/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Sean Su * Curt Patrick * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "extern.h" #include "extra.h" #include "dialogs.h" #include "shortcut.h" #include "ifuncns.h" #include "wizverreg.h" #include "logging.h" #include #define SIZEOFNOTSTRING 4 HRESULT TimingCheck(DWORD dwTiming, LPSTR szSection) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF_TINY]; GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Timing", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(*szBuf != '\0') { switch(dwTiming) { case T_PRE_DOWNLOAD: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "pre download") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_POST_DOWNLOAD: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "post download") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_PRE_XPCOM: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "pre xpcom") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_POST_XPCOM: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "post xpcom") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_PRE_SMARTUPDATE: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "pre smartupdate") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_POST_SMARTUPDATE: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "post smartupdate") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_PRE_LAUNCHAPP: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "pre launchapp") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_POST_LAUNCHAPP: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "post launchapp") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_PRE_ARCHIVE: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "pre archive") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_POST_ARCHIVE: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "post archive") == 0) return(TRUE); break; case T_DEPEND_REBOOT: if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "depend reboot") == 0) return(TRUE); break; } } return(FALSE); } HRESULT MeetCondition(LPSTR szSection) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF_TINY]; BOOL bResult = FALSE; // An undefined result is never met BOOL bNegateTheResult = FALSE; char *pszCondition = szBuf; GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Condition", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); // If there is no condition then the "condition" is met, so we return TRUE. if(pszCondition[0] == '\0') return TRUE; // See if "not " is prepended to the condition. if(strncmp(pszCondition, "not ", SIZEOFNOTSTRING) == 0) { bNegateTheResult = TRUE; pszCondition = pszCondition + SIZEOFNOTSTRING; } // The condition "DefaultApp" is met if the app which is running the install is the same as the // the app identified by the Default AppID key in config.ini. if(strcmp(pszCondition, "DefaultApp") == 0) { GetConfigIniProfileString("General", "Default AppID", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(strcmp(szBuf, sgProduct.szAppID) == 0) bResult = TRUE; } if(bNegateTheResult) return !bResult; return bResult; } char *BuildNumberedString(DWORD dwIndex, char *szInputStringPrefix, char *szInputString, char *szOutBuf, DWORD dwOutBufSize) { if((szInputStringPrefix) && (*szInputStringPrefix != '\0')) wsprintf(szOutBuf, "%s-%s%d", szInputStringPrefix, szInputString, dwIndex); else wsprintf(szOutBuf, "%s%d", szInputString, dwIndex); return(szOutBuf); } void GetUserAgentShort(char *szUserAgent, char *szOutUAShort, DWORD dwOutUAShortSize) { char *ptrFirstSpace = NULL; ZeroMemory(szOutUAShort, dwOutUAShortSize); if((szUserAgent == NULL) || (*szUserAgent == '\0')) return; ptrFirstSpace = strstr(szUserAgent, " "); if(ptrFirstSpace != NULL) { *ptrFirstSpace = '\0'; lstrcpy(szOutUAShort, szUserAgent); *ptrFirstSpace = ' '; } } DWORD GetWinRegSubKeyProductPath(HKEY hkRootKey, char *szInKey, char *szReturnSubKey, DWORD dwReturnSubKeySize, char *szInSubSubKey, char *szInName, char *szCompare, char *szInCurrentVersion) { char *szRv = NULL; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; HKEY hkHandle; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwBufSize; DWORD dwTotalSubKeys; DWORD dwTotalValues; FILETIME ftLastWriteFileTime; BOOL bFoundSubKey; bFoundSubKey = FALSE; if(RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szInKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkHandle) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { *szReturnSubKey = '\0'; return(0); } dwTotalSubKeys = 0; dwTotalValues = 0; RegQueryInfoKey(hkHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwTotalSubKeys, NULL, NULL, &dwTotalValues, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); for(dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwTotalSubKeys; dwIndex++) { dwBufSize = dwReturnSubKeySize; if(RegEnumKeyEx(hkHandle, dwIndex, szReturnSubKey, &dwBufSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteFileTime) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if( (*szInCurrentVersion != '\0') && (lstrcmpi(szInCurrentVersion, szReturnSubKey) != 0) ) { /* The key found is not the CurrentVersion (current UserAgent), so we can return it to be deleted. * We don't want to return the SubKey that is the same as the CurrentVersion because it might * have just been created by the current installation process. So deleting it would be a * "Bad Thing" (TM). * * If it was not created by the current installation process, then it'll be left * around which is better than deleting something we will need later. To make sure this case is * not encountered, CleanupPreviousVersionRegKeys() should be called at the *end* of the * installation process (at least after all the .xpi files have been processed). */ if(szInSubSubKey && (*szInSubSubKey != '\0')) wsprintf(szKey, "%s\\%s\\%s", szInKey, szReturnSubKey, szInSubSubKey); else wsprintf(szKey, "%s\\%s", szInKey, szReturnSubKey); GetWinReg(hkRootKey, szKey, szInName, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); AppendBackSlash(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, szCompare) == 0) { bFoundSubKey = TRUE; /* found one subkey. break out of the for() loop */ break; } } } } RegCloseKey(hkHandle); if(!bFoundSubKey) *szReturnSubKey = '\0'; return(dwTotalSubKeys); } void CleanupPreviousVersionRegKeys(void) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwSubKeyCount; char szBufTiny[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szKeyRoot[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szCurrentVersion[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szUAShort[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szRvSubKey[MAX_PATH + 1]; char szPath[MAX_BUF]; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; char szCleanupProduct[MAX_BUF]; HKEY hkeyRoot; char szSubSubKey[] = "Main"; char szName[] = "Install Directory"; char szWRMSUninstall[] = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"; char szSection[] = "Cleanup Previous Product RegKeys"; lstrcpy(szPath, sgProduct.szPath); if(*sgProduct.szSubPath != '\0') { AppendBackSlash(szPath, sizeof(szPath)); lstrcat(szPath, sgProduct.szSubPath); } AppendBackSlash(szPath, sizeof(szPath)); wsprintf(szBufTiny, "Product Reg Key%d", dwIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szKey, sizeof(szKey)); while(*szKey != '\0') { wsprintf(szBufTiny, "Reg Key Root%d",dwIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szKeyRoot, sizeof(szKeyRoot)); hkeyRoot = ParseRootKey(szKeyRoot); wsprintf(szBufTiny, "Product Name%d", dwIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szCleanupProduct, sizeof(szCleanupProduct)); // something is wrong, they didn't give a product name. if(*szCleanupProduct == '\0') return; wsprintf(szBufTiny, "Current Version%d", dwIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szCurrentVersion, sizeof(szCurrentVersion)); do { // if the current version is not found, we'll get null in szCurrentVersion and GetWinRegSubKeyProductPath() will do the right thing dwSubKeyCount = GetWinRegSubKeyProductPath(hkeyRoot, szKey, szRvSubKey, sizeof(szRvSubKey), szSubSubKey, szName, szPath, szCurrentVersion); if(*szRvSubKey != '\0') { if(dwSubKeyCount > 1) { AppendBackSlash(szKey, sizeof(szKey)); lstrcat(szKey, szRvSubKey); } DeleteWinRegKey(hkeyRoot, szKey, TRUE); GetUserAgentShort(szRvSubKey, szUAShort, sizeof(szUAShort)); if(*szUAShort != '\0') { /* delete uninstall key that contains product name and its user agent in parenthesis, for * example: * Mozilla (0.8) */ wsprintf(szKey, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\%s (%s)", szCleanupProduct, szUAShort); DeleteWinRegKey(hkeyRoot, szKey, TRUE); /* delete uninstall key that contains product name and its user agent not in parenthesis, * for example: * Mozilla 0.8 */ wsprintf(szKey, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\%s %s", szCleanupProduct, szUAShort); DeleteWinRegKey(hkeyRoot, szKey, TRUE); /* delete installed product that contains product name and its user agent not in parenthesis, * for example: * Mozilla 0.8 */ wsprintf(szKey, "Software\\Mozilla\\%s %s", szCleanupProduct, szUAShort); DeleteWinRegKey(hkeyRoot, szKey, TRUE); /* We are not looking to delete just the product name key, for example: * Mozilla * * because it might have just been created by the current installation process, so * deleting this would be a "Bad Thing" (TM). Besides, we shouldn't be deleting the * CurrentVersion key that might have just gotten created because GetWinRegSubKeyProductPath() * will not return the CurrentVersion key. */ } // the szKey was stepped on. Reget it. wsprintf(szBufTiny, "Product Reg Key%d", dwIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szKey, sizeof(szKey)); } } while (*szRvSubKey != '\0'); wsprintf(szBufTiny, "Product Reg Key%d", ++dwIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szKey, sizeof(szKey)); } } void ProcessFileOps(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { if(sgProduct.bInstallFiles) { ProcessUncompressFile(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); ProcessCreateDirectory(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); ProcessMoveFile(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); ProcessCopyFile(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); ProcessCopyFileSequential(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); ProcessSelfRegisterFile(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); ProcessDeleteFile(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); ProcessRemoveDirectory(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); if(!gbIgnoreRunAppX) ProcessRunApp(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); } // This is the only operation we do if we are not installing files ProcessWinReg(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); if(sgProduct.bInstallFiles) { ProcessProgramFolder(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); ProcessSetVersionRegistry(dwTiming, szSectionPrefix); } } void ProcessFileOpsForSelectedComponents(DWORD dwTiming) { DWORD dwIndex0; siC *siCObject = NULL; dwIndex0 = 0; siCObject = SiCNodeGetObject(dwIndex0, TRUE, AC_ALL); while(siCObject) { if(siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_SELECTED) /* Since the archive is selected, we need to process the file ops here */ ProcessFileOps(dwTiming, siCObject->szReferenceName); ++dwIndex0; siCObject = SiCNodeGetObject(dwIndex0, TRUE, AC_ALL); } /* while(siCObject) */ } void ProcessFileOpsForAll(DWORD dwTiming) { ProcessFileOps(dwTiming, NULL); if(sgProduct.bInstallFiles) { ProcessFileOpsForSelectedComponents(dwTiming); ProcessCreateCustomFiles(dwTiming); } } int VerifyArchive(LPSTR szArchive) { void *vZip; int iTestRv; /* Check for the existance of the from (source) file */ if(!FileExists(szArchive)) return(FO_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); if((iTestRv = ZIP_OpenArchive(szArchive, &vZip)) == ZIP_OK) { /* 1st parameter should be NULL or it will fail */ /* It indicates extract the entire archive */ iTestRv = ZIP_TestArchive(vZip); ZIP_CloseArchive(&vZip); } return(iTestRv); } HRESULT ProcessSetVersionRegistry(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; BOOL bIsDirectory; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szRegistryKey[MAX_BUF]; char szPath[MAX_BUF]; char szVersion[MAX_BUF_TINY]; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Version Registry", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Registry Key", "", szRegistryKey, sizeof(szRegistryKey)); while(*szRegistryKey != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Version", "", szVersion, sizeof(szVersion)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Path", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szPath, szBuf); if(FileExists(szPath) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) bIsDirectory = TRUE; else bIsDirectory = FALSE; lstrcpy(szBuf, sgProduct.szPath); if(sgProduct.szSubPath != '\0') { AppendBackSlash(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); lstrcat(szBuf, sgProduct.szSubPath); } VR_CreateRegistry(VR_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_NAME, szBuf, NULL); VR_Install(szRegistryKey, szPath, szVersion, bIsDirectory); VR_Close(); } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Version Registry", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Registry Key", "", szRegistryKey, sizeof(szRegistryKey)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT FileUncompress(LPSTR szFrom, LPSTR szTo) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; DWORD dwReturn; void *vZip; dwReturn = FO_SUCCESS; /* Check for the existance of the from (source) file */ if(!FileExists(szFrom)) return(FO_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); /* Check for the existance of the to (destination) path */ dwReturn = FileExists(szTo); if(dwReturn && !(dwReturn & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { /* found a file with the same name as the destination path */ return(FO_ERROR_DESTINATION_CONFLICT); } else if(!dwReturn) { lstrcpy(szBuf, szTo); AppendBackSlash(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); CreateDirectoriesAll(szBuf, DO_NOT_ADD_TO_UNINSTALL_LOG); } GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_BUF, szBuf); if(SetCurrentDirectory(szTo) == FALSE) return(FO_ERROR_CHANGE_DIR); if((dwReturn = ZIP_OpenArchive(szFrom, &vZip)) != ZIP_OK) return(dwReturn); /* 1st parameter should be NULL or it will fail */ /* It indicates extract the entire archive */ dwReturn = ExtractDirEntries(NULL, vZip); ZIP_CloseArchive(&vZip); if(SetCurrentDirectory(szBuf) == FALSE) return(FO_ERROR_CHANGE_DIR); return(dwReturn); } HRESULT ProcessXpcomFile() { char szSource[MAX_BUF]; char szDestination[MAX_BUF]; DWORD dwErr; if((dwErr = FileUncompress(siCFXpcomFile.szSource, siCFXpcomFile.szDestination)) != FO_SUCCESS) { char szMsg[MAX_BUF]; char szErrorString[MAX_BUF]; if(*siCFXpcomFile.szMessage != '\0') ShowMessage(siCFXpcomFile.szMessage, FALSE); LogISProcessXpcomFile(LIS_FAILURE, dwErr); GetConfigIniProfileString("Strings", "Error File Uncompress", "", szErrorString, sizeof(szErrorString)); wsprintf(szMsg, szErrorString, siCFXpcomFile.szSource, dwErr); PrintError(szMsg, ERROR_CODE_HIDE); return(dwErr); } LogISProcessXpcomFile(LIS_SUCCESS, dwErr); /* copy msvcrt.dll and msvcirt.dll to the bin of the Xpcom temp dir: * (c:\temp\Xpcom.ns\bin) * This is incase these files do not exist on the system */ lstrcpy(szSource, siCFXpcomFile.szDestination); AppendBackSlash(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); lstrcat(szSource, "ms*.dll"); lstrcpy(szDestination, siCFXpcomFile.szDestination); AppendBackSlash(szDestination, sizeof(szDestination)); lstrcat(szDestination, "bin"); FileCopy(szSource, szDestination, TRUE, FALSE); return(FO_SUCCESS); } void CleanupXpcomFile() { /* If xpcom file is not used (gre is used instead), then * just return */ if(siCFXpcomFile.bStatus != STATUS_ENABLED) return; if(siCFXpcomFile.bCleanup == TRUE) DirectoryRemove(siCFXpcomFile.szDestination, TRUE); return; } #define SETUP_STATE_REG_KEY "Software\\%s\\%s\\%s\\Setup" HRESULT CleanupArgsRegistry() { char szKey[MAX_BUF]; wsprintf(szKey, SETUP_STATE_REG_KEY, sgProduct.szCompanyName, sgProduct.szProductNameInternal, sgProduct.szUserAgent); DeleteWinRegValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey, "browserargs"); return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessUncompressFile(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; BOOL bOnlyIfExists; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szSource[MAX_BUF]; char szDestination[MAX_BUF]; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Uncompress File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Source", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { DecryptString(szSource, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szDestination, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Only If Exists", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "TRUE") == 0) bOnlyIfExists = TRUE; else bOnlyIfExists = FALSE; if((!bOnlyIfExists) || (bOnlyIfExists && FileExists(szDestination))) { DWORD dwErr; GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Message", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); ShowMessage(szBuf, TRUE); if((dwErr = FileUncompress(szSource, szDestination)) != FO_SUCCESS) { char szMsg[MAX_BUF]; char szErrorString[MAX_BUF]; ShowMessage(szBuf, FALSE); GetConfigIniProfileString("Strings", "Error File Uncompress", "", szErrorString, sizeof(szErrorString)); wsprintf(szMsg, szErrorString, szSource, dwErr); PrintError(szMsg, ERROR_CODE_HIDE); return(dwErr); } ShowMessage(szBuf, FALSE); } } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Uncompress File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Source", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT FileMove(LPSTR szFrom, LPSTR szTo) { HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdFile; char szFromDir[MAX_BUF]; char szFromTemp[MAX_BUF]; char szToTemp[MAX_BUF]; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bFound; /* From file path exists and To file path does not exist */ if((FileExists(szFrom)) && (!FileExists(szTo))) { MoveFile(szFrom, szTo); /* log the file move command */ wsprintf(szBuf, "%s to %s", szFrom, szTo); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_MOVE_FILE, szBuf, FALSE); return(FO_SUCCESS); } /* From file path exists and To file path exists */ if(FileExists(szFrom) && FileExists(szTo)) { /* Since the To file path exists, assume it to be a directory and proceed. */ /* We don't care if it's a file. If it is a file, then config.ini needs to be */ /* corrected to remove the file before attempting a MoveFile(). */ lstrcpy(szToTemp, szTo); AppendBackSlash(szToTemp, sizeof(szToTemp)); ParsePath(szFrom, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), FALSE, PP_FILENAME_ONLY); lstrcat(szToTemp, szBuf); MoveFile(szFrom, szToTemp); /* log the file move command */ wsprintf(szBuf, "%s to %s", szFrom, szToTemp); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_MOVE_FILE, szBuf, FALSE); return(FO_SUCCESS); } ParsePath(szFrom, szFromDir, sizeof(szFromDir), FALSE, PP_PATH_ONLY); if((hFile = FindFirstFile(szFrom, &fdFile)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bFound = FALSE; else bFound = TRUE; while(bFound) { if((lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, ".") != 0) && (lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, "..") != 0)) { /* create full path string including filename for source */ lstrcpy(szFromTemp, szFromDir); AppendBackSlash(szFromTemp, sizeof(szFromTemp)); lstrcat(szFromTemp, fdFile.cFileName); /* create full path string including filename for destination */ lstrcpy(szToTemp, szTo); AppendBackSlash(szToTemp, sizeof(szToTemp)); lstrcat(szToTemp, fdFile.cFileName); MoveFile(szFromTemp, szToTemp); /* log the file move command */ wsprintf(szBuf, "%s to %s", szFromTemp, szToTemp); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_MOVE_FILE, szBuf, FALSE); } bFound = FindNextFile(hFile, &fdFile); } FindClose(hFile); return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessMoveFile(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szSource[MAX_BUF]; char szDestination[MAX_BUF]; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Move File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Source", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { DecryptString(szSource, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szDestination, szBuf); FileMove(szSource, szDestination); } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Move File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Source", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT FileCopy(LPSTR szFrom, LPSTR szTo, BOOL bFailIfExists, BOOL bDnu) { HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdFile; char szFromDir[MAX_BUF]; char szFromTemp[MAX_BUF]; char szToTemp[MAX_BUF]; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bFound; if(FileExists(szFrom)) { /* The file in the From file path exists */ CreateDirectoriesAll(szTo, !bDnu); ParsePath(szFrom, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), FALSE, PP_FILENAME_ONLY); lstrcpy(szToTemp, szTo); AppendBackSlash(szToTemp, sizeof(szToTemp)); lstrcat(szToTemp, szBuf); CopyFile(szFrom, szToTemp, bFailIfExists); wsprintf(szBuf, "%s to %s", szFrom, szToTemp); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_COPY_FILE, szBuf, bDnu); return(FO_SUCCESS); } /* The file in the From file path does not exist. Assume to contain wild args and */ /* proceed acordingly. */ ParsePath(szFrom, szFromDir, sizeof(szFromDir), FALSE, PP_PATH_ONLY); if((hFile = FindFirstFile(szFrom, &fdFile)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bFound = FALSE; else bFound = TRUE; while(bFound) { if((lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, ".") != 0) && (lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, "..") != 0)) { /* create full path string including filename for source */ lstrcpy(szFromTemp, szFromDir); AppendBackSlash(szFromTemp, sizeof(szFromTemp)); lstrcat(szFromTemp, fdFile.cFileName); /* create full path string including filename for destination */ lstrcpy(szToTemp, szTo); AppendBackSlash(szToTemp, sizeof(szToTemp)); lstrcat(szToTemp, fdFile.cFileName); CopyFile(szFromTemp, szToTemp, bFailIfExists); /* log the file copy command */ wsprintf(szBuf, "%s to %s", szFromTemp, szToTemp); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_COPY_FILE, szBuf, bDnu); } bFound = FindNextFile(hFile, &fdFile); } FindClose(hFile); return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT FileCopySequential(LPSTR szSourcePath, LPSTR szDestPath, LPSTR szFilename) { int iFilenameOnlyLen; char szDestFullFilename[MAX_BUF]; char szSourceFullFilename[MAX_BUF]; char szSearchFilename[MAX_BUF]; char szSearchDestFullFilename[MAX_BUF]; char szFilenameOnly[MAX_BUF]; char szFilenameExtensionOnly[MAX_BUF]; char szNumber[MAX_BUF]; long dwNumber; long dwMaxNumber; LPSTR szDotPtr; HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdFile; BOOL bFound; lstrcpy(szSourceFullFilename, szSourcePath); AppendBackSlash(szSourceFullFilename, sizeof(szSourceFullFilename)); lstrcat(szSourceFullFilename, szFilename); if(FileExists(szSourceFullFilename)) { /* zero out the memory */ ZeroMemory(szSearchFilename, sizeof(szSearchFilename)); ZeroMemory(szFilenameOnly, sizeof(szFilenameOnly)); ZeroMemory(szFilenameExtensionOnly, sizeof(szFilenameExtensionOnly)); /* parse for the filename w/o extention and also only the extension */ if((szDotPtr = strstr(szFilename, ".")) != NULL) { *szDotPtr = '\0'; lstrcpy(szSearchFilename, szFilename); lstrcpy(szFilenameOnly, szFilename); lstrcpy(szFilenameExtensionOnly, &szDotPtr[1]); *szDotPtr = '.'; } else { lstrcpy(szFilenameOnly, szFilename); lstrcpy(szSearchFilename, szFilename); } /* create the wild arg filename to search for in the szDestPath */ lstrcat(szSearchFilename, "*.*"); lstrcpy(szSearchDestFullFilename, szDestPath); AppendBackSlash(szSearchDestFullFilename, sizeof(szSearchDestFullFilename)); lstrcat(szSearchDestFullFilename, szSearchFilename); iFilenameOnlyLen = lstrlen(szFilenameOnly); dwNumber = 0; dwMaxNumber = 0; /* find the largest numbered filename in the szDestPath */ if((hFile = FindFirstFile(szSearchDestFullFilename, &fdFile)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bFound = FALSE; else bFound = TRUE; while(bFound) { ZeroMemory(szNumber, sizeof(szNumber)); if((lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, ".") != 0) && (lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, "..") != 0)) { lstrcpy(szNumber, &fdFile.cFileName[iFilenameOnlyLen]); dwNumber = atoi(szNumber); if(dwNumber > dwMaxNumber) dwMaxNumber = dwNumber; } bFound = FindNextFile(hFile, &fdFile); } FindClose(hFile); lstrcpy(szDestFullFilename, szDestPath); AppendBackSlash(szDestFullFilename, sizeof(szDestFullFilename)); lstrcat(szDestFullFilename, szFilenameOnly); itoa(dwMaxNumber + 1, szNumber, 10); lstrcat(szDestFullFilename, szNumber); if(*szFilenameExtensionOnly != '\0') { lstrcat(szDestFullFilename, "."); lstrcat(szDestFullFilename, szFilenameExtensionOnly); } CopyFile(szSourceFullFilename, szDestFullFilename, TRUE); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessCopyFile(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szSource[MAX_BUF]; char szDestination[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bFailIfExists; BOOL bDnu; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Copy File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Source", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { DecryptString(szSource, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szDestination, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Do Not Uninstall", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "TRUE") == 0) bDnu = TRUE; else bDnu = FALSE; GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Fail If Exists", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "TRUE") == 0) bFailIfExists = TRUE; else bFailIfExists = FALSE; FileCopy(szSource, szDestination, bFailIfExists, bDnu); } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Copy File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Source", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessCopyFileSequential(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szSource[MAX_BUF]; char szDestination[MAX_BUF]; char szFilename[MAX_BUF]; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Copy File Sequential", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Filename", "", szFilename, sizeof(szFilename)); while(*szFilename != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Source", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szSource, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szDestination, szBuf); FileCopySequential(szSource, szDestination, szFilename); } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Copy File Sequential", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Filename", "", szFilename, sizeof(szFilename)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } int RegisterDll32(char *File) { FARPROC DllReg; HINSTANCE hLib; if((hLib = LoadLibraryEx(File, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH)) != NULL) { if((DllReg = GetProcAddress(hLib, "DllRegisterServer")) != NULL) DllReg(); FreeLibrary(hLib); return(0); } return(1); } HRESULT FileSelfRegister(LPSTR szFilename, LPSTR szDestination) { char szFullFilenamePath[MAX_BUF]; DWORD dwRv; HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdFile; BOOL bFound; lstrcpy(szFullFilenamePath, szDestination); AppendBackSlash(szFullFilenamePath, sizeof(szFullFilenamePath)); lstrcat(szFullFilenamePath, szFilename); /* From file path exists and To file path does not exist */ if(FileExists(szFullFilenamePath)) { RegisterDll32(szFullFilenamePath); return(FO_SUCCESS); } lstrcpy(szFullFilenamePath, szDestination); AppendBackSlash(szFullFilenamePath, sizeof(szFullFilenamePath)); lstrcat(szFullFilenamePath, szFilename); if((hFile = FindFirstFile(szFullFilenamePath, &fdFile)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bFound = FALSE; else bFound = TRUE; while(bFound) { if((lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, ".") != 0) && (lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, "..") != 0)) { /* create full path string including filename for destination */ lstrcpy(szFullFilenamePath, szDestination); AppendBackSlash(szFullFilenamePath, sizeof(szFullFilenamePath)); lstrcat(szFullFilenamePath, fdFile.cFileName); if((dwRv = FileExists(szFullFilenamePath)) && (dwRv != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) RegisterDll32(szFullFilenamePath); } bFound = FindNextFile(hFile, &fdFile); } FindClose(hFile); return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessSelfRegisterFile(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szFilename[MAX_BUF]; char szDestination[MAX_BUF]; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Self Register File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { DecryptString(szDestination, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Filename", "", szFilename, sizeof(szFilename)); FileSelfRegister(szFilename, szDestination); } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Self Register File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } void UpdateInstallLog(LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szString, BOOL bDnu) { FILE *fInstallLog; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szFileInstallLog[MAX_BUF]; if(gbILUseTemp) { lstrcpy(szFileInstallLog, szTempDir); AppendBackSlash(szFileInstallLog, sizeof(szFileInstallLog)); } else { lstrcpy(szFileInstallLog, sgProduct.szPath); AppendBackSlash(szFileInstallLog, sizeof(szFileInstallLog)); lstrcat(szFileInstallLog, sgProduct.szSubPath); AppendBackSlash(szFileInstallLog, sizeof(szFileInstallLog)); } CreateDirectoriesAll(szFileInstallLog, !bDnu); lstrcat(szFileInstallLog, FILE_INSTALL_LOG); if((fInstallLog = fopen(szFileInstallLog, "a+t")) != NULL) { if(bDnu) wsprintf(szBuf, " ** (*dnu*) %s%s\n", szKey, szString); else wsprintf(szBuf, " ** %s%s\n", szKey, szString); fwrite(szBuf, sizeof(char), lstrlen(szBuf), fInstallLog); fclose(fInstallLog); } } void UpdateInstallStatusLog(LPSTR szString) { FILE *fInstallLog; char szFileInstallStatusLog[MAX_BUF]; if(gbILUseTemp) { lstrcpy(szFileInstallStatusLog, szTempDir); AppendBackSlash(szFileInstallStatusLog, sizeof(szFileInstallStatusLog)); } else { lstrcpy(szFileInstallStatusLog, sgProduct.szPath); AppendBackSlash(szFileInstallStatusLog, sizeof(szFileInstallStatusLog)); lstrcat(szFileInstallStatusLog, sgProduct.szSubPath); AppendBackSlash(szFileInstallStatusLog, sizeof(szFileInstallStatusLog)); } CreateDirectoriesAll(szFileInstallStatusLog, DO_NOT_ADD_TO_UNINSTALL_LOG); lstrcat(szFileInstallStatusLog, FILE_INSTALL_STATUS_LOG); if((fInstallLog = fopen(szFileInstallStatusLog, "a+t")) != NULL) { fwrite(szString, sizeof(char), lstrlen(szString), fInstallLog); fclose(fInstallLog); } } void UpdateJSProxyInfo() { FILE *fJSFile; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szJSFile[MAX_BUF]; if((*diAdvancedSettings.szProxyServer != '\0') || (*diAdvancedSettings.szProxyPort != '\0')) { lstrcpy(szJSFile, sgProduct.szPath); if(*sgProduct.szSubPath != '\0') { AppendBackSlash(szJSFile, sizeof(szJSFile)); lstrcat(szJSFile, sgProduct.szSubPath); } AppendBackSlash(szJSFile, sizeof(szJSFile)); lstrcat(szJSFile, "defaults\\pref\\"); CreateDirectoriesAll(szJSFile, ADD_TO_UNINSTALL_LOG); lstrcat(szJSFile, FILE_ALL_JS); if((fJSFile = fopen(szJSFile, "a+t")) != NULL) { ZeroMemory(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(*diAdvancedSettings.szProxyServer != '\0') { if(diAdditionalOptions.dwUseProtocol == UP_FTP) wsprintf(szBuf, "pref(\"network.proxy.ftp\", \"%s\");\n", diAdvancedSettings.szProxyServer); else wsprintf(szBuf, "pref(\"network.proxy.http\", \"%s\");\n", diAdvancedSettings.szProxyServer); } if(*diAdvancedSettings.szProxyPort != '\0') { if(diAdditionalOptions.dwUseProtocol == UP_FTP) wsprintf(szBuf, "pref(\"network.proxy.ftp_port\", %s);\n", diAdvancedSettings.szProxyPort); else wsprintf(szBuf, "pref(\"network.proxy.http_port\", %s);\n", diAdvancedSettings.szProxyPort); } lstrcat(szBuf, "pref(\"network.proxy.type\", 1);\n"); fwrite(szBuf, sizeof(char), lstrlen(szBuf), fJSFile); fclose(fJSFile); } } } /* Function: DirHasWriteAccess() * * in: char *aPath - path to check for write access * * purpose: To determine if aPath has write access. It does this by * simply creating the directory. If the path already exists * then it will attempt to create a directory within the path. * This function will cleanup all the directories it created. */ HRESULT DirHasWriteAccess(char *aPath) { int i; int iLen = lstrlen(aPath); char szCreatePath[MAX_BUF]; ZeroMemory(szCreatePath, sizeof(szCreatePath)); memcpy(szCreatePath, aPath, iLen); for(i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { if((iLen > 1) && ((i != 0) && ((aPath[i] == '\\') || (aPath[i] == '/'))) && (!((aPath[0] == '\\') && (i == 1)) && !((aPath[1] == ':') && (i == 2)))) { szCreatePath[i] = '\0'; if(FileExists(szCreatePath) == FALSE) { if(!CreateDirectory(szCreatePath, NULL)) return(WIZ_ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY); RemoveDirectory(szCreatePath); return(WIZ_OK); } szCreatePath[i] = aPath[i]; } } /* All the dirs exist, so no test has been done. Create a test dir within * aPath to verify if we have write access or not */ AppendBackSlash(szCreatePath, sizeof(szCreatePath)); lstrcat(szCreatePath, "testdir"); if(!CreateDirectory(szCreatePath, NULL)) return(WIZ_ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY); RemoveDirectory(szCreatePath); return(WIZ_OK); } HRESULT CreateDirectoriesAll(char* szPath, BOOL bLogForUninstall) { int i; int iLen = lstrlen(szPath); char szCreatePath[MAX_BUF]; HRESULT hrResult = WIZ_OK; ZeroMemory(szCreatePath, MAX_BUF); memcpy(szCreatePath, szPath, iLen); for(i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { if((iLen > 1) && ((i != 0) && ((szPath[i] == '\\') || (szPath[i] == '/'))) && (!((szPath[0] == '\\') && (i == 1)) && !((szPath[1] == ':') && (i == 2)))) { szCreatePath[i] = '\0'; if(FileExists(szCreatePath) == FALSE) { if(!CreateDirectory(szCreatePath, NULL)) return(WIZ_ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY); if(bLogForUninstall) UpdateInstallLog(KEY_CREATE_FOLDER, szCreatePath, FALSE); } szCreatePath[i] = szPath[i]; } } return(hrResult); } HRESULT ProcessCreateDirectory(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szDestination[MAX_BUF]; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Create Directory", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { DecryptString(szDestination, szBuf); AppendBackSlash(szDestination, sizeof(szDestination)); CreateDirectoriesAll(szDestination, ADD_TO_UNINSTALL_LOG); } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Create Directory", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT FileDelete(LPSTR szDestination) { HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdFile; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szPathOnly[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bFound; if(FileExists(szDestination)) { /* The file in the From file path exists */ DeleteFile(szDestination); return(FO_SUCCESS); } /* The file in the From file path does not exist. Assume to contain wild args and */ /* proceed acordingly. */ ParsePath(szDestination, szPathOnly, sizeof(szPathOnly), FALSE, PP_PATH_ONLY); if((hFile = FindFirstFile(szDestination, &fdFile)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bFound = FALSE; else bFound = TRUE; while(bFound) { if(!(fdFile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { lstrcpy(szBuf, szPathOnly); AppendBackSlash(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); lstrcat(szBuf, fdFile.cFileName); DeleteFile(szBuf); } bFound = FindNextFile(hFile, &fdFile); } FindClose(hFile); return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessDeleteFile(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szDestination[MAX_BUF]; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Delete File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { DecryptString(szDestination, szBuf); FileDelete(szDestination); } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Delete File", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT DirectoryRemove(LPSTR szDestination, BOOL bRemoveSubdirs) { HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdFile; char szDestTemp[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bFound; if(!FileExists(szDestination)) return(FO_SUCCESS); if(bRemoveSubdirs == TRUE) { lstrcpy(szDestTemp, szDestination); AppendBackSlash(szDestTemp, sizeof(szDestTemp)); lstrcat(szDestTemp, "*"); bFound = TRUE; hFile = FindFirstFile(szDestTemp, &fdFile); while((hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (bFound == TRUE)) { if((lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, ".") != 0) && (lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, "..") != 0)) { /* create full path */ lstrcpy(szDestTemp, szDestination); AppendBackSlash(szDestTemp, sizeof(szDestTemp)); lstrcat(szDestTemp, fdFile.cFileName); if(fdFile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { DirectoryRemove(szDestTemp, bRemoveSubdirs); } else { DeleteFile(szDestTemp); } } bFound = FindNextFile(hFile, &fdFile); } FindClose(hFile); } RemoveDirectory(szDestination); return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessRemoveDirectory(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szDestination[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bRemoveSubdirs; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Remove Directory", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { DecryptString(szDestination, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Remove subdirs", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); bRemoveSubdirs = FALSE; if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "TRUE") == 0) bRemoveSubdirs = TRUE; DirectoryRemove(szDestination, bRemoveSubdirs); } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Remove Directory", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Destination", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessRunApp(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; char szTarget[MAX_BUF]; char szParameters[MAX_BUF]; char szWorkingDir[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bRunApp; BOOL bWait; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "RunApp", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Target", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection)) { DecryptString(szTarget, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Parameters", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szParameters, szBuf); bRunApp = MeetCondition(szSection); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "WorkingDir", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szWorkingDir, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Wait", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "FALSE") == 0) bWait = FALSE; else bWait = TRUE; if ((bRunApp == TRUE) && FileExists(szTarget)) { if((dwTiming == T_DEPEND_REBOOT) && (NeedReboot() == TRUE)) { lstrcat(szTarget, " "); lstrcat(szTarget, szParameters); SetWinReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce", TRUE, "Netscape", TRUE, REG_SZ, szTarget, lstrlen(szTarget), FALSE, FALSE); } else { GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Message", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if ( szBuf[0] != '\0' ) ShowMessage(szBuf, TRUE); WinSpawn(szTarget, szParameters, szWorkingDir, SW_SHOWNORMAL, bWait); if ( szBuf[0] != '\0' ) ShowMessage(szBuf, FALSE); } } } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "RunApp", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Target", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } DWORD ParseRestrictedAccessKey(LPSTR szKey) { DWORD dwKey; if(lstrcmpi(szKey, "ONLY_RESTRICTED") == 0) dwKey = RA_ONLY_RESTRICTED; else if(lstrcmpi(szKey, "ONLY_NONRESTRICTED") == 0) dwKey = RA_ONLY_NONRESTRICTED; else dwKey = RA_IGNORE; return(dwKey); } /* Function: GetKeyInfo() * in: LPSTR aKey, DWORD aOutBufSize, DWORD aInfoType. * out: LPSTR aOut. * purpose: To parse a full windows registry key path format: * [root key]\[subkey] * It can return either the root key or the subkey depending on * what's being requested. */ LPSTR GetKeyInfo(LPSTR aKey, LPSTR aOut, DWORD aOutBufSize, DWORD aInfoType) { LPSTR keyCopy = NULL; LPSTR key = NULL; *aOut = '\0'; if((keyCopy = strdup(aKey)) == NULL) return NULL; switch(aInfoType) { case KEY_INFO_ROOT: key = MozStrChar(keyCopy, '\\'); if(key == keyCopy) { // root key not found, return NULL free(keyCopy); return NULL; } else if(key) // found '\\' which indicates the end of the root key // and beginning of the subkey. *key = '\0'; if(MozCopyStr(keyCopy, aOut, aOutBufSize)) { free(keyCopy); return NULL; } break; case KEY_INFO_SUBKEY: key = MozStrChar(keyCopy, '\\'); if(key != NULL) ++key; if(!key) // No subkey found. Assume the entire string is the subkey. key = keyCopy; if(MozCopyStr(key, aOut, aOutBufSize)) { free(keyCopy); return NULL; } break; } free(keyCopy); return(aOut); } HKEY ParseRootKey(LPSTR szRootKey) { HKEY hkRootKey; if(lstrcmpi(szRootKey, "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG") == 0) hkRootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; else if(lstrcmpi(szRootKey, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER") == 0) hkRootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; else if(lstrcmpi(szRootKey, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE") == 0) hkRootKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; else if(lstrcmpi(szRootKey, "HKEY_USERS") == 0) hkRootKey = HKEY_USERS; else if(lstrcmpi(szRootKey, "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA") == 0) hkRootKey = HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA; else if(lstrcmpi(szRootKey, "HKEY_DYN_DATA") == 0) hkRootKey = HKEY_DYN_DATA; else /* HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT */ hkRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; return(hkRootKey); } char *ParseRootKeyString(HKEY hkKey, LPSTR szRootKey, DWORD dwRootKeyBufSize) { if(!szRootKey) return(NULL); ZeroMemory(szRootKey, dwRootKeyBufSize); if((hkKey == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG) && ((long)dwRootKeyBufSize > lstrlen("HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"))) lstrcpy(szRootKey, "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"); else if((hkKey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) && ((long)dwRootKeyBufSize > lstrlen("HKEY_CURRENT_USER"))) lstrcpy(szRootKey, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"); else if((hkKey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) && ((long)dwRootKeyBufSize > lstrlen("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"))) lstrcpy(szRootKey, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"); else if((hkKey == HKEY_USERS) && ((long)dwRootKeyBufSize > lstrlen("HKEY_USERS"))) lstrcpy(szRootKey, "HKEY_USERS"); else if((hkKey == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA) && ((long)dwRootKeyBufSize > lstrlen("HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA"))) lstrcpy(szRootKey, "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA"); else if((hkKey == HKEY_DYN_DATA) && ((long)dwRootKeyBufSize > lstrlen("HKEY_DYN_DATA"))) lstrcpy(szRootKey, "HKEY_DYN_DATA"); else if((long)dwRootKeyBufSize > lstrlen("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT")) lstrcpy(szRootKey, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"); return(szRootKey); } BOOL ParseRegType(LPSTR szType, DWORD *dwType) { BOOL bSZ; if(lstrcmpi(szType, "REG_SZ") == 0) { /* Unicode NULL terminated string */ *dwType = REG_SZ; bSZ = TRUE; } else if(lstrcmpi(szType, "REG_EXPAND_SZ") == 0) { /* Unicode NULL terminated string * (with environment variable references) */ *dwType = REG_EXPAND_SZ; bSZ = TRUE; } else if(lstrcmpi(szType, "REG_BINARY") == 0) { /* Free form binary */ *dwType = REG_BINARY; bSZ = FALSE; } else if(lstrcmpi(szType, "REG_DWORD") == 0) { /* 32bit number */ *dwType = REG_DWORD; bSZ = FALSE; } else if(lstrcmpi(szType, "REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN") == 0) { /* 32bit number * (same as REG_DWORD) */ *dwType = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN; bSZ = FALSE; } else if(lstrcmpi(szType, "REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN") == 0) { /* 32bit number */ *dwType = REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN; bSZ = FALSE; } else if(lstrcmpi(szType, "REG_LINK") == 0) { /* Symbolic link (unicode) */ *dwType = REG_LINK; bSZ = TRUE; } else if(lstrcmpi(szType, "REG_MULTI_SZ") == 0) { /* Multiple Unicode strings */ *dwType = REG_MULTI_SZ; bSZ = TRUE; } else /* Default is REG_NONE */ { /* no value type */ *dwType = REG_NONE; bSZ = TRUE; } return(bSZ); } BOOL WinRegKeyExists(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; BOOL bKeyExists = FALSE; if((dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkResult)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bKeyExists = TRUE; RegCloseKey(hkResult); } return(bKeyExists); } BOOL WinRegNameExists(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szName) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwSize; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bNameExists = FALSE; ZeroMemory(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if((dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkResult)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(szBuf); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkResult, szName, 0, NULL, szBuf, &dwSize); if((*szBuf != '\0') && (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS)) bNameExists = TRUE; RegCloseKey(hkResult); } return(bNameExists); } void DeleteWinRegKey(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, BOOL bAbsoluteDelete) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwTotalSubKeys; DWORD dwTotalValues; DWORD dwSubKeySize; FILETIME ftLastWriteFileTime; char szSubKey[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szNewKey[MAX_BUF]; long lRv; dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkResult); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwTotalSubKeys = 0; dwTotalValues = 0; RegQueryInfoKey(hkResult, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwTotalSubKeys, NULL, NULL, &dwTotalValues, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); RegCloseKey(hkResult); if(((dwTotalSubKeys == 0) && (dwTotalValues == 0)) || bAbsoluteDelete) { if(dwTotalSubKeys && bAbsoluteDelete) { do { dwSubKeySize = sizeof(szSubKey); lRv = 0; if(RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkResult) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if((lRv = RegEnumKeyEx(hkResult, 0, szSubKey, &dwSubKeySize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteFileTime)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkResult); lstrcpy(szNewKey, szKey); AppendBackSlash(szNewKey, sizeof(szNewKey)); lstrcat(szNewKey, szSubKey); DeleteWinRegKey(hkRootKey, szNewKey, bAbsoluteDelete); } else RegCloseKey(hkResult); } } while(lRv != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); } dwErr = RegDeleteKey(hkRootKey, szKey); } } } void DeleteWinRegValue(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szName) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hkResult); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(*szName == '\0') dwErr = RegDeleteValue(hkResult, NULL); else dwErr = RegDeleteValue(hkResult, szName); RegCloseKey(hkResult); } } DWORD GetWinReg(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szName, LPSTR szReturnValue, DWORD dwReturnValueSize) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; ZeroMemory(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); ZeroMemory(szReturnValue, dwReturnValueSize); if((dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkResult)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(szBuf); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkResult, szName, 0, &dwType, szBuf, &dwSize); if((dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ) && (*szBuf != '\0')) { DWORD dwCpSize; dwCpSize = dwReturnValueSize < dwSize ? (dwReturnValueSize - 1) : dwSize; memcpy(szReturnValue, szBuf, dwCpSize); } else if((*szBuf != '\0') && (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS)) ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szBuf, szReturnValue, dwReturnValueSize); else *szReturnValue = '\0'; RegCloseKey(hkResult); } return(dwType); } LONG _CreateWinRegKey(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, BOOL bLogForUninstall, BOOL bDnu, BOOL bForceCreate) { HKEY hkResult; LONG err = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwDisp; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szRootKey[MAX_BUF_TINY]; if(!WinRegKeyExists(hkRootKey, szKey) || bForceCreate) { err = RegCreateKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkResult, &dwDisp); /* log the win reg command */ if(((err == ERROR_SUCCESS) && bLogForUninstall && ParseRootKeyString(hkRootKey, szRootKey, sizeof(szRootKey))) || bForceCreate) { wsprintf(szBuf, "%s\\%s []", szRootKey, szKey); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_CREATE_REG_KEY, szBuf, bDnu); } RegCloseKey(hkResult); } return(err); } LONG CreateWinRegKey(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, BOOL bLogForUninstall, BOOL bDnu) { char szTempKeyPath[MAX_BUF]; char saveChar; LPSTR pointerToBackslashChar = NULL; LPSTR pointerToStrWalker = NULL; if(MozCopyStr(szKey, szTempKeyPath, sizeof(szTempKeyPath))) return(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); // Make sure that we create all the keys (starting from the root) that // do not exist. We need to do this in order to log it for uninstall. // If this was not done, then only the last key in the key path would be // uninstalled. RemoveBackSlash(szTempKeyPath); pointerToStrWalker = szTempKeyPath; while((pointerToBackslashChar = strstr(pointerToStrWalker, "\\")) != NULL) { saveChar = *pointerToBackslashChar; *pointerToBackslashChar = '\0'; // Log the registry only if it was created here _CreateWinRegKey(hkRootKey, szTempKeyPath, bLogForUninstall, bDnu, DO_NOT_FORCE_ADD_TO_UNINSTALL_LOG); *pointerToBackslashChar = saveChar; pointerToStrWalker = &pointerToBackslashChar[1]; } // Log the registry regardless if it was created here or not. If it was // explicitly listed to be created, we should log for uninstall. This // covers the case where the user deletes the uninstall log file from a // previous build where a new install would not log the creation because // it already exists. return(_CreateWinRegKey(hkRootKey, szKey, bLogForUninstall, bDnu, FORCE_ADD_TO_UNINSTALL_LOG)); } void SetWinReg(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, BOOL bOverwriteKey, LPSTR szName, BOOL bOverwriteName, DWORD dwType, LPBYTE lpbData, DWORD dwSize, BOOL bLogForUninstall, BOOL bDnu) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; BOOL bNameExists; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szRootKey[MAX_BUF_TINY]; /* We don't care if it failed or not because it could already exist. */ CreateWinRegKey(hkRootKey, szKey, bLogForUninstall, bDnu); dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hkResult); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bNameExists = WinRegNameExists(hkRootKey, szKey, szName); if((bNameExists == FALSE) || ((bNameExists == TRUE) && (bOverwriteName == TRUE))) { dwErr = RegSetValueEx(hkResult, szName, 0, dwType, lpbData, dwSize); /* log the win reg command */ if(bLogForUninstall && ParseRootKeyString(hkRootKey, szRootKey, sizeof(szRootKey))) { if(ParseRegType(szBuf, &dwType)) { wsprintf(szBuf, "%s\\%s [%s]", szRootKey, szKey, szName); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_STORE_REG_STRING, szBuf, bDnu); } else { wsprintf(szBuf, "%s\\%s [%s]", szRootKey, szKey, szName); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_STORE_REG_NUMBER, szBuf, bDnu); } } } RegCloseKey(hkResult); } } /* Name: AppendWinRegString * * Arguments: * * HKEY hkRootKey -- root key, e.g., HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE * LPSTR szKey -- subkey * LPSTR szName -- value name * DWORD dwType -- value type, should be REG_SZ * LPBYTE lpbData -- value data * BYTE delimiter -- e.g., ':'. If 0, then don't apply delimiter * DWORD dwSize -- size of the value data * BOOL bLogForUninstall -- if true, update install log * BOOL bDnu -- what to update the install log with * * Description: * * This function should be called to append a string (REG_SZ) to the * string already stored in the specified key. If the key does not * exist, then simply store the key (ignoring the delimiter). If the * key does exist, read the current value, append the delimiter (if * not zero), and append the data passed in. * * Return Value: void * * Original Code: Clone of SetWinReg(), syd@netscape.com 6/11/2001 * */ void AppendWinReg(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, LPSTR szName, DWORD dwType, LPBYTE lpbData, BYTE delimiter, DWORD dwSize, BOOL bLogForUninstall, BOOL bDnu) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwDisp; BOOL bKeyExists; BOOL bNameExists; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szRootKey[MAX_BUF_TINY]; bKeyExists = WinRegKeyExists(hkRootKey, szKey); bNameExists = WinRegNameExists(hkRootKey, szKey, szName); dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hkResult); if (dwType != REG_SZ) // this function is void. How do we pass errors to caller? return; if(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkResult, &dwDisp); /* log the win reg command */ if(bLogForUninstall && ParseRootKeyString(hkRootKey, szRootKey, sizeof(szRootKey))) { wsprintf(szBuf, "%s\\%s []", szRootKey, szKey); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_CREATE_REG_KEY, szBuf, bDnu); } } if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if((bNameExists == FALSE)) { /* first time, so just write it, ignoring the delimiter */ dwErr = RegSetValueEx(hkResult, szName, 0, dwType, lpbData, dwSize); /* log the win reg command */ if(bLogForUninstall && ParseRootKeyString(hkRootKey, szRootKey, sizeof(szRootKey))) { if(ParseRegType(szBuf, &dwType)) { wsprintf(szBuf, "%s\\%s [%s]", szRootKey, szKey, szName); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_STORE_REG_STRING, szBuf, bDnu); } else { wsprintf(szBuf, "%s\\%s [%s]", szRootKey, szKey, szName); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_STORE_REG_NUMBER, szBuf, bDnu); } } } else { /* already exists, so read the prrevious value, append the delimiter if specified, append the new value, and rewrite the key */ GetWinReg(hkRootKey, szKey, szName, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); // func is void, assume success if ( delimiter != 0 ) { char delim[ 2 ]; delim[0] = delimiter; delim[1] = '\0'; strcat( szBuf, delim ); } strcat( szBuf, lpbData ); RegCloseKey(hkResult); SetWinReg(hkRootKey, szKey, TRUE, szName, TRUE, dwType, szBuf, strlen( szBuf ) + 1, bLogForUninstall, bDnu); return; } RegCloseKey(hkResult); } } HRESULT ProcessWinReg(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; char szName[MAX_BUF]; char szShortName[MAX_BUF]; char szValue[MAX_BUF]; char szDecrypt[MAX_BUF]; char szOverwriteKey[MAX_BUF]; char szOverwriteName[MAX_BUF]; char szSection[MAX_BUF]; HKEY hRootKey; BOOL bDone; BOOL bDnu; BOOL bOverwriteKey; BOOL bOverwriteName; BOOL bOSDetected; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwNameIndex = 1; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; const DWORD dwUpperLimit = 100; __int64 iiNum; dwIndex = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Windows Registry", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Root Key", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection) && MeetCondition(szSection)) { hRootKey = ParseRootKey(szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Key", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Decrypt Key", "", szDecrypt, sizeof(szDecrypt)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Overwrite Key", "", szOverwriteKey, sizeof(szOverwriteKey)); ZeroMemory(szKey, sizeof(szKey)); if(lstrcmpi(szDecrypt, "TRUE") == 0) DecryptString(szKey, szBuf); else lstrcpy(szKey, szBuf); if(lstrcmpi(szOverwriteKey, "FALSE") == 0) bOverwriteKey = FALSE; else bOverwriteKey = TRUE; GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Name", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Decrypt Name", "", szDecrypt, sizeof(szDecrypt)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Overwrite Name", "", szOverwriteName, sizeof(szOverwriteName)); ZeroMemory(szName, sizeof(szName)); if(lstrcmpi(szDecrypt, "TRUE") == 0) DecryptString(szName, szBuf); else lstrcpy(szName, szBuf); if(lstrcmpi(szOverwriteName, "ENUMERATE") == 0) { bOverwriteName = FALSE; lstrcpy(szShortName, szName); wsprintf(szName, "%s%02d", szShortName, dwNameIndex++); bDone = FALSE; while(!bDone && (dwNameIndex < dwUpperLimit)) { if(WinRegNameExists(hRootKey, szKey, szName)) { GetWinReg(hRootKey, szKey, szName, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, sgProduct.szAppPath) == 0) bDone = TRUE; else wsprintf(szName, "%s%02d", szShortName, dwNameIndex++); } else bDone = TRUE; } if(dwNameIndex >= dwUpperLimit) return FO_ERROR_INCR_EXCEEDS_LIMIT; } else if(lstrcmpi(szOverwriteName, "FALSE") == 0) bOverwriteName = FALSE; else bOverwriteName = TRUE; GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Name Value", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Decrypt Name Value", "", szDecrypt, sizeof(szDecrypt)); ZeroMemory(szValue, sizeof(szValue)); if(lstrcmpi(szDecrypt, "TRUE") == 0) DecryptString(szValue, szBuf); else lstrcpy(szValue, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Size", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(*szBuf != '\0') dwSize = atoi(szBuf); else dwSize = 0; GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Do Not Uninstall", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(lstrcmpi(szBuf, "TRUE") == 0) bDnu = TRUE; else bDnu = FALSE; /* Read the OS key to see if there are restrictions on which OS to * the Windows registry key for */ GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "OS", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); /* If there is no OS key value set, then assume all OS is valid. * If there are any, then compare against the global OS value to * make sure there's a match. */ bOSDetected = TRUE; if( (*szBuf != '\0') && ((gSystemInfo.dwOSType & ParseOSType(szBuf)) == 0) ) bOSDetected = FALSE; if(bOSDetected) { ZeroMemory(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Type", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(ParseRegType(szBuf, &dwType)) { /* create/set windows registry key here (string value)! */ SetWinReg(hRootKey, szKey, bOverwriteKey, szName, bOverwriteName, dwType, (CONST LPBYTE)szValue, lstrlen(szValue), TRUE, bDnu); } else { iiNum = _atoi64(szValue); /* create/set windows registry key here (binary/dword value)! */ SetWinReg(hRootKey, szKey, bOverwriteKey, szName, bOverwriteName, dwType, (CONST LPBYTE)&iiNum, dwSize, TRUE, bDnu); } } } ++dwIndex; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex, szSectionPrefix, "Windows Registry", szSection, sizeof(szSection)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "Root Key", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessProgramFolder(DWORD dwTiming, char *szSectionPrefix) { DWORD dwIndex0; DWORD dwIndex1; DWORD dwIconId; DWORD dwRestrictedAccess; char szIndex1[MAX_BUF]; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection0[MAX_BUF]; char szSection1[MAX_BUF]; char szProgramFolder[MAX_BUF]; char szFile[MAX_BUF]; char szArguments[MAX_BUF]; char szWorkingDir[MAX_BUF]; char szDescription[MAX_BUF]; char szIconPath[MAX_BUF]; dwIndex0 = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex0, szSectionPrefix, "Program Folder", szSection0, sizeof(szSection0)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection0, "Program Folder", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection0)) { DecryptString(szProgramFolder, szBuf); dwIndex1 = 0; itoa(dwIndex1, szIndex1, 10); lstrcpy(szSection1, szSection0); lstrcat(szSection1, "-Shortcut"); lstrcat(szSection1, szIndex1); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection1, "File", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { DecryptString(szFile, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection1, "Arguments", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szArguments, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection1, "Working Dir", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szWorkingDir, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection1, "Description", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szDescription, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection1, "Icon Path", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szIconPath, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection1, "Icon Id", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(*szBuf != '\0') dwIconId = atol(szBuf); else dwIconId = 0; GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection1, "Restricted Access", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); dwRestrictedAccess = ParseRestrictedAccessKey(szBuf); if((dwRestrictedAccess == RA_IGNORE) || ((dwRestrictedAccess == RA_ONLY_RESTRICTED) && gbRestrictedAccess) || ((dwRestrictedAccess == RA_ONLY_NONRESTRICTED) && !gbRestrictedAccess)) { CreateALink(szFile, szProgramFolder, szDescription, szWorkingDir, szArguments, szIconPath, dwIconId); lstrcpy(szBuf, szProgramFolder); AppendBackSlash(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); lstrcat(szBuf, szDescription); UpdateInstallLog(KEY_WINDOWS_SHORTCUT, szBuf, FALSE); } ++dwIndex1; itoa(dwIndex1, szIndex1, 10); lstrcpy(szSection1, szSection0); lstrcat(szSection1, "-Shortcut"); lstrcat(szSection1, szIndex1); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection1, "File", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } } ++dwIndex0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex0, szSectionPrefix, "Program Folder", szSection0, sizeof(szSection0)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection0, "Program Folder", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessProgramFolderShowCmd() { DWORD dwIndex0; int iShowFolder; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szSection0[MAX_BUF]; char szProgramFolder[MAX_BUF]; dwIndex0 = 0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex0, NULL, "Program Folder", szSection0, sizeof(szSection0)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection0, "Program Folder", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while(*szBuf != '\0') { DecryptString(szProgramFolder, szBuf); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection0, "Show Folder", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if(strcmpi(szBuf, "HIDE") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_HIDE; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "MAXIMIZE") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_MAXIMIZE; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "MINIMIZE") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_MINIMIZE; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "RESTORE") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_RESTORE; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "SHOW") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_SHOW; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "SHOWMAXIMIZED") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "SHOWMINIMIZED") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "SHOWMINNOACTIVE") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "SHOWNA") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_SHOWNA; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "SHOWNOACTIVATE") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE; else if(strcmpi(szBuf, "SHOWNORMAL") == 0) iShowFolder = SW_SHOWNORMAL; if(iShowFolder != SW_HIDE) if(sgProduct.mode != SILENT) WinSpawn(szProgramFolder, NULL, NULL, iShowFolder, WS_WAIT); ++dwIndex0; BuildNumberedString(dwIndex0, NULL, "Program Folder", szSection0, sizeof(szSection0)); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection0, "Program Folder", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } return(FO_SUCCESS); } HRESULT ProcessCreateCustomFiles(DWORD dwTiming) { DWORD dwCompIndex; DWORD dwFileIndex; DWORD dwSectIndex; DWORD dwKVIndex; siC *siCObject = NULL; char szBufTiny[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szSection[MAX_BUF_TINY]; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szFileName[MAX_BUF]; char szDefinedSection[MAX_BUF]; char szDefinedKey[MAX_BUF]; char szDefinedValue[MAX_BUF]; dwCompIndex = 0; siCObject = SiCNodeGetObject(dwCompIndex, TRUE, AC_ALL); while(siCObject) { dwFileIndex = 0; wsprintf(szSection,"%s-Configuration File%d",siCObject->szReferenceName,dwFileIndex); siCObject = SiCNodeGetObject(++dwCompIndex, TRUE, AC_ALL); if(TimingCheck(dwTiming, szSection) == FALSE) { continue; } GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "FileName", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); while (*szBuf != '\0') { DecryptString(szFileName, szBuf); if(FileExists(szFileName)) { DeleteFile(szFileName); } /* TO DO - Support a File Type for something other than .ini */ dwSectIndex = 0; wsprintf(szBufTiny, "Section%d",dwSectIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szDefinedSection, sizeof(szDefinedSection)); while(*szDefinedSection != '\0') { dwKVIndex =0; wsprintf(szBufTiny,"Section%d-Key%d",dwSectIndex,dwKVIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szDefinedKey, sizeof(szDefinedKey)); while(*szDefinedKey != '\0') { wsprintf(szBufTiny,"Section%d-Value%d",dwSectIndex,dwKVIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); DecryptString(szDefinedValue, szBuf); if(WritePrivateProfileString(szDefinedSection, szDefinedKey, szDefinedValue, szFileName) == 0) { char szEWPPS[MAX_BUF]; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szBuf2[MAX_BUF]; if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_WRITEPRIVATEPROFILESTRING", "", szEWPPS, sizeof(szEWPPS), szFileIniInstall)) { wsprintf(szBuf, "%s\n [%s]\n %s=%s", szFileName, szDefinedSection, szDefinedKey, szDefinedValue); wsprintf(szBuf2, szEWPPS, szBuf); PrintError(szBuf2, ERROR_CODE_SHOW); } return(FO_ERROR_WRITE); } wsprintf(szBufTiny,"Section%d-Key%d",dwSectIndex,++dwKVIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szDefinedKey, sizeof(szDefinedKey)); } /* while(*szDefinedKey != '\0') */ wsprintf(szBufTiny, "Section%d",++dwSectIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, szBufTiny, "", szDefinedSection, sizeof(szDefinedSection)); } /* while(*szDefinedSection != '\0') */ wsprintf(szSection,"%s-Configuration File%d",siCObject->szReferenceName,++dwFileIndex); GetConfigIniProfileString(szSection, "FileName", "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); } /* while(*szBuf != '\0') */ } /* while(siCObject) */ return (FO_SUCCESS); }