Snapshots of cairo and libpixman for mozilla usage. Where possible, these should be official releases from the cairo project as-is. If changes are necessary, they should be documented below and the patch file included in this directory. We only include the relevant parts of each release (generally, src/*.[ch]), as we have's that integrate into the Mozilla build system. For documentation and similar, please see the official tarballs at VERSIONS: cairo 1.0.2 ***** NOTE FOR VISUAL C++ 6.0 ***** VC6 cannot build pixman correctly for various reasons. There is a static win32 pixman library provided in libpixman/src/pixman-vc71.lib that will be used instead of building on all Win32/Visual C++ builds. Building with VC7.1, gcc/mingw, or anything else other than VC6 is fine. To build with VC7: create a new empty static library project. Set optimization appropriately (/Ox). In the Librarian->General project config section, set /NODEFAULTLIB, and add "LIBCMT.LIB, MSVCRT.LIB" to the list of libraries to ignore. The resulting .lib should link cleanly with a VC6 firefox. ***** Note about OS/2 ***** The files cairo-os2-private.h, cairo-os2-surface.c, and cairo-os2.h and the line @OS2_SURFACE_FEATURE@ in are not part of upstream cairo 1.0.x and so were added in the Mozilla tree. Do not overwrite them. Peter Weilbacher , Jul 2006