%brandDTD; %platformDTD; ]> Tabbed Browsing

Tabbed Browsing

Tabbed browsing lets you open tabs, each displaying a web page, within a single &brandShortName; window. You can open links in new tabs, where they will load while you read the current page. You don't have to use tabbed browsing, but if you do you might find tabbed browsing is a better, faster way to browse the Web.

In this section:

Creating and Loading Tabs

To open a new tab, press &accelKey;+T, select File > New Tab, or double-click an empty space in the Tab Bar.

To load a link in a tab, you can do one of the following:

To open a URL in the Location Bar in a new tab, enter the URL and press &altKey;+&enterKey;.

Moving Tabs Within a Window

Tabs are displayed in the order you open them, which may not always be what you want. To move a tab to a different location within a &brandShortName; window, simply drag it there using your mouse. While you are dragging the tab, &brandShortName; displays a small indicator to show where the tab will be moved. Alternately, you can use keyboard shortcuts to move tabs within a window if desired.

Closing and Restoring Tabs

To close the current tab, press &accelKey;+W, click the Close Tab button, middle-click the tab, or select File > Close Tab. To close all tabs other than the current one, right-clickpress &ctrlKey;, click on the tab and choose Close Other Tabs.

&brandShortName; windows keep a list of tabs you closed recently. You can restore any tab by selecting it from History > Recently Closed Tabs. You can restore all tabs by selecting History > Recently Closed Tabs > Open All in Tabs . Press &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+T to open them one by one in reverse order.

Customizing Tabbed Browsing

To change tabbed browsing &pref.plural; select &pref.menuPath; and open the Tabs panel.

Tips and Tricks

Bookmarks and Tabbed Browsing
To bookmark a set of tabs:
  1. Press &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+D or selectSelect Bookmarks > Bookmark All Tabs to add all the tabs in the current window to a new bookmark folder.
  2. To open bookmarks in tabs, open a bookmark folder menu and choose Open in Tabs. You can also middle-click on the folder to open its contents in tabs. The bookmarks will open in existing tabs, not new ones.
Home Page as Tabs
Instead of using only one web page as your homepage, you can make your home page a set of tabs. Select your favorite web sites and open them in tabs in a single window. Select &pref.menuPath; and open the Main panel. Under Startup, press the Use Current Pages button. Now when you press the Home button, your favorite web sites will load with just a click.
Adding a New Tab Toolbar Button
You can add a New Tab button on the toolbar to easily open new tabs by customizing your toolbars.
Keyboard shortcuts
&brandShortName; has an extensive set of shortcuts related to tabbed browsing; see the full list in Keyboard Shortcuts.
12 September 2006

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