\/]h$/i) { PrintUsage() and exit(); } elsif ($argv[$counter] =~ /^[-,\/]srcDir$/i) { if ($#argv >= ($counter + 1)) { $counter++; $inSrcDir = $argv[$counter]; } } elsif ($argv[$counter] =~ /^[-,\/]objDir$/i) { if ($#argv >= ($counter + 1)) { $counter++; $inObjDir = $argv[$counter]; } } elsif ($argv[$counter] =~ /^[-,\/]config$/i) { if ($#argv >= ($counter + 1)) { $counter++; $inConfigFiles = $argv[$counter]; } } } } sub ParseInstallerCfg { open(fpInstallCfg, "$inConfigFiles/installer.cfg") || die "Couldn't open $inConfigFiles/installer.cfg: $!\n"; while ($line = ) { if (substr($line, -2, 2) eq "\r\n") { $line = substr($line, 0, length($line) - 2) . "\n"; } ($prop, $value) = ($line =~ m/(\w*)\s+=\s+(.*)\n/); if ($prop eq "FileInstallerMSI") { $output_filename = $value; } } close(fpInstallCfg); }