/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Pretty-print some well-known BER or DER encoded data (e.g. certificates, * keys, pkcs7) */ #include "secutil.h" #if defined(__sun) && !defined(SVR4) extern int fprintf(FILE *, char *, ...); #endif #include "plgetopt.h" #include "pk11func.h" #include "nspr.h" #include "nss.h" static void Usage(char *progName) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-t type] [-a] [-i input] [-o output] [-w] [-u]\n", progName); fprintf(stderr, "Pretty prints a file containing ASN.1 data in DER or ascii format.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%-14s Specify input and display type: %s (sk),\n", "-t type", SEC_CT_PRIVATE_KEY); fprintf(stderr, "%-14s %s (pk), %s (c), %s (cr),\n", "", SEC_CT_PUBLIC_KEY, SEC_CT_CERTIFICATE, SEC_CT_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST); fprintf(stderr, "%-14s %s (ci), %s (p7), %s or %s (n).\n", "", SEC_CT_CERTIFICATE_ID, SEC_CT_PKCS7, SEC_CT_CRL, SEC_CT_NAME); fprintf(stderr, "%-14s (Use either the long type name or the shortcut.)\n", ""); fprintf(stderr, "%-14s Input is in ascii encoded form (RFC1113)\n", "-a"); fprintf(stderr, "%-14s Define an input file to use (default is stdin)\n", "-i input"); fprintf(stderr, "%-14s Define an output file to use (default is stdout)\n", "-o output"); fprintf(stderr, "%-14s Don't wrap long output lines\n", "-w"); fprintf(stderr, "%-14s Use UTF-8 (default is to show non-ascii as .)\n", "-u"); exit(-1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rv, ascii; char *progName; FILE *outFile; PRFileDesc *inFile; SECItem der, data; char *typeTag; PLOptState *optstate; PRBool wrap = PR_TRUE; progName = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); progName = progName ? progName+1 : argv[0]; ascii = 0; inFile = 0; outFile = 0; typeTag = 0; optstate = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "at:i:o:uw"); while ( PL_GetNextOpt(optstate) == PL_OPT_OK ) { switch (optstate->option) { case '?': Usage(progName); break; case 'a': ascii = 1; break; case 'i': inFile = PR_Open(optstate->value, PR_RDONLY, 0); if (!inFile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open \"%s\" for reading\n", progName, optstate->value); return -1; } break; case 'o': outFile = fopen(optstate->value, "w"); if (!outFile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open \"%s\" for writing\n", progName, optstate->value); return -1; } break; case 't': typeTag = strdup(optstate->value); break; case 'u': SECU_EnableUtf8Display(PR_TRUE); break; case 'w': wrap = PR_FALSE; break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(optstate); if (!typeTag) Usage(progName); if (!inFile) inFile = PR_STDIN; if (!outFile) outFile = stdout; PR_Init(PR_SYSTEM_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 1); rv = NSS_NoDB_Init(NULL); if (rv != SECSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: NSS_NoDB_Init failed (%s)\n", progName, SECU_Strerror(PORT_GetError())); exit(1); } SECU_RegisterDynamicOids(); rv = SECU_ReadDERFromFile(&der, inFile, ascii, PR_FALSE); if (rv != SECSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: SECU_ReadDERFromFile failed\n", progName); exit(1); } /* Data is untyped, using the specified type */ data.data = der.data; data.len = der.len; SECU_EnableWrap(wrap); /* Pretty print it */ if (PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, SEC_CT_CERTIFICATE) == 0 || PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, "c") == 0) { rv = SECU_PrintSignedData(outFile, &data, "Certificate", 0, SECU_PrintCertificate); } else if (PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, SEC_CT_CERTIFICATE_ID) == 0 || PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, "ci") == 0) { rv = SECU_PrintSignedContent(outFile, &data, 0, 0, SECU_PrintDumpDerIssuerAndSerial); } else if (PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, SEC_CT_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST) == 0 || PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, "cr") == 0) { rv = SECU_PrintSignedData(outFile, &data, "Certificate Request", 0, SECU_PrintCertificateRequest); } else if (PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, SEC_CT_CRL) == 0) { rv = SECU_PrintSignedData (outFile, &data, "CRL", 0, SECU_PrintCrl); #ifdef HAVE_EPV_TEMPLATE } else if (PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, SEC_CT_PRIVATE_KEY) == 0 || PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, "sk") == 0) { rv = SECU_PrintPrivateKey(outFile, &data, "Private Key", 0); #endif } else if (PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, SEC_CT_PUBLIC_KEY) == 0 || PORT_Strcmp (typeTag, "pk") == 0) { rv = SECU_PrintSubjectPublicKeyInfo(outFile, &data, "Public Key", 0); } else if (PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, SEC_CT_PKCS7) == 0 || PORT_Strcmp (typeTag, "p7") == 0) { rv = SECU_PrintPKCS7ContentInfo(outFile, &data, "PKCS #7 Content Info", 0); } else if (PORT_Strcmp(typeTag, SEC_CT_NAME) == 0 || PORT_Strcmp (typeTag, "n") == 0) { rv = SECU_PrintDERName(outFile, &data, "Name", 0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: don't know how to print out '%s' files\n", progName, typeTag); SECU_PrintAny(outFile, &data, "File contains", 0); return -1; } if (inFile != PR_STDIN) PR_Close(inFile); PORT_Free(der.data); if (rv) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: problem converting data (%s)\n", progName, SECU_Strerror(PORT_GetError())); } if (NSS_Shutdown() != SECSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: NSS_Shutdown failed (%s)\n", progName, SECU_Strerror(PORT_GetError())); rv = SECFailure; } PR_Cleanup(); return rv; }