/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-2001 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Beth Epperson * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ // HTML Attributes object for "Name" menulist var gHTMLAttr = {}; // JS Events Attributes object for "Name" menulist var gJSAttr = {}; // Core HTML attribute values // // This is appended to Name menulist when "_core" is attribute name var gCoreHTMLAttr = [ "^id", "class", "title" ]; // Core event attribute values // // This is appended to all JS menulists // except those elements having "noJSEvents" // as a value in their gJSAttr array. var gCoreJSEvents = [ "onclick", "ondblclick", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "onmouseover", "onmousemove", "onmouseout", "-", "onkeypress", "onkeydown", "onkeyup" ]; // Following are commonly-used strings // Alse accept: sRGB: #RRGGBB // var gHTMLColors = [ "Aqua", "Black", "Blue", "Fuchsia", "Gray", "Green", "Lime", "Maroon", "Navy", "Olive", "Purple", "Red", "Silver", "Teal", "White", "Yellow" ]; var gHAlign = [ "left", "center", "right" ]; var gHAlignJustify = [ "left", "center", "right", "justify" ]; var gHAlignTableContent = [ "left", "center", "right", "justify", "char" ]; var gVAlignTable = [ "top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline" ]; var gTarget = [ "_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top" ]; // ================ HTML Attributes ================ // /* For each element, there is an array of attributes, whose name is the element name, used to fill the "Attribute Name" menulist. For each of those attributes, if they have a specific set of values, those are listed in an array named: "elementName_attName". In each values string, the following characters are signal to do input filtering: "#" Allow only integer values "%" Allow integer values or a number ending in "%" "+" Allow integer values and allow "+" or "-" as first character "!" Allow only one character "^" The first character can be only be A-Z, a-z, hyphen, underscore, colon or period "$" is an attribute required by HTML DTD */ /* Most elements have the "dir" attribute, so we use this value array for all elements instead of specifying separately for each element */ gHTMLAttr.all_dir = [ "ltr", "rtl" ]; gHTMLAttr.a = [ "charset", "type", "name", "href", "^hreflang", "target", "rel", "rev", "!accesskey", "shape", // with imagemap // "coords", // with imagemap // "#tabindex", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.a_target = gTarget; gHTMLAttr.a_rel = [ "alternate", "stylesheet", "start", "next", "prev", "contents", "index", "glossary", "copyright", "chapter", "section", "subsection", "appendix", "help", "bookmark" ]; gHTMLAttr.a_rev = [ "alternate", "stylesheet", "start", "next", "prev", "contents", "index", "glossary", "copyright", "chapter", "section", "subsection", "appendix", "help", "bookmark" ]; gHTMLAttr.a_shape = [ "rect", "circle", "poly", "default" ]; gHTMLAttr.abbr = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.acronym = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.address = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; // this is deprecated // gHTMLAttr.applet = [ "codebase", "archive", "code", "object", "alt", "name", "%$width", "%$height", "align", "#hspace", "#vspace", "-", "_core" ]; gHTMLAttr.applet_align = [ "top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right" ]; gHTMLAttr.area = [ "shape", "coords", "href", "nohref", "target", "$alt", "#tabindex", "!accesskey", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.area_target = gTarget; gHTMLAttr.area_shape = [ "rect", "circle", "poly", "default" ]; gHTMLAttr.area_nohref = [ "nohref" ]; gHTMLAttr.b = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.base = [ "href", "target" ]; gHTMLAttr.base_target = gTarget; // this is deprecated // gHTMLAttr.basefont = [ "^id", "$size", "color", "face" ]; gHTMLAttr.basefont_color = gHTMLColors; gHTMLAttr.bdo = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "$dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.bdo_dir = [ "ltr", "rtl" ]; gHTMLAttr.big = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.blockquote = [ "cite", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.body = [ "background", "bgcolor", "text", "link", "vlink", "alink", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.body_bgcolor = gHTMLColors; gHTMLAttr.body_text = gHTMLColors; gHTMLAttr.body_link = gHTMLColors; gHTMLAttr.body_vlink = gHTMLColors; gHTMLAttr.body_alink = gHTMLColors; gHTMLAttr.br = [ "clear", "-", "_core" ]; gHTMLAttr.br_clear = [ "none", "left", "all", "right" ]; gHTMLAttr.button = [ "name", "value", "$type", "disabled", "#tabindex", "!accesskey", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.button_type = [ "submit", "button", "reset" ]; gHTMLAttr.button_disabled = [ "disabled" ]; gHTMLAttr.caption = [ "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.caption_align = [ "top", "bottom", "left", "right" ]; // this is deprecated // gHTMLAttr.center = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.cite = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.code = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.col = [ "#$span", "%width", "align", "!char", "#charoff", "valign", "char", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.col_span = [ "1" // default ]; gHTMLAttr.col_align = gHAlignTableContent; gHTMLAttr.col_valign = [ "top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline" ]; gHTMLAttr.colgroup = [ "#$span", "%width", "align", "!char", "#charoff", "valign", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.colgroup_span = [ "1" // default ]; gHTMLAttr.colgroup_align = gHAlignTableContent; gHTMLAttr.colgroup_valign = [ "top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline" ]; gHTMLAttr.dd = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.del = [ "cite", "datetime", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.dfn = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; // this is deprecated // gHTMLAttr.dir = [ "compact", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.dir_compact = [ "compact" ]; gHTMLAttr.div = [ "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.div_align = gHAlignJustify; gHTMLAttr.dl = [ "compact", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.dl_compact = [ "compact" ]; gHTMLAttr.dt = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.em = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.fieldset = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; // this is deprecated // gHTMLAttr.font = [ "+size", "color", "face", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.font_color = gHTMLColors; gHTMLAttr.form = [ "$action", "$method", "enctype", "accept", "name", "accept-charset", "target", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.form_method = [ "get", "post" ]; gHTMLAttr.form_enctype = [ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ]; gHTMLAttr.form_target = gTarget; gHTMLAttr.frame = [ "longdesc", "name", "src", "#frameborder", "#marginwidth", "#marginheight", "noresize", "$scrolling" ]; gHTMLAttr.frame_frameborder = [ "1", "0" ]; gHTMLAttr.frame_noresize = [ "noresize" ]; gHTMLAttr.frame_scrolling = [ "auto", "yes", "no" ]; gHTMLAttr.frameset = [ "rows", "cols", "-", "_core" ]; gHTMLAttr.h1 = [ "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.h1_align = gHAlignJustify; gHTMLAttr.h2 = [ "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.h2_align = gHAlignJustify; gHTMLAttr.h3 = [ "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.h3_align = gHAlignJustify; gHTMLAttr.h4 = [ "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.h4_align = gHAlignJustify; gHTMLAttr.h5 = [ "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.h5_align = gHAlignJustify; gHTMLAttr.h6 = [ "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.h6_align = gHAlignJustify; gHTMLAttr.head = [ "profile", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.hr = [ "align", "noshade", "#size", "%width", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.hr_align = gHAlign; gHTMLAttr.hr_noshade = [ "noshade" ]; gHTMLAttr.html = [ "version", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.i = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.iframe = [ "longdesc", "name", "src", "$frameborder", "marginwidth", "marginheight", "$scrolling", "align", "%height", "%width", "-", "_core" ]; gHTMLAttr.iframe_frameborder = [ "1", "0" ]; 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gHTMLAttr.isindex = [ "prompt", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.kbd = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.label = [ "for", "!accesskey", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.legend = [ "!accesskey", "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.legend_align = [ "top", "bottom", "left", "right" ]; gHTMLAttr.li = [ "type", "#value", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.li_type = [ "disc", "square", "circle", "-", "1", "a", "A", "i", "I" ]; gHTMLAttr.link = [ "charset", "href", "^hreflang", "type", "rel", "rev", "media", "target", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.link_target = gTarget; gHTMLAttr.link_rel = [ "alternate", "stylesheet", "start", "next", "prev", "contents", "index", "glossary", "copyright", "chapter", "section", "subsection", "appendix", "help", "bookmark" ]; gHTMLAttr.link_rev = [ "alternate", "stylesheet", "start", "next", "prev", "contents", "index", "glossary", "copyright", "chapter", "section", "subsection", "appendix", "help", "bookmark" ]; 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gHTMLAttr.strike = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.strong = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.style = [ "$type", "media", "title", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.sub = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.sup = [ "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.table = [ "summary", "%width", "#border", "frame", "rules", "#cellspacing", "#cellpadding", "align", "bgcolor", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.table_frame = [ "void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs", "rhs", "vsides", "box", "border" ]; gHTMLAttr.table_rules = [ "none", "groups", "rows", "cols", "all" ]; // Note; This is alignment of the table, // not table contents, like all other table child elements gHTMLAttr.table_align = gHAlign; gHTMLAttr.table_bgcolor = gHTMLColors; gHTMLAttr.tbody = [ "align", "!char", "#charoff", "valign", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; gHTMLAttr.tbody_align = gHAlignTableContent; gHTMLAttr.tbody_valign = gVAlignTable; gHTMLAttr.td = [ "abbr", "axis", "headers", "scope", "$#rowspan", "$#colspan", "align", "!char", "#charoff", "valign", "nowrap", "bgcolor", "%width", "%height", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir" ]; 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// ================ JS Attributes ================ // // These are element specif even handlers. /* Most all elements use gCoreJSEvents, so those are assumed except for those listed here with "noEvents" */ gJSAttr.a = [ "onfocus", "onblur" ]; gJSAttr.area = [ "onfocus", "onblur" ]; gJSAttr.body = [ "onload", "onupload" ]; gJSAttr.button = [ "onfocus", "onblur" ]; gJSAttr.form = [ "onsubmit", "onreset" ]; gJSAttr.frameset = [ "onload", "onunload" ]; gJSAttr.input = [ "onfocus", "onblur", "onselect", "onchange" ]; gJSAttr.label = [ "onfocus", "onblur" ]; gJSAttr.select = [ "onfocus", "onblur", "onchange" ]; gJSAttr.textarea = [ "onfocus", "onblur", "onselect", "onchange" ]; // Elements that don't have JSEvents: gJSAttr.font = [ "noJSEvents" ]; gJSAttr.applet = [ "noJSEvents" ]; gJSAttr.isindex = [ "noJSEvents" ]; gJSAttr.iframe = [ "noJSEvents" ];